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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3 KB, 241x53, SAyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51884906 No.51884906 [Reply] [Original]

>It happened to Aloe
>It happened to Rushia
>It happened to Coco
>It happened to Sana
>It happened to Lulu
Why do /vt/ fags always give their "oshis" the false narrative that they will follow them after they leave/are booted from the corpo, only to have the same fanbase watch them flounder out into obscurity?

>> No.51885021

all 500 watchers are from /vt/

>> No.51885108

i'd rather have no views than /vt/ viewership

>> No.51885146

Small corpos who experience this tend to keep their audience or grow. Probably because those viewers are more loyal to their talent.

>> No.51885187
File: 23 KB, 411x258, {5A6F2F8D-C3DA-4929-8797-CC4CA7981AC8}.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>streams on twitch
You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.51885380

her other streams or regular zatsus were around 700-1.1k. i think her yt livestream where she said she'd most likely do mostly twitch livestreams and spoke about her plans about what she wanted to do averaged at 1.2k.
and comparing that to her former wavemates? it's pretty safe that she retained a majority of her audience, albeit her overall audience was small even while in corpo

>> No.51885471

That's really good for an indie.
I think /#/ has rotted your brain.

>> No.51885529
File: 237 KB, 343x966, 1677739439321921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got curious and checked what she was playing, it's a sponsored stream and she's playing that bejeweled zombie game.
Also I'm pretty sure Lulu's viewership isn't bad, she hits like 1.5k-2k depending on the game last I checked.

>> No.51885610

Wasn't she a 3view even as a niji anyway? If she kept a lot of her audience even after the literal worst case scenario of being booted out, that's not too bad a result really. Could always be better yeah but it wouldn't be realistic to expect her to suddenly be Holo tier off people siding with her solely out of hating Nijisanji (even though there's probably a fair element to that).

Also her content is designed to filter hard with genshin spam, you really REALLY have to like her to keep up with that.

>> No.51885770

Because believe it or not, being a vtuber is different from being a streamer.
Your model and the character you play matters a lot more than /vt/ would like to think. Even if the inside is the same, it just don't have the same appeal.
That's just how it is.

>> No.51885771

Sana specifically requested that her fans leave her alone, and we honor that

>> No.51885817
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It's not like Aloe, Rushia, and Sayu had a choice.
Sana actually stopped completely.
Lulu is whatever.
Coco never really brought in big numbers.
And you're ignoring corpo leavers that end up doing better like Yugo and Pikamee.

>> No.51885822

>it happened to pomu
>it happened to rosemi
>it happened to vox
>it happened to elira

>> No.51885965

>Still has more viewers on average than when she was in Niji EN
>This is somehow bad

>> No.51885972

>Coco never really brought in big numbers.
She used to complain all the time about that.

>> No.51886297

this is like half that amount but it's during a shitty sponsored stream and she's still getting gift subs out the ass and doesnt have to give half of it to tazumi

>> No.51886373

uuuuh, catalog sisters??? why are we not supporting our girl? sieg zaion and all that shit???

>> No.51886400

Zaion was a 2k streamer even spamming genshin

>> No.51886489

>Why do /vt/ fags always give their "oshis" the false narrative that they will follow them after they leave/are booted from the corpo, only to have the same fanbase watch them flounder out into obscurity?
/vt/ is a cover worship board, they shit on zaion when she was on nijisanji but IMMEDIATELY flocked to her when she left and posted her le manifesto, then dropped her not too long after
/vt/'s oshi isn't pekora or gura, nor noel or fauna, it's cover

/vt/ is the biggest corpo bootlicker out there

>> No.51886609

You fuckers told me she was a 4view on twitch when she was getting shit numbers on youtube

>> No.51886624

She needs a Blue Dorito

>> No.51886716

not even 24 hours ago >>51822496

>> No.51886835
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But it didn't happen to U-san.

>> No.51887077

>/vt/ is the biggest corpo bootlicker out there
biggest /hololive/ bootlicker out there. 4chan should just give them their own board

>> No.51887295

On /jp/, vtuber discussion was diverse in like.. 2018. By 2019-20 it was like 99% Holo content there, Nijis were never that popular on 4chan ever. Gee almost like how that reflects on the fact NijiJP never grew a grassroots western fandom ever ever unlike how HoloJP got one so big it got Cover the idea to make HoloEN.

>> No.51887312

because she fucking played ark

>> No.51887836 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 332x363, 1680707018633318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she streamed 2 times
cucked her fans
went insane
what fanbase?

>> No.51887865
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Looks like she averages about 1.2k when she's not playing a debuff sponsored game.

>> No.51887955

More like 98% lmao

>> No.51887985

This is the Holo board

>> No.51888180

500 views is a top 1% of twitch succesful streamer.

>> No.51888473

>why do /vt/ fags give their oshis false narrative of following
because vt anons are not representative of the real fanbase. not everyone knows their next account or PL account and word of mouth can only go so far. the normies that make up lots of the numbers aren't moving because they haven't said shit or heard shit. I assure you senzawa is no exception. if shork graduates and starts being active in her channel again, despite the big numbers, her view count will plummet down by at LEAST half.

>> No.51888493

Fans will follow but that doesn't matter because they will lose huge numbers from the corpofags and tourists anyway.
Seems obvious but since it's /vt/ I can't decide if you're trolling or just retarded.

>> No.51888504

isn't like 500 views on twitch really like 200-300 views?

Kinda sad, but she burned every bridge by herself, she could just keep quiet, graduate as soon as possible and then apply to another company, now she is blacklisted from any major corp

>> No.51888775

>this is the holo board
>no one ever fucking talks about holoJP at all
>making up a thread discussing about someone like subaru instantly fucking dies
you fucking retards dont even like holo

>> No.51888937

Yeah pretty much. Every thread that is not a general is either about HoloEN or someone bitching about western vtubing.

>> No.51888949

500 is decent for anyone who crawled their way there without corpo history (Think Leaflit, Girl_DM, or Nemu)
500 from a girl who got 1.6 - 3k viewers in corpo only to flounder back, is terrible

>> No.51889032

this is now the tourist board. it's not news to any of us. the real fans are in little online circles elsewhere.

>> No.51889099

These are normal Nijisanji EN numbers

>> No.51889217
File: 295 KB, 1037x750, 1687413800137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It happened to Aloe
>It happened to Rushia
Scorched Earth
>It happened to Coco
she's going to be in Yakuza 8 as a hostess
>It happened to Sana
doesn't stream (AFAIK)
>It happened to Lulu

>> No.51889306

I'm not gonna watch something I have no interest in.

>> No.51889334

>keep the people who actually like you
>lose the gray kiddies spamming the 1 meme they know about you
>lose the schizophrenic logo worshipers
wow what a rotten deal

>> No.51889523

>500 is desperation tier terrible and you should graduate
>Unless you were the HoloJP Blondes up until 2022
>Or HoloID girls barring Moona
>Or the Holostars JP when being compared to Kanae or Kuzuha
>Or you're a former niji talent fighting the good fight on Twitch
/vt/ would light there own mother on fire with napalm if it somehow affected Nijisanji negatively

>> No.51889647

>Doesn't know Lulu
Already breaching on tourist shit, but i can forgive not knowing actual grace
>Sana doesn't stream
Yes, she does, she basically strokes her own dick talking about arknights and what great drawings she provided for them

>> No.51889650

Are we going to ignore that Delta is a 4view?
Also, how do you know the like 10 at most anons are not watching them?
Are there even 500 anons on /vt/?

>> No.51890018

thats a good thing tho? catalogue threads are 90% shitty bait trying to start drama. as seen with this thread

>> No.51890202

This dude thinks that if 1000 people say "I will follow you forever", it means the rest 9000 thinks the same. Lmao

>> No.51890299

>It's good that the majority of the threads on this board are extremely low quality garbage
At this point just delete this fucking board and make /vtg/ or something.

>> No.51890386

read the post i replied to. he specifically said "not a general" for holojp alone there are around 25 general threads.

>> No.51890402

maybe they meant that it's good that the shitty posts from tourists are not seeping into the generals as much, but yeah it's still bad for the board for sure. I wouldn't mind a wipe.

>> No.51890426

nigger I don't watch nijisanji
>delete the board and make it even shittier
brilliant, anon

>> No.51890463

>assuming none of the generals are merged
>Aki Choco Mel
yeah no we don't have enough good threads going at a moment's notice.

>> No.51890982

I feel like a lot of vtuber fags just want to be all sanctimonious and feel moral when they're "Saving" someone who suffered "injustice" or whatever. Mix that shit with the eroticism and parasocialism of vtubing and you get super cringe.
It goes a bit beyond white knighting, its basically convincing yourself that your media consumption and allegiances make you a good person

>> No.51891132

i didn't assume anything anon(unlike you) i just counted the threads in the catalogue.

>> No.51891364

So, she's doing better than the majority of Nijisanji now?

>> No.51891895
File: 148 KB, 754x1264, 1667519829291935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she'd be second or third from the bottom here based on her average twitch performance last month

>> No.51892255
File: 632 KB, 1646x337, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive, very nice, let's see all Nijisanji members numbers.

>> No.51892846

Being an EOP Clipwatcher must be a very hard and ignorant life, but thats ok, whatever keeps you off the noose i support it.

>> No.51893747

Delu is doing really good now and I am happy for her

>> No.51893799

Just because (You) don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't popular

>> No.51893854

Impressive levels of projection.

>> No.51894046


>> No.51894748

I'd watch her if she streamed on youtube. She does sometimes, but every time I got the impression that she was trying to sell me on twitch. I just can't do it, the site is too much.

>> No.51895033
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>it suddenly went negative

>> No.51895149 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 440x680, FyyHNB1aUAE80UW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13,328: Ironmouse (Vshojo)
>8,412: Mori (Hololive)
>7,031: Shylily (Mythic)
>6,949: Vei (Mythic)
>5,872:Ame (Hololive)
>1x Hololive
>1x Nijisanji
>14x Vshojo
>0x Mythic
>0x Indie

*EN TWITCH/YOUTUBE TALLY W/ TWITCH DEBUFF [Twitch avg vs YT peak] (06/16)*
>10,118: Ironmouse (Vshojo)
>8,412: Mori (Hololive)
>5,872:Ame (Hololive)
>5,200: Shylily (Mythic)
>6,949: Vei (Mythic)
>2x Hololive
>1x Nijisanji
>12x Vshojo
>0x Mythic
>0x Indie

>1x Ina
>1x Ren
>1x Fauna:

>> No.51895776

Sayu if you are /here/ stop using that horrendous swimsuit model

>> No.51895996

Still more loyal than her old head priest

>> No.51896941

I don't know

>> No.51896999

how would keeping the only types of threads/generals that actually discuss what the board's all about make it even shittier?

>> No.51897472

anon how many viewers do you think she had before in 3viewsanji? Now shes not getting 2% of her rev

>> No.51897931

what a nosedive KEK
the whore should've leaked company secrets bit by bit and not all at once. maybe the drama trannies will still swing by on her streams.

>> No.51898142

Shocking, an audience of dramafags don’t have the highest attention span.

>> No.51898331

All that just for her to become irrelevant lmao.

>> No.51900630

Streamer does matter but never forget
'Character' matters
'Environment' matters

>> No.51901801

Why do people keep saying this? You know people can check Zaion’s numbers still?

>> No.51902013

Thats way past "made it", theres 100-300ccv indies that admit they earn more than they with their old 9 to 5. Now she just needs to leech of some 3k streamer and grow from there.

>> No.51902268
File: 198 KB, 1584x800, FwEBXRFaEAMKdL2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vt/ fags
>Majority of subs for any vtuber who isn't Kiki Pyon
What makes you think the 50 people here who aren't holoEN numberwankers aren't following their oshi anymore?

>> No.51902458

>bro thinks we actually watch chuubas on /here/
We're all not even unironic clipfags. We just hear about drama and like to shit talk internet personalities we have heard about two or maybe three times in our entire life.

>> No.51902499

I only watch her youtube streams

>> No.51902665

Tell me when she starts whoring out her voice with lewd audio, then I'll tune in and sub or whatever.

>> No.51902728 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 300x300, 1676844331010646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holofags dont care about her, they only care about the drama they dropped her when she stepped away from that limelight
holofags specially the SEA ones are poorfag tribalniggers who don't have anything to offer to a vtuber except make shit threads
they dont sc
they dont comission art
they just containment break and attract a fanbase of insufferable retards

>> No.51902765
File: 257 KB, 548x650, 1676090091131852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thats way past "made it", theres 100-300ccv indies that admit they earn more than they with their old 9 to 5. Now she just needs to leech of some 3k streamer and grow from there.
sayu had those numbers before niji you stupid retard

>> No.51902780

Has a pretty decent fanbase nowadays, also was in Hololive for like one stream.
Burned the bridges with her paypigs with the drama, now only the most hardcore of retards remain.
Is not a streamer.
Has a decent fanbase, more so considering that Niji fans' oshi is the corpo.
A thread died for this garbage.

>> No.51903035

bot post

>> No.51904069

Pikamee just switched corpos. I wouldnt call that the same as leaving
Might as well talk about how Luna pulls more viewers now

>> No.51905109

anon Sana doesn't stream, she does like 1 stream every 6 months, she mostly posts stuff on her fanbox.

>> No.51906869

>Coco never really brought in big numbers.

#1 Holo in January, February and March
#4 Holo in April
#7 Holo in May
#8 Holo in June
#14 Holo in July and August
#20 Holo in September
#7 Holo in October
#22 Holo in November and December

She was a smash hit for her first 4 months and still one of the best before a combination of A) Cover over-management and censorship, B) Taiwangate and C) HoloMyth debuts handicapped her numbers.

>> No.51906945

you'd be surprised

>> No.51907059

Rushia's core fanbase mostly survived February 2022 intact. That's the core, i.e., the people who would actually throw a fit had she been cheating on her fans. In all honesty, the termination did more to cut up her CCV in the long term than the yab did, because it threw her outside of the Holobox and some overt Holo tribalists bought into the doxxing rrats and assumed she was actively malicious.
Her core fanbase has shrunk quite a bit since then, and, to make a long story short, the main two causes are
>getting further away from Rushia
>not enough YouTube streaming on Mikeneko
That being said, she's made several statements in the past few weeks that make it clear that she wants to be closer to Rushia again, coupled with what's going to happen in a few weeks time: if she can just start streaming semi-consistently on YouTube again instead of just guerrila Twitcasts, she'll likely stablise at a decent CCV. Not Rushia levels, but still a really impressive CCV.

>> No.51907068

Man I wonder what got her to those places? I'm sure it was her solo streams and not something collaborative like asacoco.

>> No.51907138

>assumed she was actively malicious
So why was she talking to korekore?

>> No.51907299

Nice moving the goalposts, you said she NEVER got big numbers. Now you're saying she GOT big numbers but only due to X content. I'm sure some other Holomembers also benefit only from X content too.

>> No.51907305
File: 378 KB, 850x557, Wife making a loveheart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time no see. Have a Rushiabutt

>> No.51907349
File: 211 KB, 850x1202, My cute wife in her underwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another

>> No.51907395
File: 755 KB, 850x1133, Wife bum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one.

>> No.51907416

Rushia was maliciously spreading false information to korekore. There is no secret twitcast that explains this.

>> No.51907417

Pity for the “mistreated” chuuba is as much part of the normie virtue signaling as hating unicorns and “parasocials”. The masses of ironic fake weeb posers don’t care about any of this shit, they just buy crap merch once in a while and go to events to cosplay as a design they like. Once chuubas are out of the corpo system, all they have left are the handful of real weebs that genuinely enjoyed the show/wanted to fuck them.

>> No.51907432

She never talked to kore you schizo, it is all lies. Him and cover conspired to fire her.

>> No.51907508

I think it's hilarious that you falseflag as a Fandead in the catalog to pretend we're all retarded when we've literally all doxxed ourselves to each other and I can literally confirm that nobody holds this opinion on 4chan

>> No.51907566

>random essay writing fandead brings up a point
>gets instantly proven right less than 3 minutes later
Either this is you samefagging to yourself for some reason, or you guys have the gayest antis on this entire board

>> No.51907620

How did he get proven right? Because he got asked about a thing that has literally never been addressed in any capacity by anyone?

>> No.51907650

I never said shit. Not every anon you talk to is the same person.
For you to argue that actually she got HUGE numbers is to claim that she fell of hard. Is that what you want to be saying?
The proof clearly goes to show that her solo content was never that popular, and now she's almost all solo.

>> No.51907683

Because he managed to summon that one guy who refreshes the catalog on repeat everyday for "Rushia" just to derail bait threads to make them about her

>> No.51907718

I think it's hilarious how you ignore the actual point and only reply to the falseflag while acting like you won.

>> No.51907801
File: 49 KB, 586x281, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Lulu still is my oshi and she's doing fine

>> No.51907807

It's the essay writing fandead that does that.
I get the feeling that you're one of them larping as a neutral observer.

>> No.51907873

>For you to argue that actually she got HUGE numbers is to claim that she fell of hard. Is that what you want to be saying?
Yes that is exactly what I'm arguing idiot. She fell off hard. But in her time and in her prime no one could match her.

She created a morning satire program that none have since have come close to.
AsaMio? Can't compare
AsaKoyo? Can't compare
AsaMel? Can't compare
Ame's attempt? Can't compare
Face it and admit it, in this one type of content Coco was supreme #1.

>> No.51907882

500 watchers is not bad if those are gachis.

>> No.51908029

My oshi is Marine. I just dislike seeing random schizos arguing in bad faith.

>> No.51908040

>But in her time and in her prime no one could match her.
Except in solo content.
>Face it and admit it, in this one type of content Coco was supreme #1.
When did I ever argue otherwise? It was her signature content and it stopped working for a lot of reasons that are not all Cover's fault.
Her solo content might have also got worse, but it was never great.

>> No.51908143

Who's arguing in bad faith?

>> No.51908203

Lulu has the same amount of viewers tbqh

>> No.51908221

>it stopped working for a lot of reasons that are not all Cover's fault.
Bull fucking shit, in its early iteration she had free reign to do what she wanted and Cover got a stick up its ass about some of the content being NG. They increasingly boxed her in on what she was allowed to do on it and her approval process. It was a morning stream and she had to start having HER manager ask OTHER managers for approval. Cover dumped a heaping shitload of bureaucratic red tape on her and it stifled her best content.

>> No.51908301

She started having issues coming up with content long before there were any Cover-issued restrictions.

>> No.51908429

>yeah, I shot you in the leg but you were complaining about your foot hurting, so really it's your own fault that you can't run anymore

>> No.51908467

Who shot her in the leg? We already went over how she had issues before Cover did a thing.

>> No.51908578

do you not understand analogies?

>> No.51908611

Do you not understand that Cover isn't responsible for her being shit at making content?

>> No.51908653

Go back to r/vtubers then

>> No.51908661

I mean… /vt/ was literally made because of HoloEN

>> No.51908787

every creative has issues like that
they literally made continuing it impossible since she could no longer report on the stuff that happened the day before which was the core concept of the show

>> No.51909562
File: 7 KB, 221x391, double average.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She literally has double her average
no matter how you look at it, she poached 500~600 nijisanji viewers and won't have to share a dime with anycolor

>> No.51910813
File: 638 KB, 3200x3200, lulu gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not knowing one of the first JP vtubers to breakout in the west

it hasnt even been 2 years yet, we are at an unhealthy stage of newfaggotry. Pretty soon we'll have anons ask who coco and kizuna ai are, this board is loong gone.

>> No.51910964

Of all people you use kiki as an example? I guarantee 75% of the board has no idea who she is, she is not known whatsoever outside of /pyon/.
The pink EIEN kiki is more known at this point.

>> No.51911125
File: 67 KB, 700x714, 1417561847066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is too obsessed with numbers.

>> No.51911379

All me

>> No.51911405

>convincing yourself that your media consumption and allegiances make you a good person

This is definitely a trend in Western vtuber fans - the strong anti-parasocial/anti-unicorn ranting from some people is more like their just projecting out some way to try to take the "proper" morally sanctimonious (read: condescending/patronizing) tone to I guess feel better about themselves and convince themselves they're simping the "right" way. As if there is one. This entire activity, the way it's inherently organized as the default relies on parasocial interaction to work. It's like going "I like to paint art as long as I don't use black paint for anything" when black is fundamentally crucial for mixing/shading for doing anything.

>> No.51911946

The funny thing is that she only got big numbers when she collabed with other holos like her meme review

When she graduated her signature content suffered for doesn't be in the holobox

>> No.51912244

Huge break, but now she's eating good
Doing other Holos dirty was retarded, bait and switch with vshojo after building up neko killed the rest
She stopped doing anything creative, she had no group to bounce off of and joining vshojo changed the context of her content throughout the year (and still gave her nobody to bounce off). She joined a herd of zebras instead of being a standout stripey horse among steeds
>It happened to Sana
Sana abandoned us, not the other way around
Literally who? The Zaion shit lost steam though sadly.
It will be interesting to see how Pikamee does now she has a model with ugly druggie eyes

>> No.51912291
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>> No.51912331
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Damn that's crazy

>> No.51913042

>r/hololive reddit meme review
>playing minecraft (on the hololive server)

>interviewing professionals from various industries
>building model kits
>cooking streams
>playing the most obscure kusoge known to mankind
>hours long themed zatsus with accompanying slides and pictures
>3D streams from her home studio
not creative

also it's funny when you numberchimps reveal that you don't know that any of her JP indie friends whom she collabs with way more than vshojo exist and you're basically just writing a fanfiction about her pretending to be former fans or whatever

>> No.51914098

>breakout in the west
rumao even
Six posts about her on /jp/ doesn't mean breakout anywhere.

>> No.51914925

Still more views than finana

>> No.51914990


>> No.51915062

Unironically her viewership was hard carried by her Niji model

>> No.51915092

Kiki is known in the retro games chuuba thread too.

>> No.51915200

>JP indie friends
You mean the once a month pick-me-up charity she throws at a 3views that nobody ever talks about and that she never follows up on?

Also nice of you to leave out shit like asacoco whilst padding out your list to make it sound better than it is, I'm sure a lot of creativity goes into playing kusoge or building gunpla.

>> No.51915330

It was pretty hard not to know lulu around the holos gen4 era, particularly during the dark times caused by the endless ark streams. People got filtered because she barely had any translated clips though.

>> No.51915765

>You mean the once a month pick-me-up charity she throws at a 3views that nobody ever talks about and that she never follows up on?This is how a schizo describe consistent interaction with people Kson has been friends with for years now and has met up with irl multiple times. Note how no piece of this delusional rant is anchored in reality, either individually or taken as a whole. I would say take meds, but really, can even meds save someone this far gone?

>> No.51916008

Her numbers are actually pretty good. Comparing what she had before as indie, what she had as Niji and what she has now she's actually doing pretty well.
Joining any corpo is generally a boost, sometimes a very massive boost and sometimes it's minor.
It makes hidden gems stand out and it makes streamers with limited appeal draw the corpo audience whenever a corpo fan watches them because their oshi isn't live. And that's the audience that goes away when the vtuber goes back to indie, the real fans may follow but the corpo fans don't. Those will youtube and check who in the company is live and watch someone among them.
A vtuber not doing better after corpo or worse post corpo is basically unheard of.

>> No.51916079

Put down the green crayon, son

>> No.51917352

>Doing other Holos dirty was retarded
Do you want to describe exactly how she "did the other Holos dirty"? I can assure you that she did nothing of the sort. Also you have left something in your post that basically confirms to me that you don't exactly have an unbiased opinion of Rushia.
> bait and switch with vshojo after building up neko killed the rest
In her defence, she assumed that Nazuna would have been a better platform to build up on, especially considering it had "corporate backing". She's realised for months now that it isn't the case, which is way she's pushing focus back more and more on Mikeneko.
>doesn't know Lulu
Holy newfag

>> No.51918500

You can't assure shit because you are her fan and biased to excuse anything she does by default.

>> No.51918543

>EOP Clipwatcher
stop projecting

>> No.51918640

Isn't Aloe doing well and Sana fell of the face of the internet by choice.
I don't even know who Lulu is.
Coco and Rushia cucked themselves by moving to Twitch instead of staying on Youtube.

>> No.51918910

Sayu spends way too much time doing boring chatting streams.

>> No.51918913

I never really watched Coco much.
But I feel like her numbers weren't THAT big before the yab and subsequent graduation announcement.
She probably also made enough money during her graduation period to have been able to dump her money into stocks and getting a dividend paycheck.

>> No.51919185

I still watch her just not sponsored shit. If she played something decent she’s usually at least a 4view now which is great for indie

>> No.51919375

Coco was like Mori and Kiara are now, their normal streams have mid viewership, but they are almost all very dedicated fans and not tourists so they make more money from supers and merch than other holos with 3-5x their viewership. Mori mentioned before that compared to the "heyday" of HoloEN, the average stream watch time per viewer for her has gone up like 4x.

>> No.51919418

The burden of proof is on the person making the claim to explain whatever it is they mean
>You can't assure shit because you are her fan and biased to excuse anything she does by default.
I've complained about her doing things that I didn't like to the point that she specifically addressed me during a stream to ask me what sorts of things annoyed me. You really do not understand how our fanbase works if you think that we will excuse everything she does. We're not all affirmers or yesmen, despite whatever narrative it is that you've conjured up in your head.

>> No.51919564

It's called the network effect. Kson is still great like Coco but she lost access to the Holo network and it isn't nearly as entertaining because collabs and group events are the best part.

>> No.51919754

>It happened to Sana
Anon Sana would need to stream for this to happen to her. She never streamed pre-Hololive and she's streamed like twice post-Hololive.

>> No.51919834

>The burden of proof is on the person making the claim to explain whatever it is they mean
That would be you then with your assurance that she never did anything to fuck over other holos despite all the shit she said to korekore. Why did she need to do that and how does implying that they are all part of an evil corpo that abuses them not damage their reputation?
Looking forward to your deflection.

>> No.51919872

Usually, her numbers are between 500-1000.
Also, she got a discord partnership and this was her first Sponsor. Her CCV is worse than her niji times, but better before Zaion.

>> No.51919938
File: 682 KB, 726x535, 1686226141037734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delta was always a small community and MASS were faggots who also were part of a bunch of EOP's who just joined hololive
After that bullshit, i would rather stay nowhere near her. Rushia digged her own hole
Would you really want Coco without the fun?
No streaming, and genshitter
Let her rest
Also Sayu plays genshin. Not exactly someone I wanna watch. I care enough for her plight against Niji, but not enough to fully watch. Also OP is a fag

>> No.51920133

imagine being a mori regular kek
actual brain damage

>> No.51920338

The only proof I need is her word that she isn't malicious towards Hololive. Everything else in this entire world is secondary to such a thing, and furthermore, you and your single minded schizophrenia will never change my mind about this fact
I would argue now that if you truly believe what you post (because frankly, I think you don't believe a single word you post), you'll post your opinions on your public oshi Twitter account. After all, if you're willing to argue your incorrect opinion for nearly a year and a half on 4chan, you must believe them so strongly that you'd be willing to post them on your Twitter account.
I will not reply to another thing you post until you link your Twitter to this thread with your declaration that you believe Rushia was malicious. I put the ball in your court, looking forward to your continued failure to this day to change my mind, and looking forward to the many fruitful, eventful, and truly meaningful arguments we will have for many, many years into the future about Rushia.

>> No.51920342

I'm sure she is happy with it. She gets to make Gura level money without Gura level headaches from the number of viewers.

>> No.51920602

Yep, deflecting again. You will never be able to explain why she had to spread rumors about hololive.
If you believe her then you must also believe that hololive is an abusive place and nobody is happy.
You hate hololive and that's why I hate you and your whore who started these rumors and has not addressed a single one of them to this date.

>> No.51922623

>p-post your twitter so I can report you or you're wrong!!
Why do you cucks even come to 4chan if you hate anonymity this much?

>> No.51923281

>antiniji crowd isn't loyal
Imagine my shock

>> No.51923636

i like kiki

>> No.51925536

Come on tourist chama, she was easily the most posted NIJI in /jp/ back in 2019/2020. She was posted just as much as coco and pekora in the /vyt/ thread. she was also one of the first vtubers to get translated clips on youtube.

You'd know this if you didnt find vtubers through a pippa clip last week or something.

>> No.51926246

Joining vshojo and getting jailed to twitch is what killed her ccv more than anything.
The yabs actually arent a bad thing because negative attention is actually pretty good. The problem is just twitch being a garbage platform that no one wanted to migrate to.

>> No.51926571

This. I remember the days when people would immediately be told to kill themselves if they even mentioned visiting plebbit or twitter

>> No.51926744

When they unironically call plebbit "reddit, without even the "r*ddit" treatment, you know they're unironic tourists and fags

>> No.51926831

didn't she say she was thinking about playing or collabing with a holostar? that's probably the reason

>> No.51926910

She has a non-0 chance of ever collabing with a corpo ever again
graduated talents almost never get to do corpo collabs, so you can imagine how hard terminated talents are

>> No.51926997

There's more Holo talent than Niji on that list anon....

>> No.51927515

i'm not saying she would, i'm just saying that her even expressing the idea probably killed any good will she had with half her fanbase

>> No.51930871

Oh no she criticized the corpo, how malicious and evil. Another holofag whose oshi is yagoo I see.
