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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51038590 No.51038590 [Reply] [Original]

>Let me do my thing, let me play my fucking Honkai, let me stream 2 times a week and not give a shit
>Bro I've done the grinding; I don't have anything to grind for anymore. What I want to grind for is my own well-being and mental heatlh. So, if that means that I'm not giving you enough attention -starts frantically eating his lollipop and complains about how it's melting-
>Anyway, like you said, "how can you watch a guy who openly says he doesn't care about his content or how his fans feel towards it" I don't know, you ask yourself that question and never come back here. If you don't like that- 'cause yeah, I don't care about my content, and I don't care about what my fans feel towards it. I don't. I have no reason to. I'm doing what I want to do right now, and if my fans don't want to watch it, that's fine. I've already entertained people for long enough. Like you can always go back to the times where I was taking content really seriously- go rewatch those, that's fine.

>I dont need to represent the company, do you really think I'm going to ruin nijisanji's reputation? (laughs) ok dont make me speak anymore, I was going to say something prettyy bad. Bro, you can already infer what I was going to say, so who gives a shit, bro, who gives a shit
I wonder what he could have possibly meant by this.

>> No.51038642

How long until the branch is closed?

>> No.51038744

That's gonna take years, no matter how much they drop in numbers Riku will keep squeezing out every single dollar he can. Just look at NijiID.

>> No.51038802

Sinking ship? Nah bitch, this shit's the Titanic

>> No.51038814

>I dont need to represent the company, do you really think I'm going to ruin nijisanji's reputation? (laughs) ok dont make me speak anymore, I was going to say something prettyy bad. Bro, you can already infer what I was going to say, so who gives a shit, bro, who gives a shit
Kek, based Mysta.

>> No.51038845

He should stop playing gacha games if he wants better mental health.

>> No.51038986

what was he going to say

>> No.51038995

I thought NijiEN is NijiCN. That's western behavior as shown by you know who. But he is too honest about it.

>> No.51039068

Imagine if Zaion said this, they would've added like 5 more bullet points to the termination list from this paragraph alone.

>> No.51039088

Declining numbers with each wave means NijiEN will likely get merged to the main branch like them soon.

>> No.51039113

How can a man be on the same level as women when it comes to mental breakdown? Are men getting weaker?

>> No.51039132

Definitely not "the corp's reputation is already in the shitter, can't sink it much further" :^)

>> No.51039235

Nijisanji just hires faggots
>corpo of gay rights and lgbt tolerance
>a different "liver" has a meltdown every week
Notice anything?

>> No.51039275

Women are allowed to, and even expected, to be outpouring emotion everywhere they go, at any moment.
Men are expected to bottle it all up and just hide it. It explodes out eventually, but usually with a private group and not on stream like this.

>> No.51039364

>do you really think I'm going to ruin nijisanji's reputation? (laughs) ok dont make me speak anymore, I was going to say something prettyy bad
Top notch bongoloid bants, sasuga mysta

>> No.51039484

Should men be allowed to express their explosive emotions everywhere?

>> No.51039525

He had a twitter meltdown over the fact that people hate League of Legends. No one can really compete with Mysta when it comes to random melty's. He's fucking pathetic.
The fact that his only contribution to the infamous "all out war" leak was whining about depression is such fucking IRL poetry.

>> No.51039549

Go to a gym

>> No.51039568

>Lazulight and Obsydia
2 waves of Niji fans who wanted to grow and make people love Nijisanji as much as they do
a wave of vtuber fans who wanted to use nijisanji for clout but had some knowledge on the medium
>all waves forward apart from Maria (she applied before and could as well be in Lazulight or Obsydia)
0 knowledge on the medium, 0 interest in Nijisanji as a whole, just a bunch of normalfags wanting to get easy clout and money and not willing to make any compromises because they secretely (or nowadays openly) hate their jobs

>> No.51039642

That just about sums it up
The Lazulight and Obsydia era might as well have been a different company

>> No.51039668

Mysta ran a vtuber fan account on Twitter before becoming one himself and you can see him talking about watching Nijisanji in a PL VOD. He's one of the bigger weebs in the branch who talks about watching anime on the weekly.
He's just burnt out.

>> No.51039676

I find it funny that Enna is the most popular girl now. Absolutely fitting image for that dumpsterfire of a branch.

>> No.51039937

his 1% finally broke him, the rest were getting 2%.

>> No.51040172

Why even become an entertainer if you hate it?
What do these manchildren expect from this career? You're an adult daycare for the worst parts of society - they're going to have unreasonable expectations of you.

>> No.51040252

>Why even become an entertainer if you hate it?
Woe is Mysta, he had to spend 1.5 years (lmao) entertaining his fans. He's EARNED his retirement okay?? He's suffered long enough...

>> No.51040287

>What do these manchildren expect from this career?
They expected to be worshipped by fans without earning said fandom in the first place
Before applying to the job they looked at the biggest vtubers that have been around for years, they saw the devoted fanbases those vtubers have built for themselves and they thought "huh it would be cool if that was me on the screen"

>> No.51040328

I used to be a Mystake but I've moved on, turned off stream notifs and cancelled the menshi he never did anything with anyway lmao

>> No.51040381

80% of all Male Vtubers are either fags or in it for hikkimori puss
sometimes it’s somewhere inbetween

>> No.51040464
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If streaming 2 times a week is "not giving a shit" then what about once a month like Gura? Based Mysta throwing shade at her.

>> No.51040713

Raised by a single mother, lack of male role models growing up

>> No.51040719

>It's ok if you're Luxiem :^)

>> No.51040760

Can you imagine what this man's life would've been like if he'd had to get a normal job?
Would've killed himself before 30 from "stress".

>> No.51040831

He's had around 15 or so jobs in the past. Bartender, office worker, fast food, you name it. Dropped out of school to support his mother.

>> No.51040866

If he's already had 15 jobs at his age it means he quits every few months and probably was a insufferable employee

>> No.51041001

No, it means he was a poorfag working multiple jobs at once since his early teens who moved multiple times.

>> No.51041281

Zaion made him say it, they should add those bullet points to her termination notice anyway.

>> No.51041350

why are dragoons like this?

>> No.51041753
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>I dont need to represent the company, do you really think I'm going to ruin nijisanji's reputation? (laughs) ok dont make me speak anymore, I was going to say something prettyy bad. Bro, you can already infer what I was going to say, so who gives a shit, bro, who gives a shit
What should be inferred here?

>> No.51042047

More or less.
I remember shitting on Nina on debut. In hindsight she ended up being one of the better members.
You know it's bad when Nina fucking Kosaka is one of your least terrible members. How the fuck did that happen?

>> No.51042136

Has he apologized yet?

>> No.51042216

Watch him go on "break" soon

>> No.51042276

>I dont need to represent the company, do you really think I'm going to ruin nijisanji's reputation? (laughs) ok dont make me speak anymore, I was going to say something prettyy bad. Bro, you can already infer what I was going to say, so who gives a shit, bro, who gives a shit
Unironically what did he mean by this?

>> No.51042299

>Bro I've done the grinding; I don't have anything to grind for anymore
Does he thinks he owns his own channel or something?

>> No.51042337

That the company's reputation is already in the shitter lately, so he wouldn't sink it any lower.

>> No.51042376

Because their oshit is a boosted bitch whose life's biggest moment is a meaningless rank in a shitty game.

>> No.51042446

Terminally online + pinoy/white mutt that grew up in poverty. Mysta is in existential dread due to ADHD and his own existence. As much as I dislike him, I feel really bad for him, hope he fixes his own shit.
Majority of NijiEN hires also are nepotism hires, not even kidding. Majority of them are friends or co-workers irl. That explains why shitlords like Enna and Uki are in NijiEN.

>> No.51042581

This thread again? I thought whorokeks were used to vtubers hating their audience?

>> No.51042685 [DELETED] 

What is that fat SEAnigger bvtm doing, hurry up and make a tweet about this

>> No.51042880

haven't you heard? he's an unironic homobeggar now. check his recent tweets

>> No.51044213

>>Bro I've done the grinding; I don't have anything to grind for anymore.
What the fuck did he grind lmao
He joined mansanji as a male vtuber

>> No.51044326

Playing FOTM shit and making clickbait thumbnails is very hard work ok??

>> No.51044349

>Let me shill for honkai or else

come the fuck on.

>> No.51044498

the theory of homosexual men having a similar brain to a womans is making more sense by the day.

>> No.51044519

The title of his videos are also fucking shit.

>> No.51044629

honestly every bit i hear about NijiEN's decline and how poorly they hadnle it just points to them having dogshit management
>pump their heads full of delusions when they're at their peak ("as succesful as HoloJP" my ass, kek)
>allow gossip clubs in official channels
>get on the case of the lower performing livers about numbers (Yugo)
>stealth suspensions
>publicly smear the name of a terminated liver
>fuck up the most important event of their career and give "covid" as an explaination in fucking 2023
the livers are not without fault, especially those like Finana who are in large part architects of their own undoing, but holy shit what a clownshow

>> No.51044970

Exactly he acts like he's been doing it for years.

>> No.51045341

Enna is funny and entertaining.

>> No.51045507

>t. has QoS tattooed on his crotch

>> No.51045515

Anycolor just added one more to his "crimes", Zaion 2.0 when?

>> No.51045549

This guy has a meltdown every week or month.

>> No.51045679

Has he announced his "vacation" yet?

>> No.51046329

>Enna is entertaining Kyo
We know

>> No.51046448

"...good times create weak men..." etc.

>> No.51048343

That only makes Nijisanji as whole to seem worse and worse. JP probably isn't any better either, like that time when Mirei got suspended for comment about beaning strong players during baseball match lmao

>> No.51048409

they are still coping about getting cucked multiple times

>> No.51050342

tell me you know nothing about jp without telling me kek
its clear you guys only have information about it from 4chan and drama channels, guys
The only real controversy this year in JP was gundou, outside of that theres been a lot of events, 3D debuts, tournaments and shit happening. JP is doing much better overall tan EN

>> No.51050366

jp is a lot worse but it just doesnt gain any traction from here since they are irrelevant

>> No.51050397

Wish this faggot graduated already. why the fuck you dont get out if you are unsatisfied? go by a terrible vtuber in other place, just like all luxiem

>> No.51050446

I think one of the jp livers suddenly called it quits out of the blue
last i heard it was because she got a better deal than the one she got in niji

>> No.51050498

>lot worse
>has much more things going on than EN ever did on this year alone
the fuck are you talkng about

>> No.51050623

the one that was part of nornis
graduated the week after she announced it

>> No.51051168

Male vtubers in both holoEN and NijiEN have a high resistance to "health" breaks and "vacations". Mysta got close to a suspension with the comment about Nijisanji's reputation but will probably be okay.

>> No.51051552

So what you are saying is that it IS a problem with NijiEN mgmt/staff, because all those things you mentioned are things that are organized by them, and we know how badly NijiEN staff have dropped the ball on those same exact things.

>> No.51052446

yes anon thats what im saying. NijiEN is the on dropping the ball when in JP theres so much going on all the time. not sure if because of incompetency, budget or anything else

>> No.51052694
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>> No.51056422

I don't follow nijien. What did the fish do?

>> No.51056619

>unlikeable SJW cunt in general, prime example being "zAiOn gAsLiT mE"
>"L + Ratio you parasocial fucks"
>repeatedly joined a fan discord server and played with the groomers there even after getting bonked by management, making her paypigs jealous over the preferential treatment
>forced Uki into a "girl's night" collab and then literally admitted she lied about it and decided to sell it as girl's night despite Uki being planned all-along

>> No.51058018

I suppose I'm glad I stay away from nijien. Thank you, Mr. Anon

>> No.51063665

>>corpo of gay rights and lgbt tolerance
>>a different "liver" has a meltdown every week
>Notice anything?
those groups suffer more because of society so their health is worse than ours?

>> No.51064878

I notice that it's the en livers that are having meltdowns. It might be related to your point, but jp people don't have meltdowns like this.

>> No.51065127

Go back to grooming kids, you faggot.

>> No.51066318
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>jp people don't have meltdowns like this
Blocks your path

>> No.51066487

Don't forget her meltdown about the word trap.

>> No.51067401

How long until we see the first luxiem graduation?

>> No.51067644

this entitled twat was a 100 view nobody for years, and now he thinks putting in under a year a work entitles him to coast forever? he deserves to lose his popularity. you're not gura lil bro

>> No.51068848

I meant nijisanji jp members not jp people in general

>> No.51069748

kek amazing. classic niji

>> No.51069898

>Are men getting weaker?
oh the ironing

>> No.51071607


>> No.51073584

the man also bragged about having an iq of 100 lmao

>> No.51075440

I remember following him and was like omg a hot trap! Heard his voice and almost threw up because of his accent.

>> No.51075943

I remember that. He was complaining about how people were making the usual "LEAGUE BAD" type jokes or something.
https://twitter.com/Mysta_Rias/status/1487615896667541507 I'm pretty sure this is it.

>> No.51077670

Niji needs a Taiwan-level that destroys their gacha perms, but we all know Riku would naked dogeza to keep them.

>> No.51077792

IDK, I sent an email to Niji about it. We'll see what happens.

>> No.51077806

*Taiwan-level yab

>> No.51078245

Mysta called Taiwan a country very early on in his career but nothing ever came of it. Unless someone openly shits on China deliberately I don't think any yab would be Coco-Taiwan tier.

>> No.51078742

Coco also had way more eyes on her in aggregate since chinks were stuck at home (welded in lmao) during COVID, so they had ample free time to anti her.

>> No.51078878

wow, a nijisanji en member finally said something entertaining on stream

>> No.51079502

I think Mysta and Ike are probably the only ones that care

>> No.51079708

You can have more things going on and more problems

>> No.51080209

>How long until we see the first luxiem graduation?
19 months.

>> No.51080577

Because Mysta is an effeminate. Not a man. Nobody in his family taught him how to be a man.

>> No.51080864

You hate on Enna because she doesn't cater to you, her kind of humor and entertainment. Keep her name out of your filthy mouth and stick to what you actually like bitch.

>> No.51080993

>Are men getting weaker?
you are a little faggot gossiping about a homo on the internet, you tell me

>> No.51083136

Does she cater to cucks such as yourself?

>> No.51083460

anon if you like Enna you might have a cuckhold fetish. Like you realize she openly called her fans cucks and literally cucked them, holding a man's hand in her bedroom. I mean come on man. That's not her "humor" she shows open disrespect for her own fanbase.

>> No.51084083

Oh Mysterio! You're so quirky!

>> No.51084140

Do you retards know what cuck means? This isn't your favorite doujin genre fucking freak.

>That's not her "humor" she shows open disrespect for her own fanbase.
You have no idea what disrespect means that is for certain and this is coming from guy who lives in the hood.

>> No.51084759

ok Kyo move out of your parent's house

>> No.51084871

Unlike Kyo I'm the real thing so drop dead mf cracker.

>> No.51085749

>Can you imagine what this man's life would've been like if he'd had to get a normal job?
>Would've killed himself before 30 from "stress".
I don't watch Mysta's streams but being a vtuber is a lot of pressure for most people

>> No.51085991

I'm gay she can't cuck me. She has the attitude of a middle aged sassy gay so she's just like me frfr.

>> No.51089613

>I'm a nigger
I believe you.

>> No.51091814

He already lost it.
poor Mysterio

>> No.51091931

On behalf of all blacks, kys aloucuck.

>> No.51093723

help him
