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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51625113 No.51625113 [Reply] [Original]

The vtubing scene as a whole would be less insufferable if japanese vtubers started taking inspiration from english vtubers.
You may seethe, but deep down, you know it's true.

>> No.51625185

It's the opposite, the less normalfags around the better anything will be.

>> No.51625200


>> No.51625246

Kill yourself

>> No.51625266

>the anti is learning now. Finally it's on page 2 of basic falseflagging techniques, after that pitiful excuse of an atttempt to LARP as a deadbeat.

>> No.51625699


>> No.51625704

I won't say incel but yeah idol culture is a pretty bad thing for vtubing in general
Would be good if Hololive stops pandering to idol freaks

>> No.51626213

Its worse because they pander to vt idol cult-ure, not even the actual one at times.

>> No.51626328

>not wanting your mental illness to stain vtubing as whole because you're a manchild who cant get over the fact that men and women interact together is falseflagging

>> No.51626443

They should pander to the people that have no money, prefer to watch clips and are so fickle that they immediately jump to the next new person instead of becoming a dedicated fan.

>> No.51626508

People like OP are reason why I don't trust scientists. They all say humans needs brain to live, but if that was true OP would not exist.

>> No.51626547

Newfagchama, go back and watch 2020 Mori and then tell me she wasn't pandering to incels like her life depended on it (which it probably did.)
Then she turned her back to the entire community and worked to destroy it from within.

>> No.51626587

Holos aren't real idols, no matter how much they larp as it.
Most have boyfriends and some are even married.

>> No.51626612

>triggered groomer viewer

>> No.51626664

A true manchild is someone who unironically thinks that 4chan is still a relevant battlefield.

>> No.51626728

Please improve yourself and become unicorn friendly.

>> No.51626784
File: 1.40 MB, 1784x900, 1683921217754241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so right sister! Teach the truth to these incels!

>> No.51626845

>but deep down, you know it's true.
I don't because this is what an incel would say.

>> No.51626895


>> No.51626947
File: 193 KB, 414x478, 1685292716134373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have posted some more potent bait, something like
>Hololive should just drop the idol stuff in general, the songs and the concerts just incentivise idol culture freaks from ruining everything! The sooner they start collabing with more males and announcing relationships publicly the better! pic rel because I totally don't give a shit about my oshi singing, even if she enjoys it

>> No.51630788


>> No.51630917

Nah just post something with tempus in the op, guaranteed reaches post limit

>> No.51631550
File: 294 KB, 850x1200, 1683295413608672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incels are the primary market for vtubers, what the hell are you going on about? You think someone with a healthy social life is going to be interested in talking to anime girls online?

>> No.51631989


>> No.51633359

The problem with that is that the ones who think like this don't actually care about vtubing; all they care about is owning le heckin incels. If they were to "win" then they'd just move on to the next thing while leaving vtubing to die off. You know, the modus operandi of normalfags.

>> No.51634061

>I don't understand the idol culture.
>I can't believe how consumerist it is for fans to buy multiple CD's to support Oshis.
>But Twitch subathon is the best invention in the world. Audiences can financially support content creators!!!!

twitchsisters logic

>> No.51635191

Now that's a straw man argument if I ever saw one. Reddit incarnate.

>> No.51635609

Paypigs can be anyone with a lot of money, so if the metric is money, I don't think socialization is correlated. As for incel culture, look at the financial status of the typical incel's role model and tell me if these are the kind of people that fanatically obsess about single individual girls for years on end.

>> No.51636902

I'm talking about lonely men who can't get a girlfriend, not your caricature of a misogynist.

>> No.51636996

Mate brain is cut in separate part the part that make you "smart" isn't required to be fonctionel so you survive, especialy nowoday when people are so upset when you cut from the society inapt people. You have quite a good amount of people surviving in vegetative state, a little bit like OP. The issue here is that in a normal society people like OP would be euthanasied one way or another, but we overprotect them nowoday.

>> No.51637003


>> No.51637083

I don't think the rolemodel of lonely men who can't get a girlfriend fanatically obsesses about single individual girls on end.

>> No.51637088

i used to be somewhat sympathetic. but long exposure to this board has revealed the truth:
incel unicorns are basically trannies, they will use any small pretext to harass you forever. one "mistake" and you become irredeemable and they will cry and shit themselves until the end of time

>> No.51637167

that role model isn't real

>> No.51637211


>> No.51637446

there is a difference between finding some comfort in it and going full nuclear...you just need to maintain some detachment.

>> No.51641908


>> No.51642156

>incel shit
even my wife can't stand male vtubers and thinks they are insufferable

>> No.51642203

idol culture is literally the polar opposite of incel what the fuck is this rrat

>> No.51642270

EN vtubing is dying bro why would anyone watch 2d whores
