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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51221109 No.51221109 [Reply] [Original]

I've reached the point where Holo EN just gives me migraines... I have a legit skull shattering headache. I don't even like to watch my oshi anymore unless she brings good viewership.
I'm going to take a break for a month and reconsider if this hobby is still for me, it might be dead.

>> No.51221129

Watch NijiEN

>> No.51221209

stop trying to kill OP

>> No.51221221

I would rather die

>> No.51221552

Stop being a numbernigger. Unironically re evaluate why the fuck you are even watching.

>> No.51221604

Total /#/fag Death

>> No.51221831

From the sounds of it you enjoy/care about numbers more than content. So a break should definitely help maybe also block everything related to VTuber numbers (including 4chan) on your router to really get away from it for a while.
If that doesn't change your outlook on what is actually fun then the hobby might truly be dead for you.

At least for me blocking/vt/ and social media got me back to enjoying content and not caring about the other things.

>> No.51222012

The only solution to this is to only watch 2views for a couple of months. It will help put things into perspective.

>> No.51222046

It's hard to ignore the numbers under the stream page sometimes.
I'm not a numberfag but my brain kinda registered that if my oshi keeps getting lower and lower numbers she's not doing anything that is worth watching.
As her fan i want to see her succeed but it's clear that's not happening so that ruins my enjoyment.
This is me opening my heart, i'm not lying or trying to shitpost.

>> No.51222330

See >>51222012
You need to go through some massive numbers detox.

>> No.51222513

/#/fagging: Not even once. This will unironically sour your enjoyment of anything you get into, viewing things through the miopic lens of numbers is a fool's mistake because, here's what they don't tell you: There's ALWAYS a bigger number. So you will never be satisfied.

Absolute /#/ detox is the way. Go watch 2 or 3view chuubas who stream because they genuinely enjoy it and you may derive some semblance of joy from this degenerate hobby again. If you cannot get the #s out of your head, then you're doomed, and I hope you find some new hobby that brings you happiness and is not dependent on something so skewed.

Godspeed anon.

>> No.51222619

What being on /vt/ 24/7 does to a mf.

>> No.51222633

Good advice. I'm not really into watching vtubers that aren't Hololive so i'll skip your suggestion of 2 views and 3 views.
But i'll try going into a detox and coming back after a month. Maybe i can make some kind of web tool that hides live viewers in the meantime.

>> No.51222794
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>I'm not a numberfag but my brain kinda registered that if my oshi keeps getting lower and lower numbers she's not doing anything that is worth watching.
>As her fan i want to see her succeed but it's clear that's not happening so that ruins my enjoyment.
Anon, this is absolutely numberfagging, jesus christ.
Now I'm kinda scared of /#/monkeys in general, is this what they think? That if a chuuba isn't pulling in 5 digit viewers they're not a success, all their content sucks, and they're unhappy? Fucking hell, how do you take letting your mentality be dominated by such asinine bullshit? If they're still streaming, it's cause they're having fun with it, man.

>> No.51222851

I get you but as fan should i be happy that my oshi is not improving? Easy to feel discouraged

>> No.51222856

>I can't watch this kino content because it doesn't fit my number requirement
Please kill yourself.

>> No.51222999

Anon, your mistake is equating popularity with improvement.
Here's the secret: quality of content barely has shit-all to do with popularity. It's like 5% of a factor.
What's a much, much bigger factor is straight-up just fucking luck. The whims of "you happened to say something that was memeworthy and every lowest common denominator chimpanzee jumped on it and started repeating it fucking everywhere". THAT'S how internet creators get famous.

>> No.51223274

>My oshi isn't in the top 0.1% of vtubers so she's not doing well enough.
Genuinely kill yourself. Holy shit.

>> No.51223392

>unless she brings good viewership
get help numbermonkey, please.

>> No.51223436

My oshi is always celebrating mile stones like 1 mil in her recent music video so i assume more popularity makes her happy.

>> No.51223455

>numberschizo's oshi is a numberschizo
Checks out

>> No.51223473

Numberschizo answer: Just watch Pekora. She will literally never let you down in numbers. Join the winning team.

>> No.51223531
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that's crazy, however I hope the migraines turn into tumors and they finish the job

>> No.51223556

You know what is making her happy?
That everyone who is watching her likes her content. The big ol number barely has anything to do with it, it's just another excuse to go "hey thanks you guys for being happy with my music".
Entertainers are happy when the things they're doing are bringing enjoyment to other people's lives. So if she knew you were flipping your shit about that number not being high enough, she'd probably be upset that you're not happy with her content for what it is, just for however many people she's bringing in with it.

>> No.51223597


>> No.51223633

>Everyone who is watching her likes her content
That's what destroys me, i want more and more views for her so she can feel the recognition that her content is good, otherwise it's impossible.
Streaming is a curse to my brain.

>> No.51223859

God, you're not fucking listening and instead zeroing in on the most specific points.
She doesn't give a shit about the people who AREN'T there or COULD be there. What she cares about are the people who ARE there. That everyone who IS watching her is watching her because they want to, enjoy what she is doing, and they're having a good time.
You want her to feel the recognition? Send some messages in some form. Supas, youtube comments, twitter replies, whatever the fuck. Tell her how much you love her content. Talk about which aspects of it make you happy. THAT will make her feel the fucking recognition.

>> No.51223873

This is what happens when you don't watch 2 and 3 views, you completely lose contact with any real frame of reference.

>> No.51223932

I'm a schizo who got ruined by this hobby anon, of course i'm zeroing in on the specifics.
But i get what you are saying, truthfully.

>> No.51224066

You do realize that the solution for these situations is to always go against your fixations.

>> No.51224183

Easier said than done i'll say.
I was never a streaming guy, just a youtube watcher. When i got exposed to streaming culture i realized how much of it is a competition and grind.
Some will never get recognition even if their content is good, some will get tons of recognition even if the content is garbage.
It's quite a fucked up hobby i was not ready for.

>> No.51224256

Since you said you only watch Hololive then why are you even worried about recognition? Everyone who gets into Hololive has already made it and by default they get more recognition than they could ever need.

>> No.51224380

The irony of you saying this as a Hololive fan has gone beyond palpable to straight up being physically present

>> No.51224391

Sapling detected.

>> No.51224499

I guess yeah, but still there's a lot of Holos who are 3 views and don't get as much recognition as their coworkers such as Iofi, Mel, Aki, Anya and the Stars guys (even though that's a different branch so i won't compare)
You kinda feel awful for them.

>> No.51224586

Those 3 views are still doing better than the vast majority of vtubers out there. You have no actual frame of reference if you're feeling awful for them.

>> No.51224661

Go watch some 2views and then you'll get your grip on reality back.

>> No.51224666

Still wish they could get recognition for their work like their peers.
It's like that pic of an idol meeting where the favorite of the group is surrounded and the least favorite has no fans in line.

>> No.51224724
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God I just hope I don't share an oshi with you, if I do please know that you are excommunicated from the fanbase, go watch CookieSwirl if you just want noombers.

>> No.51224728

It's a hobby where you are just a very small, insignificant cog in an overwhelmingly large sea of identical cogs. You will not make a difference if you only think about how small and insignificant you are. You will hate yourself for taking away from you something you enjoyed and made you happy. You will hate yourself even more because it seems you know what is wrong with the way you look at this, but you won't change that perspective.

I understand you, anon. You know that you are stripping away the joy from your own hobby and you won't stop until it only makes you mad, or sad, or confused, or all of them at once.

If all of what I've said rings true, then you are beyond saving. Leave this hobby and go find one where the internet is minimally involved. On the other hand, you can always consider the rope.

If you are willing to give this whole thing another chance, try to find joy in the content itself. The happiness of your oshi stems from how much her viewers value her content, not of how many viewers there are. The celebrations of milestones are a natural form of showing gratitude for the support she gets, she's NOT asking for more.

We give our oshis what we can, because they deserve it. They won't get all they deserve, because we can't give it. And that's ok. It's that simple.

>> No.51224761
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>Stars guys
As a Stars fan I can assure you I straight up don't give a fuck if they're 3view or they break 4view
My lads are living their best fucking lives and having a wonderful time with it, and no matter what they're fucking pushing forwards with the strength and love of the fans they do have
The idea of giving up on them because they aren't bringing in the top views of the company is fucking appalling to me

>> No.51224829

>enjoy HoloEN while it's fresh
>slowly grows out of it
>continues to watch to the point of schizophrenic migraines
>stressed about oshis numbers
>posts about it on a South East Asian shitposting forum
>okay, NOW it's time to take a break


>> No.51224877

A lot of people here seriously need to get an actual social life.
So obsessive in a creepy way.
Just sayin.

>> No.51224887

Only place i can be honest. You think i'll go to r*ddit for this? Or worse, kiwifarms?

>> No.51224932

Reconsider life itself and whether you want to keep breathing. I suggest not.

>> No.51224997

you don't have to go anywhere anon. Just don't watch them if you're not enjoying it holy shit. Just go back to watching some regular youtube and check your oshi out if something in her schedule rekindles your passion.

>> No.51225019

Sounds like a plan

>> No.51225038

I disagree, numberfaggotry of this amplitude should only end in suicide or redemption. He doesn't deserve to walk away like that.

>> No.51225049

>posting the girl who everyone suddenly likes now because le numbers went up despite the fact that she's now on her worst design ever

>> No.51225079

Tell me oh wise anon, how shall i redeem myself?

>> No.51225133
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I give negative fucks fucker, I've oshi'd Azki since she was INNK.
Plus, I wasn't talking about her, OP clearly said his number anxiety was from an EN girl.

>> No.51225906

You know how dementia patients sometimes wake up and show complete clarity and understanding of where they are and what's happening to them, before slipping ever deeper into the abyss of their own mind? Reading this thread kinda feels like that.

>> No.51225985

Should be easily possible. If you have the ID of the HTML Element that contains the number you can simply use tools for changing website styles.
But a complete detox (watching something else or doing something else) might also help. In the end numberfagging is sort of in the realm of unhealthy oshi culture. You root for the success if your oshi and it evolves into frustration when said success cannot be seen in the indicators (numbers) you defined. Another influence can also be confidence issues (if you are young you will naturally have them) so you use numbers as an indicator that others like your oshi to feel more confident about your decision to be a fan.
In both cases a detox can create a bit more distance to this.

Watching 2-3 views can help. But in that case it's more about discovering the fun you can have in a smaller (often less toxic) community and with more recorgnition from the streamer. It can be a more laid back experience if you are after recorgnition. It might also help you to find ways to have fun ouside of obsessing over success.

>> No.51226076

Watch some 2-3 view for a while, there are lots of really good ones. Tell you your EN oshi and there's an indie that can scratch the same itch. This will teach you that numbers are worthless in the face of passion, friendship and fun.

>> No.51226524
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>I don't even like to watch my oshi anymore unless she brings good viewership
Holy moly retardino numberfagerino

>I'm going to take a break for a month and reconsider if this hobby is still for me, it might be dead.
Dont come back, you bring nothing but naught

>> No.51228030

Watch IdolEN
