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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 758 KB, 777x1274, Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 12-57-07 Mori Calliope💀holoEN on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50814089 No.50814089 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50814206

I thought Mori was from Texas, aren't they usually better with that sort of food?

>> No.50814278

>tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese
>not cilantro and onion
Why are my fellow whites like this

>> No.50814383

Not even using the real tortilla

>> No.50814425

>no sour cream
not like this…

>> No.50814503 [DELETED] 
File: 478 KB, 692x851, 1685985031125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are my fellow whites like this
The blackest nigger hands wrote this post

>> No.50814551

Is this the part where whities will larp as a mexican here? Hard shells are a staple of American cuisine if taco bell is anything to go off.

>> No.50814550

tacos aren't even real mexican food, you poser

>> No.50814562

Mori is from texas? Depends on what part because anywhere else but east texas has the worst fucking mexican food I've ever tasted

>> No.50814604

you're thinking burritos

>> No.50814621

Sounds like he touched your nerve a bit anon. Offended?

>> No.50814625

The only thing I don't get is the hard shell. I'm not sure why anyone every thought those were a good idea. Otherwise, American style tacos are fine.

>> No.50814683

onion and sauce doko?

>> No.50814742

fuck mori for ruining tacos

>> No.50814777

That is a shit taco by the way. I'm not mexican, spic or even american. But look at it, absolutely pathetic taco.

>> No.50814788

Does Milky feel no shame leeching so hard and getting nowhere? Pretty sure she's like a 2view or something.

>> No.50814863

>how dare she spend time with friends

>> No.50814880

WTH is that?! That ain't no taco.

>> No.50814934

Gonna be honest, I don't get why people like tacos over burritos. I don't want half my shit to spill out the side or the back while I'm eating

>> No.50814944

Isn’t it SEA that have that cilantro tastes like soap gene? White people like cilantro, Mori probably just knows nothing about cooking and put in what it said on the box to put in

>> No.50814990

>feed your guest your dogshit cooking instead of taking her to a night out
The worst offense

>> No.50814996

Calm down, sister.

>> No.50815106

She doesnt need to tell the world about her hanging out with her famous friend though...
She's old enough to been past that phase so she is trying to leech lets be honest anon.

>> No.50815153

>wtf? she's having fun with her friend? LEEEEEEEEEEECH

>> No.50815190

Where in that post does it say she is with calli? You sound like a jealous seething 2view right now.

>> No.50815209

I'm 100% white and I have the anti cilantro gene

>> No.50815249

Tomatoes cheese and lettuce are the classic american style taco toppings, although authentic style is also popular as most cities have enough mexicans to have good taco joints

>> No.50815285

Yeah, shes just an infidel who likes hard shells.

>> No.50815314

You dont need to leech off a famous person like Mori for drama...
You're old enough to been past that phase so you are trying to leech lets be honest anon.

>> No.50815391

She's from Dallas. Don't ask how I know that.

>> No.50815576

Really no excuse for a Texan to get tacos wrong, white or not

>> No.50815740

Calli made the fucking taco, are we the same species anon?

>> No.50815744

It's not "wrong"

>> No.50816166

looks like a school lunch

>> No.50816168

Yeah, and it was Mori that revealed that information, not Milky.

>> No.50816188

When did milky "tell the world about her hanging out with her famous friend"? Just shut the fuck up and kill yourself.

>> No.50816214
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>store bought shell

>> No.50816298

...that's kinda cute
Mori cute

>> No.50816378
File: 51 KB, 679x452, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good tacos for reference

>> No.50816436


As a half Mexican I was born with the soapy cilantro gene. My family hates me

>> No.50816475

I hope you choose to adopt. Those genes shouldn't be passed down.

>> No.50816541

Looks fine. And no I don't care that it's not an authentic Mexican taco.

>> No.50816625
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>> No.50816710

I'm hungry for taco bell. What is the best item on the menu?

>> No.50816745
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>> No.50816794

illiterate retard

>> No.50817865

Mountain Dew

>> No.50818299

Cameljockey and I have the "cilantro tastes like fuckin soap" gene. That taco still sucks.

>> No.50818406

Yeah this just looks like an extremely standard american taco. Hard shell is a bit cringe but im not gonna lose my shit over it. I guess the spics infesting /vt/ just really fucking care about tacos

>> No.50818698
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Burgerbros... Not like this...

>> No.50818784

photographed better, sure, doesn't mean they taste better, your choice of vegetable is probably the least relevant thing in the taco
do mexicans really think shit in a tortilla is high cuisine

>> No.50818873

You sound like a Eurofag that never had a good taco in your life.

>> No.50819002

>shut the fuck up
Accept the truth, wigger. It fucking sucks by any chosen metric.

>> No.50819074

I grew up in the Dallas area and have seen tacos that look exactly like that from local places run entirely by Mexicans.
They're usually the cheapest thing on the menu but they're tacos, not high cuisine. It's literally street food

>> No.50819081

I have, and it's not complicated
Mori's taco doesn't look great, but that's not because of her choice of vegetables
The taco looks like it's out of a box and not even heated, tomato and lettuce not cut into small enough pieces so that's gonna go everywhere, prepackaged cheese
The filling matters the most, but we can't see that

>> No.50819349

you're seething about a girl being flustered over her cooking
what a low life

>> No.50819450

Exactly. It's true that American tacos are worse than Mexican tacos but that's entirely down to using lower-quality ingredients and lacking skill in preparing them, (I genuinely cringe when Americans microwave tortillas in wet paper towels instead of spending the extra ten minutes to pan-heat them). But you can make just as good of a taco with lettuce and cheese as you can with cilantro and onions, there's nothing inherently wrong with it beyond the fact it's not Mexican.

>> No.50819700

She actually never mentioned Mori anon, it was Mori herself who revealed that she was with Milky, before that everyone thought that Milky was on her own (and many DeadBeats, included LC_Lapen, roasted that Taco hard and then felt guilty when Mori revealed that she made it)

>> No.50819801

Nigga those are Al Pastor. Of course they taste better. It's roasted pork marinated in a bunch of spices.

>> No.50819991

You can't actually see what meat is in Mori's taco

>> No.50820101

Los Mejicanos declaramos una cruzada contra la Bruja Rosada. Su Taco es una ofensa a las artes culinarias de Mejico, asi como Taco Bell

>> No.50820232

It's fucking lean ground beef with "taco seasoning" from the hard shell taco kit she bought from Krogers or HEB. She got deservingly trashed as it's somehow worse than Taco Bell.

>> No.50820283

>It's fucking lean ground beef with "taco seasoning" from the hard shell taco kit she bought from Krogers or HEB.
That's probably true, but you can't see that in the OP image

>> No.50820538

So? What did you expect? It's a taco she made in a home kitchen with her own skills in 15 minutes.

>> No.50821135

>it's another episode of californian gringos and second gen immigrants pissing themselves about authenticity in mexican food because they made tacos 90% of their personality

>> No.50821222
File: 1.47 MB, 320x240, 1672426233162421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taco Bell isn't Mexican food
Mexican food bought on the international aisle isn't Mexican food
Food grown by Mexicans and put into a tortilla shell by anyone that isn't born and raised in Mexico for at least three decades isn't Mexican food.
You can't win this Mori. Just shake some maracas and hope for the best...but if there was a Holo that knew a lot about food it would definitely be Mori so I'm not counting the reaper girl out yet.
>picrel how you know you have had authentic Mexican food.

>> No.50821274

Nobody should be going to Taco Bell in 2023.

>> No.50821658

kill yourself and go back

>> No.50821724

>maybe 30 or so replies at best, in total, including milky and mori's posts
this thread alone has more people that care about this shit, i better not see any of you faggots complaining about twitter when this place is the fucking dramasisters

>> No.50821783

That doesn't prove what you think it does.

>> No.50821810

Thread is fucking weird. It’s a completely different food item that shares the name with a different food item. Always hate this part of Mexicans being willfully ignorant.

>> No.50822296

I find it funny how uppity they get when no one in the world would have heard about their food if not for Texas.

>> No.50822486

>It's fucking lean
Mori not again

>> No.50822566

Fuck. You all have made me hungry...

>> No.50822670

white people can't cook

>> No.50822838
File: 235 KB, 820x696, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty sure she's like a 2view or something.
She literally did NTR roleplay with one of Analee's male friends on stream. She's lucky she's not a 1 view.

>> No.50822848

You wish it were spics, but this kind of culture criticism is done mostly by whities

>> No.50823127

>if not for texas
baffling post when the entire southwest region and chicago exists

>> No.50823175

Holo yab drought, pls understand

>> No.50823852

Mori is in the US again?

>> No.50823985

and socal of course

>> No.50824085

A yt taco is ground beef, cheese, lettuce, tomato. Maybe salsa.

>> No.50824191
File: 197 KB, 512x512, Confused Quaso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A YouTube taco?

>> No.50824300

Do we really need two fucking threads about this retarded Twitter bullshit?

>> No.50825057
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>> No.50825567

That shit is good. Let people enjoy things.

>> No.50825715

What she made looks a lot like the most basic Taco Bell taco, only it has tomatoes. I mean even if I couldn't cook I still wouldn't get an important guest fast food unless they specifically wanted it, so, Mori making anything no matter how basic is fine IMO.

I mean if you couldn't pick up on it from her taste in music, movies/media overall etc she's like the definition of basic mainstream so yes she wouldn't bother to level up her cooking skills. She'd make a bunch of these and have them watching Adam Sandler movies listening to Nickelback or something, that is literally how she is. It's kind of surprising there are real people like that out there but oh well.

>> No.50826040

>Taco beef is now equivalent to feces

>> No.50827622

This guy knows what's up.

>> No.50828674

yt = White

>> No.50828747

This really radiates autism
You don't actually know what she put in the taco, you can see a few pixels of meat

>> No.50828911
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, gura thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But most hard tacos are yellow.

>> No.50828952

who started this meme

>> No.50828997


>> No.50829065

Tumblr SJWs.

>> No.50829070
File: 381 KB, 1140x798, 1660351528073591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori my beloved

>> No.50829380

>white takes foreign thing
>makes it shittier
from vtubing to food many such cases

>> No.50829406

Calli really giving her friend the true American experience with taco night.

>> No.50829708



>> No.50830078

In the 2000 - 2010 period Mexicans were considered exotic to Americans because we'd never seen any before.

>> No.50830090

>take thing
>akes it shittier
>thinks he invented
The absolute state of whiteoids

>> No.50830316
File: 338 KB, 1228x2125, 1684733866255666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could walk to get better tacos than this and I’m in fucking Minnesota. There is no excuse for eating like this.

>> No.50830468
File: 3.68 MB, 4624x3468, 20220223_230050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a taco YOU'VE made.

>> No.50830491

meanwhile ame: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1665141444191961092

>> No.50830539

maybe it's the orientation but I thought that was a picture of soup at first

>> No.50830932

thats a mighty rough chop on the cilantro there friend

>> No.50831354

White people who live in the border states make just about the worst fucking Mexican food you can imagine. They think physical proximity to Mexico makes them experts by default. The worst Mexican food I've ever had has been in Texas and New Mexico. There's good Mexican food there too, no doubt, but your average white suburban family in Dallas, I swear to god, makes dramatically worse tacos than other white people in Iowa, Vermont, Oregon, or other white enclaves.

>> No.50831881

uhhh xister wheres the cow tongue and chicken buttholes?

>> No.50832109

There's also mayo monkey and a bunch of other retarded shit that will never catch on.

>> No.50832188

cow tongue is delicious you retard

>> No.50832448

>made by mori
>very clearly in a takeout container

>> No.50832584

how is this a yab? I know some of you have rotted your brains because the only pleasure button in your life is trying to find drama but this is really scraping the bottom of the barrel

>> No.50833113

idk but this is more fun to discuss than the usual nonsensical rrats

>> No.50833266

>mori just washes takeout containers and uses them as her plates

>> No.50834129

Why are latinx so autistic and finicky about meat and vegetables on a tortilla?

>> No.50834472

We're just having fun at something that's not a huge deal, just making fun of how terrible Mori is at making a single Taco

There are like 2 retards who took this very seriusly tho

>> No.50834540


>> No.50834581

The closer you are to Mexico the worse the tacos are.

>> No.50834605

Burgers please tell me you don't actually do that

>> No.50834657

That's why I used it silly, latinx is way more effective than spic or wetback

>> No.50834907

>making a taco nets her two threads with 100 replies
Mori OWNS this board

>> No.50834921

Hook, line, and sinker. spics really are too easy.

>> No.50835153

Ok, latinx

>> No.50835268

You are beyond help if you can't see how this is the biggest yab of the year.

>> No.50836148

'old el paso taco kit'
seriously, if she wanted a shitty generic taco she could have gotten one outside the US. this was mori's chance to show a real taco. hell, even taco bell has the merit of being distinctly fucked up american food. that shit looks like an elementary school taco.

>> No.50836324

it's a bunch of white people who care about drama if anything.

>> No.50836407
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>> No.50836605

>Only trannies and women make food
>As he wipes his doritos dusted fingers on his shirt and sips his EXTREME mountain dew.

>> No.50836735
File: 74 KB, 560x559, mzvydiEra61tp16yeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegetable pagpag
Real people eat real food.

>> No.50836796

uh. I wipe my dusty fingers on my cum rag.

>> No.50837271

>Tex Mex
San Diego Mexican food was pretty consistently good living all over the county
not in the slightest

>> No.50837496

Making Taco Bell look like a 5 star restaurant.

>> No.50837570
File: 63 KB, 244x250, 1612118710599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a perfect example of a midwestern taco. You buy the cheapest meat at the store, a taco kit which contains taco sauce, a spice packet for seasoning the meat, and a bunch of hard taco shells. Then you use whatever shit is leftover in the fridge as toppings (onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, sour cream, lettuce, etc). You dice up the toppings and put them in little bowls, brown the meat, put the spice packet on it and some water and then let it simmer until it thickens up. Then you go "come git it" and the kids/adults put w/e they want on their tacos and eat it. Mori perfectly re-created this midwestern make-do here. props.

>> No.50837688

That is horrible taco and I will not apologise.

>> No.50837745

Yeah, that’s why. Houston has a decent number of authentic tacos, San Antonio is solid for good Tex-Mex. I don’t know what the fuck is up with Dallas, but they’re the source of most of the bad stereotypes about our state.

>> No.50837954

Even Americanized Mexican food can be better than that if you give a shit. The spics have been here for centuries. They’re like the wops, New York pizza is its own thing just like how Tex-Mex is its own thing.
All I can conclude from this is that Mori doesn’t have a lot of Mexican friends.

>> No.50837975

That's just a sandwich

>> No.50838027

It's a whole different food, really popularized in the 80s. It's like the canuck's and their 'Kraft Dinner'. You buy a bunch of condiments (lettuce, tomato, onion, sour cream, jalapenos, olives etc), a thing of ground beef and a kit that includes the hard shells, sauce and a bag of spice for the beef. I think most people who grew up here remember it as something their mom's made (or they learned to make at a young age).

>> No.50838242

I hate raw onions and tomatoes. Real Mexican food is just anathema to me. I'd pick the tomato off this thing and eat it. Can't be worse than Taco Bell.

>> No.50838487

mori has the soap cilantro gene too

>> No.50838580

The only reason to go to a real Mexican restaurant is for alcohol and company but I don't drink so I'll settle for Taco Bell in 2 minutes instead of paying for delivery or taking 30 minutes to get served Mexican food that tastes 90% the same as every other place in town.

>> No.50838709

My mom refuses to let any of the men cook (she tries to put on a trad-wife/mom act) and then she will just have ground beef+mccormick spice on a low carb flour tortilla and say she made it all from scratch.

>> No.50839350

I’m so sorry, Bobby. Your state is so much more than just Arlen.

>> No.50839405

It's our culture.

>> No.50839739

Too many fags and transplants in Dallas/Ft. Worth and Austin.

>> No.50840774

Hopefully she takes the feedback and goes out to get real tacos.

>> No.50840956

>Mori Kariope rolls "the Worst Taco Ever"
>asked to leave vtuber community

>> No.50842430

Shows how little she thinks of her friend to feed her fridge scraps.

>> No.50842668

I thought Mori was getting better in avoiding yabs.
If she's not going to be terminated for this, Hololive is done, this time for sure.

>> No.50844848

Indies and small corpos doing taco related streams like 'cooking cam of tacos' inbound.

>> No.50845179

That looks like shit.

>> No.50845366

apparently you've never been poor, must be nice

>> No.50845700

why in the absolute fuck do you think Mori Calliope is poor????

>> No.50845757

Yeah, it's tragic that Mori keeps on giving all of her superchat money to Connor instead of using it to buy food.

>> No.50845890

>it's a retarded people (read meximelts) throw a hissy-fit over people enjoying different taco ingredients episode
Kill all hard-shell enjoyers though

>> No.50846173

If you grow up poor you still eat like it even if a bunch of simps like you dump millions on you. Sorry you don't understand silver spoon kid.

>> No.50846398

>this is really scraping the bottom of the barrel
Just like Mori made her taco

>> No.50846489

This is all entirely a cultural thing - even wealthy white southern moms do this shit and its vile.
You're an idiot but thats besides the point.

>> No.50846538

Typical amerilard logic redefining other cultures cuisine
>What do you mean you don't like this extra large sushi-ritto with traditional chai tea made with faux leaves?!

>> No.50846624

No, it's more like seeing all the million different pizza variants in other countries and throwing a hissy-fit. The basic structure/design of the taco is similar, much like if I see someone eat a different kind of sandwich to me I don't have a conniption.

>> No.50846666

You know, doritos sounds like a decent snack for tomorrow, might pick some up when shopping. Never had Mtdew before, is it actually any good?

>> No.50846733

There are two kinds of people that use this word. People trying to get a rise out of you and retards trying to get woke points that would get the fuck kicked out of them by every other race on general principal if they left their ivory towers from the ghettoist Pavement Ape to the stabbiest Boricua to the drapped in confederate flag redneck to the Japanese guy that unironically thinks a Pompador makes him look tough

You are here on 4chan though so you should know better

>> No.50846756

She's from the shittier part of Texas. This taco could only be made worse if it was made from a calicuck restaurant in Austin

>> No.50846781

Ah yes, Mori, the homeowner in two countries. The "I learned to drive in a lambo" Mori. Truly the epitome of "I grew up poor"

>> No.50846798

>texans better with mexican food
lol no, what they have there is tex mex and hard shell tacos are part of that so i can forgive her cuz IT'S DEY CULTURE

>> No.50846804

>If you grow up poor you still eat like it
The average US spic is far poorer than you or Mori will ever be, and yet they still manage to make tacos that look better than that.

>> No.50846818

Tacos are American culture

>> No.50846883

Hard shells are only going in Austin, Dallas-Ft Worth and Houston... Aka the trash heaps

>> No.50846925

Looks like a fucking grocery store kit taco. Best Tacos are corn tortillas you grill yourself with grilled meat and veggies

>> No.50846945

>American culture
Lol, LMAO even

>> No.50847030

it's not bad. i've never had any of the weird other flavours. when i was a kid the rumours were that it used to lower your sperm count.

>> No.50847064

Looks soggy anon

>> No.50847166

Mori, the grease... You have to drain the grease, Mori... You can't leave all of the grease in there, Mori. You have to drain at least some... Please, Mori... The grease...

>> No.50847387

how is this a yab? i just want to laugh at the silly white woman doing silly white woman things.

>> No.50847433

Bro does she use Styrofoam trays?

>> No.50847887

>Mori doesn’t have a lot of Mexican friends
nobody is surprised by this

>> No.50848467

Without Milky, there's no Mori. And I'll be damned if you move to prevent that and say based.

t. Pissed off FlipBeat

>> No.50850359

Are you thinking of Milky? Because Milky Queen is someone else.

>> No.50851500

she's just washing Styrofoam???

>> No.50852356

Fried shell > Mori/hard shell > gross ass corn tortilla

>> No.50852427

I bet you can get these sectioned plates at target.

>> No.50852477

>Spicbros* OWN this board
ftfy, so true gringosister.

>> No.50853275

Mori your taco game is lacking let's be real here. But that doesn't mean they completely suck I'm sure they taste ok.
needs improvement still

>> No.50853382

Who the fuck dices a tomato like that for a taco?

>> No.50854707

prison plates

>> No.50854751

>my goyslop is better than yours

>> No.50854939

wtf is wrong with burgers

>> No.50855036

The nigger of nippon... sasuga....

>> No.50855153

>tomato cuts too big
>shredded veggies too thick
>no meat in sight
>probably costco bought shells
nigga that aint no taco

>> No.50855378
File: 127 KB, 760x760, tacotaco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tonight, we taco, motherfucker.

>> No.50856311

Gift from the gods. Poor shithole countries will never understand. They eat cockroaches wrapped in stale bread and call it a burrito.

>> No.50856399


>> No.50858011


>> No.50858075

Burritos are tex-mex you dumb fuck!

>> No.50860376

burritos are a california thing.

>> No.50860718

Wait'll he finds out chimichangas were invented in the US. As were nachos.

>> No.50860828

Mori was thinking about Kiara's fish taco while making this so she was preoccupied.

>> No.50860892

See >>50855378

>> No.50860956
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>> No.50861041

Why would I willingly put soap into my mouth?

>> No.50861125

This is a white people taco. When mori says she's eating Mexican she's referring to Taco Bell. Which is white people version of Mexican food. The closest in America for an actual Mexican taco is to buy them at a Mexican food truck, mexican restaurant or chipotle. Hard shell tacos is the white and black people shit.

>> No.50861171

Skill issue. Blame your parents for that genetic defect

>> No.50861313

>Mori doesn't have hispanic friends
Of course she's a half white and Italian texan.

>> No.50861387

It's a nothingtaco

>> No.50861570

Is mexican food that good? How spicy it is?

>> No.50861679

Cope, mexicuck. 99.999% of the world eats american-style pizzas for a reason.

>> No.50861721

If she made a picture-perfect authentic taco they'd still find something to get upset about

>> No.50861813

but they'd be shitposting, this is legit sad.

>> No.50862146

one positive thing about all this: SEA can't participate, no fucking tacos there.

>> No.50862238

I've never had a problem with anything Mori did until this, now I might be an anti

>> No.50862554

"Authentic" Mexican tacos are the most overrated food in existence, it's fucking insane.

>> No.50862613

>caring about ENwhore twitter
The absolute state of this pathetic board

>> No.50862988

Yes there is is called Pagcos

>> No.50863548

Gross and stupid.

>> No.50863664

>Draining the flavor

>> No.50863758

Why are shitskins so autistic about their food?

>> No.50864952

They got nothing else really going on to them

>> No.50865600
File: 221 KB, 681x663, 1660754694107973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White people have ruined my food!!!
>Only white people care about "authenticity"
This literally happens every time

>> No.50865614

If I wasn’t at work right now I would stream making tacos for this thread

>> No.50867609

good god these are the saddest tacos i´ve ever seen in my life

>> No.50868878

if you have a problem with this taco you're either too white or not white enough, and you probably tweet about pineapple on pizza on a regular basis

>> No.50869888

keep trying with the "white people" bait...

>> No.50871287
File: 269 KB, 898x693, 1669771035302520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50874202

Sick burn.
