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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5175918 No.5175918 [Reply] [Original]

Why when holoEN collab with VShojo it's suddenly the yab when they already collaborated with veteran chuubas?

>> No.5176017

hololive fans on here have a tendency to be more tribalistic and aggressive towards anything outside their brand compared to others

>> No.5176149

Simple, they aren't apart of Hololive. This board is Hololive and friends after all.

>> No.5176265

Those collabs were mostly consisted of nips for the jp vtubers and EOP for vshojo. We know HoloEN has a majority of EOP. Cross sections were very minimal. What you see here is now a fued between Holo EOPs that don't like Vshojo or Nyanners or both.

>> No.5176314

Cause holotards infest this board like a plague

>> No.5176366

holobronies are obsessed

>> No.5176389

EOP Holofags are retarded

>> No.5176440

Holofags don't watch vtubers.

>> No.5176445

Because everyone in there is a nobody and/or has-been.

>> No.5176461

The irony of anons calling holofags obsessed in a thread like this

>> No.5176585

Now here comes the next question : if this happens with NijiEN will it be calm like nihonfags or mass disliked like holoENfags where they absorb their EOPs from?

>> No.5176639

Holotards don't even watch Hololive, they only like the coom bait and drama

>> No.5176651

Because Deron will never collab with Nyanners again after Niji EN debuted since it was a corporate mandated event while Kiara is already buddy buddy with them

>> No.5176940

It's not a staff event ya fag, it is a buddy to buddy event brought to you by Ai who close to both sides here

>> No.5177013

I hope to see more Vshoujo x JPchubas interaction in the future. It would be cool to see ironmouse make some weird skits with love-chan in the future.

>> No.5177110

Niji EN already collab with some Vshoujo in Among Us. Keep in mind 90% of Niji EN fans are just Hololive fans already open-minded enough to watch the dreaded rival company, Nijisanji, so I doubt many have a problem with Vshoujo collabs.

>> No.5177157

Niji discord already killed themselves.

>> No.5177183

One of the NijiENs announced she'll be in a collab with a couple of VShoujo (Zen and Silver) and indies (including Artemis). The only people who sperged were Holo EOP tourists.

>> No.5177208

Hololive stans are mentally ill

>> No.5177266

No one at Nijisanji cares because they have no fans.

>> No.5177307

I thought the holo gate keepers were only doing it ironically like people that have a waifu ironically

>> No.5177401

More like we are not mentally ill like you Holobronies. Yes. Shartemis and VShitshow are mentally ill too. But we never lower ourselves and become like tribalist Holobronies and let the girls do whatever they want.

>> No.5177435

Holofags are insane. They shit up the board with endless threads about whoever the fuck upset them that week.

>> No.5177467

I think you're just jealous of Hololive's popularity and their chad gatekeeping fanbase.

>> No.5177470

no but i bet you for sure there will be holofags who keep making threads titled
>oh no no no fish is collabing with [x] from vshojo, nijien is over!
because you niggers are more obsessed with what goes outside of your clique than actually watching streams

>> No.5177551

You failed to gatekeep your fandom from EOP gachikois and unicornfags, I'm so sorry about that. Nice numbers though.

>> No.5177568
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Niji and Vshojo fans are probably angry their 20 IP threads get pushed to page 10 by all the Holoposting.

>> No.5177577
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>chad gatekeeping fanbase

>> No.5177591

Yeah. You did a great job gatekeeeping ironic weeb and redditors. How's hi honey, dochi dochi and all kind of spam treating you?

>> No.5177633

And how's, uhm, nevermind nijisanji has nothing of value to clip or meme about.

>> No.5177718

Sad that Holo can only survive on clips and memes, instead of putting out full streams of quality content.

>> No.5177788
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>implies that fanbase does a good job at "gatekeeping"
>brags about their viral zoomer clips
my fucking sides are in orbit, how can one man fail so hard at being self-aware?

>> No.5177918

Holofags (of which I am one but also do watch Niji) are more obsessed with the final yab than anything else. We have one like every week too. The chicken/Nyanners collab is somehow going to mean politics get brought up in every stream from now on even on the JP side according to the schizos. Dont get me wrong I hate both of them, but pretending this is some doomsday event is some serious retardation. Same with the anituber faggot collabs. At least Coco's graduation has some substance in terms of it being damaging to Hololive.

>> No.5177997

Good for you Holobronies. Because meme clips are the only thing Hololive good for. That is why Hololive never become no 1 in Japan. Because the Japanese know how bad Hololive as a vtuber. The only one who like them are unicorn loser that everyone hate and EOP ironic weeb.

>> No.5178054

>all these nijicopes
Well, at least some of your males are doing kinda okay, I guess? Some people are happily watching their 3 digit viewers indies so why can't you guys just shut the fuck up and watch your obscure chuubas in peace instead of picking a fight with Holofags?

>> No.5178075

Holo Bronies don't watch vtubers they don't even know japanese those guys are literal neckbeards incels that don't do anything useful to society

>> No.5178116


>> No.5178302
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>people are upset that their threads are buried by a diarrhea of drama unrelated to them
Not shit dude.

>> No.5178754

Holofags in general are more tribalistic towards outsiders than you’re average person. Ironically they’re mostly faggot EOPs who found Hololive after EN debuted and try to gatekeeper them from collabing with anyone they don’t know — since they’re newfag that’s 95% of chuubas.

>> No.5178831

i'm genuinely starting to dislike hololive because of these niggers, every few days it's doomposting or raging at the most mundane thing

>> No.5178932

There's a reason why people called them holobronies

>> No.5179021

Hololive board
Fuck off with those literal whos

>> No.5179129

nyanners has more average views then many holomems, not really a whom especially considering she lives rent free in all your heads

>> No.5179430

Nijisanji hasn't been #1 in japan for quite some time, newfagchama

>> No.5179478

Good, dislike them more. Means my gatekeeping is working.

>> No.5179644

>chad gatekeeping fanbase.
couldnt gatekeep a couple of chinks

>> No.5179675

Why is it always nijisanji fans who start hostilities towards hololive? This thread is proof of how tribalist they are

>> No.5179903

They can't help but seethe that hololive constantly mogs them

>> No.5180064

>start a smear campaign on them and called them a black company
>making rrat bullshit about their Livers and Nijisanji itself
>some retard even believe in dumbfuck rrat from /hlg/ about Sasaki Saku bullied Moruru out from Nijisanji.
>w-why they hate us
Damn, holobronies sure lack of self awareness.

>> No.5182011

but hey it works, it's called good marketing and that's what y'all nijifossils are lacking at, drama sells

>> No.5182739
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>that's what y'all nijifossils are lacking at, drama sells
>implying that nijisanji lacks drama
uh... thanks?

>> No.5183021

Because the average EOP doesn't realize that holojp has been colabing outside hololive forever. I saw someone praising Kiara and Mori for finally breaking the hololive "outsider colab ban".

MoriXgigukk should have been the bigger yab, but it got overshadowed by coco.

>> No.5183402

>MoriXgigukk should have been the bigger yab, but it got overshadowed by coco.
a solid 2-3 days of the board being inundated with shit wasn't enough?

>> No.5183519

>Because the average EOP doesn't realize that holojp has been colabing outside hololive forever
They used to do that a lot, yeah. Not anymore though. Nowadays, HoloJPs only collab with verified™ people like Tamaki and Shigure Ui. JP Holomems that don't give a fuck about their company's image and still went around collabing with anyone outside of Hololive regulary are Towa, Matsuri, and Sora, only those three.

>> No.5183633
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Reminder Nyanners is a fucking Judas:

>> No.5183664

Because Vshojo fans got filtered by the japanese of those vtubers and nothing changed at all? With HoloEn collabs, twitch niggers will stay in your oshi's chat.

>> No.5183672

I don't see Kuzuha or Lulu graduating. How is Coco? How is Haachama?


>> No.5183732

The audacity of this so called nijifag after literally losing its top overseas liver

>> No.5183788

>>5183021 HoloJp collabs mostly with Vtubers. They only really collab with real people during radio shows. Recent collab with a real person was with Botan and a legend so noone complained
They still collab outside frequently. Matsuri, Fubuki, Towa, Sora, Suisei, Okayu, Mel, Choco, Roboco, Kanata, Azki, Aki, Ayame, Marine, Rushia and Ina have all collabed with other vtubers. None of them collab with a gigguk equivalent.

>> No.5183790

>Sora doesn't care about Hololive
Now you're just taking the mickey

>> No.5183793

Newfag here. Both sides are tribalistic and everyone is a retarded dramafag

>> No.5183836

It's not about the company image anon.. it's about how much connection each got outside of hololive. Sora has the whole list of veteran chuubas and vsingers friend she can gather with a single call, matsuri has always been outgoing and makes new chuuba friends, Towa is well towa with her apex addiction, Roberu has his animare harem, Rikka and Suisei has their music friends...
The point is that they all have their own circle of friend and aquintances to collab with and it didnt shown a lot since they probably has their own shit to do or either side has no idea/plan for a fun collab. That's all there is to it for holoJP mostly.

>> No.5183847

Did Nijisanji graduate Kuzuha over his "yab" of dating a girl? No. Cover meanwhile is trashing Coco for no good fucking reason.

I am not a tribalist but fuck Cover.

>> No.5183894

>couldn't gatekeep reddit
>couldn't gatekeep chink antis
>couldn't gatekeep anitubers
>couldn't gatekeep vshojo
You are doing an excellent job kek.
The only good thing this place ever did for vtubers was the LETS GOOOO meme to gatekeep sad attention whore superchats

>> No.5183978

Just ban holofags like /a/ mods did on the jahy threads

>> No.5184052

Holofags are extremely autistic about brand loyalty for some reason

>> No.5184204

>They still collab outside frequently
Collab with people outside of Hololive once a month or two doesn't count as 'frequently'. People like Suisei and Okayu are doing it out of obligation at this point just to show people that they haven't abandoned the deadweights. And as I said, if you don't count chuubas that are 'verified by Cover' like Tamaki and Shigure Ui who are basically Hololive, then HoloJP haven't collab with outsider at all aside from said 3 people.

>> No.5184373

How do you know veibae didn't give nyanners her blessing to go ahead with the collab? Oh yeah, you don't

>> No.5184396

Hey we holochads actually have a brand worth being autistic over

>> No.5184446

>please blacklist me while you do collabs with hololive for months!

>> No.5184531

>Cover meanwhile is trashing Coco for no good fucking reason.

>> No.5184584
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It IS about the company image though. They have a shitload of connections but collabing with those people now are only going to drag their image down so they don't do it.
I mean Sora doesn't care about Hololive's image where 'they're above those literally whos and they shouldn't drag the image of the company down by involving themselves with those peasants' like other Holomems do. She collab with anyone, she called her literally whos friends to her important event instead of using other Holos.

>> No.5184711
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>> No.5184789

Thats not fair anon, nijiniggers are too busy attacking their own brand to care about such image.

>> No.5185029

a brand owned by a company that fucks over their talents by isolating them from their peers and limiting their content.
you sure found something to brag about anon.

>> No.5185261
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What can they do when everyone is out to get them. It's not easy being popular without the backing of huge corpo unlike rainbowcolor.

>> No.5185405

Keeping the poors and inferiors out isn't isolating them, it's providing comfort and a safer environment
But nijicucks wouldn't know anything about safe work conditions

>> No.5185513

Still better than a brand known for its infighting, shitty audition screening, and how fast they chuck out and retire branches and talents like disposable condom.

>> No.5185596
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popularity has to be earned not given. this is the reason why holosubs don't translate into lvie viewers. they're inflated by EOPs who drop dead subs.
also come back when your 3d tech catches up to the level of anykara's before you start bragging.
>Coco is poor and inferior
what did holotard mean by this?

>> No.5185695

Choco just did a collab with a nobody. Rushia was in a group collab with Hoshikawa in a Tamaki stream. Mel also collabed along with Sora and Azki with a bunch of other vtubers. Marine and Fubuki are hosts to a radio show that features non-vtubers like seiyuus. Suisei has radio show with a Seiyuu. Matsuri and Towa does tournaments. Aki just did a live concert in someone else channel. Luna and Marine are doing a concert with other vtubers. Mio and Ayame are doing q concert with other vtubers... Anon. Stfu.

>> No.5185747

Coco fought against the bubble and our clean culture with her flagrant vulgarity. She had to be purged

>> No.5185772

What use would that Pekohag get out of better 3d tech?
She's the one beating your company in live viewer daily too, btw.

>> No.5185801

>shitty audition screening
Hitomi Chris?
>how fast they chuck out and retire branches and talents like disposable condom
Hololive China?

>> No.5185824

Anycolor's 3D tech is not amazing. Kizuna Ai is better. Aoi is better. These fucking CN vtubers have better shit https://youtu.be/w_ElaQhQMiM

Both Anycolor and Cover are yet to catch up. Cover does better animations on their hologra. But both are shitty in 3D rigging

>> No.5185853

>popularity has to be earned not given. this is the reason why holosubs don't translate into lvie viewers. they're inflated by EOPs who drop dead subs.

says by the companie that pays NND to gain JP supremacy but failed to do it on youtube bcuz YT clippers don't wanna be bought by your money laundering

>> No.5185901

Infighting - roa
Shitty audition - meiro, and any of their livers that can't even stream once a month
Retired branch - NijiIN.

Both have skeletons but Nijisanji has a bigger group thus has more potential for fuck ups

>> No.5185916

>Hitomi Chris
Didn't exist
>Hololive China
The chink brought it on themselves.

>> No.5186017

Kek, try again but with more lurking
Roa/Gundou, Roa/meiro, Naruse/Touya+Kuzuha, Hajime, Ark drama, Apex drama
>shitty audition screening
Raito, Meiro, KR branch.
>how fast they chuck out and retire branches and talents like disposable condom
Niji Taipei, Niji Shanghai, Niji IN

>> No.5186100

Wasn't infighting, it was one-sided bullying and they kicked the person off who has responsible for it.
>inb4 muh accent
You know nothing about M*iro or her vicious roommate retard.
>any of their livers that can't even stream a month
Unlike Hololive this isn't a mandate in Nijisanji. If you want to watch a liver who streams often, go on. Most Nijis do streaming as hobby and has actual jobs outside of their vtuber personality.
Pajeets were just an unprofitable market unlike China whose Holo branch got closed down due to Cover's incompetency.

>> No.5186201

Well she's the face of Hololive, what would people think of other girls in Hololive if she's doing shit like pulling her pube out on stream?

>> No.5186226

>Suisei is doing it out of obligation
Shut the fuck up if you don't know shit about her. She has collabed with her friends from before Hololive before and is good friends with Toko to the point of Toko being in her 3D live, you piece of shit

>> No.5186336
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You would justify anything if Cover did it, even if Yagoo fucked your mom. I don't get this blatant corporate faggotry anymore.

>> No.5186358

Your popularity is literally paid by nepotism you dumbass, holo has it fandriven from the zhans to SEAfags to EOPs it's all by the community power

>> No.5186417

HoloCN was unprofitable as fuck, chinks paid like half a penny each on average. HoloEN made in a month more than the entirety of existence that was HoloCN

Also, their backstabbery is fucking well known and discussed here. Yogurt was an unfortunate victim, but their branch's attitude the whole Taiwan arc was disgusting. Watching Chink propaganda watchalongs, making subtle jabs bilibili comments. No one missed them, even Fubuki made a point to ignore them.

>> No.5186489

>Retired branch - NijiIN.
IN was doomed from the start, Anycolor took a gamble and it didn't pay off. They had three slots for audition, but could only fill two, had to use a staff member (Noor) for the last. And the two slots they did fill only pulled in two-digit viewers that made virtually no money (Pomu made more money in her first stream than two INs combined made in their entire lifetimes). Anycolor gave IN a year and a half to try and improve, and even tried to give them a boost by temporarily re-branding them to NijiEN, but instead the talents cut back on their streaming hours.
Compare that with Cover, who cut HoloCN for nothing the talents themselves did, but due to Cover's own incompetence in handling the situation.

>> No.5186568

Do you fucking think not doing market research beforehand is not incompetence? and this is not the first time it happens, Niji Shanghai and Taipei go under for the same reason you retard.

>> No.5186599

All brand loyalist consoomers are equally shit, holofags are just worse because of the sheer size. Their collective autism causes the board to be unusable for a straight week whenever something goes wrong.

>> No.5186647

Oh boohoo we don't wanna given some stonks bcuz YALL RETARDS DUNNO BOUT MARKET DEMANDS!

>> No.5186653

You must be stupid. HoloCn is being cut either way because Bilibili wanted more control. The only reason Virtual Real is a thing is because Nijisanji bent over and gave all their tech assets to them.

>> No.5186702

I'm still holding on to the hope that all these loyalists (from both sides) are just tourists that come here to just shitpost and don't even watch streams. Anyone that actually watches streams are hiding away in their generals.

>> No.5187250

I'm pro Hololive until it ends no matter what form it ends up taken as long as it's safe from outside influence
