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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50941141 No.50941141 [Reply] [Original]

Is it immoral to trick vulnerable men into thinking they have virtual girlfriends?

>> No.50941197

The thing about miori is its not a trick

>> No.50943012

How many times will unicorns have to fall for it until they get it? >>50941197

>> No.50943273

Parting fools from their money is not a sin in any religion or philosophy, it's natural selection.

>> No.50943359

Service to society so they don't become violent or criminal

>> No.50943543

This sounds like commie talk.

>> No.50943999

Nobody actually believes it's real, so nobody is being "tricked". It's just a fantasy, and everyone involved knows it.
And there is nothing immoral about providing it so long as the VTuber takes responsibility and doesn't do anything to ruin the immersion.
That means either actually being a pure, seiso idol IRL, or at least being super committed to the kayfabe and having airtight opsec.
What is immoral, however, is using GFE to get views/money, making men emotionally invested in you, and then turning around and cucking them, as many GFETubers often do.

>> No.50944142

only if you use an anime girl avatar to do it

>> No.50944541

Only when Niji's do it

>> No.50944918

>stealing money from retards
kinda based desu, I only get mad when scammers target kids or elderly people

>> No.50944977

Not my fault you're retarded.

>> No.50945121

Is it immoral to trick vulnerable men into thinking they have a magical friend in the sky?

>> No.50945160

How long have host/hostess clubs been a thing?

>> No.50945687

Do Geisha count?

>> No.50945860

Maybe the men should stop being so vulnerable. It's not difficult.

>> No.50945943

90% of them know on some level its not a real relationship, but just like waifu fags in anime if it makes them happy its not really a problem. As for the last 10% they're usually so far gone that without some type of intervention or therapy they're always gonna be like this, but I guess if you have to waste money better on women playing waifus than AI waifus where some techbro in the silicon valley is getting all the money

>> No.50946029

Miori is Korean, its in her blood to comfort men.

>> No.50946133

If they're single too then yes.
If they have a boyfriend or husband then no.

>> No.50946190

>90% of them know on some level its not a real relationship
Doubt it. Look at the levels of mental illness in this community.

>> No.50946211

>Nobody actually believes it's real

>> No.50946459
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It's fine, as long as it is going in both directions
It's only a problem if one side doesn't hold to the standard of their half

>> No.50946479

this is 4chan, i doubt 90% of vtuber watchers are active participants in 4chan

>> No.50946554


>> No.50946845

I would have to agree.
Plus they keep us company.

>> No.50950285

They're all memeing my dude. You might want to get an autism evaluation.

>> No.50950783

Just out of curiosity, what vtubers have fully committed to this?

>> No.50950848

Michael cat bros...

>> No.50950976

>goes full menhera when a regular jokes about cheating on her with another vtuber
>proceeds to go on a rant for hours about how she goes out of her way to keep her mutuals at a safe distance so that we don't feel cucked so the least we can do is not cheat on her or if we do cheat just don't tell her because it really hurts her
Mio is legit

>> No.50951035

BFE is equally bad too

>> No.50951036

what did wemi do

>> No.50952609


>> No.50952813

Wemi is not my oshi but her stream letting members pick what ring she should buy for Valentine's Day was the most adorable stream I have ever watched in my life

>> No.50952842

This is actually pretty messed up.

>> No.50952958
File: 311 KB, 879x990, doomer moomei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost nothing is immoral in these times

>> No.50953028

>You can do whatever you want
>But don't do this, it's not normal. You should do this instead.

>> No.50953072


>> No.50953181
File: 294 KB, 1310x920, peko very nice sankyu [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7pgsqc.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50953478
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>> No.50953757

Only ones I know of are Miori (pic in OP), Kiki (Kiyomi Pyon), and Shondo. None of them are ideal tho. I have certain issues with each of them, personally.

>> No.50953802

And then she goes and makes light of cheating by covering the NTR song. Fucking hypocrite.

>> No.50954228

she cultivates a special kind of audience.
anyone who superchats is an idiot. anyone who superchats before a stream ends is a double idiot. at the very least it should be a tip for good service, not a prepayment. never pay a contractor upfront.

>> No.50954422

Weirdly hot in a way.

>> No.50954485

Honestly as long as the vtuber doing it appreciates her simps I am ok with it. She doesn't have to be insane or love them, just like them at least. Feel some sympathy and appreciation towards them.
That's enough. Even if she says "I love you" and it's a lie as long as she enjoys what she does and her time milking her simps is fun and enjoyable to her and she has good memories of her simps and feels thankful to them I think it's fine.

>> No.50954644

skill issue, cry about it

>> No.50954714

In many ways, chuubas are the geisha of our age.
At least the ones that do GFE. The others are more like the rakugo of our age.

>> No.50954864

Memes don't normally cause people to throw away thousands of dollars a year.

>> No.50955044

I hate that this gave me a boner

>> No.50955052

Hostesses aren‘t nearly as self-righteous or naive about it, they are fully aware that they are exploiting people and that them being attractive women is the only reason they have the job in the first place.

>> No.50955145

holy shit you people are so easy to manipulate

>> No.50955253

That's not because they think the GFE is real. It's just because they have money to burn and are financially irresponsible. Every successful non-GFE VTuber has whales too.

>> No.50955275

I want to choke Miori bad.

>> No.50955453

i'm guessing a there are a lot who don't have the money to burn. places like reddit and yt comments are like an alternate universe.

>> No.50955517

>Immoral tot trick
yes, no problem if it's real though.

>> No.50955519

No, because for people who are lonely but well-adjusted enough to understand it's just fantasy role-play, it's fine. The fault lies with people who are unable to separate fiction from reality enough and end up taking it too seriously. They need professional help.

>> No.50955571

Yeah but everyone involved ends up reaping what they sow anyway

>> No.50955577

Emotionally manipulating the mentally ill and the physically useless because they hide behind "muh feelings" and "the world is unfair" is morally correct.

>> No.50955608

Production Kawaii is my last attempt, if they screw me over 'm completely out and will no longer give any women anything ever.

>> No.50955748

please no. go find a real woman to manipulate you and turn you against all women. at least have that experience.

>> No.50955795

>Is it immoral
Does it matter?

>> No.50955934

Shouldn't be too hard

>> No.50955959

if you are too eager to find "the one" who you can go all parasocial for then you are just setting yourself up for failure because your bias will let you see what you want to see.
Just take it easy and watch vtubers, if you come across a vtuber who you can genuinely say is a good girl for you after knowing her for a while then you can commit safely.

>> No.50955989

the vast majority of internet grifts rely on 90% of your audience being aware its ironic/exaggerated while that last 10% is delusional and thinks its real and will throw thousandso f dollars at you. its inherently a con
i think there are aspects of it where giving lonely men a taste of feeling wanted or loved isn't harmful at all and can even be healthy if they're not delusional. but i don't know how you divorce that from the inherent donation based format vtubers operate in

>> No.50956223

it's a good grift. when you're done, if you have any opsec, you can just disappear. that makes it easier for girls who would normally be too shy to risk it or to commit fully to the act...

>> No.50956231

Kinda depends on intent I guess. I've seen some streamers that appear to be menhara enough that they are also parasocial towards the audience, which I think is a bit different than intentionally taking advantage of people. GFE almost always results in a negative outcome long term, but being aware of it and taking advantage of people anyways is a lot worse than just being a menhara in my mind.

>> No.50958434

Oh nonono

>> No.50958680 [DELETED] 

somebody send me a twitter dm when Panko wakes up

>> No.50959896


>> No.50960560

If ethots/simping of the late 2010's were condemned and shamed back then, i don't see why vtubing should be treated any differently just because the streamer uses an anime mask now

>> No.50960651

go ask >>50952442 if they're joking and get back to me

>> No.50961376

Where is the lie?

>> No.50961404
File: 57 KB, 350x405, 1611944196598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that Miori is very close to Bae and she just got done visiting her in Australia just this past month.
Make of that what you will.

>> No.50961483

You never watched her so you don't know shit, simple

>> No.50961548

How do you know I haven't watched her? And how would watching her change anything about what she did?

>> No.50961803

The filter worked and you got filtered by a meme song

>> No.50961893

Downplaying it by calling it a "meme song" doesn't change anything. It's still not something a supposedly dedicated GFETuber should touch with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.50961937
File: 183 KB, 814x790, 1683271401677758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it immoral to trick schizophrenic women into thinking they have virtual husbands?

>> No.50962074

How it's a downplay? It's literally what it is.
It's not the same as telling her directly that you are cucking her with another chuuba too, you don't need to do GFE either to get annoyed by it.

>> No.50962499

How does it feel to hear these words come out of your "GF's" mouth? Couldn't be me.

>> No.50962695

You literally didn't understand a word of her rants, if you ever listened them

>> No.50962793

What "rants"? Tf are you talking about?
How does posting the rest of the song make it any better? Lmao

>> No.50962869

See, you don't even know the chuuba.
Her filter song worked again

>> No.50962997

>Akshuallyyy she isn't joking about cucking me, she just did it to filter people like you!
Sure buddy. Whatever you need to tell yourself.

>> No.50963098

This bitch has a 666 in her hair lmao

>> No.50963386

It’s hard to get cucked without being in a relationship

>> No.50963474

Oh how convenient. You're "not in a relationship" with her now, but you are when you're in her chat. Unless you mean to tell me that you genuinely don't watch her for the GFE?

>> No.50963541

>collabed with males
>support males
>TEMPUS supporter
>covered a TEMPUS song
Kill yourself you fucking demented faggots supporting malicious lying whores

>> No.50963640

He wasn't me but you got filtered by an anti schizo barrier, imho should have set up more

>> No.50963876

Holy cope.
"I'm gonna do hardcore GFE, and then do something that directly violates that, and you're a 'schizo' if you're reasonably upset by that."
Being a GFETuber and singing the NTR song is like being a chef and singing a song about spitting in your food. It's like the one thing you just don't fucking do.

>> No.50964183

nothing of what she does "violates" that

>> No.50964275

GFE? More like the Coucil Fan Cuck Experience
Same shit Fauna Kronii and Bae to shit on their fans all already did mixed together

>> No.50965278

Bae has never shit

>> No.50965339

She support TEMPUS and is going full e thot whore recently

>> No.50966460

She made it clear she liked boys from day 1, that isn't shitting.

>> No.50966869

What stream and time was that? That's pretty based of her if true.

>> No.50966969

it's unarchived last stream because after 4 hours she was starting collapsing from sleep depravation and went taking a nap for 30 minutes with the stream open but it turned into 6 hours of full sleep so she had a breakdown and unarchived it on the spot

>> No.50967187

>Same shit Fauna Kronii and Bae to shit on their fans all already did mixed together
This is barely comprehensible, are you using google translate? You should use DeepL

>> No.50969029

>Is it immoral to trick vulnerable men into thinking they have virtual girlfriends?
Do you think selling drugs is ethical?
If yes, then GFE is ethical.
If you're against drugs then GFE is equally immoral.
So really it depends on your stance on that.

>> No.50971309

Isn't she leaving vtubing to marry a rich dude or something? That's not very GFE

>> No.50971462

i could clip the part from my archive vod but in a thread like this i would only cause her more damage than anything by posting it for all the mongoloids to see it

>> No.50971556

It's only acceptable if the virtual gf is also tricking herself into thinking she has virtual bfs.
