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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50665182 No.50665182 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically, how do I get over feeling jealous about female vtubers interacting with males. I'm not against it happening, I just wish it was me and am envious it is not. Vtubers have kind of become a large chunk of my life over the past two years, and I don't have much social interaction outside of social media and streamers (no irl friends, no job, etc, I'm a neet). I have strong feelings for many female vtubers, and seeing them interact with males is a harsh reminder of all the things I'm not (and will never be, particularly due to crippling anxiety and autism).
This has been an ongoing problem for me for a long time now, and since so many people are talking about it on this board at the moment due to current events I was hoping we could come together and come up with a solution. I doubt I can ever stop being a NEET (as much as I hate myself for it), but I'd at least like to manage my feelings responsibly so I can continue enjoying this medium.

>> No.50666084

there is no cure for stupidity sorry anon

>> No.50666295

Actual answer: Your problem stems from the state of your life, you're not going to get over it until your life is in a better spot and you're not dependant on vtubers

Superior Answer:
Apply to a corp, cuck your old self

>> No.50666318
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Go out there and talk to women.
It's the only way.
Seems like you watch vtubers to fill the need for female interaction in your life. If you can get that interaction from real women you'd start to detach your romantic feelings towards your oshis. The only way to stop being jealous is to be confident in your worth as a person and your ability to have women for yourself.
>I can ever stop being a NEET (as much as I hate myself for it),
Nevermind it's joever, you may as well quit vtubers as a whole.

>> No.50666515

How about just don't watch those that do interact with males? There's a lot of vtubers that try to appeal to people like you. This thread is just bait isn't it

>> No.50666572

stop watching whores
don't aspire to be a cuck

>> No.50667010

Idol culture (and e-thotery, to a greater extend) was created to predate on lonely men. Stop being lonely is really the only answer. Either see vtubers as streamers, or as okazu. Seeing them as girlfriend/wife/family/friend will only lead to your own personal destruction, and to their success. Don't beat yourself up for being a victim, only beat yourself up if you remain a victim. You got got, it happens. Now you man up, and go get a chick.
>Too hard, I'm ugly and poor and faggot and neet
Great, then stay home, play your games and jerk off. But stop fooling yourself that watching streamers or even interacting in social media is a substitution for a social life, it isn't. Accept yourself as a loner and a gene pool end, and don't get yourself stressed or sad over fake relantionships.

>> No.50667361

you have to move on. you have to grow up. it sucks moving on from the ones you love, even if they were never real, even if they gave you real feelings. if you ever want to have your OWN life, telling your OWN story, then you have to remove the storytellers in your life, less you listen to them for the rest of your life.

>> No.50667492
File: 5 KB, 591x176, 3322FCB8-9A78-4A37-B917-64BC3F8BC5B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fippy bippy, sister! Those pathetic unichudcels need to educate themselves. Only we’re allowed to have our Milords to ourselves.
>h-h-have sex bro!!!
Why do roastoids and bluepilled cucks act as if that magically improves your life?

>> No.50667526

I agree with this. You have to factor in that they have their own circles which inevitably have males that arent you because thats just how the world rolls and thats how God made it: man and woman, together, making more humans.

>> No.50667601

stop masturbating because you're programming your mind into a non-practical neural network. If cannot, at least decrease your frequency of doing it. Jordan Peterson lectures as good to start remaking practical neural networks that is usable in social interaction. Getting knowledge so that you could talk to people is good too. It doesnt need to be accurate and you can banter with people as a form of engagement. Just keep in mind that what will happen, is gonna happen so dont overthink it and just do.

>> No.50668181

Nice reading comprehension loser.

>> No.50668356

I only needed to read a few sentences to know how utterly retarded the rest of the paragraph was gonna be

>> No.50668409

You are lonely, make some friends.
I realize this is a stupidly high wall and my comment amounts to "just stop being depressed lol" but thats the reality of it.

>> No.50668417

Being a neet isnt going to stop you from meeting people or making friends, which is the real issue here, is not the vtubers, its the lack of social relationships. Biggest advice, either go outside, or if you like games find a public group. Unironically yes join the discords, or hell reddit (if its that bad). As long as your not a creep or a guy who brings politics you will find atleast someone with similiar interests.

>> No.50668710

As some other people already stated, change comes from within. What's the point of anything if you don't get out of the state you are in? I'm no authority in this matter but sometimes you just have to make sacrifices to get out of the hole you are in all honesty developing feelings for vtubers is the least of your problems. Get professional help, reach out to people. The only person that can save yourself from this is you.

>> No.50668757

>Go out and meet women
>hur dur have sex
Actually distinct things. It's no accident that the "have sex!" people also usually support aborting. They don't want families and relantionship, only pure hedonism. What OP clearly miss is a relantionship, having sex would not only not fix anything, more likely only cause more problems. Not comments before yours made a just have sex bro kind of argument, which means you're either too stupid, or a false flagger. Either way, kill yourself.

>> No.50668959

In other words,
>”have sex incel!!!!”
Blow your brains out, nigger.

>> No.50669071

Get over your anxiety and autism anon, they are excuses. You are biologically programmed to kill niggers talking to women you are interested in with a stick. Fuck all these low-T faggots who love getting cucked in real-time. They can lie to themselves, you should acknowledge your own feelings regardless of beta faggot entertainer feminist takes

>> No.50669184

Stop feeling feelings isn't a practical or productive answer, so just acknowledge your thought process is kind of fucked up and live with it. As long as you aren't making other people feel bad, you can do whatever you want.

>> No.50669218

>You are biologically programmed to kill niggers talking to women you are interested in with a stick.
Says who? Are you Muslim?

>> No.50669269

Go back to your open relationship and video games nu-faggot

>> No.50670690

Nigga just turn the monitor off, like nigga just walk away

>> No.50671750

The first step, of course, is to realize your problem originates purely from the state of your life, which is what is causing you to develop a romantic attraction to women(role playing as anime girls) that you will never meet and will never know who you are, as a sort of way to desperately cling to some sort of normal life.
Afterwards, there are several things you can do.
>Improve your own social situation by connecting with regular human beings that will talk to you(many ways to do this)
>Attempt to let go of your attraction to random female streamers, and instead try to view them as what they ACTUALLY are; entertainers, a source of inspiration, anything other than “my anime gf”
>Familiarize yourself with the men they’re taking to and come to the natural conclusion that none of the parties involved are romantically attracted to each other, at all. They literally just want to hang out, be friends, and make dumb jokes together while playing video games

>> No.50674217

Disown your inner feelings, they don't deserve you

>> No.50675093

>Unironically, how do I get over feeling jealous about female vtubers interacting with males. I'm not against it happening, I just wish it was me and am envious it is not.
I don't share the same sentiment since I've given up on finding love quite a long time ago. If you want to be an asexual nutcase like me, you'd need to be ready to stand toe-to-toe with oblivion on your deathbed.

>> No.50675990

Always remember to report spam and troll threads, especially those that use off topic and off board imagery like pepe and wojak. They are by definition spam and have no place here regardless of the text attached.

>> No.50676903

Where are you going with this again? Are you saying he only feels unhappy about his situation because he's convinced that it's wrong? Are you saying he's not wrong to think that and should continue being miserable about female vtubers interacting with males? What good does that bring for him?

>> No.50678127

Why are homobeggar like this???

>> No.50678256

Ahhh so this is just a thinly veiled niji hate thread.
Sorry bro but niji has very very few unicorns, if you wanted to LARP as one you'd have to pose as a holofag or idolENcuck

>> No.50678315

Meanwhile beta cucks like you are playing the who's the least cucked lottery by sharing your supposedly seiso and pure idol with another hundred thousand men roru.
Falling in love with a streamer is beta cuck behavior and that's what you advocate for you low IQ simp.

>> No.50678405

First off get a job, it give your life structure and purpose even if you think it's demeaning, it will also give you life experience which will help in other aspects of your life, worrying about anime girls on the internet is small potatoes compared to your actual life.

Back to the topic at hand, it's only natural to feel jealous of these people, they make absurd amounts of money by doing nothing and are admired by many, even if you weren't a neet you'd still be jealous, consider that most females are jealous of these woman for that reason rather than because of sexual competition, seeing male streamers live that life is what they feel.

Also consider what Fauna said, that streamers are probably mid tier people who sell an idealized view of themselves, if you saw one of them in the wild you wouldn't give them a second look. Contrary to what she said though they do indeed see their fans as lesser than themselves, they need to obviously you can't reel in more fans if you show veteran fans preferential treatment.

The only means of breaking out of the fan prison is becoming a streamer yourself, you may think it's hopeless and that you'll just be a 0 view but I think that even just trying will give you a modicum of respect in the eyes of other streamers.

>> No.50680940

I feel you man

>> No.50681854

vtubers aren't real people, they are characters presented to you by an actor and no matter how much of their personal life you think you're privy to you'll never actually know them and your perception of them is coloured by that.
you need to interact with real people, i'm not saying
>have sex
>make friends
>go to clubs/be a party animal
i'm saying a casual conversation with another hman being, no stakes, no ulterior motives, just talk to a real person. talk about the weather, what they do for fun, they're favourite books/music/films/etc
>but where do i find people? i can't just talk to people randomly
try looking for local volunteering programs, you're a neet so you have free time. i'd suggest something that has physical activity like walking or gardening as getting fresh air and light exercise will make a world of difference

you're aware that you have a problem and it's good that you want to fix it, that's the first step, the next steps are harder and may take longer to see the results you want but thems the breaks, you can either struggle or perish
