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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51667239 No.51667239 [Reply] [Original]

shes gonna scam people live

>> No.51667526

Kino inbound

>> No.51667599

Throat cancer announcement inbound

>> No.51667704


>> No.51667748

There’s no way right?

>> No.51667764

Vocal cord surgery let’s gooooo! Glad to see she’s still the same after all.

>> No.51667820

sasuga mel…

>> No.51667879

I thought for sure it would be different this time around

>> No.51667886

Knew a guy whose uncle died of throat cancer from eating bad coochie.

>> No.51667962

No, you didn’t. Be honest with yourself, anon,

>> No.51667972

this girl is amazing, having survived multiple cancers, mental illness, hospital trips, schizo stalkers, and much, much more!

>> No.51668034

she should sell the movie rights to her story to hollywood, so many twists and turns

>> No.51668044

This shit is so weird, she should have just stayed in the last incarnation.

>> No.51668067

I did, as retarded as it sounds I really thought she was trying to start fresh. I saw the mask start to slip but she seemed to reel it back in…I’m just a little sad now

>> No.51668080

>tts in hopes nobody realizes who she is
All this time I thought she was retarded but she is a scam artist. Nobody believes she spent 10k+ on models, she used free or 30$ models off booth

>> No.51668151

This is her first stream using tts anon. She’s been streaming for 2 weeks using her normal voice slightly pitched up.

>> No.51668203

Aka the Mel Nekosharta voice

>> No.51668323

Her one advantage is that she’s a woman; that’s about it, all things considered.

>> No.51668351

Goddamit Mel, already? Has she even shown any signs of throat trouble before?

>> No.51668463

Come to think of it, she more easily scams Euros/other non-Americans by pulling the >muh healthcare card.

>> No.51668506

>100 dollar dono already

>> No.51668657

She’s basically trying to say that her pitching up her voice is what caused the strain…dyrbi?

>> No.51668663

The only semi legitimate reason could be from how she always pitched her voice in her old streams, she only just started using her “real” voice when she was going through the thread reading arc

>> No.51668825

That seems to be the excuse she’s using right now. She’s even setting it up saying that when she has the surgery her voice will sound different

>> No.51668839

I feel like she mentioned before that she didn't have a problem pitching her voice like that, but it's possible she was either lying or just fucked up by keeping that pitch for her autistically long streams

>> No.51668890

i almost have to appreciate the lengths she will go to for the grift

>> No.51668953

What do we think she will do with the $500?

>> No.51669009

Do you really think it will work this time? I mean she barely lasted 2 weeks before coming up with this shit.

>> No.51669022

Spend it all at Wendy’s

>> No.51669042
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>> No.51669058

no, but she will never stop trying

>> No.51669142

Was this when she was convinced pippa doxxed her kek

>> No.51669160

If it weren't for -someone- we could have been enjoying snake mommy Mel right now

>> No.51669185
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>> No.51669243

she’s crazy, she probably would still have found a way to fuck things up

>> No.51669303

She would get bored of it in a month and dip out again.

>> No.51669385

Shemale hookers

>> No.51669520

I’m genuinely baffled at this woman. Is there any other chuuba who has a track record of grifting and scamming as much as her?

>> No.51669670


>> No.51669869

I don't think so, she's at least the one that I'm the most invested in keeping up with. It's insane to see the cycle repeat itself this much

>> No.51669922


>> No.51669965

Gura doesn't scam people directly, she just always fails to meet expectations she herself puts out there

>> No.51669979
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>> No.51670033

This but unironically. Mel at least has nothing to lose.

>> No.51670155

>I already recorded the vocals
Kek, I wonder who she stole from this time.

>> No.51670195


>> No.51670296

Who is this?

>> No.51670397
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>> No.51670464

>it is blackmail
That’s not how blackmail works.

>> No.51670501

Somebody emailed her saying they’d donate for nudes and she called it disgusting…have some dignity at least Mel we all know what you did before

>> No.51670709
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>> No.51670885

just got here. did she say anything about how she got the throat injury?

>> No.51671023

Strained vocal chords. Probably from extended loli voice usage.

>> No.51671356

oh. i thought she was using a voice changer.

>> No.51671609

Mel Nekomata, Alice, Saki Kawasaki, Mewaki, SeaSlugUmi, Ames, Iracebeth Crims, Esty Kleines, Narumi Mihama, Aya Arashiyama.
shitter extraordinaire

>> No.51672093

>pitching her voice
This is Mel you're talking about, it's 100% OBS reaper plugin doing the work.

>> No.51672626

Why did she do it bros

>> No.51672719

Because it works

>> No.51673491

her mel nekomata voice is actually her just pitching it up naturally, which is why her mel nekomata voice always sounds awful. when she was narumi mihama she did the same thing and also used a voice changer to pitch it up even more, which again made it somehow sound even worse. shes been mel nekomata for like 2 years now so her using a fake voice, that doesnt even sound good, will of course cause damage. not defending this whore at all just want to clear this up.

>> No.51673637

I dunno, unnecessary self-sabotage honestly sounds way more likely.

>> No.51673840


>> No.51675018

I swear she needed $3000 when she fell down the stairs last year.

>> No.51675209

wtf lmao

>> No.51676543
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>oh god it's all green

>> No.51677576

She broke broke legs and an arm though. A hospital ad to come to er house and pick her up.

>> No.51677734

Didn't even last past 10 days. Amazing.

>> No.51679373

Has it really only been 10 days? Feels longer.
Ah well, not like time matters. I'm going to be doing the same crap day and day out for next 50 years or until I out a bullet through my head.

>> No.51679609

so she goes to the ER with a strained voice and they immediately tell her she needs a surgery to fix it? i don't think that's how it works...

>> No.51679647

AND give her the price

>> No.51679854

>goes to the doctor
>doc somehow finds cancer “early’
>voila, no more cancer (after multiple donations)
>goes to the ER for unrelated reasons
>doc finds polyps on her vocal cords
>soon to be another voila moment
It’s odd how she gets such expedited screening when many can’t get one discovery after months of visits.

>> No.51680336

>>doc somehow finds cancer “early’
Happened to me before. This was after several colonscopies and I think they said at risk for cancer rather than early, I forget, just remember them saying all the ulcers looked bad and they had to remove the whole thing
But yeah the whole process took almost 2 years.

>> No.51680621

Do you think she lists all of her channels when applying for vtuber corps? She's got one hell of a portfolio.

>> No.51681491

Of course not, she just sends a link to this video

>> No.51682046

Sorry bros that throat damage was me. Make sure to donate so I can go back to pounding it every night.

>> No.51685040

What the fuck

>> No.51687308


>> No.51689185

Good to know she's doing good

>> No.51692881

>shes gonna scam people live
oh no

>> No.51692980

Maybe all of this is part of one single kayfabe kino of bombastic proportions. The scamming, the lying, the constant reincarnations, denial, model changes, everything. She is just trying to appeal to the most unique niche of scammer gfe.

>> No.51693726

Didn't she claim she turned down Vshojou? Feels like another tall tale

>> No.51694557

It's weird to think she out of all options she chose this

>> No.51695815

QRD? This the toothbrush brap chick from a while back or some other one?

>> No.51697404

Saw the community post and instantly laughed my ass off.
You know who I'd donate money to for vocal cord surgery (if they asked)? Uruka. But mel, holy fuck I want to kick you down a flight of stairs.

>> No.51701349

Scammer, and yes it is indeed that girl.
I don't wish ill on anyone but she is getting healthcare every american dream of.
>Go into ER
>SINGULAR doctor finds what's wrong
>Tells you what will fix it
>Gives you exact price, not even needing to quote insurance and it's fairly cheap for a surgery.
Anons did say they give her 2 weeks minimum before she's on the "I need a ton of money again" train.......

>> No.51701929

She's sitting pretty at $700+ now lol
She tried hard, but the second she seen she has not only support from a new crowd but a crowd willing to throw money at her she reverted to her old ways. To give her the beenfit of doubt, she did sound pretty rough the last 2 streams.

>> No.51703423

I still don't know wtf se did did with the $100k her parents gave her from their VA benefits.

>> No.51703493

>My current job
She has a job...?
>Snake mommy arc
She hates her viewers (even if you give her money) and constantly scamming people, she would have moved on, reincarnated and the cycle repeated. I feel bad for whatever simp bought her new model she teased.

>> No.51703599

Hii melllowww :3

>> No.51704734

Hey there! I wonder what she'll do now to bait donos.

>> No.51705003

she never, ever got 100k what the fuck you on about? in december she got a back payment from the va so she got roughly 2k but never 100k you fucking retard. theres plenty of bullshit to call mel out on that you dont need to lie about shit.
she has a job currently yes but its a job where she has to talk on the phone so she has to get a new job that does not require talking which is why shes job hunting

>> No.51705283

>she has a job currently yes
So why couldn't she buy the snake mommy model herself and resorted to scamming that schizo that's been ruining her life since? Also she clearly got someone to buy her stuff for this reincarnation. Are you one of the "ichigoslings" that doesn't know her past?

>> No.51705489

Thread theme

>> No.51705788

bro there is no way in hell i would ever support mel are you fucking insane? I hate her just as much as the next guy and would prefer if she killed herself. im just saying that there is no need to make up lies about her when theres plenty of shit she has lied about. also her job is recent, way after snake mommy model arc. also dogbear was the one who tried to scam her by buying the model and trying to resell it to her for an additional $500 before asking mel if that was okay or not which is why she became uncomfortable and told him no and now hes out to ruin her life even though shes already ruining it herself.

>> No.51706230

>dogbear saga
We know this but she claimed in streams after the fact she couldn't work and barely even stream due to her cancer. Something isn't adding up.

>> No.51706671

i have her added on discord because i used to buy content regularly but not anymore and she has been to chemotherapy a few times now which is making her incredibly tired but she managed to get a really easy office job where she sits on her ass and answers phones. she of course will not talk about her cancer as ichigo because as she said herself she regrets ever telling people as mel that she has cancer. obviously i cant post proof because i tried to before and got a 4chan vacation.

>> No.51706703

What YOULL do you mean? Cant fool me mel

>> No.51707090

I wouldn't ask for proof because jannies have been vacation happy whenever you mention something she's said in stream relating to her vtubing activities. I don't expect her to go that far into her irl as ichigo but she's let the mask slip enough I guess this throat issue is the replacement.
What she always does!

>> No.51707248

>i have her added on discord
She said a few streams ago she doesn't and won't use discord, which she says every time. I won't say you're capping but she really doesn't seem like an honest person.

>> No.51707388

honestly the throat thing makes sense, shes been mel nekomata for like 2 years and has always pitched up her voice in a way that would eventually cause damage. serves her right if it is true but who knows at this point.

>> No.51707665
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have a good week bro, its time for me to go on vacation

>> No.51707723

She's popped into an old server that had a leftover channel about her just before the newest debut. Just like how she reads 4chan.

>> No.51707784

o7, you didn't need to prove it but gl bro I'm probably gonna get hit as well since I was one of the anons from the cancer arc that bought.

>> No.51707822

i love you bro, ill never forget you

>> No.51707908

No wonder people seem to have so much info she's doing the spreading herself.

>> No.51708470

She fell for a "I can't send it as a gift, let me log in as you" scam and her donations have always been going to her real name and address so the info is out there.

>> No.51708599

Wow. But as the anon showed she definitely adds people to discord, so wonder if she added her main paypigs which isn't too strange for chubbas to do I guess.

>> No.51708721

thats not at all the truth retard. she got doxxed by some faggot named bruno who used to be a fan of her when she was ames then she was too retarded to figure out how to set up a business paypal so she just made one with her real name and address showing saying that she already got doxxed so who cares if it shows.

>> No.51709551

That sounds like Mel. Hopefully her "ichigoslings" doesn't stumble upon this since many of them seem to think she didn't exist before now.

>> No.51710173

So she is hitting up people for content, some things never change.

>> No.51710375

she never stopped? she just doesnt advertise it as ichigo for obvious reasons because shes still pretending that no one knows shes mel

>> No.51711534

No u right there just always been
>i have nudes
>i bought her content
But never any proof she actually hit up people til now.

>> No.51711580

There was also a Michael who provided twitter DM screenshots of him buying the beth model. Bruno was underage B& who fancied himself an investigator.

>> No.51711674

oh i misunderstood your message my bad bro

>> No.51712139

That lines up what I read on KF a few years ago.

>> No.51715223

Kinda sad she has to resort to sex work if she's telling the truth about her health problems.

>> No.51715985

Alright, I gotta ask and trust a fellow anon to be honest. Is it her discord that's compromised or mine?

>> No.51716091

Estellia made that discord account because she was too retarded to make a new one for herself and thought she could trust Estellia to make one for her. He has the login to it because she doesn't have the login for it anymore to be able to change it. Don't know if that answers your question.

>> No.51716223

it was roughly 10k

>> No.51716293

It would probably have to be whoever claimed to have had her added since they brought attention to it (telling on themselves), if her's was compromised they'd be leaking all of her conversations.

>> No.51716331

your gonna have to source that then homie because she said it was way under 10k, and said it was under 5k even

>> No.51716505

She says a lot of things. All you had to do was keep track of how much she was spending during that period before she spent it all, assuming she wasn't lying about having used it all up in which case that would make it 10k+. .

>> No.51716504

Completely different anon here, Estellia leaked shit? I am just trying to follow the story here.

>> No.51716560

He leaks a lot of stuff on her behalf, also scammed her $900 but mel is too dumb to realize.

>> No.51716622

Well now you have my interest, spoon feed me daddy.

>> No.51716683

I'm not saying he did I'm not saying he didn't. I'm just saying Estellia made her current discord because she was unable to make one.
Can you please explain? Estellia gave her $900 and had her pay him back when she could, so Mel paid back Estellia for $900, how is that a scam?

>> No.51716765

Gonna echo this:
Because it is like someone that farts and immediately says they didn't do it, also only the person leaking it would block out their name and time stamps. So it has to be whoever says they added her for buying content, we know she has her Vtubing friends and possibly regulars on discord at one point but I doubt they're buying content.

>> No.51716871

>Can you please explain?
The person that leaked their chat is trying to deflect blame onto Estellia since him and Kougeru seem to be the longest friends of hers, during the streams (just before cancer saga) mel went on record to say he gave her the $900 and she paid him back for it.

>> No.51717023

I think you're very confused. Estellia and Kougeru have known Mel for a small amount of time, Kougeru only slightly longer than Estellia. She does not talk to Kougeru anymore in a private setting, she only has Estellia and Nar added as well as a mysterious third person but none of them are Kougeru or that tranny Nori or whatever his name was. This is why she does not act friendlier towards Kougeru when he shows up in chat, he has not had contact with Mel for a few months now. They live in the same state but have never met up because Kougeru often says something about being "bedridden" and Mel can't drive because she's a child, not literally but you know what I mean.

>> No.51717119
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Nothing to spoonfed, people just know she has 3 friends, Kougeru, Noribelle, and Estellia making them an easy pick to shift blame to. Kougeru is being stalked on twitter by a schizo because of his interaction with mel as seen here.

>> No.51717185

Not that anyone can prove anything because we're all anon, but I am the blacked out person in the leaked chat, and I'm not the one who posted it. Hence why I'm asking, because I'm a boomer who's terrible at computers and I don't particularly want my accounts hacked.

>> No.51717230

Mel has not talked to the tranny Nori in several months and Nori does not interact with Mel on twitter or youtube at all. Kougeru also have not talked to Mel in months and Ichigo treats Kougeru like a stranger. Estellia is the only one of the three you mentioned added on discord.

>> No.51717289

If this is you it is possible your account then because speaking as someone that's been around chat leaks and see them on the daily on KF, people would leak everything and every chat because no one chat has all information.

>> No.51717415

I don't think that's stating who has who on discord, it's just stating the ones people know of in regards to any relation to mel in general and there being a clear schizo going around.
>This is why she does not act friendlier towards Kougeru when he shows up in chat
She's done this in every reincarnation where she pretends not to know her regulars.

>> No.51717634

I know she does this every time she makes a new channel but I'm telling you that she only has Estellia, Nar and one mysterious anon added to her current discord. She has not talked to Kougeru or the tranny Nori in months and you can ask them that yourself. Estellia, Nar and the anon were told by Mel herself that she is Ichigo, she never told Kougeru or the tranny Nori.

>> No.51717633

No wonder this thread is a fucking shithole.

>> No.51717770

Just want to point out that the anon saying she doesn't talk to Nori anymore is correct. A couple months ago she said her association with /here/ made a certain trans friend cut her off.

>> No.51717825

If you are who I think you are then thank you for respecting my privacy. I'mma leave now.

>> No.51717859

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IL8Etcz9jQ Here we go again.

>> No.51717870

Oh my god KF sisters did you hear what Morbo said to Claxus? This might be the final straw for Dwargal

>> No.51717957

she literally said she used it to pay off all her debt, bought her mom a washing machine and put the rest into savings. sounds like a lot for $2k.

>> No.51718114

Not denying that don't worry bros. I was there when she alluded to nori cutting her off.
It's 4chan, all of these threads are shitholes.

>> No.51718255

this might be the most blatant she has ever been about fishing for donos. there's no way anyone believes her current story, right?

>> No.51718428

I didn't know she had a car and drove.

>> No.51718737

>had something nice and comfy going (again)
>instantly self-sabotages
what is this mental illness called?

>> No.51718845

Please send her money. How else can she afford buying more models?
> I have been dealing with throat pain for a while now and went to the hospital earlier today after cutting my stream short. Because I have not been using my voice properly I ended up damaging my vocal chords and it will require surgery to fix. My current job requires me to talk so I will have to find a new job that does not require me to talk so I can try to afford surgery. Surgery is a little over $3,500 so it will likely take a few months to save up the required money to receive the surgery and then the recovery part after surgery will be a little over a month as well. This means I will either not be talking during streams or I will use text to speech to communicate via streams. My one month anniversary plans will now be on hold and if I meet the requirements for partner I will not enable them until I am able to speak again. I am incredibly sorry to everyone who has supported me this far.

>> No.51718943

>believing mel
I'll let that slide but:
>pay off all her debt
What debts before now?
Did she say how much?
>washing machine
Significantly less than 2k, even 800 if it was within the last few years.

>> No.51719040

>I'll let that slide but:
i don't believe mel, but if we don't entertain her lies then there's literally nothing to talk about. as for the rest, i don't know.

>> No.51719201

Dont need to believe her story. Just dont give her money like you would litterally any other streamer. Its that simple.

>> No.51719332

U right
Dono baiting.

>> No.51719447

C-PTSD. Brain literally no longer understands how to handle NOT being in a crisis, so freaks out and creates a crisis at any opportunity.

>> No.51719491

At this point what other anons said she's probably getting simps to buy them like the snake mommy incident.

>> No.51719891

Also just being a woman
>Stuff is going good for me, how can I fuck this up and blame everyone else?
>Discord shit
This looks more like self-reporting then regret since it immediately followed admitting to having her added and subsequent acknowledgement. Rookie simp mistake, she needs money you'll still probably get nudes.
Someone always drops $100 on her though.

>> No.51720000

People still give money to tons of undeserving streamers. Its a fact of life.

>> No.51720093

The most charitable you can be is that she doesn't know how to run the business side of streaming and doesn't have the social skills to do so living with her parents in flyover country for so long.

>> No.51720873

Reading the thread, yeah it sounds like someone tried to throw her friend under the bus to the point of accusing him of scamming? I too scam people by paying back money I borrowed.
If what the self-poster said is true about their chats she at least has or had a callcenter job, something anyone can do.

>> No.51721122
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Guys, I'm an Ichigosling. Been one since she pooped her pants with the pink cat model. If I mail her some cum in an envelope will she have my kids?

>> No.51721201


>> No.51721316

What happened this time?

>> No.51721354

>I have been dealing with throat pain for a while now and went to the hospital earlier today after cutting my stream short. Because I have not been using my voice properly I ended up damaging my vocal chords and it will require surgery to fix. My current job requires me to talk so I will have to find a new job that does not require me to talk so I can try to afford surgery. Surgery is a little over $3,500 so it will likely take a few months to save up the required money to receive the surgery and then the recovery part after surgery will be a little over a month as well. This means I will either not be talking during streams or I will use text to speech to communicate via streams. My one month anniversary plans will now be on hold and if I meet the requirements for partner I will not enable them until I am able to speak again. I am incredibly sorry to everyone who has supported me this far.

>> No.51721412

I see, I hope one day this woman will just like, actually become a normal vtuber and stream

>> No.51721648

Im already grooming her bro. Mail the cum anyways for me.

>> No.51722299

She was on the right track with ichigo but only for 2 weeks...

>> No.51722417

Seriously, she had a good thing going as Ichigo. She was gaining viewers and subs steadily but she decides to throw it all away and relapse into her old habits…

>> No.51723710

i wonder how she pictures this will go? will she just go on one day and pretend like nothing happened? i'm already cringing just thinking about it lol. or will she realize how bad it'll look and disappear once again to redebut under yet another new name? this shit is so surreal.

>> No.51724301

She's already pretending so there's that. If it blows up in her face she'll run til she needs money.

>> No.51724377

If you've been around that long you should know what her stance is on having kids.

>> No.51724788

Just wait another year or two until her biological clock starts ticking, she'll go full Amily.

>> No.51724833

This thread was a wild ride. Schizo posting, person posting their chat trying to blame others, more info about her past, person wanting to mail his cum. Literally everything.

>> No.51725049

Did you know she once farted into a plastic bag and sent it to an old teacher she had a crush on.

>> No.51725344

Based but disgusting

>> No.51726140

Yea ichigo was kino.

>> No.51726629
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>> No.51726772

Amazingly topical

>> No.51727475
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Narumi was good too.

CSB: I actually became so invested in her that I neglected my personal finances by both donating to her and ordering delivery food to not have to step away from the streams. Ended with me getting evicted because I was also neglecting any cleaning and got roaches. A social worker relative of mine I moved in with noticed signs of autism only after a couple days and is working to get me tested.

>> No.51729351

I caught some of this reincarnation, was kino as well.

>> No.51730629

>t. DB
Let it go and move on

>> No.51732247

I hear she went to a rest stop and shat in all the toilets in the rest stop and they had to close the rest stop.

>> No.51732777

It’s true, I was the rest stop

>> No.51733094

A 10 view. Half of those 10 being some doxxcord mob that has a long time hate bonner against and they regularly make a thread here to...

What are you guys trying to do exactly with all these threads?
We joining her chat and spam something?
We call her out on twitter?
What do you want from /vt/?

>> No.51733195

I just think it’s funny to take about how crazy she is. I’m not gonna shit up her chat or harrass her, I’m not that schizo

>> No.51733351

*talk not take, sorry I’m drunk

>> No.51733370

The scam is a common confidence scam run by 2 or more people who know each other to get money out of a 3rd party. It's setup by one friend A first claiming to have something the 3rd party wants and the other friend B claims to help by lending money to the victim. The victim pays for the thing with borrowed money, friend A makes up an excuse not to deliver the thing and gives the victim runaround or ghosts them entirely, friend B gets repaid out of pocket by the victim. Victim is out money and never got anything for it while friend A and B got away with being paid the loaned money twice. Not that hard to figure out unless you don't pay attention.

>> No.51734496

Now this friends is what you call being a schizo. There's no logic in this. I agree with this anon:

>> No.51737062

Been a fan since 2020 and never trusted this thot.

>> No.51737665

I'd heard of her before but Narumi was when I'd first started paying attention to her.

>> No.51741112

she always like this

>> No.51741459

Lyin ass bitch just saw Uruka using TTS to recover her voice and made this shit up on the fly. An expert grifter.

>> No.51741610

Go Fund Me would be less degrading and more profitable.

>> No.51741912

It’s impossible to spam Go Fund Me’s at the rate she scams. It would draw too much outside attention to it.

>> No.51743426

she's a 2view. where did you come from?
