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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51626998 No.51626998 [Reply] [Original]

What if she's actually sick and dying?

>> No.51627061

She's already dead.

>> No.51627096


>> No.51627099

Don't care. Stream.

>> No.51627114

then there's already an official post about it on twitter anon.
there's no point going silent for the "fans" to make shit ass speculations then.

>> No.51627152


>> No.51627167

Then she would've done what Kira from Holostars did.

>> No.51627518

not an excuse for how she treats the chumbuds
i get people here love to shitpost about them constantly but nearly all of the ones i have interacted with are great people and they dont deserve what she is doing to them
>inb4 a false flagger was mean to me once so chumbuds are the worst fanbase *seethes for 14 hours in /ggg/ about them and cross posts his own anti posts*

>> No.51627727

don't worry, she'll announce her birthday stream soon (if only to shill merch), hang in there

>> No.51627887

Its a weird illness that somehow allows her to endure mutliple long haul flights to and from Japan and get cracked at Outlast Trails but not send a tweet. Ironmouse is legit sick and bedridden but streams almost daily.

>> No.51628032

>if only to shill merch
its mostly gonna be a 3D live again and merch shill as expected.
Throw in some guests as well.
Then she'll probably be back to doing 1 stream per month or even counting collabs while we're at it.

I get the no streams, like I get if she doesn't feel like it. But why is she allowed to go silent on both twitter and memberships for weeks, its a really big fuck you to her fans. LMAO

>> No.51628169

Stop stealing mousey’s gimmick

>> No.51628217

Doesn't excuse ghosting her fans.

>> No.51629380

eh, then she should communicate. the lack of things is what people spaz about. look at what her members got last month. sucks for them. being sick doesn't excuse the shit she is doing.

>> No.51629494 [DELETED] 

Gura and Haachama are actually the same person. Senzawa was just a psyop and Haachama interviewed for EN as a joke and got the job.

>> No.51629663

She isn't. She's just extremely lazy. I have legit social phobias and even I'm nowhere near as atrocious as she is. Her work ethic is absolutely pathetic and she should either have the decency to quit or cover should terminate her.

That's assuming they haven't stealth suspended her for multiple infractions. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if she got suspended in the past and eventually ended up in an impasse where they can't fire her because of who she is and she refuses to do even the barest minimum now.

>> No.51629705

She wouldnt stream so nothing would change

>> No.51629716


>> No.51629725

There's people who stream while dying.
No, i'm not talking about the fake ironrat.

>> No.51629739

Wonder how they are now...hope they're better

>> No.51629801

Mumei, Ina and Kronii all went through health shit this year and still communicated what was going on. Funny how she can't be assed to make a tweet

>> No.51630424
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>> No.51630437

She's pregnant, we're getting Oshi no Ko'd. If you kys now there's a chance you can be her child.

>> No.51630464

dying to have sex with me

>> No.51630538

Then I'll cure her with my dick.

>> No.51630540

Anon, you retard, she's not pregnant. She already gave birth

>> No.51630603

Shhh we need more dead chumpedos

>> No.51630628

I still firmly believe that Gura would have graduated a long time ago but Cover bribes her not to do so because apart from the fact that she still has enormous brand power to sell merchandise it would also look terrible for the company if their most famous talent were to leave for no apparent reason giving rise to a lot of bad speculation.
Cover literally makes more money paying her to do nothing than straight firing her.

>> No.51630666

Shes sick alright

>> No.51630789

Yep, having the most subscribed vtuber in the West on your team is a great selling point and attracts investors, even if she streams the least.

>> No.51630994

Then just come out and say it, either personally or have cover put out a statement. Simple

>> No.51631069

oshi no show

>> No.51631111

fuck you lol

>> No.51631420

rip retard shark

>> No.51631588

>We still don't know why she took a 2 month break last winter
I don't think she was ever sick but went to rehab instead and was too embarrassed to say so.

>> No.51631595
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>> No.51631611

oh no

>> No.51631743

Gura is holding her streams hostage while negotiating the design for her 2.0 model. she hates her big head and crooked face.

>> No.51631778

cover is holding the model hostage until she streams. we have a standoff. oh nyo

>> No.51631914
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>its mostly gonna be a 3D live again and merch shill as expected
I think there is going to be some fallout from that, especially if she doesn't schedule at least a few streams directly afterwards
Even Holos notorious for ghosting fans like Ayame and Shion have more streams this year and the redditfags of all people, who are notorious for brainless simping, are starting to Gura lazy, no stream doompost with alarming frequency, and they're not getting their lives ruined with le heckin negative karma like usual; now they're getting heckin updoots from kind strangers.
If Gura shows up just to shill merch before fucking off for another 2 months or whatever it is, I could see people starting to demand her to be graduated.

>> No.51631970

And rightfully so, I might add. I hate that Gura used to be my oshi, I used to consider her the best chuuba of all time, and now she's the way she is. Fuck you, phony shark bitch.

>> No.51632106

I hope so

>> No.51632128

I no longer care for the reddit shark

>> No.51632159

Nothing I can do but pray to Poseidon.

>> No.51632164

What if she actually just hates her fans?

>> No.51632182


>> No.51632209


>> No.51632227

Rehab=hospital for pregnancy

>> No.51632256

Based im glad my shark oshi is achieving happiness by having another mans babies.

>> No.51632270

Hey /vt/ my shark died let's goooooooooo

>> No.51632284

Its called being a bitch

>> No.51632311


>> No.51632334

>dying of having to appeal to a bunch of manchildren

>> No.51632349

Wait so she's not going to stream during her birthday?

>> No.51632370

No one knows.

>> No.51632376

Based cover destroying guras mental health.

>> No.51632383

My rrat is that Kson was able to get Gunrun to offer a juicy contract for Haachama and Gura to stop streaming for Hololive and eventually move to Vshojo.

>> No.51632396

She's not sick and you know it.

>> No.51632401

Poseidon is the worst of all gods. His buffs in Hades are garbage. He won't do much for you

>> No.51632407

Probably not shes tired of her fans and has to take care of her mulatto children.

>> No.51632429

Lol lmao

>> No.51632465

They wouldn’t be able to accept it.

>> No.51632513

She will so she can siphon simp money from poor little shrimps again.

>> No.51632530

Dude if you have actually seen her most recent streams anyone with half a brain knows this already… guess my mistake is assuming chumcucks even have half a brain

>> No.51632598

I hope he's dead like all lgbt freaks should be

>> No.51632623


We've always known what *health issues* mean. She's either changing diapers and blowing her nose with daddy's child support or laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling and wondering just how much Zoloft she needs to take to end it.

>> No.51632812
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>Ironmouse is legit sick

>> No.51632929

Ironmouse is not a straight liar. We Heard her machines on stream multiple times.
But you wouldn't know thta since you don't watch her streams

>> No.51633099

She's been dying for a really long time

>> No.51633243

She's not my take is she was either pregnant or went back to finish college to take on veterinary since she loves volunteering at animal shelters.

>> No.51633343

its either alcoholism or meth

>> No.51633635

Who knows. But it doesn't matter either way now. If she streams it looks like she's just returning for the birthday cash and it looks tasteless. And if she doesn't stream during her birthday then she's once again ignored her fanbase.

>> No.51633691

I'm guessing no at this point. There hasn't been any advertising. Corporate would advertise to increase merch sales.

>> No.51633758

Actually kira goes missing all of the time too.

>> No.51633838

My cousin works for Hololive in japan.
She gave birth and needs some time to take care of the baby.

>> No.51634063

lmao shes not shes getting her holes stuffed with bbc (and wouldnt have it any other way)

>> No.51634304

Even the shittiest communities don't deserve shit like that.

>> No.51634332

that bbc? me

>> No.51634576


>> No.51634595

my niece works for the cousin, verified.

>> No.51634611

Well it makes sense gura would choose that over having to talk to a bunch of fat neckbeards all day.

>> No.51634687
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>> No.51634691

Why is it cause tyrone left her? Burn the coal pay the toll i guess

>> No.51634726

The only people who can satisfy her…

>> No.51634770

Now that the dust has settled, why did Gura start hating her fans?

>> No.51634785

Cover doesn't really have to bribe her considering "Gawr Gura" is their character and they can decide if/when she graduates. Just pay her for a few recordings to keep the investors satisfied. If the same voice pops up somewhere else while she's still active, she would be far from the first

>> No.51634803


>Loves animals


>> No.51634835

what if gura almost got oshi no ko'd thats why shes radio silent

>> No.51634862

I'd forgive her for being a lazy bitch

>> No.51634890


>> No.51634926

But what about for betraying her fans trust for communicating more?

>> No.51634949

Do you really have to ask the obvious?

>> No.51634994

Good i hope she has a fine time raising that child with my superchat money

>> No.51635148

cover needs to train an AI with gura and just clone the neurosama idea. people would love that shit.

>> No.51635154

Why are chumcucks like this? Your loyalty is misguided.

>> No.51635180


>> No.51635195

I would be happy

>> No.51635245

>chumkeks getting uppity again over their oshi hating them

>> No.51635282
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>> No.51635295

Now i see where her priorities are.

>> No.51635313

Based chloe getting rid of the fake idol

>> No.51635346

Then let people know i see no reason to hide that you are fighting for your life lol

>> No.51635395

I mean it would be pretty chaotic to tell everyone that shes having live threatening pregnancy complications.

>> No.51635398

I didn't confirmed anything jackass.

>> No.51635404

She is 100% announcing her graduation during her birthday

>> No.51635420

Chloe knows who the enemy is.

>> No.51635469

Doubt it but if it does happen the shitstorm would be something to behold.

>> No.51635501

That would be funny

>> No.51635523

That's a possibility maybe the reason she was only doing mainly shill streams was to finish her contract and leave in good terms.

>> No.51635531

It truly is a never ending cycle.

>> No.51635540

>gura graduation with still no EN3
that's gonna suck

>> No.51635591

So far management hasn't said a word about her birthday. Gura hasn't done a non-collab in over 6 weeks so maybe they are just trying to avoid questions on why she would appear for her birthday and than disappear right after. Cover interns had to work overtime in 2022 to convince people these radio silent "health" breaks weren't suspensions but the new normal with Gura might be even harder to explain.

>> No.51635598
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Fucking uncaring whore

>> No.51635621


>> No.51635637

Whoa whoa calm down there chumfuck no need to go that far now.

>> No.51635640


Not a chance. As long as cover can use her to stream once every two months and shill her character to move merchandise they will never force her to graduate.

And, of course, she will never willingly leave Hololive unless forced. It's free money. Sana got canned for this, but Gura is the golden goose. She will never be fired unless she straight up dies

>> No.51635658

Eh I prefer less members desu.

>> No.51635686

>Sana got canned for this,
Actual retard

>> No.51635708

Your fault you chose the wrong oshi.

>> No.51635733

Sana left because she didn't want to lose the chinese money from her other job.

>> No.51635748

Money isn't everything. And with her fame she already knows where ever she goes people will follow and that scares cover shitless of the possibility of gura rm joining vshojo or going Indy. Cover can't stop her from resignating. She's free to quit if she wants.

>> No.51635768

So gura is missing? Thats arguably worse than just her graduating.

>> No.51635781

She is chained to a radiator in Pontiac Michigan being screamed at by a Shiba Inu

>> No.51635815

That would require her to care about her fans concerns.

>> No.51635825

But more importantly, why do sisters seethe so much about her?

>> No.51635828



>> No.51635852

Judging by Sana's statements about this not being entirely her choice and the fact that it happened right around the time contracts were being renewed. Management probably gave her an ultimatum in return for renewing her contract and she refused.

>> No.51635854

Guess we will see in july

>> No.51635924

Because nobody but all 1.2k of their kind watches the homos. And they're mad men aren't gay enough to watch Gaytare and Fagnis do gay sex innuendoes during collabs.

>> No.51635978

Except cover really has no reason to fire talents unless they did something really unforgivable (e.g rushia). As long as they bring a net profit graduating them only tarnished their reputation and creates a waste of a slot.

>> No.51635979

This but haachama

>> No.51636055

>Ironmouse is legit sick and bedridden but streams almost daily.
Logically that makes someone more likely to stream and makes it less impressive. If all you can do is stream, then it becomes a way to stave off boredom. If you're a girl who is out and about, streaming is just another tiresome obligation that weighs on you after a while.

>> No.51636061

Nah i still see it as a sana issue. The reality is that she couldn’t keep up with vtubing while doing her other jobs and just didn’t seem to like it as much.

>> No.51636111

Well yeah but chammers is actually sick, gura is just lying out of her ass.

>> No.51636154

What? Her own fans raging at their oshi for not giving a fuck?

>> No.51636165


No way their contract doesn't have some clause about commitment. "Stream X hours a week," or some shit. Too much of a liability for cover otherwise.

Some talents (Gura, Ayame, etc.) are just suspiciously immune to repercussions on this front. Huge double standard

>> No.51636207

Thank god i have an oshi who cares about me and isn’t a lying snake.

>> No.51636254


I think Gura having exploded into full bore menhera and struggling to exist isn't that farfetched.

She really could be broken mentally

>> No.51636301

I think gura got married and can only stream when her husband isn't home. Because he's abusive jealous piece of shit. She's scared shitless of him. This is what she meant by her new normal.

>> No.51636302

You cant just be "immune" to contractual requirements its much more likely that cover saw sana was a ticking time bomb they needed to diffuse.

>> No.51636318

rent free

>> No.51636388

Rent free is you sister what are you doing a thread about Gawr Gura why aren't you gay horny posting in your containment board.

>> No.51636454

Makes the most sense, guess its gonna stay like this since once you go black you never go back and gura just can’t help herself.

>> No.51636485

>broken mentally

>> No.51636528

THIS seems like people are forgetting the circumstances that led to rushias termination.

>> No.51636608

>suspiciously immune
While I do agree there's probably some sort of activity requirement for most talents, I'm also pretty sure Gura and Ayame make them a lot of fucking money so they probably don't care about the requirements for those two in particular.

>> No.51636636

Japanese are pretty autistic about following contracts I highly doubt this is the case.

>> No.51636637

Moom is/was sick and her fans keep telling her to get off twitter. Why can't shark tweet? There's no way she doesn't know how.

>> No.51636670

She probably deserved it than.

>> No.51636696

If that was true rushia wouldn’t have been fired.

>> No.51636737

Cant wait for the announcement

>> No.51636847

>trust me bro we all love gura here

>> No.51636896

Gura is fighting with management over something major the same way that Sana was fighting with them last year. They can't keep using the health break excuse since this has been going on for over a year but they can't really explain why she keeps going radio silent for weeks only to show up for a collab.

>> No.51636920

The back injury probably didn't help matters, because it limits how active she can be, and meant she had to make a choice. Drop hololive, and go back to focusing on her art, or stay in Hololive, where she's stuck as the runt, and she'll have no time for her art because the number of projects Cover wants them to do tends to increase after a year. Considering how much she loves art, it's pretty obvious which choice she was going to make.

>> No.51636960

that ironmouse girl streamed while being in an iron lung that's not an excuse.

>> No.51636989

let me see
>baiting the hell out of it
>is a Connor sidekick
>is a backstabbing bitch
>likes Mori
>24/7 asking viewers to be cucks for her

No ty, even if she's not a pseud i wouldn't watch your whore. Also zhangs were right, kson and cocotards are cancer

>> No.51637084

Oh please, chumkeks are so delusional they'll praise her as the second coming of Christ returning from the dead.

>> No.51637192

>he fell for it

>> No.51637261

>but bros why won't they fire her if she doesn't stream!
>yeah we all love gura here

>> No.51637289
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>> No.51637306

Gura streams from a bacta tank

>> No.51637382

Latinas are built different.

>> No.51637408

Cause there is

>> No.51637438

Based if true

>> No.51637445

She never had a back injury. Sana as an artist is bigger and in more demand than Ina, while also being way slower than Ina. Drawing for chink gacha pays better than Hololive, at least it does for Ina and DEFINITELY Sana, both of whom aren't top in SCs or members or sponsors. Sana simply could not keep up with her chink gacha obligations and Hololive at the same time, which is why she left.

>> No.51637464

Gura hate gura hate

>> No.51637481

It doesn’t matter. Gura’s actions are bad enough that that’s both unlikely and not an excuse.
*clap**clap* Next low-effort baitpost!

>> No.51637486

Jesus do chumcucks actually look like that? Fucking disgusting

>> No.51637517


>> No.51637551

Isn’t this basically just the anti christ….yeah makes sense.

>> No.51637576

Moom actually likes her fans thats the difference

>> No.51637604


>> No.51637650

No wonder they always seem to be angry all the time just look at them.

>> No.51637676

Honestly fuck ina for bringing that lazy bitch into hololive

>> No.51637697

you think?

>> No.51637730

>chummies trying their hardest to defend some lazy whore who doesn’t even know their names.

>> No.51637736

>be sick and dying
>tell fans
>get overwhelming support and positivity

>be sick and dying
>dont tell fans
>everyone assumes youre a bitch and hates you

>> No.51637753

Ina herself is a lazy bitch so what did you expect? At least Sana had the good grace to actually leave instead of hanging around cynically for cash like Gura is doing.

>> No.51637772


>> No.51637834

everyone shut the fuck up

>> No.51637860

I just don’t understand streamers, they have the easiest job on earth and still manage to be too mentally ill to do it.

>> No.51637953

>Ungrateful people are successful

A told as old as time

>> No.51638039

Only half of your statement is correct. They have the easiest job on earth. As for not doing it, they are doing it, that's what makes it so easy. Despite all the complaining about Gura, do you really think she won't be showered in money the moment she comes back? She finally has the dream job, where she doesn't have to work and people pay her.

>> No.51638140

God graduate her aswell

>> No.51638172

They truly are the most manipulated fanbase.

>> No.51638269


>> No.51638356

kek. i wish i was an artist and could draw this.

>> No.51638430

you realize she was using software to animate a cartoon girl and stream it as video on the internet where other people watched and paid her? these are not normal people... especially back when she got hired.

>> No.51638488

>She never had a back injury.
Let me guess, you're going to post that tweet where she said she's healthy? Maybe you should also post the one where she said that rumors are harmful to her job. If she has fans constantly screeching about her health and acting like she's going to die the minute she picks up a pen, companies aren't going to hire her, because they want artists that can meet a deadline, not ones that are dead. THAT is why she says she's healthy, because healthy people get work, and she wants to keep working.

>> No.51638616

It's not "killing" her don't blindly listen to the shitposting/here/. It's just making her life more difficult

>> No.51638809

what a life

>> No.51638890

Its over

>> No.51638911

Anti board sorry

>> No.51638940

wait, it she smart enough to not mention she has a hurt back or not?

>> No.51638950


>> No.51638967

chronic illness vs terminal illness, pick up a dictionary retard

>> No.51639112

isn't this cool

>> No.51639116

What if she actually likes her fans?

>> No.51639137

>100 gura antis circle jerking


>> No.51639217

Not like Ina "forgot her phone for 2 months" Nis any better, id say she is worse.

>> No.51639237

Its always the mentally ill woman people throw money at.

>> No.51639241

what the heck is a circle?

>> No.51639364

She is sick but she's not dying afaik

>> No.51639391

Thats what this board is about.

>> No.51639426

>Ironmouse is legit sick and bedridden

>> No.51639571

There's not much to understand besides the ugly truth - they don't care -that- much about their jobs. Many fans care a lot, lot lot more about vtubers and Hololive and its image/story and all that than the chuubas themselves.

IIRC one of Gura's goals was to make friends with the other Holos but maybe after a few years if she doesn't feel that close with them or things in the background pushed them apart, if she doesn't really like most of the ENs anymore she just doesn't give a fuck anymore. It was kind of telling to me she hit it off with the Councils to make SNOT a thing for a bit, like she was just over Myth at that point, and now whatever is going on her with now seems more important than the snot crew too.

>> No.51639860

ToTbros... not like this...

>> No.51640241

Most people bring up her roommate tweet about being perfectly healthy but the way she talked about her back injury was like she was reading from a script. That several of her VODs got mysteriously deleted when her graduation was announced didn't seem random or that several months later more holoEN talents had radio silent "health" breaks.

>> No.51640374

Ok, what do I look for?

>> No.51641729

Imagine being an adult woman who was cursed with being under 5'3" and this approaches you.

>> No.51642003

well, it might be cancer, think about it
chemo/surgery (feel bad no energy, literally out of life for few months) -> recovering (back to life to a limited extent) -> feel good for short amount of time -> chemo/surgery -> recovering -> feels good -> chemo ... and so on

>> No.51642433

>it might be cancer
don't be rude you fucking faggot

>> No.51642647
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>> No.51642684

through other peoples eyes, sono san

>> No.51642703

im not rude, im afraid because i know how people with cancer function and again, just look at technoblade case
you can call me schizo and maybe i am, but you cant deny obvious patterns

>> No.51642849

there's zero chance i'll call you schizo.

>> No.51642899

nta but cancer is really fucking unlikely under the age of like 40. can still happen yeah but even then "more likely" on that spectrum is gonna be like.. late 30s.

besides if gura actually was legit ill you'd think the other ENs would back her up on it or something saying it's serious, get well soon etc. otherwise there ain't much countering the likelihood of it being a cover story really.

>> No.51642914


>> No.51642988

based on what?

>> No.51643001

It's not another obligation, it's your only obligation, it's her literal job, if she doesn't like it she should quit, but she probably likes the money and hates the job

>> No.51643134

At least she and everyone else you mention stream regularly and take care of their audience unlike...you know

>> No.51643146

hopefully not, hololive need this shark to contain all her schizo fans

>> No.51643194

>besides if gura actually was legit ill you'd think the other ENs would back her up on it or something saying it's serious, get well soon etc

it depends, some people just don't want to feel sorry for them. btw didnt ina was full time around gura like a nanny when they both were in japan?

>> No.51643201

Why not the simplest of options? She hates being a vtuber now

>> No.51643257

the nanny rrat was side destroying

>> No.51643292

>She recorded all her voice lines and will have someone body double the live.

>> No.51643390
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The real question is why does everyone hate gura?

>> No.51643468

it is not the oppo gyaku da

>> No.51643713

god i was very korean

>> No.51643741

a.) Initially, seethe at her success from JP holo fans, declaring her as not worthy of the title etc. Remember when she knocked Fubuki off the #1 spot and also took the first mil subs? Yeah. There was some animosity at the time between EN fans and JP fans - JP fans had been there longer, often years longer, and holoEN brought in a giant surge of newfags who sometimes knew little or nothing about holoJP they were annoying. Global took off instantly because the initial EN fandom was so fucking new/different from the existing JP one that it really needed its own space.

b.) In modern day, seethe at her success from nijiEN fans and also indies/small corpos etc for her being the dominant spot and thinking she didn't earn it/work for it/deserve it still.

c.) Also in the modern day, seethe at her having so much success and then just blowing it all doing almost-nothing for like a year+, and half a year+ of practically Ayame mode inactivity. Now even fans (or rather lots of former fans) now feel spurned/burned and now think she doesn't deserve it.

>> No.51643810

good lord

>> No.51643840


>> No.51643875

you can even be full of energy and physically very active on recovering stage, and died few weeks later, its really scary how thin might be the line between life and death

>> No.51643903

yeah huh

>> No.51644128

wait a minute are you watching me die

>> No.51644246

I don't even know who you are

>> No.51644284

Even if there is a birthday stream, what would Gura even talk about? What an exciting year she had with the chumbuds? It’ll be fucking awkward and she knows the audience is going to have questions. I can’t imagine the stream being very fun but really depressing. Gura isn’t even my oshi and the idea bums me out. How will her viewers respond?

>> No.51644298

kick start my heart

>> No.51644366

>Maybe you should also post the one where she said that rumors are harmful to her job
that tweet was specifically about linking her RM account to her hololive account because chinks are still mad at hololive. She doesn't want to be associated with hololive anymore.

>> No.51644397

theres nothing to shill so why?

>> No.51644484

fuck all of you, i'm going to go watch last year's stream.

>> No.51644511

immunodeficiency is survivable retard

>> No.51644638


>> No.51644661

If ironlung can tell her fans that she's dying and still streamed then she can do it too

>> No.51644673

It's going to be pre-recorded like last year.

>> No.51644787

look at those stings

>> No.51644858

that ain't gura

>> No.51645283

You know I've always wondered who'd be the first one to get their ass handed to them on/off-stream but the conclusion is that even the fattest one there (Mori) are too chickenshit to separate the bullshit from putting a foot down

>> No.51645347

Rehab is credible honestly.

She was talking about hallucinating people in her house on stream like it was totally normal right before she started in with all the long radio silences.

Would not be surprised if she was using amphetamines to keep up her schedule and if finally caught up with her.

Seeing shadow people like that is classic tweaker.

>> No.51645435

Yeah, there's no reason for Gura to leave, and no reason for Hololive to get rid of her.
There's also no incentive for her to actually stream, since she makes free money doing nothing, and Cover can't make her stream since she has all the power given that she's the one making them free money.
Gura will simply never stream regularly ever again since she grew bored of it, and doesn't need to stream to make money.

>> No.51645441

there are others who would find a way to stream from their death bed

>> No.51645648

She isn't, you niggas said the same about Ayame while she continues to fleece you of money 3 years later.

>> No.51645654

Why those two extremes?

>> No.51645732

Then she would graduate

>> No.51646392

>hallucinating people in her house
New rrat: Gura was diagnosed with schizophrenia and has been avoiding streaming while trying to find the correct medication therapy regimen that won't make her sound like a living zombie.

>> No.51646541 [DELETED] 


>> No.51646561

Vtubers aren't normal people. The kind of girl that would consider becoming a vtuber likely wasn't mentally stable in the first place.

>> No.51646949

I thought /vt/ would be the most open to discussing this. Her stream comment sections are much wilder than expected. Why have they not disabled comments?

>> No.51647382
File: 107 KB, 1213x581, 1655811949036348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I really want to know is how the fuck her comments section is ten times funnier than these type of threads. You fags better up your game.

>> No.51647535

>nta but cancer is really fucking unlikely under the age of like 40
Chances go up by 10,000% if she got the jab

>> No.51647648

What I don’t get is why she isn’t just more open about whatever is going on. Like just subtly or non-subtly suggest what is going on.

Like it’s hard to imagine it’s health issues like plenty of YouTubers and streamers still do things even if literally dying. I remember seeing Total biscuit walking around at pax even after being diagnosed with terminal ass cancer and uploading videos on the days he wasn’t throwing up from chemo.

It’s hard to imagine it is something besides deep depression, apathy, or weird contract stuff. Just make up a more believable excuse besides “health reasons”

>> No.51647703

The chumbuds are going schizo in the comments again...

>> No.51647814

Real answer? She doesn't like her fans. She'll portray the character on stream but as far as she's concerned you have zero right to know anything about her off stream life. No tweets about what she did today, no casual chat about what she's into, nothing.

>> No.51647879

what if you sent me a million dollars tomorrow?

>> No.51648016

Except she IS pregnant, with MY child. Sorry chumcucks.

>> No.51648151

Yeah probably not entirely wrong. Someone like Ame is way more willing to go on about whatever shit she isn’t into at the moment and if she isn’t streaming will make an effort to at least update on what’s going on at least vaguely.

>> No.51648204

for real. I was watching luna's stream about her trip to Hokkaido, showing pictures etc... You'll never get that from Gura.

>> No.51648252

There is a good reason for cover to fire her though. For one, internal morale, it looks really bad if some employees have special rights (to not do anything) that others don't. Once you are big enough, why bother working if you can't be fired?

The second issue is that Gura fans will go elsewhere for VTuber content or leave altogether. People building resentment towards her (and cover) hurts the brand long term.

The short term merchandise sales may not be good for long term company stability.

>> No.51648293

It was said already, something people don't seem to comprehend - >>51639571

She doesn't care about all this like you think she does, because she's not as invested in this whole thing as you. It's too much work to try to think up a way to explain what's up with her - she doesn't care enough to try to explain things or negotiate her way back into peoples' good favor.

Basically she was always a casual fake fan of the whole thing because she's always been like that period, ironic weeb -at fucking best-, -at fucking most charitable- and otherwise something even lesser than ironic. I remember Miko describing seeing fear in her eyes when they met face to face, for that matter Cover staff had to basically force her to do even that. Fear of what? Seeing someone like Miko who streams as a full time job nonstop for like 6 years, someone who actually walks the walk? Gura knows people like Miko care about this gig like 100x more than her. I would say impostor syndrome is like a 1000% accurate assessment.

>> No.51649226

None of those problems are worth the risk of firing her, which could potentially damage their brand more than it would letting her do almost nothing.
Also Gura isn't the only one in the company that gets away with doing the bare minimum, so it's not like she's getting exclusive treatment.

>> No.51649627

Gura my schizo wife...

>> No.51653843

Yeah yeah
All of those rrats about Cover disguising the Holo girls suspensions as healthy breaks is funny and all until you remember They literally issued a statement saying they were going suspended Vesper for bad behavior and that's with Yagoo himself shilling them.
And IIRC this occurred at the PEAK of the homo shilling as well

>> No.51654749

>Mumei, Ina and Kronii all went through health shit this year

And you're believing them?

>> No.51654831

Anon you don't need fucking amphetamines to work 10 hours per week.

>> No.51654920


>> No.51654980

Mumei is pretty convincing at least.

>> No.51655767

Maybe she just had random stress hallucinations? Bipolar disorder, Sleep deprivation, and psychotic depression (yes it's a real thing) could all cause hallucinations. At this point it could be anything.
