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File: 164 KB, 377x275, senchou papa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51422513 No.51422513 [Reply] [Original]

BLACK COMPANY (forma padre)

>> No.51422546

I would've made her pay with her body.

>> No.51422566

I thought her dad was great, that he was wasting his money on travelling for a few hours just to come pick up his daughter? What happened Ichimitrannies?

>> No.51422594

he just wanted to expel the marines to live alone and be independent

>> No.51422644

>m*le parent

>> No.51422646

Good, no one above the age of 21 (enough time to graudate college without dillydallying) should be leeching financially off their parents.

>> No.51422676

If your kid is over 30 and also has a job charging them rent is fine

>> No.51422711

she would probably pay more than that living alone in nipland

>> No.51422715

I hate spics

>> No.51422787

>$1k monthly rent along with access to amenities and transportation
seems more than reasonable

>> No.51422805

If you think that is a lot of money for rent, then you have no clue what rent prices are and what is fair to charge your child for rent.

>> No.51422858

100.000 yen may sound alot but its really not. that's around how much i pay leaving at home.

>> No.51422890

you hear 100k and think its alot but its only around 700$.

>> No.51422915

but that's a lot...

>> No.51422950

100k yen nowadays is much different from the 100k back then, humongous retard.

>> No.51422954

In the cities, that's really a small amount. Everywhere else, that's a fortune, and I'm not paying that.

>> No.51422988

if your parent does something like this dont be afraid to charge them to take care of them after they reach elderly, you will get your money back and they will suffer the consequences for being shit parents.

>> No.51422998
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1646538443510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The exchange rate was probably closer to $1000 back then

Either way it's way too much to charge your literal flesh and blood. What kind of father acts like a greedy landlord with his own daughter?

>> No.51423000

But if you convert $700 back to JPY it's still 100k, which is still a lot.

>> No.51423022

About 1k$ back then.
Mid-low amount for renting in Tokyo then but... from your parents?

>> No.51423064

That's a MONTH not a week or fortnight. She's paying the equivalent $175 a week.

>> No.51423080

That's incest

>> No.51423113

Nice joke and trips, too bad there will be some retards that don't get it

>> No.51423128

It's a good deal and a good step into the world beyond the one where you were taken care of your parents for 21 years. You still get a reduced rate compared to if you rented your own studio apartment + paying utilities/food/supplies. At that point you are capable of earning a decent entry salary that completely covers the reduced rent to your parents, gives you plenty to start saving for retirement and short term big expenses, and still have stuff left over for your own entertainment.

>> No.51423131

In light of how hard my dick gets for Marine I approve of whatever parenting method papa use or her to become who she is currently

>> No.51423174

Wait minute... Symbol is chinese Yuan currency...? Why Marine dad get her pay in Yuan?

>> No.51423213

that's hot

>> No.51423245

>What kind of father acts like a greedy landlord with his own daughter?
A good father. Taught her that nothing is free in this world and you have to work to get somewhere in life.

>> No.51423260

Marine doesn't like her dad that much.

>> No.51423317

She visited him two weeks ago

>> No.51423323

>21 years
That's how it used to be. Nowadays you need to waste one year on internships plus one more year on accumulating work experience with a job that only pays 150% minimum wage before finally getting a "entry salary" that can actually pay your bills.

>> No.51423350

>charges daughter rent
>flirt and probably bang all her female friends
>use daughter's rent money to buy porno and beer
>won't buy uncensored because he's not an animal
>shares beers with daughter
>probably let the other daughter live rent free
Hello, based department calling for Marine's dad?

>> No.51423554

That's how Marine's hikikomori older sister pays the rent.

>> No.51423581

Please tell me this is a jork

>> No.51423641

>talks about living with a m*le
>not a whore
You're so right sister!

>> No.51423652

Habsburg anon, has your chin grown long enough to balance stuff on it yet?

>> No.51423894

Concession accepted.

>> No.51424077
File: 165 KB, 512x512, A7EA1219-8992-43DF-867B-72633659CF01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100k jpy per month for a house in the mountain.. is she living in a mansion

>> No.51424126

That's cheap rent even outside of cities

>> No.51424331

That's WINCEST you faggot

>> No.51424392

Given she talked about resorting to eating game manuals her dad might've had no other option.

>> No.51425648

how terrible oh no

>> No.51425927

this is only a thing because 100k yen is like 6 mo living expenses in the clipper's country.

>> No.51426004

It was what she was giving to her dad every month not a rent. Also the word she used inaka isn't really countryside, for example Inaba in Persona 4 is considered inaka.

>> No.51426612

Actually, the negative effects of inbreeding are very overblown. A child of two healthy siblings has as high of a chance to have a defect as the child of an older woman (~35 I think). It would take multiple generations of uninterrupted incest to get results like the Habsburger did.

>> No.51426782

you guys forgot there's a leech called marine's sister.

one of you should fix her.

>> No.51426848

Is she younger or older?

>> No.51426852

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