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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51741521 No.51741521 [Reply] [Original]

the king and queen of /vt/

>> No.51741581

Oh look, it's the one anon who said he could beat Kanata in a fight!

>> No.51741667

Well, he's male and a couple weight classes above her

>> No.51741720

So guys like this are posting chad edits when I call them pedophiles....

>> No.51741760
File: 85 KB, 832x770, Kan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the fable cunnychad I've been hearing about?

>> No.51741762

>still wearing masks
>wear it while completely exposing your nose

Just don't wear it, you're completely missing the point. Also why are Americans still masking up? Here in SEA nobody cares anymore. If you've taken the shots you're good, shit's as deadly as a common flu

>> No.51741778

But what if Kanata is like a Pokemon and knows Low Kick?

>> No.51741781

the average republican male

>> No.51741804

>If you've taken the shots you're good

>> No.51741812

Because it's a convention and they might as well be called disease factories

>> No.51741836

I guarantee his dick is bigger than yours to wear this so not much of a lie

>> No.51741838

You know Covid isn't the only disease in the world right?

>> No.51741861

Bingo. He's probably even in this thread right now.

>> No.51741882

You can't just sweep someone three times your mass. I'm confident our boy would absolutely thrash Kanata

>> No.51741895

>big manly american afraid of the shots
bruh do you even know how many shots you've taken growing up?

Yeah which is why the rich elites never wear masks amirite

>> No.51741899

I like the mask because I don't have to show my face, besides covid is not the only disease

>> No.51741926

>conflating real vaccines with the WEF mind control serums

>> No.51741935

I dont think he has much dick left under all that fat. I wonder what makes you say that.

>> No.51741950

>kicks guy
>guy falls on top of her

>> No.51742023

>leaves his house
>unironically enjoys his hobbies
>has the balls to wear that shirt in public
unironically more based than 98% of /here/

>> No.51742137

Who is the White haired witch in the back?

>> No.51742142

>self report as a pedo
What a creep

>> No.51742186

Are you the guy in this picture?

>> No.51742202

Michiru from the JP side. Low numbers but incredibly cute in model, personality, and voice.
Both her and Nasa are insanely underrated.

>> No.51742206

>No Sirs I had not heard them varriants/mutations

>> No.51742237


No, that's actually me

>> No.51742297

Indeed, based uoh emoji and Michi

>> No.51742397

you must be the lardass in the pic

>> No.51742484

>Pippa has the highest overlap with KFP

>> No.51742609

Dont get mad at me that you live a more pathetic life than that neckbeard

>> No.51742619

I can't blame him for wearing a mask. He's in a high risk group for severe COVID(a fat fuck)

>> No.51742745

>standing next to pippa
>wearing an /uoh/ shirt
those two things alone make him anything but based

>> No.51742867
File: 1.36 MB, 2944x2208, 1687235352095371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they love each other

>> No.51742942

He's basically me but white.

>> No.51742953

eat healthy. hit the stairmaster at the gym while watching pippers. bubba has no excuses for not improving

>> No.51743037

dr. pizza?

>> No.51743061

No republican would still be wearing a mask past 2021. As soon as my job dropped the requirement, I stopped wearing them except in hospitals/healthcare facility that still required them.

>> No.51743072

I'm starting to notice a trend.

>> No.51743080

do you even know the meaning of based zoomerkun?

>> No.51743120
File: 10 KB, 179x282, index56y56y56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d say grifter Rabbit can fuck off back 2 reiddit but then I remembered /vt/ is a faggot retard hug-box.

>> No.51743128

You should probably answer your own question, pippashitter

>> No.51743133

damn, phasefags look like this?

>> No.51743143

She did a stream on that months back. Capipis overlap most with Punkalopi, KFP, and Shylily fans.

>> No.51743153

Isn't this the atheist guy with the banana and the hot oil?

>> No.51743176

Is he the only person that came to the phase booth? You see him in every single image

>> No.51743200

>getting gene-altering shots (plural) for a 99% survival rate (before the vax btw) sickness
Do indos really?

>> No.51743246

just stop eating. its literally that easy

>> No.51743357

It means "being yourself and not caring what others think of you". Ergo he is based and you getting all defensive are not.

>> No.51743378

man Pippa has such a cute design too bad it's wasted on some nuclear waste of a trailer trash human instead of a good vtuber

>> No.51743449 [SPOILER] 
File: 288 KB, 1019x617, 945aa07de6c2f265b3e537e35fe8ec96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and the vaccine is controlled by the 5G that will kill us all in population control for the NWO.
Got the proof right here.

>> No.51743471

Great example of a joke I've enjoyed that should in certain corners of the internet and not being shown off on a shirt

>> No.51743504

No that's me

>> No.51743540

I never said you couldn't be yourself.
I also reserve the right to be myself and call you a fucking goof.

>> No.51743597

Are you questioning facts? For what purpose?

>> No.51743646

>Are you questioning my facts that I backed up with no evidence?

>> No.51743677

>shills trying to derail the thread

>> No.51743722
File: 65 KB, 633x633, 1234534568381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should care. That shirt is obscene. It's the equivalent of jumping on the dinner table and taking a fat, sloppy shit right in the middle of it. There will be people that say based, but all those people are doing is egging him on to continue being retarded for their own entertainment.

>> No.51743764

You could easily diffuse the situation with information but you choose to shitpost.

>> No.51743797

was a shit thread from the start.

>> No.51743829

How the fuck is this still up? Go to the farms you niggers

>> No.51743831

Burden of proof is on you for your original claim but you crack on spouting twaddle, lad.

>> No.51743881
File: 402 KB, 1440x1797, 1654310310410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems about right

>> No.51743913

not enough gura threads?

>> No.51743949

If you can't prove the post wrong before people see it, you already lost.
Doesn't matter. Passerbys will see it and take it to heart regardless of accuracy. You should know how this works by now.
By the way, anything that alters a person's cells alters their genes. Now seethe bitch.

>> No.51743999

>it's okay when it's literally anybody else
Phasegers need to grow a thicker skin.

>> No.51744063
File: 128 KB, 768x1024, 20230619_112815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fat fuck has a gf who was cosplaying as gura(also a pippa fangirl)

>> No.51744129


>> No.51744183
File: 43 KB, 392x390, voice inside my head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>this fat fuck has a gf

>> No.51744385

if real I kneel

>> No.51744530

that's not his gf
that's not even female...

>> No.51744545
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, 1681245409099933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were walking around together this whole con and fatfuck said 'She is my friend, but I won't reveal anything personal'

>> No.51744558

>white knighting an obese cunnyfag
nigger what the fuck are you doing?

Stop pretending to be a retard. You're not very good at it.

>> No.51744608
File: 68 KB, 648x835, 1687243536543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mindbroken by trannies

>> No.51744620

That's probably his sister.

>> No.51744861

>fucking your sister in gura cosplay as ugly bastard

>> No.51745243

Fatman, i kneel

>> No.51745322

sounds like a doujin

>> No.51745358

Let the record show that this guy didn't get the joke. In Pokemon, the move Low Kick does more damage the heavier your opponent is.

>> No.51747193


>> No.51747577

How is this trainwreck of an abomination not dying of shame presenting his morbidly obese ass in public

>> No.51747648

god imagine this guy on top of your oshi giving her a mating press and cumming inside with all his weight

>> No.51747735

This guy would kill pippa if he was on top of her

>> No.51747820

he would break his own knees trying

>> No.51747830


>> No.51748916

I dont think he has the stamina to anything at all, let alone dominating someone.

>> No.51750445

>watching the VOD interviews
>Morbidly obese men and some women
>Morbidly obese cosplayers
>Morbidly obese attendances
>Almost all of them wearing a mask obviously hide their ugliness
All of them have their pronouns and mental illness in their Twitter bio

>> No.51750524

Welcome to every con for anything ever newfriend

>> No.51750676

Best thing from offkai weekend was peeking at the phase connect thread while the stream was up and seeing somebody, without a shred of irony, post "I hope Pippa looks at these threads and sees we're not like these guys"
