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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50788856 No.50788856 [Reply] [Original]

RUST was arguably the most divisive arc for 2022, but how would you have rated it? Was it worth the wait, was the bullshit good, or did you despise it?

>> No.50789413
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I liked it. The wars, battles and interactions were fun. Season 2 finale was peak kino. Too bad it got even more neutered than it already was in season 3 because season 3 onward was just boring.

>> No.50789577

Stagnant at gambling
If they die, item drop ( not really pro so zenloss)
The game design for raiding each other, but they don't like do that

>> No.50790716

the 1st to 2nd or even 3rd season was fun.
Its just that there's nothing much to do after.

>> No.50791019

First season was kino. After management nerfed Pekora it all went downhill.

>> No.50792411


>> No.50792473

It was fun but after Season 2. It wasn't. It got boring Season 3 onwards.

>> No.50792723

I think people generally loved it. Its jut that it was fun when everyone was involved and it lost a lot of appeal when most folks didnt take place in the last season. Hell the most fun I remember having was Ame and Gura joyriding together kidnapping Reine and then picking up Anya to raid the off-shore platform together

>> No.50792802

It was ok season1 and shit afterwards, the big rust collab arc between many companies was kino though.

>> No.50792938

Rust really needs strong personalities to carry its streams. The first two seasons were pretty amazing, with a huge part of the mood carried by Pekora and Suisei (and partially Miko, Matsuri, and Polka bringing in some needed chaos). The first season's end when they teamed up and mowed down the rest of the server was a bit eh, though the second season's finale was peak kino with Pekora's betrayal and the two having that massive war against each other.
It kinda deteriorated on S3 though. Suisei got busy, Miko kinda went passive as well, and while Pekora is still there there's no one on the server left to bounce those epic conflicts off anymore. So, Pekora also lost interest and Rust just kinda got boring afterwords.

>> No.50793005

Management nerfed the best player

>> No.50793022

It was good, but Cover's own stupid rules totally fucking killed it especially for EN. a shame really.

>> No.50793117

great arc especially the first few seasons. Far better compared to the usual FOTM streams

>> No.50797588

>Begging for the homofaggot experience
No thx.

>> No.50797670

Can someone explain how Rust seasons work? Is it the game resetting after each season?

>> No.50797745

It peaked at Season 2 when Pekora became a raid boss.

>> No.50798129

Rust unironically thrives on chaos.

Say what you want about the Homos, but them making their server a PVP server and having a competition on who can raid the others successfully more made it entertaining to watch them.

>> No.50798365

Nigga the rules save everyone from beefing with each other. Look at the state of Gura and Ame, they never interacted ever since S2 finale
