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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 292 KB, 1276x385, NijiEN_TitleThumbnail_20230616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51503871 No.51503871 [Reply] [Original]

Um, Nijibronies? Is this kind of content what you like?

>> No.51503917

Go back watching dicks on bae's stream holobrony

>> No.51503959


>> No.51504037

>call them Holobronies
>Vsh and Niji unironically endorses ponyshit

>> No.51504039

Well, there is a reason why Bae isn't one of HoloEN's top members, unlike Mysta to NijiEN...

>> No.51504056

jesus, i thought that title was an edit and then i went to check. nijiEN is rancid.

>> No.51504075

It's Mysta, they'd be pegasisters. Shitpost responsibly.

>> No.51504215
File: 139 KB, 1186x2000, 2193D528-BF7A-4A9B-A65F-A7B84F607DEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abayo nigga.

>> No.51504237

>nijibrony call holo a brony for years
>turned out they the brony
Holy kek the projection ISREAL.

>> No.51504239

I take this as some kind of failed attempt to "own le holobronies" without actually fucking understanding what he's actually dealing with or how to do that.

Sorta like millie's secret GC stream looking like people attempting to do an intepretive dance version of /vt/ without actually understanding the place, only getting mad at it for showing them a mirror.

>> No.51504267

mysta just likes the horse show anon it's not that deep

>> No.51504268

Selen and Mysta both went all in on the MLP shit in their last collab.

>> No.51504316

Don't size shame, anon

>> No.51504351

The other day he had a collab with Selen, Fulgur, and Rosemi and he and Selen started to larp as Ponies.
Yes it's as cringe and unfunny as it sounds.

>> No.51505071

Nijibronies status?!

>> No.51505102
File: 1.55 MB, 2048x1536, niji_is_brony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51506116

Mysta is the only confirmed brony and he was being made fun for that in the collab. Hololive has way more bronies per capita. Gura, Fauna, Ame, Vesper and Magni are all confirmed bronies. Keep coping holobronies, you'll never get rid of the nickname.

>> No.51506709


>> No.51506863

you'll never get rid of your nicknames either. you show that they're correct every single day.

>> No.51507063

>Gura, Fauna, Ame
Girls can't be bronies, for obvious reasons
>Vesper and Magni
Not Hololive

>> No.51507104
File: 31 KB, 290x290, 1684680641951278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao why did Nijikeks ruin the one insult they could use here agaisnt Hololive?

>> No.51507212

G4 S9 > G5

>> No.51507352

>Nijiniggers unironically watch this

>> No.51507385


>> No.51507787

Girls separated and mostly quarantined to their own branch vs both dudes and girls in NijiEN isn't the compelling argument sister

>> No.51507837
File: 2.88 MB, 498x286, 1670586286489889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But thats fucking pathetic. The fuck is wrong with nijiEN? they all like horses to say shit like this? I think a george carlin show where he only says vulgarities is funnier than your average nijiEN stream.

>> No.51507932

t.Samir typing away angrily in his mudhut, crying that people call nijisanji members actual bronies (which is meant for actual male fans of horse show)

>> No.51507981

My Little Niji, My Little Niji
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh...

(My Little Niji)
I used to wonder what being a Nijinigger could be
(My Little Niji)
Until you all shared its magic with me

A dumbfuck CEO
Tons of seethe
Shitty organs
Terrible management
Dwindling numbers
Two percent
And retardation makes it all complete
You have my little nijis
Do you know you're all very retarded fucks?

>> No.51507999

Do you guys actually give a shit which vtubers like the horse show or not or is this just another excuse for tribalism?

>> No.51508054

Abayo OP

>> No.51508070

i don't give a shit if you like it as a girl, but when you make sex jokes with them as a guy, its embarrassing.

>> No.51508087

This is /vt/, friend. Everything is an excuse for tribalism.

>> No.51508201

>he knows the distinction between male and female bronies
I guess you got educated by Fauna on that, holobrony kek. Hololive still has more though Vesper and Magni vs just Mysta who is the butt of all jokes in the branch for liking it.

>> No.51508242

I'm just in disbelief that people are taking liking a cartoon so seriously as to fight about it. But you're right, this is /vt/.

>> No.51508302

You don't understand the actual fear bronies put into people. those fags were actually invaders

>> No.51508332

It's because holobronies seethe over being rightfully called out as bandwagoners jumping from one trend to another. They have the most bronies in the fandom by default due to that.

>> No.51508344

Shut up, Jesus you're no better.
