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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50628589 No.50628589 [Reply] [Original]

>chuba's numbers start dropping
>""suddenly"" starts doing gfe shit
I see through your lies wench

>> No.50628689

>chuuba interacts with mori
>suddenly starts collabing with the homos

>> No.50629108

It’s funny cause mori is a prime example of a girl who started leaning into GFE after their viewership dropped, i can’t speak to her solo content cause i stopped watching her but she clearly tries to act more feminine and cute in her collabs with the other girls

>> No.50629233

>doing gfe shit
>I see through your lies wench
Did you really belieb it?

>> No.50629299

It's really sickening how she's so blatantly trying to change tack when she's been a loud obnoxious ironic weeb for the better part of 3 years.

>> No.50629515


you need this

>> No.50629658

that's because i gave her correction in bed

>> No.50629696

nice whitewash. as long as vtubing exists there will always be someone reminding you about the huge list of shit that she has done

>> No.50629766

And men will fall for it anyway because they have low standards and actually want pickmes (self-admitted). You'll give her your money even though you know what she's doing because you're so pathetically desperate for any type of GFE and then act surprised when she later betrays you. Then you'll go on 4chan and make a dozen bait threads complaining that she "betrayed" you even though it was obvious what she was doing. The sad part? You'll never realize it. You'll repeat the cycle again and again and never learn. And you'll find a new girl who will do it again.

>> No.50629789

what would you do in her place ?

>> No.50629896

No, the bimbofication is just finally working.

>> No.50629949

But enough about Bae

>> No.50630360

Whose time machine did you steal

>> No.50630416

based schitzo thread

>> No.50630447

耳舐めASMR but make it clear that you're only doing it to pay the bills

>> No.50630702

look at this utter buffoon

>> No.50630739

90% of this board wasn't even around for EN's debut.

>> No.50630782

naked dogeza

>> No.50631154

>Ironic weeb
Holy fucking threadreader

>> No.50631220

doing gfe is bad, not doing gfe is bad. why are you watching vtubers?

>> No.50631272

Honestly Mori isn't an ironic weeaboo either. You don't move to japan to teach english while chasing a dream of being a japanese musician if you aren't a real, classic weeaboo.
She's a wigger too though.

>> No.50631359

Stop collabing with m*les, stop mentioning the m*les, start ghosting the m*les. Wait a few month, maybe a year; THEN start pandering going back to pandering to unicorn because i realised it's them who put fucking fuel in my career. And hope for the best cause it still a huge 50/50

>> No.50631364

Neither of them are, Mori's taste is /a/ incarnate though

>> No.50631449


>> No.50631527

Well we know Mori was an /a/sshole back in the day so it isn't surprising.
But I don't thing she likes cgdct and incest enough to really be "/a/ incarnate".

>> No.50633090
File: 402 KB, 645x850, jap english teachers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get college degree in "sequential art", basically a degree in drawing comics
>One of the only things it qualifies you for is teaching English in Japan so that is what you do
It keeps happening.

>> No.50633185

90% of my anus is shitty
the remaining 10% waits hopefully for a cleaning day
some day a real rain's gonna fall
clean these streets

>> No.50633582
File: 1.01 MB, 1750x1444, 1603057184477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chuba's numbers start dropping
>""suddenly"" starts doing gfe shit
>but still does male collabs
They have to know that male collabs are the biggest number killer
Why do they insist on doing them against their fans wishes?

>> No.50633648

IRyS is next

>> No.50634188

>dream of being a japanese musician
to set the record straight she went to japan not to chase her dream but to chase a certian japanese musician.

>Mori's taste is /a/ incarnate though
she was on /a/ around the time Kill la Kill air which by that time i can guarantee /a/ was arleady going to shit.

>> No.50634221

Dont use WTM for your bullshit

>> No.50634834

I can see Fauna too. Mmm.

>> No.50634858


>> No.50635314

If you watch her streams enough you start to realize how much she "censors". I add. Quotation marks because she does it so often it's more like acknowledge that actually censor.

>> No.50635422

With clothes neatly folded to the side

>> No.50637335
File: 28 KB, 904x389, suisei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>chuuba interacts with mori

>> No.50637403

You've been saying that for almost a year now.

>> No.50637452

>Moeshitter thinks they originally owned /a/

>> No.50637486
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>> No.50637521

>Too mind broken by Mori
>Any day now , she's definitely graduating!

Your life is pitiful.

>> No.50637547

I used to read this lady's comics. Thanks for unlocking a memory anon

>> No.50637616
File: 28 KB, 902x398, calli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50637818

Are you trying to prove his point? She collabed with Roberu.

>> No.50637822

>that pathetic plateau in subscribers
>less views than previous examples and slowing down

>> No.50638143

did you start another thread since the previous one was too positive about the stream?

>> No.50638158

so what is the problem?

>> No.50638227

>Doesn't watch her
>Makes claims about her
The absolute state of Mori antis

>> No.50638509

suisei male collab

>> No.50638797

Kiara and IRyS have more collabs with her than anyone else in the company, so this is dumbest post in the thread

>> No.50638941
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>> No.50639228

she always did streams like that
mori does whatever gets views and is pretty open about it, she cares a lot about her career and is always grinding, for better and worse

>> No.50639397

>she cares a lot about her career

>> No.50639422

Is this zoomer poetry?

>> No.50639658

wdym it's the one thing she cares about beyond yellow cock, unless you're complaining she doesn't care enough about her job at hololive specifically

>> No.50639741

>pushes herself by streaming regularly even when she's working on projects
>ships and delivers projects
>is constantly improving her craft
>makes efforts to introduce new fans to Hololive
>uses her music connections to introduce her coworkers to music producers for their original music.
If that isn't proof that she cares about her career in Hololive I want to know what is.

>> No.50639866

Please, kindly stop using sheep to shit up the catalogue.

>> No.50640375

>uses her hololive connections to introduce her underground music buddys to people with more clout so they can leech

>> No.50640982

>know a person with a skill
>introduce them to person who needs somebody with that skill
>idiots on the internet call that "leeching"
Bro, if a friend needs to fix his fence and I'm friends with a carpenter, I'm gonna call the carpenter I know before I call a stranger, that's called having connections and there ain't nothing wrong with it.

>> No.50641182

This has to be one the most retarded comparision I've ever seen on this site here a pity (you)

>> No.50641639

Why does most of this really sound as if "If It was me that was given a Hololive contract, I wouldn't do x" as if someone felt really bad that Mori was chosen over it.

>> No.50641750

yeah, underground people like Fake Type and kokorobeats, who multiple Holos were long-time fans of
you don't have to be retarded anon, there's enough actual blunders she has made

>> No.50641856

I'm fully expecting Mori to get the full NTR expereince as she introduces them to Cover and they end up dating a vtuber while she's just the person who introduced them.

>> No.50641945

This literally is just projection.

>> No.50642009

># goes down
>chat gets slower and more purposeful
>chuuba connects with chat better
># goes up

sometimes it' less malicious with indies and smaller chuubas. It's only really noticeably bad when it's Mori or Ame or people who would never otherwise touch it with a 12 foot pole

>> No.50642073

>pushes herself by streaming regularly even when she's working on projects
that's a whole lot of words to type "does her job". The rest of your list is just a bunch of non-tangible opinions. "improving her craft" is laughably debatable considering I used to like her music before it dropped of a cliff

>> No.50642085

Anon, Mori has done ASMR for two years now, stop being stupid.

>> No.50642139

with Mori/Ame/Kronii it's also the fact that people stopped watching when they had their shitty period, so they didn't see periodic small changes over time until something like this happen
for them there was only a clean jump cut from "distant" to "gfe" while actual streamwatchers seen a much slower change

>> No.50642160

All of your points are fake because they're all projection, you can claim all you want that you used to be a fan of her music, but nothing aside from the claim supports it.

>> No.50642234

>that's a whole lot of words to type "does her job".
yeah, and that alone destroys your entire point, since any Holo that does not care about their career has a ton of ways of not doing their job and being perfectly fine

>> No.50642268

>I don't watch her but I'm noticing a change!
how can you notice a change if you literally admit to not watching her solo streams and only collabs?

>> No.50642317

Reading comprehension reps, i literally said i can’t speak to how she acts in solo streams because i don’t watch them anymore, i used to though so i know how she usually acts, and yet she acts completely differently in collabs now a days, she obviously tries to be more cute and feminine, at least when she streams with the other girls, and this is twice as true when she streams with JP’s, she basically turns into a completely different person when collabing with her JP senpai

>> No.50642338

this another thing I would like to point out she shill FT way to much, like does she not realise that they are her competition. You don't see mcdonald retweeting burger king or Wendys.

>> No.50642416

Finish AP English first, then come back to me.

>> No.50642437

not really, aside from the fact they're literally under the same label now, they don't even make that similar of music anymore as Mori branches into rock and EDM

>> No.50642457 [DELETED] 

why are cuckbeats like this?

>> No.50642487

>oh no, people are having a conversation, ABORT, ABORT
Twitter might be more up your speed

>> No.50642543

Holy ESL i literally said i can’t speak for her solo streams and I didn’t speak for her solo streams, however I have seen collabs with her semi recently and I can tell she acts differently then she used to when I watched her. Maybe she just changed her entire on stream personality but based on what I know about her, she doesn’t seem like the type to do that

>> No.50642568


>> No.50642593

I don’t believe that you took AP english, you’d be better at reading if you did

>> No.50642625

Like her or not, Mori produces a shitload of original content. She's also easily one of the most serious girls in Hololive when it comes to using her time as a vtuber to build connections and establish herself as an actual professional artist/entertainer.

>> No.50642647

>but based on what I know about her, she doesn’t seem like the type to do that
What you know about her is already negatively biased, and you can't accept a differing one.

Anyone who calls you out on this is called names because your so-called knowledge doesn't have much weight.

>> No.50642667


>> No.50642676

She cares a lot but she’s also a spiteful bitch and does what she wants regardless of her career, hence her friendship with homostars, if she genuinly cared about her numbers, she would cut the homos off cause they’re viewership poison

>> No.50642736

>negatively biased and can’t accept a different one
Says who? The voices in your head? My oshi is mumei and she did the same BS that calli did, but she stopped so i forgave her, meanwhile mori still sucks

>> No.50642758

because it's a sad state of affairs when you can "win" on /vt/ by saying "at least she streams" and it's actually true. Mori isn't even close to being some shining example of commitment and she has a laundry list of times she's told her audience she does not care, but deadbeats do currently get to crow about how much she "cares" because she does more than half her gen.

>> No.50642766

nta, but overall, her personality did mellow out even in solo streams, she's been talking a good bit about it. she was a target of bullying herself so the fact people were getting bullied over being her fans was affecting her and made her reconsider some things, and it was something that's been going on since at least May of 2022

>> No.50642780

Which standards are you basing anything on?

>> No.50642797

I can't contain my laughter everytime I see her doing ASMR stream to 2k viewers, reap (heh) what you sow

>> No.50642807

>saying positive things about people who work in the same industry as you is bad.
Wow, you sound like a friendless loser.

>> No.50642831


>> No.50642865

Most of the antis have no actual friends. Their only recourse is to live through board cred.

>> No.50642893

Not really. Their music is not similar enough for that to be an issue. There's some crossover, sure, but if anything, it's good exposure for both sides since most FT fans are JP and most Mori fans are EN. They've also featured her illustrations in their music videos, so if they get more popular it's advertising another part of her work as well.

>> No.50642917

>build connections and establish herself as an actual professional artist/entertainer
you mean funneling her adience into her RM

>> No.50642920

calling her approach to the Stars spiteful is just your own brainrot, anon
she had worked professionally with males pre-Holo and just continued to do within, her stance on that was always clear

>> No.50642955

Anon, your seething is causing you to misstype words. It's funny

>> No.50642968

>she has a laundry list of times she's told her audience she does not care
and you surely have the links to the times she said exactly that and not something completely different, correct?

>> No.50643038

I'm a butter cookie, and I know that Mori is the reason why My Oshi strives to be the best she could be.

>> No.50643158

oh man, you gonna pop a whole vein in your ass soon

>> No.50643228

I can only assume that all of you claiming Mori has changed and fallen into doing gfe are retarded newfags. Mori did lots of date streams for about the first year or so, and she has been doing ASMR for at least 2 years now.

>> No.50643305 [DELETED] 

so you are a cuck, and Mori is the reason why you are a cuck

>> No.50643490

>and you surely have the links to the times she said exactly that and not something completely different, correct?
if I go get time stamps are you going to waste my damn time because you're going to be autistically literal about anything other than the words "I don't care?" This is Mori I only spend 10 hours a week with you, and believe me, it's TEN HOURS' Calliope. I can get timestamps for shit like that, hard to argue that's her saying she cares

>> No.50643495

What's wrong with that?
Cover doesn't care
UMJ doesn't care
She gets to make content without the restrictions of the big companies and in return she gets invaluable experience performing to a live audience without those corporations paying a cent. Seems like a win-win.
I bet your just seething because if you don't have an audience for your Live 2D, much less your real self.

>> No.50643556

she did was being ironic when she did those date stream anon, same way bae does gfe with like 50 layers of irony

>> No.50643577

she actually streams

>> No.50643656
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Honestly you shouldn’t even bother explaining it, these are the same retards that respond to every negative comment about Mori on twitter with “but why?”

>> No.50643690

go back

>> No.50643732

>you're going to be autistically literal about anything other than the words "I don't care?"
I can see the goalpost flying off at Mach 1

>> No.50643760

>Non-Vtuber reaction
>Ledark knight so that I look based.
Holy shit, your oshi IS /vt/

>> No.50643763 [DELETED] 

enjoy slurping Trash Taste dudes cum out of your oshi's holes lmao

>> No.50643798

Yes, I can, you're the one that's flying them. Every time I give evidence of her loudly expressing how much she doesn't give a shit, you're going to hem and haw about how it's ironically her saying about how dedicated she is. that's what you're doing, kek

>> No.50643799

>appeal to Twitter
>non-/vt/ related picture
>fucking Joker meme to boot
this post is a full house

>> No.50643844

>I thought you were the Hoshiyomi

>> No.50643847

read comprehension? she was saying how fucking terrible it is to have to interact with her chat for 10 hours a week

>> No.50643876

The "No U" posts complete this.

It's like it's made its personality "4chan wannabe"

>> No.50643941

you're the one trying to prove that a girl that streams, works on a ton of music and promotes the company in various ways does not care about her job
based on your magical interpretation of her wording
what else do the voices say

>> No.50643977

>I will hand you the timestamps but want to make sure you're not a troll
>g-goalposts! goalposts!

>> No.50643981

oh no, the shitposters are now doing friendly fire...

>> No.50644014

>magical interpretation
I only respond to literal autists twice a day and yours are up, sorry.

>> No.50644050

Must be comfortable from that glass house.

>> No.50644058

damn, sassy, drop your channel handle, I might become your second regular viewer

>> No.50644112

I simply wouldn't fuck up in the first place because I am not retarded

>> No.50644121
File: 298 KB, 2048x1638, japan killer whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if I go in to her or not. She will has sex and it will end the Federal Reserve and their little (((Jew World Order))) too just with tha fuckin.

>> No.50644142

Why does it feel like this thing is resenting Cover picking Mori over her?

>> No.50644187

Mori streamed 28 times in May therefore hates hololive

>> No.50644195

while I'm not super invested in this convo, a ton of Mori shitposts was "actions speak louder than words" whenever she said she liked or cared for Holo (a quick archive search for this phrase will confirm that with many, many examples), but when her actions show how much she cares it suddenly it becomes about words again
I won't claim it's the same poster switching on a dime, this is a big site, but it's still funny

>> No.50644247

It's literally just a circular argument at this point because everyone who isn't agreeing with its take is a deadbeat

>> No.50644280

judging what this place considers a fuckup (like Fauna's talk), an autist like you would trip on day three

>> No.50644354

I don't know, I'm not the one branding everyone who disagrees with me a deadbeat.

>> No.50644388

Mori antis have stopped being consistent since 2022. It all started tumbling down when they decided to unironically join twitter tranny hate trains because /vt/ didn't give a shit anymore. Now all these threads have the same recurring schizos who endless bump their shitty threads from page 10 and spew illegal threats on /trash/.

>> No.50644507

You seem really caught up on this despite being unwilling to cough up a timestamp
With how you can't seem to let this go while being adamant about being unwilling to provide a timestamp, this will be pretty hilarious if this is just build up for an unironic >5% post in fucking 2023

>> No.50644645

why do deadcucks refer to her anti as "this thing" I've seen this same type of post alot in her split when they don't agree with some other poster

>> No.50644683

Because they have branded you as a thing incapable of sentience.

>> No.50644726

there's one that does it, they get called a pissy female even in their own split

>> No.50644770

honestly it makes you guys look pathetic, like why create some sort of boogeyman

>> No.50644785

seascum are things, which is correct

>> No.50644855
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Don't shitpost with my wife.

>> No.50644885

Stop making it to be not just one person, because the circular argument proves that it is. It comes with the same argument and the same comebacks every time.

>> No.50644939

nta, but they do kinda regurgitate the same shit, I can see how they're associate it with some samefag
I mean global had a 120 posts of some samefagging schizo deleted earlier this week, at some point you need to be wary of how obsessed some folk are

>> No.50645156

Watame is doing gfe now?

>> No.50645512

Watame and Mori should do comfy bed ASMR together

>> No.50645612
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Watame's numbers are great and >>50644855

>> No.50650447

Yeah yeah, it's all smokes and mirrors, but it's important to maintain the illusion.
So yeah, GFE from the start and no homos, when in doubt refer to Kanata.

Not that I care thought I'm here for CGDCT.

>> No.50650487

Why is her voice so lyrical? I watched her playing Getting Over It and she even screams musically.

>> No.50650581

>Mori is a whore.
>Mori doesn't work.
Fuck you.

>> No.50650787

I love how the definition of GFE here boils down to "whatever will let me call her a whore if she does something I don't like." Depending on the day and the thread what you fucking clowns consider "GFE" is all over the place.

>> No.50650946

not a deadbeat but at least she can claim to care at least 10 times more than Gura

>> No.50654294

They never said she doesn’t work retard, do your english reps

>> No.50658323


>> No.50660882
File: 37 KB, 682x382, onsen korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd world country

>> No.50661028

>i- it's not like I want to do it, baka!
>I just need some money, don't get it wrong!
great idea

>> No.50661169

Happy to have helped.

>> No.50661683

You don't even know what moe means, you retard.
