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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.05 MB, 3840x2160, 1667648653076208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51560299 No.51560299 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (VSPO!, Neo-Porte, indies, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (Crazy Raccoon, KNR, DTN, 芸人旅団, GETI, etc.) is also on topic.
Previous thread: >>51550057

Upcoming/ongoing events:
Crazy Raccoon Cup OW2:

3D collabs:

Pacific Racing Team collab

VSPO! 3D announcement.

VSPO! is:


Recent personal projects:
Lisa's 30 People Totsumachi
Minecraft Hide & Seek (Met POV)
Sumire's VSPO Morals Check

Songs, anime, etc.:
Point two seconds story
New Logo Animation PV
Original Song "for Victory!" Animation MV (Short ver.)
for Victory! (Full ver.)

Main channel competitions:
Previous: New Year OW2 Winter Campaign
Extra: Autumn Sudden Test (Ren's channel)

VSPO! Gekiro:
Premium: https://ch.nicovideo.jp/vspo
Previous: Fortune ranking

>> No.51560563
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ASHUMI, owner of thread
this is now an an ASHUMI thread

>> No.51560574
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Mimitaya sufferant offstream...
Diamond 1...

>> No.51560606
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>> No.51560623
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So I think we can all agree that Qpi is indisputably the most sex Vspo.

>> No.51560685

She somehow made Beni look tame

>> No.51560733

Why does she have a front butt

>> No.51560863

After those exciting 3ds it's time for some cozy Teto minecraft

>> No.51561005
File: 385 KB, 578x711, gyaruoshiri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna eat her ass

>> No.51561062

That's where she shits from

>> No.51561138

IF you think that would stop me burying my tongue as deep in her ass as I possibly can you are sadly mistaken.

>> No.51561297

Honestly, I don't care about shitposters and tourists that much anymore but there is one thing that bothers me. I really hope anon who created the mega link is still around and it's just artist who stopped drawing more stuff. Because if he just stopped updating and there is more of the lewds I really want see them because they are the best of anything avaliable.

>> No.51561386

Artist just hasn't uploaded anything relevant lately, Ema and Yui coming soon though.

>> No.51561620

God bless you, anon.

>> No.51561897

Axel love

>> No.51561999

For the Kamitosisters

>> No.51562099

not only it wasn't oreapo, it is fuking koikatsu semi lewds, fuck you anon...

>> No.51562162

that was a 10 for 3d debut. congrats

>> No.51562167

i'm watching nose and aqua at the same time and they use the same generic bgm and it's driving me insane

>> No.51562172

Anon you download the card and go make him fuck Hinano on your own time.

>> No.51562215

guys dtto is doxxing everyone but no one is watching

>> No.51562646
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They look like THIS???

>> No.51562974

fuck you sharou's bgm are great

>> No.51562986

Cute nipples...

>> No.51563023
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>> No.51563041
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>> No.51563287

I take back my words, Blue Protocol is boring af

>> No.51564027

i thought it was gonna be super innovative since everyone was praising it but it's just slightly better genshit

>> No.51565428

bros qpi was too kawaii.....

>> No.51565580

Weird way to spell incredibly erotic.

>> No.51565617

u live in jp or someshit? i started playing yesterday and got banned today for playing from non-japan IP lol

>> No.51565648

Hanaboo really is on the BP grind.
Yesterday 11h, today 6h before the 3d and already playing for 3.5h again... not bad, not bad at all.

>> No.51566871

Rats are cooking some weird spots this season.

>> No.51566900
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>> No.51567081

I got the ban hammer right after I've done my group session but my main problem is the class itself are so boring it's feel like I played PSO all over again
but I don't mind watching a group stream their interaction is fun

>> No.51567568
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Qpi is qute. I'm surprised that she ended up going for a new outfit, given how much she talked about her current live2d as being designed with 3d in mind.

>> No.51567945

The short shorts are infinitely more sex than the long pants would have been.

>> No.51567983

Agreed. It was a great decision.

>> No.51568197

Why did Kamito end his stream just to continue hanging around while still being in the game

>> No.51568519

lol. I hope you learned something.

>> No.51568730

How was the CR cup OW? Selly domination for the first day as expected?

>> No.51568783
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its not really "new" just adjusted.

>> No.51569951
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I want Qpi to grind my dick against her short shorts before deepthroating it

>> No.51570802

I want qpi to stream

>> No.51570842

good luck astel

>> No.51571902

checking the #s thread cause qpi "won" - they're literally obsessed with axel lol. i see how it is

>> No.51571974

I expect Qpi, Tuna, Sena and Ramuchi to have gone out to eat afterwards.

>> No.51572047

Yeah, then they all came back to my place for a night of sex.

>> No.51572238

It wasnt tuna?
Not surprising he's their favorite recently

>> No.51572324

Can't beat the brown sex

>> No.51572409

I miss early morning 5 stack valo streams that aren't bukatsu.

>> No.51572478

I give bluepro a week at most since cr valo soon too

>> No.51572546

Huh, I don't remember typing this.

>> No.51572551

Is there any chance that a vspo will make it into CR SF6? Not that anyone playing fighting games.
I'm surprised that Hinano or Tsuna didn't end up in CR OW. Maybe they'll get this as compensation.

>> No.51572635

I miss noah solo valo. That one stream she had on twitch got me exited for her valo. She has different playstyle from most of vspos (probably because she is duelist player) and is not afraid to take 1v1 often and overall playing agressive while relying on her aim. Others seem to be afraid to play like that and I actually liked noah playstyle much more.

>> No.51572677

Did anyone play it besides Ren? And Ren didn't seem to know anything about fighting games. Don't think Toto will participate but was curious about her trying SF6 as one of her goons, Tachikawa, is an actual pro.

>> No.51572855

Lisa did, for a little bit. Though most of it was making a character.

>> No.51573013

Oh right, forgot about Lisa's stream. Also forgot about Nauman, another one of her underlings, being a SF6 player...

>> No.51573771

Teto Minecraft still going strong after 5 hours...

>> No.51575356
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>> No.51575743

Toto might since she's friends with a few Japanese players from random collabs but thats just a complete guess since she's never streamed it

>> No.51575902

I think they might not have done CR OW cause of the Valo Masters collab thing. I'd bet they're all required to do a certain amount of costream time.

>> No.51576760
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do you guys actually play FPS games or just watch chuubas? just curious since I got into apex after watching vspo

>> No.51576861

Every male in sweden is required to play counterstrike so yes I play them
the zoomers play apesex, fortnite and valorant though

>> No.51576921
File: 247 KB, 965x1445, Fy0ocmSagAIA4Di - hinakisara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing overwatch right now

>> No.51577111

Played counter strike as a kid and a few old titles then mostly RTS since. Occasionally gamed in HS and uni but I'm getting back with playing again after I build my pc.

>> No.51577142

I don't, wanted to get into it after watching vspo, but got bored from trying to learn the game alone (apex). Also don't have as much time to learn the game from scratch now. My only fps experience is cross fire like ~8 years ago. A bit of cs with friends but never really played it. I'm good at dota tho, the competitive mindset is what I like about vspo

>> No.51577176

Stopped playing FPS but I still enjoy watching them. Same as I still sometimes watch dota2('s big tournaments). Just don't have the time to grind FPS/mobas/fighting games anymore. Mahjong it is.

>> No.51577580

do your valo reps from now on, Reido-kun

>> No.51577779
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nice. I'm Estonian so I played my fair share of 1.6 and CSS as well but somehow never got into GO, it seems to be pretty popular though still especially since ropz has been a strong player. I agree with fortnite and valo being zoomer games but somehow apex seems more or less fine even if it's a battle royale, I guess the source engine movement makes it fun

I bought Overwatch for €60 on launch and then played less than 10 games. not sure why but it didn't seem fun to play at that time, interesting to watch good players though

nice, I was big into the command & conquer games like red alert & tiberian sun as well

I played dota as well for 10~ years lol. I guess anons have good taste in games

>> No.51578761

I actually only ever played dota and never ever touched dota2. Not even once... but in this general there seem to be a lot oldschool gamers. It's a mighty fine general.

>> No.51578957
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>> No.51579048

Much more natural sex than Beni. Those hips don't lie.

>> No.51579087

Offpako with Qpi and ramucchi

>> No.51579507

Yes. I live and breathe FPS, ever since I was a kid.
But I watch vspo+friends because they're funny and sweet, not because they play FPS. I'd probably be watching them even if I never played a single FPS in my life.
Gekipochi EFT is what got me into this whole community, and that required no love for EFT to appreciate.

>> No.51581158
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>> No.51581661
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rate em

>> No.51581928

That account that is supposedly Tsuna's other valo account had a couple of comp matches 5 hours ago. Is she back in korea already?

Qpi >>> Beni

>> No.51582172

beni acts the part but qpi lives it

>> No.51582196

The way she moves that ass bro...she definitely ride dicks once a day

>> No.51582441

Its unreal how hot Qpi is in 3d. They went all out. That ass was made to be eaten.

>> No.51583830

Yeah by me

>> No.51584225

https://youtu.be/vI6AXdH0W68 nichiasa met

>> No.51584806

Cutest girl in the world is cute, more at 8AM PST

>> No.51586206

>teto still streaming

>> No.51586292

Met being frustrated over a chicken is cute

>> No.51586343

Beni was very nice, but I haven't seen her full power yet.
For now, Qpi holds the crown for best ass.

>> No.51587569
File: 3.78 MB, 800x450, qpi ass.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51587732
File: 3.58 MB, 830x1030, qpi stomp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51587770

Someone out there has experienced this irl.

>> No.51587810
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i meant rate all the 3ds since theyre all over now sorry bout that

>> No.51588046


>> No.51588249

you usually see vtubers doing this but they are always somewhat too shy about it or trying to maintain a image. this woman FUCKS she knows she FUCKS and she has a lot of confidence in her own sex appeal. jezas.

>> No.51588390

I can't believe Beni lost her title of sex 担当 so easily

>> No.51589031
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Wingman bulge

>> No.51589398

artist sauce?

>> No.51589897
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>> No.51590009
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>> No.51590112
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don't put ass in my face if you don't want me to talk about it but for right now my top are qpi, lisa, nose. they were all really fun so i'll have to rewatch some of the previous ones for a refresher

>> No.51590247

I got caught watching vspo Sena 3D during a field exercise by sergeant major. Im so fucked lads..

>> No.51591454

is he a sena anti? talk shit about his oshi in front of him

>> No.51591710

Can Sena beat him in a shootout?

>> No.51592271

Don't bother. He deleted it because some faggot snitched about the no lewds policy.

>> No.51592455

how about his twitter?

>> No.51592494


>> No.51592705

Stopped playing FPS (any esports games in general) since 2015. It's just so sad to play them alone. I tried apex in 2020 because of its hype around jp vtuber/streamer circles but quitted after 3 hours.
I still watch streams and tourneys though

>> No.51597723

lisa a cutie

>> No.51597860

Tentei masters watch party

>> No.51598456

Hinano VCT watch party

>> No.51598993

what the fuck is kang kang's monitor position

>> No.51599036

With Beni, Met

>> No.51599453

Not gonna happen because she rarely plays more than 3 or 4 games in a session.

>> No.51599528

err >>51524944

>> No.51600024

Loud are useless, go back home already.

>> No.51600340

honestly I can be fine with the chinese winning if its brazilians losing. At least the chinese spam is kept inside the firewall, BR fans are so fucking retarded its insane.

>> No.51602040
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>> No.51602278

what happen to Loud? they look unbeatable in Americas league, now they struggling against Chinese team.

>> No.51602332

man i just want loud to win. that kangkang guy is way too fucking cocky, someone needs to put him in his place, he is a nobody.

>> No.51602380

2nd place curse = the team who gets 2nd place in a tournament is bound to do worse or not attend the next tournament. it has happened before and it is happening again to loud (2nd place vct lockin)

>> No.51602522

eh they really didnt they got carried by straight aim to a lot of wins through clutching, now they cant do that anymore

>> No.51602783

uruha in

>> No.51603274

Qpi is so insanely hot my dick has not been able to calm down. She needs to take responsibility for what she has caused.

>> No.51603613

>everyteam Hinano supported are losing

>> No.51603816

chinese team is probably cheating.

>> No.51604706
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>> No.51604809

I trained this sexdoll

>> No.51604860
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, Valorant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been inspired to play valorant by Beni but holy shit this game is cancer. Why are there so many griefers. Cant believe I managed to win.

>> No.51604963

because you play in hong kong server try playing in japan server and groom some 2view chubas

>> No.51605007

Im already playing in JP server to avoid nonstop cantonese/viet comms

>> No.51605102

>jp griefers
that is rare as fuck

>> No.51605251

Is it? Well to be honest its my first time seeing one but I decided to exaggerate to get (you)s.

>> No.51606048

bye bye loud it's been nice knowing you

>> No.51606127

Chinese Stronk

>> No.51606171

from no 1 team to this. loudbros wtf happened?

>> No.51606317

played fps for a longtime but never watched streamers until apexlegends
jp/asia side seems more interesting and I knew some japanese stuff already, not vtuber though
when will anons learn they have to censor all of the usernames?

>> No.51606473

>censor all of the usernames
Whats the problem? Anons who would search this guy would be a fucking loser for going trough the trouble

>> No.51606732

maybe I'm too paranoid for zoomers but idk, I maintain airgap between all my stuff

>> No.51606803

same but not with buipo, i only play for bp tho cuz im a plat shitter.

>> No.51606806

>mondo valorank stream
CR valo is so close...

>> No.51606935

Yeah if you don't want to be swatted you censor everything. Guy is probably going to die in this week.

>> No.51606980

>clutch fi interview
>chat goes horny
I wish I'm a good looking dude too...

>> No.51609911 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 413x382, fdz7835=kldsj0853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't feel so good...

>> No.51610441

i played
>cod uo,2,4,mw2
>literally no fps games for 8 years
>OW,BO4,apesex in recent years
>quit fps for now and i am back to assfaggots
tried valorant too cause beni made it look fun but there was more visual cancer in that game than OW and i had to deal with the shitty recoil too
won world cup in swat4 and was a tournament player in cod uo,2 and 4 but haven't achieved anything since then

>> No.51610515

I am global elite in valorant, radiant in apex, and predator in csgo. i'm the strongest fps player in this whole fucking thread

>> No.51611166
File: 299 KB, 640x475, letsfuckinggo.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's fucking go nrg!

>> No.51611517


>> No.51613907

hinano's despair voice is pretty hot

>> No.51613997
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[new goal]
sex with a japanese gyaru

>> No.51614219

Beni eating good today

>> No.51614282

fatnano x fatdiis

>> No.51614350

>wake up
>LOUD got 2-0'd by EDG.

>> No.51614386

bra71lianbros we got to cocky

>> No.51614411

beni's pussy must be really fucking wet right now

>> No.51614465

Actual Gyarus are kind of stinky, at least in my experience.

>> No.51614501

yes that's why i want to fuck them, thank you anon

>> No.51614506

Stop playing e-sport because SEA is a very bad region (dog shit teamwork)@. Also the games become shit over time and I have no patience to wait for next big patch/fix
>Rainbow six, overwatch, apex, Dota
Yesterday I downloaded Street Fighter

>> No.51614552

Bros... I should've become pro player...

>> No.51614554


>> No.51614589

Didn't the Chinese teams get a free invite because RIOT is basically owned by Tencent?

>> No.51614804

I dont want to have sex with qpi my new fantasy is is being her father but instead of being a dead beat I give her a spanking for twerking so much

>> No.51614885

what boring thing will Noah do today? I used to watch her about everyday, but the past 2 weeks were just horrible.

>> No.51615358
File: 913 KB, 2894x4093, FuAIEQKaMAENWzG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No... I thought I was safe...
Guess the massive losses in Valorant yesterday got to her...

>> No.51615511

et tu, mimitaya?

>> No.51615666

Noooo my road to taya plat 3

>> No.51615834

I love solo grinding watching dumb cutscenes with that one character and fishing.

>> No.51616367

Mimi should play diablo 4 instead.

>> No.51616399

yea I love staring at a screen of grey mud

>> No.51616565

mimi needs a game with husbandos

>> No.51616688

I want to see her play Dragon's Dogma.

>> No.51616810

tentei is thinking about playing blupro. shit has gone too far

>> No.51616984

I would love to get a DD fad before DD2 comes out.

>> No.51617200

Apex time please

>> No.51617271
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>> No.51618154

That is a much better choice. And she could grind it forever.

>> No.51618290

still hasn't found her key lol

>> No.51618819

She hasn't found it cause I have it, for safekeeping

>> No.51619298

give it back

>> No.51620156

>akarin is now vspo

>> No.51620217


>> No.51620243

holy shit our akarin now

>> No.51620260


>> No.51620262

stinky eyes

>> No.51620263

I just heard it in Kamito's chat and I was gonna ask here if it was true. Well, thanks for confirming it.

>> No.51620264

so akarin will debut 3D with met and ramuchi?
also that model

>> No.51620295
File: 131 KB, 1500x1500, akarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51620321

holy shit

>> No.51620343

I guess this confirms she's not babaniku

>> No.51620399

babiniku even

>> No.51620453

Akarin is boring as fuck.

>> No.51620658
File: 466 KB, 500x281, akariiiin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god now she looks like her too

>> No.51620659

does this mean that she is required to stream regularly on youtube now?

>> No.51620710

konkon lol
why tf is her name JustPlayLol

>> No.51620727

how long before Karubi is announced though

>> No.51620744

So every time I said Akarin (vspo), it was true?

>> No.51620781

God I hope

>> No.51620821
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>> No.51620867

vspo needs more burger streams

>> No.51620899

Do I have to learn who Akarin is now?

>> No.51620912

Rabuchi Meto Akarin 3d next week!

>> No.51620971

akarin = besto buispo baro pureya!

>> No.51621000

nah, i never even learned who ramu is. anything to do with balo is just pure cancer. but accelerate it is i guess

>> No.51621020

immortal valo twitch streamer. may or may not be a baby

>> No.51621064

this but with apex

>> No.51621065

Holy shit I didn't think twitch fps indies would join vspo. Don't really see upsides for them. I guess now I'm waiting for karubi to join (and donut, however thats not realistic because I don't think she has fps connections(but she did get coached by moth3r recently))

>> No.51621082

how have you not seen her in vspo collabs before?

>> No.51621132

Go back
Because he is tourist

>> No.51621139

I dont like valorant

>> No.51621141

Well, she evolved like a pokemon and she has tits now. I wonder if she'll change her voice.

>> No.51621181

I do kind of wonder if Met and Akarin have different contracts compared to the auditioned members. It seems like there's much less incentive for people like them to join Vspo when they're already successful independently.

>> No.51621213

in all seriousness karubi might be a tough sell considering her skill level but maybe they give her a pass for being hugely entertaining

>> No.51621283

I love VSPO, for the same reason that many anons hate them. I get a lot of enjoyment out of wresting a great experience from a highly-restricted environment. That's part of the challenge, for me.

>> No.51621293

met wasnt independent though she was under VApArt under 744 inc

>> No.51621323

Half of VSPO ain't that great at FPS. Akarin is more of of an outlier, so there should be no reason preventing Karubi joining.

>> No.51621329

nah, i'm an oldfag who doesn't like change

>> No.51621342

Vspo doesn't really care about your skill (see ema), the most important part is passion for games and will to grind fps if needed

>> No.51621394

774 disbanded VA, and Met likely could have negotiated to go independent like Patra did.

>> No.51621468

Met said that she would graduate if not for vspo deal. (Probably would still end up in vspo afterwards)

>> No.51621487

dtto next

>> No.51621504

i understand what you guys mean but there is still a section of the audition process where they test skill level. i remember ramu saying she got rejected the first time she auditioned and just grinded valo until her second audition and passed which makes it seem like theres still some consideration for skill. I could see them forgiving a lot considering how big karubi is though

>> No.51621598

what kind of test is it? aimlabs?

>> No.51621712

i duno man. if it were me i would make them duo with mimi and if you go positive for a session youre in

>> No.51621714

I remember Noah telling Karubi that Vspo was talking off stream about how good her aim was, and Karubi was like, am I being scouted?

>> No.51621744

I don't think being "entertaining" was a prerequisite to enter VSPO.

>> No.51621759

have to uv max god machine

>> No.51621765

It's probably just a bonus. For example if your charisma is not good enough(in the eyes of a guy who auditions you), your high skill level can carry you and give you some points to pass when otherwise you couldn't. Just my opinion, but thats what seems logical

>> No.51621778
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>> No.51621840


>> No.51621882

Aqua transfer to vspo when? Her gaming skills are wasted on cover there.

>> No.51622117

Mimi talking about interviewing with Noah and Toto

>> No.51622230

It won't make much difference to me, until she plays with Kamito (which will probably be soon).

>> No.51622390

I told you motherfuckers.
Next is Tororo.

>> No.51622426

Corpo scooping the Twitch Valorant gremlins… Donut…

>> No.51622658

I actually want to see her play with Astel, a chance to see seething suicidal holofags is too good to just pass up.

>> No.51622704

RIP Kamito

>> No.51622724
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>> No.51622773

I want donut into vspo. Because I feel like the only reason she started streaming is to get more interactions with (maybe with chat), but I feel like she would be very active member in terms of collabs and just talking with others (noah, please...). Don't know what is vspo take on her youtube stuff tho but I believe it shouldn't be a problem because it's separate entities

>> No.51623028
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My first exposure to akarin was like a year ago.
At the time I knew her as the chipmunk that hung around Mother. Still hasn't changed.

>> No.51623733

Noah with エクスさん valo

>> No.51623840
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@tosakimimi3369 @yakumo_beni @SakuraRitsuki @ShibuyaHAL @vodkachaso

>> No.51624003

alright time to poach donut too

>> No.51624138

Karubi is getting personal coaching from UMEHARA vspo fightan branch here we go

>> No.51624288
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Twitter will explode the day Un'ei1 decides to debut a side branch only for these two.

>> No.51624368

Wow, good for her. Hopefully she can get along with everyone. I know she interacted a bit with Hinano and a few others.

>> No.51624397


>> No.51624435

sorry, homofag leechers don't count.
kamito and reid have been there for vspo since their early days and are the only valid ones.

>> No.51624474


>> No.51624528

yall ready for more minecraft esports

>> No.51624541

>he dont know reid and astel is a good friends for long even back to their roommate stuff
astel didnt do collab with outside at first cause holostars inferiority, rn he just do what he want

>> No.51624559


>> No.51624578

also what is this minecraft hardcore collab, minecraft is esport now?

>> No.51624583


>> No.51624585

>leechrayuki reid

>> No.51624609


>> No.51624611

almost made it 24 hours without the thread going to shit

>> No.51624619

>No argument
Go back

>> No.51624624

all good but please no ariken

>> No.51624656
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>> No.51624660

But fat people are funny?

>> No.51624670

>Astel mentioned
Nooooooo my thread qualityyyyyyy

>> No.51624678


>> No.51624720

Well, if we put the owner of Riddle in we might as well make him debut with Ojiji and Shibuhal. VSPO male branch will hold a lot of clout in the FPS world.

>> No.51624746

VSPOstars please

>> No.51624765

fuck off mondo
jk <3

>> No.51624792

There's already VSPO male branch it's called Crazy Racoon

>> No.51624803

I like the door this opens.

>> No.51624829

>total twitch annihilation
shaka and tarik next purisu

>> No.51624854

I was thinking they could do it as a joke, but vtuber models aren’t cheap. Debuting them with voice changers would be hilarious.

>> No.51624925
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>> No.51624972

told you noah valo duo with shrimp is still bearable that whatever the fuck that furupa days ago

>> No.51624990

Funnily enough with all the talk about Akarin joining VSPO Kamito's chat was asking him about when he's joining a corpo. He said a joke something about twitter followers and CR. I need to rewatch it again to properly catch what he said.

>> No.51625005

Selly's team won!? What the hell!?

>> No.51625017

yeah, it would be nice april fools joke, and pretty sure Reid can do it without voice changers if he try hard.

>> No.51625020

Honestly was closer than I expected after seeing scrims

>> No.51625117

i mean B team look overall stronger i mean who would have thought towa ana is better than shaka ana.

>> No.51625222

nazu... sumi...

>> No.51625242

Shrimp is actually impressing me a lot lately. Either I didn't pay enough attention to him back in the days or he actually improved a lot, he is really fun and good at keeping the mood up

>> No.51625460

hes always been fun in collabs. skill wise hes improved yea

>> No.51625581

He's pretty nice collab partner in general in my eyes too, yeah

>> No.51625634

I see him as a Haseshin-lite. Gets along with everyone and talks a lot.

>> No.51625703

>1:24 なぜここにいるのかわかってないWWWWWWWWWW
cant believe that shit actually lasted almost 4 hours

>> No.51626456

THIS is what's joining vspo

>> No.51626755

When will they add Tororo to VSPO?

>> No.51626796

She'll be in the group with Karubi and Mabosex.

>> No.51626875

bruger flipper and Beni pet
I'm fine with that

>> No.51626959

More Beni taking care of Mabo please.

>> No.51627020

when will kamito join VSPO

>> No.51627066

I still hold to my theory that he's going to join CR and start facecam streaming occasionally.

Imagine her awkwardness in 3d

>> No.51627180

>Imagine her awkwardness in 3d
probably have a panic attack

>> No.51627223


>> No.51627365

>selly towa won CR again
who wouldve expected

>> No.51627619
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>> No.51628181

did they have the illustration prepped for it already like last time?

>> No.51628390

remember the prize for 1st place in the first CR CUP OW2?
me neither.

>> No.51628622

It's gone from the internet along with the VCC FiFA illustration from the Blue Lock mangaka.

>> No.51628867

is she back in korea already? then that explains astel's tweet, he's spending her last day in tokyo with him before sending her to the airport

>> No.51628939

i still can't believe that fag astel got a taste of that korean pussy

>> No.51629079

the actual fuck you normally dont talk about that shit
i kneel wtf

>> No.51629220


>> No.51629273


>> No.51630111

Just watch yuru yuri.

>> No.51630428

They just going to goof around because Astel has to cover for his gaming decline.

>> No.51630646

>>Tower team won

>> No.51631101

And Assfuck is not a leech because...?
Kamito and Reid brought in new viewers and connections to Vspo more than that degenerate scumbag leeching fuck you know.

>> No.51631102

His gaming on the decline, but the pussy he is getting sure is on that incline.

>> No.51631116
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>> No.51631226
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I want this slut to join vspo

>> No.51631319

From afar I thought "shit, Flare Noel and Marine got crazy redesigns"

>> No.51631389
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>Kamito and Reid brought in new viewers and connections to Vspo
Nahhhhh chadstel clears cuckmito and reidtard

>> No.51631441

>no tits Noel

>> No.51631473


>> No.51631619

>burger lunch hours
>schizo replying to himself

>> No.51631644
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my cat in heat

>> No.51631866

yeah this one is not happening. i hope she do collab with vspo/neoporte though, but i guess that's not happening either

>> No.51632435

Where is Runa?

>> No.51632516

In my bed

>> No.51632876

I wonder if anyone will ever actually join vspo by audition ever again. Ema is the only one.

>> No.51633093

Ramuchi. It's probably hard to find actually good people, there is also no reason to do it when you have already established streamers. Not only you know what you are getting you also get a new fans, who were not into vspo before with these chubas joined, as a bonus. But I want to believe that there is still opportunity, you just need to be really good.

>> No.51633178

I'm not gonna lie but watching these nerds get chocked out is wholesome

>> No.51633431
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>> No.51633438

is it gay to want to marry hal?

>> No.51633604


>> No.51633818

btw jasper acknowledged akarin vspo transfer and checked her announcment on stream

>> No.51635097

Depends if shota form or adult form
