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50668537 No.50668537 [Reply] [Original]

>4 months later
>homobeggars still seething
queen, i kneel...

>> No.50670915

Didn't she collab with males like two weeks after this

>> No.50671512

more like you're still seething.

>> No.50671775

The only true Idol in Holo

>> No.50671829

You mean she panderd to incels ?

>> No.50671979

Based kanata
Homobeggars BTFO

>> No.50672118

Yeah I enjoy Kanata lying to me too, sooooo exquisite...

>> No.50672121

>4 months later
>Homobeggers still living rent free in OP head.

>> No.50672180

only twitter faggots and faggots like you that let anime cock live rent free in your head care.

Something something some kind of sponsored stream where she wanted to prove that she could do sponsored stuff too and was trustworthy or some shit like that and it ended up with her standing in a corner autistically , avoiding the men like the plague while the other girls like botan and pekora where very professional. Honestly just came off as incredibly rude. To be fair it's unclear if she was forced or wasn't informed that penis was going to be present. Of course she may have actually known which just makes her a cunt then.

>> No.50672196

>You mean she remembered what Hololive is actually about?

>> No.50672277

>4 months ago
Isn't there something new? Why timeloop?

>> No.50674073

Heimin are unable to shill their oshi without her being called a leech so they prefer to present her as an anti male symbol instead

>> No.50674249

Just like with idols, no one GAF about business-only collabs

>> No.50674276

Amazing how you can write something so schizophrenic but still be convinced you're the same one.

>> No.50674469

Is hololive about pandering to incels?

>> No.50674483

>Hates women for not interacting with men
Projecting much?

>> No.50674511
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>> No.50674529

Wait, I think you just discovered the tranny formula...

>> No.50674596

Based, but that cunt is sleazy as fuck, bitch is coomerbaiting and leaning towards GFE so much it's kinda funny, well i guess you have to do something when your singing career went down the shitter

>> No.50675732
File: 1.55 MB, 586x270, oppai[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2blub2.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

queen dyke, yea

>> No.50675774

Daily reminder, the person who sent sc to kanata is the same person who sent sc to Miko and made her cry but incel don't care as long as they can make boogeyman homobeggar to satisfy their fantasies.

>> No.50675829


>> No.50675828

Ironically yeah

>> No.50675876


>> No.50675889

Based Idol Queen

>> No.50676417

Crying, shaking and hyperventilating because she beat a challenge and the reward was feeling up Danchou

>> No.50676846

It's the only thing that keeps her relevant

>> No.50676999

>look ma, I made the thread FUCKING AGAIN

>> No.50678505

So is this her admitting she's pregnant or what?

>> No.50678787

as you can see itt LMAO

>> No.50678833

>Top 10 biggest female stremers
Non holos could never

>> No.50679056

That's a shame. I'm sure Kanata wouldn't want to be remembered that way. I'm not even sure they're Heimin to begin with. Just shitposters.

>> No.50679199

Yep, they are closing to the point of total extermination by blood presure recently, that why you avoid seething like a mehera white woman on twitter...

>> No.50679577
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They need to present her as a sex symbol

>> No.50679619

The biggest sin of holostarsJP is how they have very few good talented members in it pissing away their life in a shitty dead branch and the rest are just stagnant and literally not doing a fucking thing. The biggest sin of holostarsEN is that they cannot hold a candle to normal Twitch male streamers in terms of entertainment and their biggest claim to fame is the controversy they brought because for collaborating with some EN members and being ok with shoving their face into other fanbases. The actual legit reason to hate holostars or to dislike them is how pointless their general existence is and how despite that, Cover insists on shoving them in people's life, their terrible fucking fans that don't even watch them or buy their merch also do this constantly on a daily basis almost. Fuck 'em, absolute money pit of a branch. One of the girls should go nuclear about that and just bring up how fucking awful of a branch it is and how pointless it would be to collab with them so the point gets across.

>> No.50679761

Heimins are too horny they want to ravage Kanata but keep her for themselves

>> No.50680500

all collabs are business-only though

>> No.50681075

She is the living proof that it's not the homos causing Hololive decline, it's just them being forgettable.

>> No.50681371
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Unicorns love her

>> No.50681490

unichads look like that?!
Mori don't look!

>> No.50681913

Mori prefers black ones anyway

>> No.50682503

The branch is so pointless that the 2 most popular members of JP avoid big collabs with them like the plague. Roberu and Astel found pretty good excuses to not touch the homoRust server and considering how the only any of them got numbers, EN or JP, was with multiple raids when there was just one person streaming at the time they made a wise decision. Vesper has also reduced his collabs with the runts by a lot and outside of the WoW streams I only see him collabing with clown or purple faggot from the homos and the few HoloEN girls who throw him a bone, which is only Mori, Kronii and Rrat.

>> No.50682890
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Time for bask in some roastoid and whiteknight seethe to start off my day.
Decent thread OP

>> No.50683343

Still seething about that collab.
Fucking hilarious, since it's those kinds of people that always hyperventilate and go "LET THE GIRLS DO WHAT THEY WANT Y'ALL!!! Y'ALL Y'ALL Y'ALL Y'ALL!!!!!" and then immediately go nuclear when the girls do what they want.

>> No.50683414

No one in stars wants to collab with her though. She's hardly a mainline member. Plus she collabed with men two weeks later because like every woman that says "no men" She's a liar

>> No.50683985

>hardly a mainline member
This beggar is still living in 2020 when she was known as Coco's sidekick.

>> No.50684054

nnnnoooo you must be like a western twitch streamer you can't have your own standards
