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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51228751 No.51228751 [Reply] [Original]

There's nobody in the vtuber scene more unjustifiably oppressed than her.

>> No.51229609
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>> No.51229709

Honestly yeah, she's pretty harmless. People are unnecessarily mean to her

>> No.51229794
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>> No.51229946

it's cause she's a wigger, her music sucks and she can't stop riding on holostars dick.
also, considering the timeline of events with kronii and tempus, it's pretty damn likely that the whole tempus/kronii situation was perpetuated by mori, kronii tried to sympathize with unicorns until she went on a spa date with mori, then all of the sudden she came back and started riding homodick like crazy, that's too big of a coincidence, mori definitely encouraged her to do that

>> No.51229950

uhhh based???

>> No.51230024

wtf i love mori now

>> No.51230043

None of what you said were bad things.

>> No.51230249

Shut up Kronie.

>> No.51230501
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>> No.51230606

>Makes subpar music
>Her Alt account is famous so she gets shit on
It’s pretty sad that what ever she does she gets called a shit singer or a fat white woman behind a vtuber model. She’s not even that chubby.

>> No.51230655

Careful, I've gotten a vacation for saying she isn't fat.

>> No.51232700

>morbidly obese isn't considered fat
only in america

>> No.51232923

holostars rent free aside, have you seen anything outside the vtubersphere? the rent-a-girlfriend-lean arc is what tanked her reputation more and humilliated her publicly, followed by the horse AI meme and now her IDOL cover (every normie and their mom now watches oshi no ko), she can't fucking catch a break

>> No.51233864

Are you retarded? The spa date ways weeks after because when Kronii's debacle happened Mori hasn't even flown to Canada yet.

>> No.51236617

that seems like a reason to NOT be banned

>> No.51236680
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>white fat girls are the most oppressed

>> No.51236684

Wow that's a lot of schizobabble

>> No.51236753

Is the reason retards think there's a deadbeat meido because you guys keep getting baited into breaking board rules in schizo bait threads

>> No.51236778
File: 64 KB, 715x574, b6d40febdc6d750c7bf45c47d1653b7eb315cd9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody gives a shit about her anymore. Have you seen how fast she's losing viewers? She'll be a fucking three view by the 3nd of the year. All her viewers traded her in for tempiss. Ironic really.

>> No.51236809

Her IDOL cover which is massively successful and just got recognized by YOASOBI themselves?

>> No.51236813
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someone post the mori green text about all her crimes so we can stop these threads

>> No.51236852

Real life must be so confusing and scary for you

>> No.51236881

Buy an ad

>> No.51236896 [DELETED] 

Krocuck can't even get his timeline right. Go back to stroking vespie cock in /infinity

>> No.51236901
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The one that's full of a bunch of exaggerations and lies to make her look bad? The one that's more than a year and a half old? That one?

>> No.51237092 [DELETED] 

shes a white fat woman named karen. stop sucking her fat white tits and grow up, you can admit her music sucks.

>> No.51237110

I don't think you know what this word means.

>> No.51237158

this post reeks of roastie twitterpig

>> No.51237203 [DELETED] 

>Here's a tweet
Nice I'm sure she'll stop struggling to get 3k during her gaming streams. lololololol
Washed up whore.

>> No.51237404

I always thought deadbeats at least have cash, so why don’t you buy ads instead of making these threads all the time?

>> No.51237497

antis make these threads FOR FREE. why would deadbeats pay for something anticucks do for free lol

>> No.51238606

No, she deserves all the hate she gets and more. If she was physically removed, she would deserve that too.

>> No.51238646

>antis make these threads

>> No.51238699

>having cash
What gave you that idea, Anon?

>> No.51238701

Her mistakes are all trivial. Really it was just a question of professionalism and work ethic. That can be excused to some extent if she is young. The danger is vanity. Pop stars tend to get very vain and it makes them lose any interest in doing their best. But something seems to have happened and she snapped out of it, she's turning up on time and putting her best out.

If she can keep the basics of life, like: turning up on time, never calling in sick, working when you don't feel like it, no excuse making, and pushing through fatigue; and if she can keep it up regardless of how famous she becomes; then she'll become a household name. She's A-list material.

>> No.51238755 [DELETED] 

Wrong, tripfag. Now fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.51238763

Really not a fan of melonpan. I bought a fine one from a bakery, and ended up feeding it to pigeons. I don't understand the hype.

>> No.51238765

You fags are pretty delusional, you act like she’s 600lbs or something

>> No.51238861
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Never hold people to their worst, in any area of life.

>> No.51238866 [SPOILER] 
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>implying she's not

>> No.51239003

if they do, they should consider buying her album

>> No.51239139

She's not oppressed in any way, shape or form
And if you meant hated then it is entirely justified

>> No.51239160

Deadbeats don't actually care about her music beyond trying to use it as a high score of some kind. They just want to coom. If I were Mori, I'd stop singing and just make dakis, oppai mouse pads and the like.

>> No.51239173

How come mori is the only one getting constant "she did nothing wrong and you should watch her" threads. It smells of desperation if you ask me.

>> No.51239203

None of these things are bad. Most of the things people complain about Mori doing are hilariously tame.

>> No.51239220

Some anti spamming these threads for some reason.

>> No.51239285

she'd need to stop the male collabs first

>> No.51239286

Deadbeats are indeed getting desperate. That's also why they claim that it's antis making these threads, they honestly think we're stupid enough to be taken in by them.

>> No.51239358


>> No.51239360 [DELETED] 

>not being cucks and enjoying it
You're new, aren't you, Anon?

>> No.51239391

It’s cause she funded a full anime MV for it, it has nothing to do with the quality of the song, it’s the fact that mori made a music video about it

>> No.51239420

That's because they are being spammed by some schizo anti. They don't even deny it

>> No.51239459

You act like morbidly obese starts at 600lbs

>> No.51239546


>> No.51239577

>implying it's not (you)
We see through your lies and falseflags, Cuckbeat.

>> No.51239669

In America normal weight starts at 600 lbs

>> No.51239721

are you sure that's not just a larping deadbeat?

>> No.51239842

That's the most likely answer.

>> No.51239947

Why would it be a deadbeat?

>> No.51239956

Nobody fucking watches Mori.

>> No.51240011

You are never going to convince anyone that deadbeats are the ones making these threads no matter how many times you repeat it. Have fun winning imaginary arguments here while her actual fans keep discussing her in global and in their general

>> No.51240119

Mad that we're tearing your mask off, huh?

>> No.51240293

Look at her viewership. Even the trolls stopped giving a shit about her. Isn't that what you wanted? Stop posting about her. Let her fade away into irrelevancy the antis will forget.

>> No.51240297

who else shills mori but deadbeats? IRyStocrats?

>> No.51240393

Funny you mention that. For some reason the IRyStocrats are one of the fanbases that Deadbeats love to blame for everything.

>> No.51240424

These aren't real shill threads you fucking idiot.
These are thinly wailed anti threads.

>> No.51240612

Nice job outing yourself, retard

>> No.51240793

>There's nobody in the vtuber scene more unjustifiably oppressed than her.
I fail to see how these combination of letters do nothing but support for mori

>> No.51240826 [DELETED] 

lol pathetic

>> No.51240945

Have you heard of falseflag?

>> No.51241045

Should i read a book about falseflagging tactics and how deadbeats can falseflag as an anti?

>> No.51241146
File: 121 KB, 236x244, 1632939726885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you gain from spamming these threads? If you want us to leave this board then we will do that. Just stop making these threads.

Just let us finish current thread and then we are gone.

>> No.51241202 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, you can smell Deadbeats coming a mile away. They smell kinda like regurgitated pagpag and stale cumrags.

>> No.51241648

nice try there falseflagger. We are staying and you faggots can't do anything about it.

>> No.51241766

At least wash your cumrag. Bad enough that you fucks harass the other fandoms but you all reek in your jizzjar of a lair.

>> No.51241769 [DELETED] 

Please just stop. We give up.
We will leave once we finish the current thread

>> No.51241870

Leave now.

>> No.51241924

Just let us have one last thread.
You can stop spamming threads after it.

>> No.51242147

(You) will leave. I will stay.

>> No.51242995

The only oppressed vtubers are the ones in Anykara. 2% anons. 2 PERCENT. Mori is just a shitty person that has fuck ups too long to list.

>> No.51243144

Mods, delete these threads full of spamming antis who are completely cucked

>> No.51244534

>puts in more effort
>gets recognized for it

>> No.51244591

>falling for baby's first falseflag

>> No.51246283

Stars If you stop terrorism, I want to support cali.

>> No.51248943

>horse AI meme
Mori had nothing to do with that. It's just faggots spreading their horse kinks like wildfire.
I'd also wager that the lean never mattered to those that aren't mentally ill.

>> No.51249014

This is happening to all chuubas, anon

>> No.51252279

Is she, though?
Oppressed, that is. All the stuff leveraged against her is honestly been petering out pretty hard.
