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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51456204 No.51456204 [Reply] [Original]

Loli who listens to dad rock, who is the target audience?

>> No.51456296

the based department

>> No.51456359

Pfft goodluck with that, otakus don't listen to that shit

>> No.51456419


>> No.51456518

Buy an add you shill

>> No.51456889

Ojisans, obviously

>> No.51457038

Based and subbed.

>> No.51457228


>> No.51457256

they should, ought to improve their music tastes

>> No.51457299

kek this feels like a shut in girl who was more of a papas girl than mamas growing up

>> No.51457352

Non zoomers

>> No.51457407

When do I get a chuuba who loves Frank Sinatra?

>> No.51457450

what a based music taste holy based

>> No.51457520

This taste says Daddy's girl

>> No.51457519

Based beyond belief.

>> No.51457574


>> No.51457576

Fun things are fun.

>> No.51457646
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>> No.51457745

based taste and her rendition of cry me a river is legitimately some of the best singing I have heard from a chuuba, listen to this shit

>> No.51457929

>Loli who listens to dad rock, who is the target audience?

>> No.51457972

holy shit based af where do i sign up

>> No.51457976


>> No.51458016
File: 2.06 MB, 852x480, 1527977182021.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She glows.

>> No.51458036

Holy based
I will now watch your loli

>> No.51458202

I kneel jews...
Fuck you yagoo...

>> No.51458236


>> No.51458486

Not even the first one in Idol actually

>> No.51458824

pretty fucking obvious what the target audience is dipshit

>> No.51458876

she sang highway to hell during her debut, it was pretty dope ngl

>> No.51458892

>dad rock
>fucking AC/DC

>> No.51458925

vtubers should be all zoomers, boomer taste sucks and should be gatekept out of the community

>> No.51459105

This anon needs correction

>> No.51459394

Can I get someone who listens to metal?
On second thought, I dont really care

>> No.51459508

She's trying way too hard.

>> No.51459525


>> No.51459566

Me, so I immediately checked out her debut
>also likes old cartoons and bad movies
This chick is perfect

>> No.51459881
File: 1.17 MB, 780x914, moon[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffhwtuq.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her so much bros

>> No.51459891
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is she actually into that, or just trying to be "different"?
>tfw no metalhead chuuba
just imagine a chuuba doing slayer, meshuggah or cannibal corpse covers

>> No.51459980

She sang highway to hell in her debut, if that means anything.

>> No.51460001

There are women who like classic rock, anon. It's not just old men.

>> No.51460082
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Who am I kneeling at?

>> No.51460099

Good. Hopefully more will follow

>> No.51460104

zoomers = "chuba sing the opening of the fotm anime"

>> No.51460110


>> No.51460294

>hey ojii-san I have some beer and cassettes in my van over here, why don't you take a look :3

>> No.51460393

You know what's weird is that these chicks always listen to bands like RHCP or Blink 182 but never Nirvana or The Cure. Are they just too popular to be mentioned, or in some weird "popular but these girls aren't the target audience". I mean she's got foo fighters on there but not nirvana, what's special about dave fucking grohl without Kurt?

>> No.51460475

She actually had a deadbeat dad who walked out of her life early on

>> No.51460619
File: 53 KB, 768x768, 1638983003214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking HATE AC/DC so fucking much it's insane. I cannot begin to comprehend how fucking deaf or retarded you have to be to enjoy even a minute of their "music" in any setting. Bon Scott dying in his 30s may have been sad, but the real tragedy was him being born at all. I actually fucking despise this band and resent the fact I share a country with them with every fiber of my being.

>> No.51460942

Who the fuck even listens to Nirvana? You can maybe squeeze good songs for one album and thats it. And the band is dead.

>> No.51461067


>> No.51461076


>> No.51461087

and now she craves a spanking from a bearded man that stinks of cigarettes and whiskey

>> No.51461131

That's a based list. Zoomer go fuck yourselves

>> No.51461151

>I fucking HATE AC/DC so fucking much it's insane. I cannot begin to comprehend how fucking deaf or retarded you have to be to enjoy even a minute of their "music" in any setting. Bon Scott dying in his 30s may have been sad, but the real tragedy was him being born at all. I actually fucking despise this band and resent the fact I share a country with them with every fiber of my being.
This is how I feel about Queen.

>> No.51461271


>> No.51461332

It's me! I'm that man!

>> No.51461405

>Get in the van, onii-san, we have old records!

>> No.51461406

Tell me when you found a chubba enjoy jap rock

>> No.51461579

Lighten up while you still can.

>> No.51461657

This but The Beatles

>> No.51461678

Kind eh dad rock too desu.

>> No.51461885

she’s not even a loli

>> No.51462033

Needs less seventies/eighties and more sixties.

>> No.51462293

>tfw no Scaruffipilled chuuba

>> No.51462459

This but grateful dead

>> No.51462544

Old men running for their e-wallet

>> No.51462751

Gotta be Journey for me.

>> No.51463878

That's not the whole list

>> No.51466541

>no Yes
>no Genesis
>no Pink Floyd
>no Rush
>no ELP
>no King Crimson
>no Jethro Tull
>no Gentle Giant
>not even Porcupine Tree
disappointed honestly, well Zep is good at the very least right?

>> No.51467018


>> No.51467474

Wow what basic fucking bsic bitch taste
She‘s just like me

>> No.51467507

Damn he was a wigger? That's sad.

>> No.51467542

Picked up, thanks for the advert.

>> No.51468368

60yo white pensioners
is she a flip by chance?

>> No.51468698

iirc she lives in the Netherlands but her parents are immigrants

>> No.51468942

That looks like she just googled "most popular musicians/bands" and copy pasted that shit. What a boring vanilla music taste holy shit.

>> No.51469960

all the repliers were filtered but you were the MOST filtered.

>> No.51470051

yea AC/DC are great, problem zoomer?

>> No.51470157

my 2view oshi posts a song she likes every day after stream, and today she posted a black metal song. they exist, just hidden away.

>> No.51470248


>> No.51470569

You will never be Japanese.

>> No.51470636

Side note: she does this thing when she sings where she adds vocal worble to every word. There's an indie steel blonde hair girl who does the same thing and she's pretty huge on YT. Once I notice that kind of thing I can't listen to their music anymore. That kind of thing can be used like twice per song, max, not every word.

>> No.51472521

I'll take what I can get, but I still yearn for a prog rock vtuber

>> No.51472809


>> No.51473282

That music taste is not perfect but it absolutely mogs the fuck out of idolshit VTubers usually listen to

>> No.51474435

She has great taste in music and is cunny, cant get anymore pertect

>> No.51475002

Guys I think I found my oshi.

>> No.51475203

this but Pink Floyd

>> No.51475537

She has tits with jiggle, official art with ass and a deeper voice. Why are cunniggers so desperate to call anything short loli?

>> No.51476335

>That list
Jojo fan, unironically

>> No.51476616


these guys

>> No.51476882


>> No.51478473

She reminds me of my daughter, its hot

>> No.51479145
File: 60 KB, 568x518, 1684665434823501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Marillion
>no Premiata Forneria Marconi
>no Le Orme
>no Van Der Graaf Generator

>> No.51479259

There used to be a streamer called Gawr Gura that loved Frank Sinatra. Don't know what happened to her.

>> No.51479289

This is granddad rock now

>> No.51479676

Stop making me feel old.

>> No.51479885

The classics dont age, they get past down to the new generation

>> No.51479997
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>> No.51480044

Gothic loli outfit

>> No.51480079

sure but dadrock means generic music your dad listens to

>> No.51480244

European accent

>> No.51480313
File: 2.19 MB, 214x214, 1646672126659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are maybe ten total women under the age of 30 in the entire world who listen to prog

>> No.51480361

I've been looking for someone like you for years...

>> No.51480385

Is she cute and funny?, because i may have to groom if she is

>> No.51480816

Because she's a loli. The thing about having hips and an ass making a girl not a loli is a meme forced by normalfags to justify them fapping to lolis. MIddle school has always been loli.

>> No.51480916

Middle school girls can definitely have curves and nice little tits, best type of loli

>> No.51481001
File: 206 KB, 210x194, 1679275124212559.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey ye eeEEeee THUNDER
Hey ye eeEEeee THUNDER
Hey ye eeEEeee THUNDER

I was BORN

>> No.51481004

>Who????? fuck off with your 2who looooool
The universe is so unfair but going corpo just works

>> No.51481067

Indonesian living in the middle of EU

>> No.51481181

>No Steve Perry/Journey
Not that based but getting there.

>> No.51481379

Who the fuck listens to foo fighters but hates nirvana, faggot. Take your diet pepsi rock and kys.

>> No.51481944

It is unbelievable how shitty guns and roses is.
i legitimately can not understand how they got popular.

>> No.51482005

Who is she?, how the hell am i supposed to sub

>> No.51482016

As Chapipi all the PR she got was the Cyberlive Lumi-Menace-Yuri shitting up drama backfire
Then she got her little circle of groomers that are all already the most spammers on her chat and tags and then got comfy in her hole

>> No.51482282

It's annoying as fuck when you like rock/metal and then people insist you must liek AC/DC.

Where are the rockabilly/psychobilly vtubers?
Goth rock would be fine too.

>> No.51482315


>> No.51482341

An ojisan like me.

>> No.51482778


>> No.51482921

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as “the greatest or most significant or most influential” rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

>> No.51482962

>deeper voice
Deeper than what?

>> No.51483341


>> No.51483432

she's a loli

>> No.51483833
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>> No.51483879

Is that actually her music taste or was she just listing those to go with her character's rockstar theme

>> No.51483989

But anon, The Mamas and The Papas were a 60s band!

>> No.51484045

I love finding chuubas like that. It's like experiencing a grand art that somehow satisfies all the needs not only of your body, but also of your soul.

>> No.51484103

I'm pretty sure those are her actual favorites, she mentioned more variety of taste afterwards as well

>> No.51484158
File: 473 KB, 1555x2048, 20230609_100331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoners we can't stop winning

>> No.51484241

- has boobs
- looks like of age and average height
- talks "normal" and not like a squirrel on helium

if your trying to shill and pertain to the 4chan coomers, don't. its ok, i'll still watch you.

>> No.51484342

You have to search harder anon, they are out there, waiting for you....

>> No.51484430

I love FF but find Nirvana boring as fuck. Curco Bain is overrated as hell. If you disagree you should emulate him more and grab the shotgun, anon.

>> No.51484499

Dude this is actually fucking great. Like legitimately wasted on the zoomers and asians that pullulate vtubing.

>> No.51484526

Prog rock was a mistake and everyone who regularly listens to it should be wiped off the face of the earth. I say this as a prog rock enthusiast.

>> No.51484634

Cunniggers have their brains rotten and completely overtaken by the cunny. It's a terminal condition with no cure. They lurk and spread their sickness everywhere, and they have a psychotic urge to turn everything into cunny. They are beneath animals, they are subhuman, unironic living garbage and a waste of oxygen and resources. Their mere existence makes the world a teeny tiny bit worse to live in.

Roca is totally a loli tho.

>> No.51484959

>red hot chili peppers
Actual trash taste

>> No.51485109

People who want Towa to sing like her fans think she sings.

>> No.51485225

Please tell me you're being "ironic".

>> No.51485268

How could someone's opinion be so wrong?

>> No.51485436


>> No.51485672

Not that kinda Deadbeat lol
