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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 910 KB, 719x1278, 1623787508209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5146125 No.5146125 [Reply] [Original]

>Whoops we gave moderator rights to your antis (by mistake, of course) and they banned thousands of your members, sorry about that! Please contact us if you got banned!

>Actually, we aren't planning on doing anything about it, fix it yourself sweetie.


All of this happened 4 months ago, Coco told the other holomen she wanted to graduate a couple of weeks after that.

So does Cover being incompetent and Yagoo being the funny CEO guy works the same way it used to do for Bethesda?
>Well yeah, they released a broken incomplete game full of bugs but they aren't malicious! look how self-aware Todd is! he made a joke about his games having bugs lol!

>> No.5146216
File: 759 KB, 900x605, coco mao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe cocofag, your oshi has been defeated and taken as trophy

>> No.5146258 [DELETED] 
File: 947 KB, 1280x720, aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wholesome 100
next they allow internal and external harassment of aqua based on sexual identity

>> No.5146320
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please andastan

>> No.5146525
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Fuck you Yagoo you retarded cunt

>> No.5146649

Should've fixed this quickly but have you seen youtube's UI? The appointing moderators is like right next to the ban button I think.

>> No.5146688

>can easily just go watch someone else
>continues spending time on the company he hates instead
Why are cocofags like this?

>> No.5146764

leave yagoo alone he's a nice guy

>> No.5146774

>giving mod rights to antis
based chaotic neutral

>> No.5146848
File: 688 KB, 720x720, 1337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it even matter? Ayame doesn't do anything.
Do something about it Yagoo.

>> No.5146929

Why are you so obssessed? Jealousy?

>> No.5147055

look at that arm, he's so skinny, i bet i can win a fistfight against him.

>> No.5147075

So? You have to be blind to fucked that up, did they hired someone who is half blind?

>> No.5147107

Actually Yagoo isn't getting the love he used to at all

>> No.5147287

And that’s a good thing

>> No.5147302

He was probably chinese like half their staff.

>> No.5147648

Not sure if it's jealousy but it pains me to think Ayame doesn't have to do anything to reach millions of views on her songs and over 900k subscribers while Watame and Sui-chan work harder to get there (Ayame might be closer to Budokan than Watame).
It's the anti-hero thing, not working hard and getting results

>> No.5147990

Yes Anon, hopefully you would be stronger than a japanese man in his 50s.

>> No.5148109

>Actually Yagoo isn't getting the love he used to at all
Even on reddit?

>> No.5148159
File: 281 KB, 1080x1920, E2t3LMvVkAkDcBp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.Do what you enjoy and your fans enjoy
2.Go your own pace

Simple as, tryharding is not good for you

>> No.5148271

This is how our reality works. People who work hard may or may not succeed. People who do nothing may or may not succeed. Hardwork is not the only way to success. Sometimes you can do everything right and still be punished.

>> No.5148318

Yagoo is already making bank doesn't he?

>> No.5152399

If he isn't then why the fuck does coco always includes his shitty memes on every reddit review

>> No.5156231

>vidya reference
everyday it gets so tiresome

>> No.5158589

Yagoo is a Chink lover

>> No.5158846

nah, he'll be lucky if his kneecaps don't get broken by the end of the year

>> No.5160111

Yagoo is a Zhang cocksucker

>> No.5160197

Why is CEO worship even a thing...? They are not your friends... They only care about shareholders...

>> No.5160280
File: 42 KB, 394x399, YAGOOBABY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yagoo baby

>> No.5160300

blame elon musk

>> No.5160482

I was one of the regulars on the day those Zhangs banned me. FUCK Y'ALL ZHANGS!!! EAT THE MOST WART INFESTED TIC-TAC DICK ALIVE!

>> No.5161498

blame steve jobs

>> No.5162278

I still like yagoo memes but the dive on hololive is hard. it will only be shills for a whole year. people are right that hololive wil suriveve and they wont see too much of a pain in their pforits but they are wrong to suggest tha cocos fake graduation firing will not affect the community in a supremely negative way. things have gone from optiomism to pessimism. this is the poison yab, the yab that sinks beneath your skin and wont go away. it drains you of your life force, and affects even your oshis. nothing yagoo can do, he is just the CEO, the real boss are the investors lol. this is why you never take investors from public trading.

>> No.5162411

He's a tech guy, not someone who can run a whole company. Cover is currently growing too big for his control. I bet he had no say in HoloEN and HoloID.
You drunk anon?

>> No.5162550

only a litle.

>> No.5162557

Cover is privately owned

>> No.5164199
File: 109 KB, 770x592, 1615243242144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our funny CEO is better than your funny CEO

t. Nijinigger

>> No.5164406 [DELETED] 

I found another CEO who I can verbally abuse without ever breaking containment. I'm afraid Yagoo and Tazumi can't compete. It's.been fun, but spamming sad ceo memes from afar can only ever last so long.

>> No.5164826
File: 56 KB, 600x600, 1623522304488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, you've got some good points about this "Yagoo" guy, but I gotta say: Skyrim is a heck of a game man, you should give it a try. We're talking two crashes per play sesh Max, its pretty clean stuff.

>> No.5165809

He's just a small man with delusions of grandeur

>> No.5166047

you're never a fan of anything, are you?

>> No.5166071 [DELETED] 

He groomed Matsuri and Haato.

>> No.5166086

This is a good thing. CEOs should be behind the show, not the show itself.

>> No.5166132

No. Blame the era of Steve Jobs/Bill Gates.

>> No.5166163

>your fans enjoy
>stream 4 times in a month

>> No.5166199

Post the katana picture, I forgot to save it

>> No.5166518

le meme

>> No.5166522

Hello global

>> No.5166776
File: 120 KB, 1919x1079, rikukatana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5171911

That is her way of calling for help when mid managers bully her.

>> No.5172004

It's hip
and goes with the trends

>> No.5172213

Actually, I'm curious that these guys rather than Yagoo

>> No.5172251

