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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 377 KB, 1000x1000, 86303170_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5077375 No.5077375 [Reply] [Original]

Who's ready for their wife to say dirty words!

Accomplishments - https://github.com/Laus4Deus/nenechi/blob/main/Cute
VARK Cinderella Switch (June 26; Nene/Polka) - https://lp.vark.co.jp/futaride_miru_hololive/
First Youtube Sololive - NENEIRO LIVE (June 12, 8 P.M. JST) - no link yet
Menherafflesia (VN game about yanderes, Nene is voicing Nenene) - https://enoshima210.work/2021/06/05/mfa/

>> No.5077395




>> No.5077438

Nene is so in demand. I hope she doesn't over do it. She's been posting about her leg stuff

>> No.5077458

ah damn.. I hope she plays it with nepolabo.

>> No.5077488

She's gonna sing an ED along with Subaru and Aqua

>> No.5077532

Interesting. I'd say Coco spooked the managers but they would've known about that when they originally said no. I wonder what made them change their minds?

>> No.5077551


Was also being a idiot and copied the previous Nene thread w/o checking the links. So here's the updated NENEIRO LIVE link


>> No.5077564

It may be that some of the members or staff that seems to like her ask management to permit her. We know Matsuri and Towa have a soft spot for her.

>> No.5077571

>3D karaoke with senpais
>3D live
>voicing a VN character
>singing an anime ED
>shilling the Bleach mobage
>Suisei karaoke collab still pending
Nene is absolutely unstoppable this month.

>> No.5077573

Everyone has a soft spot for Nene, she's Hololive's golden child

>> No.5077590

I think she will also be in Coco's live graduation

>> No.5077591

>Ochinchin hype
We won't need any games developed by menhera hacks where we're going, for we'll develop our own game.

>> No.5077594
File: 184 KB, 1153x1518, 90280167_p35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Interesting. I'd say Coco spooked the managers but they would've known about that when they originally said no. I wonder what made them change their minds?

Nene threatened to NENE SUPER PANCH them if they didn't listen.

>> No.5077617

New icon from her #1 fan Namori too

>> No.5077625

I do hope that another member will be present when she plays the game.

>> No.5078010

I love my very cute wife, Nene, who is very cute.

>> No.5078044
File: 2.70 MB, 600x338, 1621685436975.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love-love beam!

>> No.5078264

When she starts nodding and all you can see are her eyes gets me every time. How could you ever want to break the heart of such a pure angel.

>> No.5078655

Nene doesn’t put enough exclamation marks in her tweets


>> No.5078782

pls understand she is a bit sad about failing that test

>> No.5079186

I'm sad because I'll never meet a girl like Nenechi

>> No.5079213

> Levels 10 through 4 are primarily taken by kindergarten to elementary school age (up to 12 years old) children. Levels 3 and above are typically taken by high school students and adults.

Nene failed Level 4...


>> No.5079321

what’s up with so many of these idols struggling with Kanji? Nene isn’t the only one. is kanji hard for most japs or is it just that hololive has a lot of airheads?

>> No.5079569

I think it's just that there's a shitton of kanji, while in real life they use like 300-400 often, and the rest not so often. So when it comes to test that checks all the weird shit you never use in real life it just catches you by surprise if you're not a student

>> No.5079639

Imagine Nene sat on your face.

>> No.5079802

it would be stinky...

>> No.5079827

Nene actually spells like poo she wipes like once and just figures that's enough

>> No.5079946

She took this one in middle school, if memory serves.

>> No.5080028

While going through archives a while back I saved this timestamp. Nene saying that while she's okay with math, she has trouble with word problems because she often can't read the kanji and tries to just solve it with context and numbers. Which obviously doesn't go well...
I think it's a mix of kanji in general and Nene herself. The fact that you are still studying how to read into high school really puts people behind in terms of "full" literacy and if you aren't studious you probably aren't going to catch up later in life.

>> No.5080051
File: 207 KB, 220x224, bzzztt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today i learned that "nene" means "kid" or "child" in spanish, is nene unintentionally a shota?

>> No.5080144

Ok i'm kind of new to Nene and i want to know why is the chat spamming rainbows? please don't tell me it has to be with lgbtq and that shit cause i watch vtubers to get out of the real world

>> No.5080191

Looks like a guy congratulating her for 650k subs.

>> No.5080240

Take your meds you schizophrenic fuck.

>> No.5080241

"mata" means "kill" in spanish, "matanene" is literally telling you to kill kids

>> No.5080251

It's just creating a rainbow with superchat because hey that's cool, please keep your real life issues in real life.

>> No.5080314

This silly game asks if you want to do the tutorial and doesn't let you say no.

>> No.5080323

Nene/nena are colloquially used to show affection (regardless of age)
As you said Nene is for male, Nena for female, take that as you will.

>> No.5080353

sasuga nintendo

>> No.5080361

Nene means boobs in french

>> No.5080388

Typical pol schizo-chama who needs to mention gays every 5 minutes

>> No.5080480


>> No.5080533
File: 618 KB, 660x552, DEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5080542

Wtf am i watching

>> No.5080553

Nene. Nothing else should matter. New game making game from Nintendo

>> No.5080664

have you ever seen these lego robot programming kits they give to some schools so kids can learn to "code"? Nintendo turned into a game

>> No.5081847


>> No.5082134

both of the orange vtubers in hololive, Coco and Nene, are based for hating pineapple on pizza.

>> No.5083377

Plenty of adults in countries with the Roman alphabet or Cyrillic are not fully literate either, anon. It's not an unusual phenomenon.

>> No.5083992

Probably Oga's whole thing with creating his own version of the game and the resulting controversy

>> No.5084152

She most likely wasn't talking about NKODICE but the game she just played.

>> No.5084268

Nene's girl husband is so floral!

>> No.5086299

>that voice
>Nene paying you to hang out with her
What do?

>> No.5086405

But that's not Nene, the VA is listed right there.

>> No.5086502


>> No.5087062

It is illegal to divorce Nene

>> No.5087113

She will send you cute pics of her to convince you not to

>> No.5087121

>post translation of interesting bit in the comments of the latest video
>only shows up for me
Well okay Youtube that's fine, sure.

>> No.5087546

NeneTowa is the ultimate pairing.

>> No.5087941

nobody is impressed that you can read japanese. the fact that you like to signal to the thread that you can read the language means you're doing it for attention. you didn't even say the name listed, you just pointed out that it is written there, knowing full well that most people here can't read japanese. you have a small dick.

>> No.5088044

why are you so salty?

>> No.5088103

i'm not, i'm just calling you a faggot who shits his pants because he likes the feeling.

>> No.5088221

i am not even the same anon...
are you ok man? do you need someone to talk to?

>> No.5088340

oh you're not the same anon, my bad. you're still a bitch though.

>> No.5088405

at least i ain't enrage by someone knowing how to read some squigly lines....

>> No.5088431

You're the same EOP retard who asked to be spoonfed last thread, aren't you?

>> No.5088744

if i was a retard i would try to act like i have more intelligence than i really do, like someone who can read japanese and feels the need to show it off but without being of any use to anyone in the thread who want translations.

>> No.5088859
File: 138 KB, 632x261, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who actually wanted a translation could click the translate button. Not that you ever wanted one, of course, as you're not here to engage in any discussion.

>> No.5088901

not wanting to engage in any discussion is exactly what JP fag was doing by signaling to the thread that he can speak jap for the sole reason of attention.

>> No.5088982

You're in a thread for a JP holo, you're assumed to know japanese a priori.

>> No.5089120

haha. no. this is english website and everyone here speaks english. don't be obtuse.

>> No.5089310


>> No.5089727

>you're assumed to know japanese if you're in this thread

>> No.5093243

Fuck off you insufferable retard.

>> No.5093323


>> No.5093419

>So I used to draw an original manga, one I thought I absolutely had to take to Shueisha once I'm able to go to Tokyo on my own. It was a mishmash of various manga settings. I think I still have it. Not the whole thing, but... It continued for 9 volumes. I started writing it in elementary and kept at it until I began high school. A monumental work, right? The protagonists progressively got more abilities the more manga I got hooked on. It was stupid long. I think I have the first volume on hand, actually. Probably. It's sealed history, but it's still there. I couldn't throw it away, it had too many memories. I started in year 4 of elementary and continued until year 1 of high, so that makes 5,6,1,2,3,1 - 6 years of hard work! It was too precious for me to throw away, so I kept it. No, no! I can't show it! No way! It's straight up, straight up Bleach. It's about a shinigami kid... About two female childhood friends without parents and how they live without any idea why they're shinigami to begin with, that's the setting. [table slam] [shriek] Aaagh... Hahaha! And one day... One day they get attacked by some kind of monster, and then… A big sister kind of character appears, it’s a shinigami doing her job, who they’ll eventually be calling “senpai”. And she saves them. And yeah, that’s a straight rip-off from Ichigo’s situation. Hahaha! The monster reacted to the two girls because they had high spiritual power and attacked. The super pretty later-senpai shinigami saves them, but the senpai used to be a human in the past, so she can’t swing a sword. That setting… Hahaha! I mixed some Soul Eater in. She doesn’t have her own sword, so her partner, whose name I stole from Okita Sougo, named Sou-kun, he turns into a sword and she always drags him around. Hahaha! And they fight! [laughter] [shriek] [continued laughter] And so, those two childhood friends - and this is I add Precure - when they hold hands, both of them kinda power-up, like in Max Heart. Both of them store their powers in their fists and then launch them! [laughter] [shriek] Aaagh… This is so embarrassing. This takes me back.
>But I’ve loved Namori-sensei’s illustrations ever since then, so I tried to imitate her - not that it looked any similar - I remember looking at her pictures a lot to draw like her. I was so happy that she drew a picture of me - let me just plug an emotional episode in here.
>And so, those two girls get, like, separated by the enemies and enter a training arc. So when they enter a training arc, since they didn’t have parents growing up and were always together, it’s the first time they part ways. Toradora was all the rage back then, so one of the two heroines… What was her name, again? I think I called her “Rei”. There was a scene where she yelled “REIIIII”, all in tears, a reference to “RYUJIIIIIII”. Hahaha!
>I can’t show it, but it was one reference after another. A monumental work, I tell you. The fact I kept at it for 6 years is a precious memory to me, yeah. That’s right.
>Oh yeah, about Rei. I was in elementary and didn’t have the skill for cool names. Shinigami are ghosts (yuurei), so she was Rei (from yuurei). Kind of like that.
>How nostalgic…
>Have I considered doing a remake? Oh, you bet.
>I tried to remake it in year 3 of high school. But I couldn’t understand the story Elementary 4 Nene wrote, so the remake failed, completely. It was so straightforward that High 3 Nene, with her matured understanding, realised that it would be for the best to bury it in the annals of history. And then I stopped.
>Pfft, yes, I did remake it myself. Man, it was fun.
>I drew, like, 30 pages of that manga every day. It’s so nostalgic.

>> No.5093424

i don't think i will. i will keep calling you out as long as your only contribution to the thread is to be useless and show off. showing off something that isn't even impressive. pretending that the thread speaks japanese is stupid.

>> No.5093577

What is your contribution to the thread? What is a person as horrid as you even doing in a Nene thread? Have you considered going back to global?

>> No.5093627

maan no wonder i love her so much. she is like me but talented and cute

>> No.5093633

what does nene smell like

>> No.5093642


>> No.5093671

if you really think people here speak japanese and i'm the only english speaker here then you wouldn't be posting in english. you cannot see that every post in every thread on this board is in english, is that right? you think english speakers are the minority in here. my contribution to the thread is pissing people like you off. i'm putting you in your place, and hopefully sending you to hell where you belong.

>> No.5093709

this thread will never become a japanese one. you will never be japanese.

>> No.5093776
File: 500 KB, 1014x1434, 1607448389956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not even that hard to learn how to read the basic stuff. lazy fucks

>> No.5093865

i give zero shits about learning japanese, thank you very much. but if we want to talk about laziness and studying, you could put forth your effort to learning basic suicide techniques. i bet it's not even hard

>> No.5094453
File: 329 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20210614_161502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene cosplay!

>> No.5094529

why would you not want to learn japanese? do you want to rely on translations and clips forever?

>> No.5094597

its cute but lacks the vibrant energy of Nene i guess having IRL cloths be as bright as hers would look weird

>> No.5095193

i want Nenechi to cosplay as herself. she’d be so cute.

god just shut up. you’re worthless

>> No.5095258

Nene no Densetsu when?

>> No.5095277

please understand, he is to busy being a doxxnigger to learn a language

>> No.5095303

what is your worth?

>> No.5095304

When she is not overworked with ∞ projects per month, I hope.
Just stop responding, are you all fucking stupid

>> No.5095321

Doxxnigger anon, their brain arent functional

>> No.5095337

too precious....................

>> No.5095386
File: 2.79 MB, 494x615, sora and nene dancing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really hope we get a moment like this but with 3D Nene soon. it would be so cute to see

>> No.5095451

Man I can understand
Coming from learning Chinese to Japanese I was pissed when I found out Japanese has different readings for kanji like what the fuck

>> No.5095605

Nene love!
