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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 271 KB, 685x596, dik1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51053668 No.51053668 [Reply] [Original]

Emergency bake edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Can I self-post?
Self-posting is allowed as long as you pretend you're not doing it.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money, otherwise use Vegas Pro.

Open company auditions:


Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Twitter branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous thread:

>> No.51053768

I cannot wait to sexpest fuwa's mom

>> No.51053862

same, I unironically have a text file I've made with questions to ask

>> No.51053887

do you guys think fuwacoco and fuwamama will spitroast alva?

>> No.51053933

I feel like JP vtuber indies have an even harder time starting off than the EN ones because they are all on YouTube. Even the poor few EN YouTube vtubers at least have the advantage that they don't have all that much competition in the YouTube space. JPs on YouTube are not only lacking all the networking and discovery tools that twitch provides, they have a ton of competition with all sorts of other tiny indies. There are tons of pretty passible jp females with pretty nice models stuck at like 5ccv for literally years that would probably be 50+ ccv if they were EN on twitch.

>> No.51053935
File: 566 KB, 477x504, uwu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a furry but... I'd pet kemono alina's fluffy bunda

>> No.51053960

or is he gonna have a double-take on the backdoor

>> No.51054285
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I command you to say nice things about this demon so she has more things to make her smile today.

>> No.51054442
File: 756 KB, 998x798, AlinaDaiya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51055102

I have 2 channels. One I got nearly 1k subs years ago with very different content, and my new vtuber channel that's below 20 subs. Does a sub count help with live discoverability/reach? Would it be worthwhile to scrub and rebrand my old channel? I wouldn't be losing much on my vtuber channel, maybe 6 streams with 10 views? And the main channel only has 1 video people really care for, along with some really outdated content, and gets maybe 2 hours of views a month.

>> No.51055126

she is very pretty and nice and funny and i love watching her bully alva!

>> No.51055371

where do I find this creature

>> No.51055573


>> No.51055995

Laine is impossibly easy to approach, you're just stupid.

>> No.51056080

>>51043689 Explain the type to me. Chuubas into that always groom me and act disturbingly needy

>> No.51056139


Laine might be a bird, but that does not mean you have to chirp at her or do a birdy dancing ritual.

>> No.51056253

I have no interest in women and i find it hard to find friends that are actually friends in this hobby. I try to do everything for the folks im trying to befriend but it doesnt really hit them if you know what i mean. Guess ill be lonely forever.

>> No.51056480

What I've noticed is that if you aren't in everyone's discord server you are pretty much ignored altogether. It's the one thing I'll never be able to do and I've realized simply due to that reason I won't get along with any vtuber long term. So if you want to get noticed you better start joining those discord servers.

>> No.51056681

you know you can be a vtuber without going to 4chan right

you can literally just do it the way non-apsies do it if you dont wanna rely on the /asp/ community to prop you up

>> No.51056862

this applies to vtubers in general, not only /asp/ or 4chan. i just kind of have an aversion to group servers, i liked adding people individually back in the skype/msn days. guess this is a case of me not adapting to new things.

>> No.51056890

My only weakness is women. I hate women.

>> No.51056966

My only weakness is women. I love women.

>> No.51057059

her streams are really fun and she is a great sport when it comes to jokes and memes

>> No.51057081


>> No.51057124
File: 1.44 MB, 2099x2024, SMUG ALVA ALBION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the internet, how am I impossible to approach
You don't have to contend with any of my guards OR their traps

>> No.51057274

My only weakness is men. I love men.

>> No.51057312

im not that guy but you are too perfect... I fear I would instantly swoon the second you spoke to me...

cute cute cute pic!!!

>> No.51058126

Actually that is the natural way. Mega discords like the aspcord are the fucked up thing

>> No.51058246

i disagree i hate how splintered communities are

>> No.51058328

What do you love about them? Are you gay or something?

>> No.51058336


>> No.51058385

It's alright anon, you can just list all the ways I'm perfect here in the thread for everyone to see if you're more comfortable with that than dms.

>> No.51058390

Chuubas wont build their community in the discord equivalent of a phone catalog

>> No.51058422

im in like 1 server of close friends from like 12 years ago, but even just trying to keep up with other streamers is difficult. i work full time and my timezone is pretty hellish, i can watch most chuubas at like 5am my time only. i like to allocate time to talk to people in private but i guess that's just not the way things go anymore.

everyone has their own server too, so like how much am i supposed to chat in how many servers just to be vaguely recognizable how are other people doing it? i think ill just accept the fact that this isn't for me and keep streaming on my own.

>> No.51058480

They are true passionate entertainers. They don't coast to undeserved success because they happened to win the gender lottery

>> No.51058569

Anons will deny this but it's true. You're invisible if you're not chatting in discord all the time

>> No.51058624
File: 74 KB, 595x541, 1665029403498030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you have to do any of that. First you find a way to make a friend and then you can do friend things with them. Worth noting that vtubers probably wont be like your normal friends at least not if they find success because they let themselves get spread way too thin and sadly there is a physical limit to how many people you can have a meaningful relationship with.
If you want true friends seek people that don't have an army of goslings lusting after them

>> No.51058674

>I have too many friends! waaaah! wwaaaaah!

>> No.51058967

She looks so pure and wholesome in this dress. This is a really nice painting!
omg dragon jester sexo sexo uwu nuzzles your bulgywulgy

>> No.51058980

yeah, i've tried. even after a couple months i ended up back at square one, which is fine i guess. i know there's just some people who are social butterflies and will always be orbited by a million people, which is amplified by social media obviously.

maybe i should be glad that i'm not constantly badgered by people, but it does get a little lonely. there must be a middle ground somewhere...

>> No.51059014

are you talking as a vtuber or a viewer? discord servers are for fans and viewers so don't join someone else's server unless you actually watch them.
If you're a vtuber, just talk to people privately if you want to be friends. I don't think other vtubers care at all if you're in their server or not.

>> No.51059132

Can I have the sauce for this img

>> No.51059364

imagine people flocking to you

>> No.51059435

Are your tastes extremely niche? I don't have many friends but am happy with those i have. If there is enough people for there to be someone that cares about worthless me there has to be someone for you too

>> No.51059444

>See Discord notification number is 1
>Check what it is
>Stream ping from server where they're not opt-in
ngl I wish more people DMd me

>> No.51059485
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>> No.51059496

i'm a chuuba, and i have been talking to people privately, but yeah most of the peeps are just too busy so it ends up going nowhere.

>I don't think other vtubers care at all if you're in their server or not.
it's funny that you'd say that because i have seen someone from here saying the exact opposite. "don't talk to me directly, if you want my attention watch my stream and be in chat" i guess it depends on the person, but most chuubas especially female are probably not enjoying DM's

>> No.51059561

If you right click the server icon there is a menu where you can check the suppress role and everyone mentions

>> No.51059566


>> No.51059676

If you are cold DMing them that could make them uncomfortable. Pls understand chuuba are very menhera

>> No.51059738

When did they add this? I only remember being able to supress @everyone
Saying who I am would only make things worse

>> No.51060238

I'll go ahead and say it. Denpafish is my oshi.

>> No.51060268

sorry, meant to say Mairu

>> No.51060384

mine too

>> No.51060706

>wake up
>Alva drew Fuwa for her B-day
I'm happy for her, it's good art
I'm in awe of him, he's pretty skillful
LTG was right about me, it's so beyond over

>> No.51060804

you both have shit taste

>> No.51060828

cute! paper mario horns! cute! stuttering! cute! kissable tummy! CUTE! personality! CUTE!!!

>> No.51060967


>> No.51061122

Low Tier God, otherwise known as that nigga with lightning shooting from his eyes, compelling lesser beings to end their existences at that very instant.

>> No.51061259
File: 310 KB, 512x512, 1686349640749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends, Haru again! Today we'll be live in 15 for MegaMan Network Transmission!


>> No.51061406

there he is, my missus (male)

>> No.51061412

Daiya is doing a gay (literally) karaoke

>> No.51061658

Been the same way since Gen 1

>> No.51061862

Denpa moaning while drunkenly eating pickles really does something to me

>> No.51061906

I will sexpest the tentacle boy, the hamster boy, and the zombie boy when they start streaming!

>> No.51062181
File: 421 KB, 500x475, 452f9286d5dcde83100792ff75a7fe3862489c468918e800334a4cedf1ae0c33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open Daiya's stream
>see a retard immediately sperging about Putin

>> No.51062356

Fuwa found her new targets... Alva will be dropped like the used toy he is.

>> No.51062422


>> No.51062507

This, Alva is saving himself for the new boys, they're gonna have a foursome.

>> No.51062915
File: 1.18 MB, 838x875, damaged goods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51062983

Oh my god coco's mom is exactly like coco

>> No.51063196

I hope the vod is up when I get off work

>> No.51063285

What am i doing wrong if i ended up with a nice caring chuuba friend after just watching and chatting with them few times?

>> No.51063507

Hmm... The mistake might be that you're both good people. Try crabbing them and encourage them to crab others, then you'll both be able to shit talk each other to other people in discord and when it gets leaked, bam, friendship over. Problem solved.

>> No.51064783

Another 0 view stream

>> No.51064951

Yes, after you reach a certain threshold, your content gets declared "discoverable" much easier, and from there it's just a matter of having a video go viral by being actually interesting.

Marketingfag here though, if anyone wants sauce, I'll give it out, ask questions or whatever. Built twitter followings to 100K type shit and I'm bored.

>> No.51065024

How do I build from a 500 follower twitter account to a multi thousand account?

My tweets only get about 1-200 impressions and maybe 20 likes each, I struggle with retweets...

>> No.51065169
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Friday night -> LCOLONQ
Tonight: breathing souls into empty vessels.

>> No.51066052

I'm having this issue...

Thank you!

>> No.51066269

Putting my bets on emotional manipulation and borderline porn. At least those are what i always see blow up

>> No.51066297

last year's /asp/ies who used to get 20ccv are down to 10ccv, sad

>> No.51066319

Depends on your demographic/audience and how you're tweeting out. If your tweets don't bring value in anyway, whether it's content in the Vtuber world or you have banger commentary on the cultural zeitgeist, then none of your "My stream is starting!" tweets are ever gonna bring value unless it's collaborative. Think of it like this, if you're tweeting something you would tweet out anyway that's gonna get no reactions, experiment and tweet out something that is different. Only through experimentation will you find something that works, but putting out the same 10 tweets a day or week is gonna get you the same 10 results a day/week. Your boring tweets only work after you reach a certain threshold, which is probably like 20k or something like that.

>> No.51066400

The female debuff at work

>> No.51066678

Thanks. I already converted it over. It'll be a weird thing for old subscribers to see vtuber stuff after 4 years of silence but if it helps, it helps.

>ask questions or whatever
>how can I push my livestreams to be more seen on youtube?
>is it better to link to my youtube short or upload directly to twitter?
>is it worth tweeting "i'm live" if you don't have a following yet?
>obviously content is needed to keep the channel boosted but what else can I do to boost eyes on my channel?

>> No.51067166
File: 100 KB, 608x588, 1658278629049653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go full retard

>> No.51067237


Livestreams work based on viewers in your chat and subscribers you have. Viewers weigh more in the beginning, subscribers weigh more overtime. If you're not getting viewers in your livestreams, the algorithm doesn't care how good your youtube channel is, it will not push you if you cannot scrounge together viewers, but naturally your subscribers will likely tune in anyway thus creating viewer funnels.

Upload directly to each platform. Instagram reels, tiktok, twitter, wherever. These platforms have their own algorithms for pushing stuff a certain way, if your content is interesting on TikTok, then you are interesting, and they will find a way to be apart of the interesting things you do. Twitter is the same way. There is no platform not worth uploading on, but people don't like clicking links to load content, they want content NOW and every 2 seconds they have to spend loading on clicking something, they never will, never count on it.

Tweeting your live is just part and parcel for making your twitter, it doesn't hurt and won't affect your general twitter. Your twitter ratings are based off impressions + frequency. If you routinely get banger tweets, then you will get shoved into more algorithms, if you don't get banger tweets, then you'll only be broadcasted to your followers anyway.

Honestly, my biggest recommendation is building a network. Ironmouse, nyanners, whoever, etc. can say they all just picked up an avatar and got a following one day, but there's no doubt that their micro networks of people with 2K followers, 3K followers, maybe a sprinkled in 10k, 12k, who gradually came over, conversed with her, and shared their streams is what resulted in the take off. I don't think it's possible for almost any streamer to make it without at least some sort of network and network push. I say in fact, that this is marketing 101. Work on building networks and establishing genuine relationships, how genuine they are is up to you, but there's cool discord trannys out there that will tweet your shit out, there's cool people you can talk to in VCs that will join your stream if you fire it up, and just join different communities in general. Make friends, people want new experiences, and if you know your experience is good, and they think it's good to, it's bound to go somewhere, I think it's impossible for it not to.

>> No.51067273

The algo heavily favors keywords. Things that stir drama and make people emotional are heavily favored. It has absolutely nothing to do with if the post is actually interesting or good quality or not

>> No.51067475

All the other platforms actually work exactly like 4chan. When you make a serious on topic post you get zero replies but make a bait saying anons oshi is a stupid whore and you get 100 replies

>> No.51067504

slowly getting closer to the Truth, I think, there's something, something

>> No.51067916

Coco is mogging Runoxi, what happened Runobros?

>> No.51068051

It's bait all the way down

>> No.51068113

Females often stagnate at weird times. Males that last seem to almost always grow over time, though usually slowly. I tend to think that what usually happens to males (extremely low growth with a long period of very little viewership) encourages experimentation and the eventual finding and settling into an actually valuable niche.

Females are often able to find a decent amount of success by more or less copying everyone else until they reach the peak that is determined by their natural talent. Then they stagnate, but by that point they usually have a relatively large and supportive community that allows them to avoid the type of menhera that males get when they stagnate with basically no viewership. So lots of females will just continue doing what they do in their hugbox as their novelty factor wears off and their ccv dwindles. It takes either a very talented or driven female to get past this stage I think.

>> No.51068191

I wish i could talk about nice things i actually care about but there is no demand for that. I must settle on something silly like saying that we love males or hate/love lolis depending on who might be reading it at the time

>> No.51068450 [DELETED] 

Thanks man.

>Upload directly to each platform.
Cool. I figured as much and will do that from now on.

>Honestly, my biggest recommendation is building a network
There's a couple people I know and watch or interact with on twitter and they seem to recognize my name as I show often but reaching out seems grubby. I need to get over that and ask to do just a basic collab with them.

Yeah it's a tricky annoying weirdness. Hoping this will work out well.

>> No.51068781

He dodged it nicely at least.

>> No.51068801

everyone, including babis

>> No.51069142

>reaching out seems grubby

It does at first, but I promise you, people are dying to be reached out to, in fact it's something most people don't realize, and I'm not talking about just people at 200 followers, I'm talking about the whole pyramid depending on your proposition. You would be surprised at how many people want the handshake of friendship. You don't have to lie to them, just be like "hey, I see you show up in my streams, and I enjoy you being there, would you be interested in doing something collaborative?", I don't know if anyone that doesn't want to build stuff and have fun, and if they don't want to do those things, then fuck em, move on.

But it doesn't have to be a fast process either, you can take 1 - 2 months networking, making friends, keeping up stream consistency, and ease them into it, it's not like upon first meeting you have to just launch them right into your stream, but you know, make friends, have fun.

>> No.51069743

Birthday stream buff

>> No.51069777


>> No.51069965

>people are dying to be reached out to
Someone missed the news. Look at all these big streamers whining https://twitter.com/LaynaLazar/status/1665152989521399808

>> No.51070066

It's literally a birthday stream, and she has her mother in it.
The fact she isn't super mogging her is surprising.
Runoxi is doing well considering she is getting 0 Gen 4 support.

>> No.51070214

What? I support her and would be happy to collab with her, but I feel uncomfortable collabing with women solo.

>> No.51070309

No one in Gen 4 is watching her because they're obviously supporting Coco for her birthday stream.
Runoxi's numbers are pure fans.

>> No.51070363

LcolonQ is mogging her too

>> No.51070627

I only watch vtubers that are more parasocial than me

>> No.51070712

LColonQ mogs everyone

>> No.51070905

Of course, some of them whine, this is drama. See my above point about content, this bitch knows what she's doing. Of course it's okay for her to play the game and then make the post, but won't acknowledge her hypocrisy. But that's part of the game, but 1 or 5 streamers screaming into the void about "maintaining fwenship so hawd, whaaaa I can't respond to DMs", who cares. She's one out of thousands, there's many that want connection.

>> No.51071620

It is good to remember where we are. You can weasel your way into a collab but it is very unlikely that you gain any growth of it. Most of the viewers will just wish that you stop harassing their oshi

>> No.51071904

Runoxi just doesn't seem to network as much in general. She barely even posted here.

>> No.51072545

Some people are actually happy with what they already have even if some outsider thinks that it is not enough

>> No.51072914

I would personally like to stay around 10-15 ccv myself. More than that and I start having a hard time keeping up with chat and knowing my audience members well. Though I wouldn't say that publicly, people would probably interpret it as cope that I don't grow more.

>> No.51072991

Same, I think 30 is the maximum I would want.

>> No.51073265

Maybe, maybe not. But read the tweet with the whining streamer. They're whining, but they played the same game. It means the game works and they got burnt out the game. That's the advice to take from that tweet.

>> No.51074695

I just want more than 0 viewers

>> No.51074830

Drop your twitch and I’ll come every stream. Swear on my life.

>> No.51074841

Bro can you go and network with the 40 or so small chuubas self-posting in this thread.

Like wtf is wrong with you guys, just DM or chat in their stream without being a creep.

>> No.51075580

Sorry, I left for a bit to stream real quick and test out things.
>you can take 1 - 2 months networking
>making friends
>keeping up stream consistency
Yeah. It's difficult to stream to no one but I need to get used to it and put more out there. How often would you recommend putting shorts or other content up?

Fuck it. I'll network now >>51074695 What do you stream? What times? Channel link please.

>> No.51075885

I think its more about gaining renoun among both viewers and vtubers. Somebody might not be tempted to follow you after one collab with somebody they watch, but if you collab with them or another vtuber they watch 3 or 4 or more times people will have a much higher chance of checking out your stream and giving you an honest chance.

Its a common misconception that if somebody is exposed to your brand once and rejects you that they will be very likely to reject you again in the future. However the more you expose yourself to them it actually becomes more and more likely that they will end up trying you out. In marketing there is something called "the rule of 7" and the basic idea is that you have to expose somebody to your brand at least 7 times before they will commit to trying it out themselves.

Collabs, and networking in general, is very much a slow burn kind of thing. The payoff often comes in difficult to quantify ways, and often weeks or months after the fact.

>> No.51076269

Wait why is having a nice caring chuuba friend an issue again?

>> No.51076275

who wants to network in bed?

>> No.51076403

Cocos mom, has got it goin on

>> No.51076417





>> No.51076424

Haru, Beryl, Daiya, Alva and Sun

>> No.51076773

If they grow it will probably become just another depressing memory. Imagine someone spending a lot of time with you and suddenly without any notice starting to spend it less and less and all the interactions becoming short and vague when they in the past would have engaged in a proper conversation

>> No.51077840

Do you think I'm some cheap slut? I'm a man. At least buy me lunch.

>> No.51078177

I feel sad reading this sorry if this is presumptuous but I hope you find good friends anon

>> No.51078559

I feel like it is just as likely that the smaller vtuber will become scared to interact with and distance themselves from the big one.

>> No.51078575

>Collabs, and networking in general, is very much a slow burn kind of thing. The payoff often comes in difficult to quantify ways, and often weeks or months after the fact.
Really weasel market word way of saying there's no (objective) evidence they have a positive impact.
Like how there's no evidence linking the 'featuring' of a persons content to another person's audience and the grow of that former person's own audience. Despite such an argument being used to justify the liberal use of featuring other people's work in the style of reaction content.

Just stop fucking harassing my oshis you freaks.

>> No.51078713

Does that really happen? Usually you see the small choobs complaining that they got ditched when their "friend" got bigger but i have never heard of the opposite happening

>> No.51079159

What usually happens is that the smaller guy starts being treated like a viewer and not like an equal, in my ngmi experience

>> No.51079212

Probably most people wouldn't talk about the opposite happening. One leads to strong feelings of betrayal and the other leads to lingering feelings or confusion or regret. Its natural that the one associated with stronger emotions would be talked about than the other.

Ive personally had friends blow up and I had a hard time keeping the friendship going. I blame myself and I think low self confidence was a large part of it.

>> No.51079860

>There's no evidence linking the featuring of a persons content to another to grow of that former

You misunderstand collaboration, the goal isn't the collaborative stream, the goal is to get them to share you without the collab, and the collabs incentivize them to be around you, see your tweets more frequently, pay attention to your messages more. The collab proposition of just one out of friendship and fun, the tweets/retweets are a feature of the collab that gets the traction. Exposure is exposure.

>> No.51079960


I would be putting out content as much as good content comes in. Pay an indian to edit your shit or pay attention to the "clip" worthy content, and if your stream didn't have any "clip" worthy content that gets higher than average organic views, then you're learning that you need to do more exciting things that are considered content. Your clips will tell you what your audience thinks is exciting and it's up to you to work around that.

>> No.51080670

Exposure to other vtubers maybe. LOL.
Stop trying to justify being an annoying fucking pest.
Interactions cross platform are non existent so who cares about twitter.
Same thing happens anyway with streams. Your only going to get attention from other vtubers who have audiences of mostly other vtubers. Who share you only with other vtubers.
Be a vtweeter sexpest somewhere else and LEAVE MY OSHIS ALONE.

>> No.51080793

Stop responding to the antimale retard, retards

>> No.51080936


>> No.51080986

We went from ruxoni networked really well to runoxi doesn't network as much huh

>> No.51081058

None of you watch her so how would you know?

>> No.51081248
File: 28 KB, 359x1144, could be u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can cope and spread misinformation all you want, I'm just telling you basic human psychology and marketing/networking 101. Take it or leave it, idc.This could be you, but you're a retarded faggot, not my loss lol.

>> No.51081419

You're definitely going to convince the mentally ill retard who will immediately shift the goalposts this time with your facts and logic.

>> No.51081698

Posts like yours are part of the problem

>> No.51082002
File: 6 KB, 387x27, Screenshot (825).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fix picrel in Blender?

>> No.51082150

Usually overlapping vertices.
Use merge by distance.

>> No.51082397

Tried it, didn't work (Making the merge distance bigger fucks it up and still doesn't solve it)

>> No.51082524

idk what I did different this time but it worked, thanks

>> No.51082638
File: 48 KB, 331x331, Anime Icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a very successful week, right?

>> No.51082842


>> No.51083069

This was supposed to be a replyless post. Excuse m, e

>> No.51084660
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>> No.51085082
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if you ever feel bad because your model looks like shit just look at this

>> No.51085344

But why do they look so unappealing? I'm not a good enough artist to understand why I don't like looking at them

>> No.51085733

terrible airbrushed colors, the eyes especially are bad and overly cartoony style puts this in modern saturday morning cartoon range which looks pretty unappealing to me at least

>> No.51085916

Hope everyone is having a good night/morning.
Just trying to come to grips with stuff, facing a daunting future in a few months.
I thought this would help with finding a purpose, life has become so mundane recently.
Everything feels so stale now.

>> No.51086180
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>Oh that girl with the top hat looks kinda cute, maybe i can groom her
>Look her up
>It's actually a man
Bamboozled again

>> No.51087155

They still get more ccv than certain /asp/ies

>> No.51087329

I'm so sad that Fuwa's stream is unarchived, god I missed the chance to save a clip of Alva getting roofied in the club, and multiple people barking on command ; _ ;

>> No.51088405

Morning everyone. I wish the thread had more ritual posters.

>> No.51088717

No you don't, 90% of posts in /wvt/ are ritualposts

>> No.51088732

give me a good ritual

>> No.51088941

A nice morning ritual would prolly be like....

>Wake up
>Wash yo face or shower, depending on whether you like to shower in the morning or evening
>Prepare some toast and coffe
>Play with your cat
>Consume the toast and coffee
>You are now ready to start the day

>> No.51090193

Thanks so much for all of your hard work today, everyone. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.51090305
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babe i am the slut to end all sluts are you ok

>> No.51090510

>coco piss real
I hate being a wagecuck the things I would do to watch her squat in an alley

>> No.51092247


>> No.51092279

Fine, here's your ritual bro, post cute singing reps!

>> No.51092520


>> No.51094046

What color is Haru's butthole?

>> No.51094217

brown, unwashed and stinky

>> No.51094277

are you drawing it? that's cute

>> No.51094307

I'm thinking pink or white.
I have some plans.

>> No.51094874

(you)r singing

>> No.51096884


>> No.51096935

I do some pushups and pullups too, and I masturbate since I have no cat

>> No.51097315

sorry I'm busy preparing my stream tonight!

>> No.51098116

Krys Decker

>> No.51099085

Corpo life seems really limiting and lackluster. Unless you're being paid minimum wage along with all the other donos and subs you might get, would you even be able to make a living off of joining one?

>> No.51099106

Corpo life is better than 0 view life

>> No.51099286

Today I learned that sounding nasal doesn't mean I have an objectively wrong speech habit, and it felt like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I feel like I can be a bit more confident of my own voice now

>> No.51100428

Haru licks his butt clean like a good doggy

>> No.51100626

And the ritual posts are generally wholesome pushposts. I'll take somebody saying "wow I love X" every day forever over "grr grumble zero views grr grumble"

>> No.51102099 [DELETED] 


>> No.51102112

How do I stream?

>> No.51102411

For my current character (tentacle boy) I've commissioned 4 emotes (basically smug, shocked, somewhat angry and like excited with sparkling eyes.)

I am however wondering what other emote I could be going for. If anyone has some cool suggestion, tell me. And don't you dare saying the cunny face or whatever.

>> No.51102890

I would google that, easier to explain

Ogey face is a classic, light sticks if you sing
And ToT of course

>> No.51104531

Nothing wrong with it! Astel from HoloPro got a really nasally voice, but it works well for him. Depending on character design, it can fit really well. Look at Digby.

>> No.51105151

I wasn't. All good now, probably.
Happy day after your birthday btw

>> No.51105625

There is a certain charm to nasal voices.

>> No.51107338
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>> No.51108233

I'm only a 1view and haven't even broken 200 on twitter but I have a dedicated group of chatters that always turn up. I've been on break for a while because I've managed to get more schizo and the doctors have been fucking around with my meds. I miss my chatters and I miss streaming though.
I was already known for being sort of insane so I'm going back to streaming as a full mask off schizo despite no meds. Wish me luck aspies!

>> No.51110247
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>/asp/ staying hopeful in the Lord of the Board

>> No.51110939

is our fighter a crab?

>> No.51111079
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The sexy symbol of /asp/

>> No.51111246

We should Collab

>> No.51111517


>> No.51111691

Alva the leech king

>> No.51112560

>leech king
ok I don't want to abide by bullshit crabbing but I'll admit that's a good one

>> No.51114693

>need to get work done on assets
>waste day playing games I should've played on stream
corpos for this feel?

>> No.51114754

Because its true
All Alva is looking for is people bigger than him to leech off of.

>> No.51115071

Somebody sat down and wrote this thinking "yes, this is a good post. I should share it with the world."

>> No.51115119

hololive, you just need to stream consistently for the first year

and? what's wrong with that? he's going to make it

>> No.51115353

This may be a retarded question, what does singing on key mean and how do you know if you're on key?

>> No.51115460
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more music today, less angst!

it means you are singing the right note, not too high or too low.

>> No.51115496

And how do you know if you're doing that?

>> No.51115805

if you have a true friend, they'll let you know

>> No.51116314

If you wanna know if you're on key, a trick you can use is cover the front of your ears like you have elephant ears, and then sing to a song, have the song set to a moderate volume, and you can know if you're breaking key pretty fast. Also just recording yourself.

>> No.51117222

I could really use those years of practice right now

>> No.51117576

Everyone is bigger than Alva, though.
Tiny little shortboi, you could wrap your fingers around his entire waist.

>> No.51117884

>its another episode of dickwaving the difference between 4 and 5 views

Bring back that schizo whining about males.

>> No.51118407
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>I wasn't. All good now, probably.
if you think maybe chatting would help or us to clarify anything, you can break my dms rule and hmu. free pass. i care about your mental babe
>Happy day after your birthday btw
ty <3

>> No.51118548

Vtubing needs more manly men and less of the weird creeps that try to get clicks by using female models

>> No.51118678
File: 136 KB, 500x500, kankuro_oggey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I fall on the Manly-Femme scale?


>> No.51118812

what about small, timid and massively breedable male? bonus points if they have a massive cock

>> No.51119068

Thoughts on Beryl graduation?

>> No.51119114

he will oversleep and get stuck as a Vtuber

>> No.51119347
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about here

>> No.51119368

What about me, parseks

>> No.51119905

You will never be a woman

>> No.51119927

Thank god I was worried my model looked a little too girly

>> No.51120021
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>> No.51120064
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>> No.51120301


You know she's the prettiest and baddest bitch out of them all, what are you saying?

>> No.51120356

Do me do me

>> No.51120390


>> No.51120457

You have a cuter look than usual, owing to the style of your model, but I can still immediately read you as being masculine. High energy, decent voice, and nonenof the cutesy talk that causes me to take damage when it comes from a guy.
On a scale from 0 to 100, 0 being Barbie and 100 being Duke Nukem, I'll place you at an easy 80.

>> No.51120476

also I forgot to say it but I am impregnating Beryl.

>> No.51120483
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>> No.51120580

sexo with digby!!

>> No.51120649

Why am I all the way at max girl...? It's the chest isn't it?

>> No.51120685

only girls wear panties bro

>> No.51120856

They're comfy and I was just repeating what the NPC said.

>> No.51120994
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>Sex with Digby

>> No.51121771


>> No.51122487

>didn't put himself into cool and unique
Nigga you're doing things that people are too braindead for these days, you might be the most unique out of them all
And this isn't simping, I simp for Laine

>> No.51122562
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i legit don't know who you are so i added a bunch more, if you're one of the new boys i rated you entirely on design
alright, i'm gonna dial it back a little, i really thought you were a girl with a weird voice like Coco the first time you posted your stream here

>> No.51123095


I could repost the link to my YouTube again if you want a taste of what I'm like, but I mainly just use it for filler content so I can get into the habit of talking to myself, m aning I hope I won't stay the way i currently am...

Besides there's only 2 videos lululul

>> No.51123161

Tell me more about the really girly one

>> No.51123350


>> No.51123838
File: 186 KB, 220x221, meme-anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another day, no gf

>> No.51124136

I am forgotten...

>> No.51124208

MUST sniff Haru's panties

>> No.51124276

Fuza here, the fact I'm in the middle amazes me. Is that picture in specific what you're placing? If so, that makes more sense.

Side question for thread, when I'm back from my short departure I intend on doing some challenge run content. Would you rather see games I'm familiar with being played using weird controls (i.e. a flight stick for an FPS), or a game I've never played for extra suffering?

>> No.51124415

I want to see you wearing the mankini

>> No.51124579

I'm doing a big charity event (in no small part inspired by AlbertMorn, a good pal who you should also check out) once I'm back. Donate 25USD and I'll wear it on stream.

>> No.51124664


Imo a challenge run gets better if it's a game you already know. Being forced to think differently and utilize past knowledge in new ways makes it so much more interesting

>> No.51124992

I’m sorry

>> No.51125143

sorry for what?

>> No.51125282

didn't make it, again
even after passing multiple auditions
kinda wanna quit streaming and even trying at this point, i can be on the cusp of being good enough but no matter how hard i try, it's not enough
yep. makes me really sad

>> No.51125319

Just unfollowing gumpai wasnt enough, do I really have to mute this dumb bitch too

>> No.51125493

Fuza is way more guy than that placement. Beryl’s design is obvious but does he really sound girly?

>> No.51125820

RIP, I'll see you in Gensoukyo

>> No.51125829


> Wants to bitch about not being watched enough

> Realize that it's because they don't stream enough in a week.

I need to stop sleeping in on streams.

>> No.51126585

Why don’t you block her? Do you share the same circles as her?

>> No.51127027

nta but blocking can be perceived by the other side and honestly I'd not go through the trouble of actively showing i dont want to see your stuff unless it's something i consider problematic. i muted gumpai too, because it's just too much but it's not like i hate her.

>> No.51127483

Girl Beryl graduating leaves us the better, boy Beryl

>> No.51127531


>> No.51127545


Or worse, you get treated like a viewer to the point of them advertising their next stream to your 1view chat during your stream unprompted because "We're cool friends, aren't we?"

Source: I've menhera'd at friends about this after collabs and they start self promoing for no reason. (Not a raid, didn't ask, not simulstreaming/collating, etc.)

>> No.51127963

You should treat your viewers better, might even gain some returning viewers if you do. The chuubas i watch treat me like a friend instead of worthless garbage

>> No.51128401

>Not doing it for fun

>> No.51128729

this, but unironically. i don't know why anyone would want to be a vtuber, even a corpo vtuber if they weren't having fun enough that they'd do it anyway. if you are going to spend your life doing something unfun at least do something that pays better, even corpo vtubers make chump change in the grand scheme unless you're the 1/10000 who makes it huge

>> No.51128920

Damn streaming is so fun!

>> No.51129473


True... I probably shouldn't bitch about numbers so much. Chat took time out of their lives to watch and they don't need to. I'm more just annoyed that chuubas I want to believe are my friends come off as milking someone like me - like...we're not worth it, bro. Go milk a partner streamer.. I usually ignore chuubas who do that though, or at least try to.

I've brought it up in DMs to them about it, because it messes with stream to randomly get an ad for someone else's stream in chat..and they play it off like they're not doing it. /menhera

>> No.51129740

Thinking about testing the waters on Kick, but the people there seem weird and scary... Maybe it's just because the amount of vtubers there is small though so they stand out more.

>> No.51129809

Yeah thats weird af and they would get banned from many channels for it. The streamer shouts you out if they feel like it but unprompted self promo is just shitty behavior

>> No.51129868

what is fun? I don't want to be like the edgelord who filmed a video of him visibly suffering while working on content creation but I don't think I enjoy the processes in life
maybe not even the results

>> No.51129903

Its less moderated and last time i saw their biggest streamer was someone that looked like a /pol/tard

>> No.51130035


Tbh, i think they do it because stream is so quiet and they think talking about their next stream will 'liven' up chat. I don't want to ban them, because they're nice people, and mean well - I think. Just...not going about it well imo, tho I can't think of what to suggest they do.

One of the people I told off about it in DMs has stopped, now he just calls us cute in chat and then vanishes.

>> No.51130136

without even looking into it I'm gonna guess it's like any big site alternative where the whole selling pitch is free speech but that just means it's where people go to organize right wing rallies and spam moonman memes
and don't get me wrong those old moonman YTMNDs are funny as shit but like, you gotta work harder on catering to a more... "normal" crowd.

>> No.51130610

How do we fix Daiya?

>> No.51130676

i like this site when it comes to twitch alternatives. they even have an option to allow anonymous chatting so you don't need an account for it

>> No.51130704

We all headpat him togheter

>> No.51130840

there genuinely needs to be something in the OP that talks about discord communities because if you dont want thread schizo viewers, discord is borderline the only way to network. many of my non /here/ moots basically develope their mini community in discords and they all watch each other there. there has been a lot of /here/ chuubas that never self posted, but found great growth from talking to sasha on aspcord and raiding her then boom every other week she gives you a fat 100 man raid. the ones that make it do this in many many different communities

>> No.51131374

It only works if you know what to look for and spaces like the aspcord tend to have a short useful lifespan because of where they are promoted and what kind of people they attract. usually you find the chuuba through other platforms first and only after that comes the discord interactions

>> No.51131464

Is it worth even networking with female chuubas? Do they usually raid males? Are their viewers not sticky?
The maleschizo has gotten in my head.

>> No.51131503

do what is fun, your fans will have fun if you do. literally think less

>> No.51131612

They might raid but viewers ten to not stick. I know males that have been raided by many partners only to be back to their regular numbers next stream

>> No.51132891

Its not really a free speech site like that. Pretty much the whole purpose of the site is that it allows gambling streams which twitch banned a while ago. That was the main reason people started going there, and now they are trying to pick off big streamers to challenge twitch in general by having pretty good donation splits. They also seem to be much less ban happy for sexual content, so you see a lot more racy stuff there.

>> No.51133697

Beryl please stream with a string bikini next stream

>> No.51136346


place this rabbit

as a viewer, games you're familiar with so that the challenge is more doable! suffering is fun but it gets frustrating to watch eventually too. one of the reason those no-hit dark souls runs by happy hob were so nailbiting is because he could have actually completed it on any given run


>> No.51136499


>> No.51136854

babiniku cock and balls

>> No.51137030

How do all the random aspiring vtubers you may stumble on while scrolling social media find all the scam corpos and decide to join them? Did no one tell them to read the contracts or to do a little research to see what kind of company they are?

>> No.51137085
File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, thumbnail paldea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kepo the merchant is restocking his store with the newest Pokemon set in a few minutes https://youtu.be/6dhPz1wD90k

>> No.51137129

I think gumpai should get a shota model. Train her voice to sound like a boy's. Do what no-one else will!

>> No.51137149

Kepo, how tall are you

>> No.51137217

shota gumpai would be so punch and rapeable

>> No.51137327

You closet homosexuals are creepy

>> No.51137387

I'm a very tall gnome clocking in at 3'1"

>> No.51137523

people just want something, anything.

>> No.51137550

Do you hate viewers too?

>> No.51138345

Were you the guy talking about repurposing his old channel? Also tip for your AI art thumbnail. Try the keywords "blunt bangs, bowl cut, blunt ends" in your prompts. Might want to add "bob cut" in the negative prompt as well depending on the results. It'll make it look more like your chuuba model.

>> No.51139700

Parseks here with some questions.

For people with shitty voices like mine, how do I keep it from cracking?

I think my voice is one of the big things holding me back at the moment.

>> No.51139743

your voice is better than you think

>> No.51139815

Your voice is unbearable, the cracking is terrible

>> No.51139906

Yeah that's why I'm asking for advice

>> No.51139975

Its unfixable.

>> No.51140208

Guess I'll just have to make up for it with my amazing personality then.

Seriously though, if anyone has a good voice training regime to knock this kind of shit out I would love to see it.

>> No.51140222

Albert here,

Your voice isnt that bad Parseks. Dont worry about it too much you need to be confident with yourself or you'll get nowhere.

>> No.51140317

Thanks! I actually like my voice 95% of the time, it's just the occasional cracking that gets on my nerves.

>> No.51140637

Fuck Daiya already

>> No.51140768


>> No.51140992

peoples voices usually crack when they switch from chest to head voice or try to move outside their range...usual advice applies, pay attention to where you feel your voice when you speak and be conscious of it while talking. pay attention to your breathing as well, you might be pushing too much air when it cracks. not something i've noticed. glad you like your voice most of the time.

>> No.51141072

>ask for advice
>on the place that doesn't give a shit about you
You retard

>> No.51142075

let's all love Parseks

>> No.51142211

I'm not sure what this means. Did I do something to turn people off?

Yes. Thanks for the tip. AI is so finnicky but between FlaVR prompting and a forum thread for it I'm slowly wrangling it in. I think.

>> No.51142283

not even Alva likes Parseks

>> No.51142321

i like parseks

>> No.51143921

...groomer Coco

>> No.51145474

Are you the rabbit who wanted to do asmr?

>> No.51145645

yeah, wow i didn't think anyone would remember lol

>> No.51146448

men shouldnt do asmr.

>> No.51147066

You sounded cute so I've been waiting for you to debut.

>> No.51147177

This, can't wait to sexpest

>> No.51147710

you guys are so sweet, thank you! i hope you have fun sex pesting me!
