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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50815315 No.50815315 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Vesper the only person not participating in Flayon's birthday collab?

>> No.50815430

Because the transexual homosexual Omega (Altare) is present in the collab.

>> No.50815479

Who would want to be in a collab with both Fagyon and Fagtare?

>> No.50815485

>no girl
>no show
it's that simple

>> No.50815760

thanks for advertising the shotas birthday. forgot he existed for a second

>> No.50815852

You want Vesper, you can't have Altare. Simple as. We should probably start by Altare graduating to make things less awkward.

>> No.50815899

>Another thread that not only shills the homo by "shitting" on them, but also brings awareness to the homos birthday
And you closeted homosexuals tell me you "hate" the stars.
Not even their yumes / fujos are talking about it as much outside of their general.

>> No.50815969

>no girls
Would you show up?

>> No.50816041
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I just assume /vt/ has a weird crush on the guy or something. they talk about him more than /MANS/ does

>> No.50816084

>thread is simply asking a question
Least schizo sis

>> No.50816121

And the reason it wasn't asked in the /mans/ thread where people actually watch them, is because?

>> No.50816226

How did Altare go from being Vesper's favorite to becoming the most hated?

>> No.50816264


>> No.50816275

Sorry retardsis didn't know there was a law that forbade tempus threads outside of /mans/. Kys.

>> No.50816363

>posts something that no one knew (fagon's birthday)
>insists it isn't a shill attempt or a thinly veiled shill attempt disguised as a "le epic own" attempt at another homo
You're fooling absolutely no one. Shill sis. There's literally no reason to post about the homos on the catalog except to shill them or "shit" on them by repeating the same buzzword phrases over and over that everyone already knows, even tourists.

>> No.50816386

Altare and no girls

>> No.50816397

how can one man be so based?

>> No.50816468
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>> No.50816488

Vesper is extremely transphobic(based) and altroon "supporting the cause" was the last nail in the coffin

>> No.50816536

i don't see Kronii involved, why would he

>> No.50816589

thank you for the free advertisement lol

>> No.50816600

Vesper has a strict "no fags and trannies" rule.

>> No.50816637

>Vesper knew his absence would cause people to tune into red homos birthday for dramabaiting
>Vesper chooses to do this to give the little buddy good numbers on his birthday
900 IQ move

>> No.50816651

I like how he is hairless on the first pic, and hairy on the second.

>> No.50816691
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I didnt even look long enough to realize that kek

>> No.50816778

He's trying to hoard his viewers. He thinks participating in a collab will make his audience watch said collab, potentially having them gain interest in another participant.

>> No.50816928


>> No.50817152

I know this is a bait thread, but the actual answer is that he’s going camping with his family and still recorded a call-in video for Flayon.
Feel free to respond about how he’s totally based for hating fags or whatever.

>> No.50817301

its usually people creating rrats to ease their bored minds. the actual cringe people are the containment breakers that'll probably show up making a fool of themselves again.

>> No.50817311

I love you Ves. You're my most favorite man.

>> No.50817367

>no Bae or Kronii
>not even cumdumbster Calli
Why should he should up to that sausagefest?

>> No.50818426

We do it cause it’s funny and we hate the homos so we enjoy shitting on them… people who say it’s “promotion” are either sisters trying to cope or unironically retarded

>> No.50818567

>all this schizo writing
Meds. Or a wrist slit.

>> No.50818726

>too afraid of a Korean twink with a stuffed animal collection to appear on the same screen as him
THIS is the guy you all keep calling a “based brotuber”? Kinda seems like a pussy to me. Like can’t he just show his superiority lol?

>> No.50818771

>shitting on them
>By repeating the same things on 4chan instead of shitting on their channels, sending them hate in the comments or chat, threatening them, etc
Yeah, shitting on them, totally not just enforcing the same buzz words that everyone knows already.
Popular demand, the first thing that comes up when you say these two words are the homos. Why? Because it's what shills have been doing for ages, the same way shills pulled the entire magging shit at the start.

>> No.50818814

>repeating the exact same 3 “jokes” over and over again with zero variation or attempt to make it actually relevant to the matter at hand is funny
What, you watch big bang theory or some shit? Cause that’s the exact same sense of humor

>> No.50819077

Thanks, anon.

>> No.50819170

>blue faggot present
>no Kronii to latch onto
gee I wonder why

>> No.50819395

only an altventurer/cultare would know this fact. no one wants to watch your blue fag

>> No.50819652
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>> No.50819771

I mean would you want to collab with Flayon? It would be more offensive if he toughed it out, showed up then puked every time he heard Flayon's voice. This is the more polite way.

>> No.50819980

Blue troon is there, nuff said.

>> No.50820315

No Kronii no join

>> No.50820856

Every time a gen wide collab is happening he goes camping with his family?

>> No.50820878

So is there any concrete evidence behind this whole Vesper-hates-Altare rrat everyone's been spouting for months? Is it just wishful thinking cuz /vt/ likes one and hates the other?
Granted, this is precedent for a pattern. It's what, the 3rd """full""" collab this year he's dodged? The 4th? You'd think he'd have learnt when to not book fucking camping trips by now.
But it seems like he simply doesn't collab much with anyone. There are 5 collab VoDs on his channel from this year, and 4 of those were the interviews he did with Gen2. Magni, Axel & Altare have 2-3 times as many, not even including VSaikyo.
>>50819652 sounds a lot closer to reality. Maybe he's just legit menhara and has a chronic case of anxiety hort without Kronii.

>> No.50821277
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Nope he's been collabing with the boys, just not with Altare.
>collab with the boys
>collab with pussy
>collab with Altare in it
tommy hort, anxiety hort, family hort, camping hort

>> No.50821471

>No Kronii
You tell me anon

>> No.50821856

maybe he doesnt want to. i dont care

>> No.50822563

There's something funny about the fact that a gay man refuses to hang out with an "ally".

>> No.50822647

That's why I went and checked his channel in the first place. His first collab back had Altare in it.
Was he especially rude to Altare in it or something? He's not done a 1-on-1 collab with Magni since then either, do they hate each other too? Again I'm not seeing the logic behind why he'd hate Altare specifically. Just projection. And who the fuck even projects onto a Holostar?

>> No.50823194

actual gays hate trans supporters

>> No.50823775

I have a feeling Vesper caught feelings for him and he got no way fag'd by the straight Korean

>> No.50823842
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>Vesper is Altare's henri
Now THIS is a rrat I can get wholeheartedly behind.

>> No.50823981

only thing that explains his weird obsession over Altare (Vesper had a notebook dedicated to him) to straight up not mentioning him anymore kek

>> No.50824056

Back when Vesper did the offcollab with Magni about a week later or so Magni commented on how during that time he told Vesper to take it easy on Altare because according to Magni, Altare is ''just a dumb kid playing leader'' and that they had to cut him some slack, this was before Vesper got suspended too so at least my rrat is that his suspension had something to do with him and Altare, they probably butted heads way too many times and Vesper kept pushing so he got suspended, safe to say it would make sense to avoid the fuck out of Altare just overall and not risk another suspension/termination.

>> No.50824225

ask sisters? / gay men? or whoever is posting at mans, I have no idea

>> No.50824269


>> No.50824276

Do your reps nigger, Vesper’s suspension had nothing to do with Altare and was about Vesper losing his shit at his manager over XCOM perms. Altare was the guy defending him every day while he was suspended too.

>> No.50825022

>Altare made token gestures to save face knowing nobody could dispute it.
Meanwhile we have both Magni and Axel showing evidence of Altare and Vesper getting into it. Actions speak louder than words.

>> No.50825033

Ultimate Pippafag turned ultimate Pippanti. So mindbroken over being "rejected" that he now unironically LARPs as Frollo 24/7.
I can't do a full bio justice and don't think I'd even want to subject you to it.

>> No.50825132

Well it's something. Thanks. Makes sense, rrat's have grown from less.
What'd Axel contribute?

>> No.50825577

Menhera Menshi talking about things behind the scenes and "Mom and dad fighting."

>> No.50825863

Ah, which'd also play into the Omega stuff. Naruhodo.

>> No.50826189

Should've added one of his onaholes such as Kronii or Whori, guaranteed Vesper interaction.

>> No.50826391

Kronii needs a hot dicking that day.

>> No.50826715

If he has social anxiety this seems like a bad idea, the guilt would kill me

>> No.50826833

He was also in 6 episodes of WoW Wednesday with Bettel and other 2 shitters from VG

>> No.50826860

Cus Kronii aint in it?
Is this really that hard for /vt/ to get?

>> No.50827282

Cry more sister, your homos are a complete flop and it’s funny to see you all cope about it, the whole “promotion” bit is retarded though, promoting the faggots by shitting on their lackluster viewership is akin to coca-cola releasing ads saying “our soda tastes like piss, please buy it”

>> No.50831688


>> No.50832021

You’re literally the Big Bang Theory fans of /vt/, lmao
All anyone has to do is say “the cause” or “popular demand” and you chimpanzees shit yourselves while laughing and clapping
You might as well be saying “Bazinga!”

>> No.50832518

Man, I just watched my first Vesper stream yesterday (Project Zomboid). I went from thinking he sounded a bit autistic to it finally clicking, he just comes across as an ordinary dude (by middle-aged internet gamer standards). From the perspective of someone who literally never watches Tempus my favorite was Machina for coomer reasons, but I have a newfound appreciation for Vesper.

>> No.50832618

clearly he's a man's man, like the vtuber equivalent of Twitch streamers with 94% male audiences (Asmongold)

>> No.50833108

Yeah that's been his charm since the beginning. I think /vt/ unironically liked him the most of all 4 because of those chill vibes.
Those posts are the result of like 3 different rrats being rolled into one unifying theory tho. He's never actually said Yabba Dabba Doo either.

>> No.50833184

I wish a nigga would.

>> No.50833272

he's literally just a guy kek

>> No.50833301

a reasonably sized guy

>> No.50833505

I never understood where this rrat came from. I always thought Omegay was the same person as Ancient One/AO-chan from Ina's chat from the way they both type, but I never saw any connection between Omega and Altare

>> No.50833583

He's just a little guy

>> No.50833649

The reason why that's weird is usually positions like 'Bae is the leader of council' are entirely part of the roleplaying lore and not actually meant to be taken seriously.

>> No.50833709

It was literally something an anon pulled out of his ass and later admitted to being completely bullshit and that there was no evidence, but schizos had already hopped on it because they have zero critical thinking skills and will buy whatever the fuck you put in front of them no matter how fucking stupid it is if it lets them seethe more kek

>> No.50833899

He’s just an actual sperg who takes roleplaying too seriously. He’s the only one who STILL plays into his kayfabe too.

>> No.50834047
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Some anon compiled a gorillion random quotes & trivia nuggets & quasi-leaks into one post with that as the conclusion. I'm pretty sure the sheer ridiculousness of it just entertained /vt/ so much that it's now our official kayfabe.
Google "altare omega rrat" for a screencap of the post.

>> No.50834056

So he fucking should, he's a vtuber for fuck sake. Kayfabe is the whole point, otherwise just throw the avatar in the bin and be a flesh streamer.

>> No.50834230

I guarantee you there are some who unironically believe it

>> No.50834236
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>> No.50834313


>> No.50834396

3rd one, first two were during his self imposed collab ban post suspension (in which he was readjusting his meds) and this one is a camping trip likely before it gets too hot to do so in his state, which could be in a matter of days.

>> No.50834507

Wait this is still a thing months later? I thought it was a rrat with no proof

>> No.50834509

I agree with you, but half of you faggots bitch about him doing so, so what the fuck do you want?

>> No.50834514

I'm a wrestling fan, I wrote "a boardwide meme" originally but changed it for that very reason.

>> No.50834563

>self imposed collab ban post suspension (in which he was readjusting his meds)
Ahhhhhh, ok. Yeah that actually checks out. Thanks.

>> No.50834782

Vesper's probably done the fewest collabs out of Tempus since it picked up steam and Altare's not been one of them, so it persists.

>> No.50835083

>He’s the only one who STILL plays into his kayfabe too.
That's the whole point of a vtuber. Altare plays the role he was given, and he plays it well.

>> No.50835796

Bettel plays his character pretty well, but that's not very fair since sad and pathetic loser applies to a majority of vtubers.

>> No.50835851

Some jackbox games only allow 8 players so with vesper there he'd be 9 and they couldnt play some

>> No.50835918

Anon, I think you got your math wrong somewhere…

>> No.50835976
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I'm counting 9 so I think one of us is being a bit stupid

>> No.50835984

I think he actually has but it was from reading troll chat.

>> No.50836094

There are 8 in Tempus. Two groups of 4.
Who's the 9th? Is he in the room with us right now?

>> No.50836132

It's me, and I'm fucking your oshi.

>> No.50836173
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>> No.50836240

The American education system strikes again...

>> No.50836591


>> No.50836679

nvm now I get it

>> No.50836716

>1. Altare
>2. Axel
>3. Magni
>4. Vesper
>5. Bettel
>6. Machina
>7. Hakka
>8. Shinri

>> No.50836765


>> No.50836831

>Altare present
>no Mori and Kronii

>> No.50841458


>> No.50841984

The 9th member of Tempus is RPR, or Selen, or GirlDM, depends on who you ask.

>> No.50842142

