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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 1623469680666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5059564 No.5059564 [Reply] [Original]

What do we think of them?

>> No.5059598

not idols which means they are whores, skippppppppp.

>> No.5059714

What is it like to be raised by an abusive mother? Asking for university research.

>> No.5060052
File: 2.37 MB, 1440x2088, dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was just thinking about this. Can somebody redpill me on phase connect? Dragon looks cute.

>> No.5060112

owned by zhangs and leafs

>> No.5060118

Lots of money spent on big name artist. Canadian based company CEO is Second gen Chinese in Mooseland

>> No.5060279
File: 418 KB, 2048x2048, iorimaidagent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuumi did the deer justice...

>> No.5060328

The new twit pic is already up? Goodie. I wonder if the first blonde girl will be the last in count down since it seems she’s the current face right now.

>> No.5060530


>> No.5060543

I just don't care. I'm already following too many Vtubers.

>> No.5060552


>> No.5060635

not only is it western but its also owned by chinks

>> No.5062515 [DELETED] 

western whores AND owned by chinks? i'll pass on this one bros

>> No.5062706


>> No.5062739

>What do we think of them?
We don’t

>> No.5062755

This insult will not stand.

>> No.5062766
File: 380 KB, 424x580, 1623613567153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cummy, you say?

>> No.5062796

the more this shit advances and the more people and branches that pop up, everything just goes further down the shitter. this is what fucking happens when you milk a thing out for all it is worth.

>> No.5062801
File: 2.93 MB, 1920x1080, jacket connect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the jackets come off?

>> No.5062837

Do any of them wear sandals?

>> No.5062869

Feels like a timeloop, with people saying the same thing since Kizuna Ai. History repeats itself ad nausem.

>> No.5062979


>> No.5063170

She's going to get a full body post artwork sometime in a few days. Sorry, I got nothing else with how hush hush the company has been.

>> No.5067092


>> No.5067194

There's not enough to talk about. Just wait for the debuts to start before more threads.

>> No.5067549 [DELETED] 

Have any schizos started to figure out their past lives yet? I'm willing to give them a chance if they know how to engage with an audience, but if they're complete day one amateurs like the production kawaii girls then I'll likely pass. Models are definitely nice though

>> No.5068020

The Kawaii girls aren't all amateurs though? Besides 3/5 of them are great, Nene is one of the best vtubers around.

>> No.5068192

How are you doing Kevin?

>> No.5068496
File: 95 KB, 291x272, 1590850855391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop bumping your threads, kevin

>> No.5068720
File: 669 KB, 833x1000, 1600734922577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nene is one of the best vtubers around.
really nigga?

>> No.5068912

Wow, I used to jerk off a lot to the artist's doujins

>> No.5069108

Sorry, friend. I only care about HEREposting, memes and rrats. And it seems like cyberstalking anon isn't interested.

But I have faith that this'll either be a flash in the pan or enough of a dorky trainwreck to get the rest of vt's attention. The debuts will have a better chance at drawing in stalkanons, while generating more memes and rrats than just tentative nicknames, memes like discount mori, and them being HERE. In fact, if this blows up then there'll even be a bunch immigrants a few months from now who don't even believe that they're HERE. And I'll hate them. All of them. With a passion that burns with the intensity of a thousand zippocats streaking through 4chan city.

Now let's just enjoy being comfy and first, so that if Phase Connect goes viral we can all shit on latecomers for not liking glowchubas before it was cool.

>> No.5069635

Oh, boomer meme idea. Since the rrat is that they glow, maybe incorporate "dayglo" into memes or nicknames.

Or maybe we can meme a slogan. "Like Hololive. Only better." This of course will depend on whether or not they are. We might have to downgrade that to Nijisanji instead. Let's not overpromise.

>> No.5069654

I honestly don't feel like they'll blow up. So far, I feel like the talents have potential but the lack of advertising from their agency may prevent them from blowing up or getting bigger than small-medium vtubers. That being said, I'm interested in how successful the cross language generation may end up being. I'm also 100% in for the ride train wreck or not.

>> No.5069680

forgot to mention I'm not the anon you're replying to.

>> No.5070035

They shitpost on Twitter and 4chan, so obviously they're not just leaning on the company. I'd imagine they'll shill themselves, network and collab in order to keep their leech game on point. They might not get the holy grail of a hololive collab, but even Coco didn't get one until she slapped yagoo in front of A-chan and burnt the building down on her way out.

Nijisanji hasn't exploded like Hololive and neither have kawaii or tsunderia. Unless there's corporate fuckery behind the scenes, these are probably the most likely inter-agency collabs. The JP ones will probably make the rounds with react, 774 and noripro if possible. This is actually a boon to both parties, as Hololive's gilded cage means that eop's largely don't see the collabs holos do on other channels.

Phase connect, if their management isn't hyper reactionary, is unironically poised to keep those disparate yet still formidable agencies fresh in the minds of western viewers by streaming their own POVs on their channels instead of only ever making cameos on someone else's. This has been a weakness hololive has has for a while, and makes their content stale to casuals since it's harder to track down their more interesting inter-agency collabs.

>> No.5070058


>> No.5070126 [DELETED] 

Rabbit is Yuniluna.

>> No.5070209

Good looking out anon.

>> No.5070443 [DELETED] 

yeah that makes a lot of sense. hopefully the talents are actually good at marketing if that's the case

>> No.5070483

yeah that makes a lot of sense. hopefully the talents are actually good at networking themselves if that's the case

>> No.5070702

Oh, I forgot to mention voms. Pika surprisingly actually appeared on Ina's channel albeit playing the most horribly boring game of all time, and it seems like they could still really use the collabs to make up for a third of their roster getting axed. With pika being bilingual, she could drag tmsk along if possible regardless of which language the phases speak.

Providing pc doesn't shit the bed during their first week, I think they and voms could help each other out. Pc gets notoriety, and the two remaining voms get to leave Gyari's basement and do en collabs without doing naked dogeza for yagoo.

Although if we're being honest, we all know that there'll be chuba-only among us collabs coming up somewhere down the line. Probably one for jp and one for en, with other monolingual chubas padding the roster. It's incredibly safe and permissions friendly, and gives them an excuse to do huge 10 chuba collabs.

And we all know there'll be apex because normies love their apex. Fuck apex, but it does make numbers go up. The 3 en already form a team, so the mini collab practically schedules itself.

Mario kart collabs are a no brainer. Hopefully smash as well, but I pray they'll spare us Mario party. Fuck mario party. Just play phogs instead. Which they will. And on the topic of phogs, I'm gonna be mighty pissed if the ones who play it don't complete the damn thing. I've already seen the first levels time and again from hololive. Hopefully they'll take a page from korone's book and finish the game's they start unless they absolutely hate and can't stand playing them.

Wouldn't be surprised to see fall guys either as a stable permissions friendly entry. Although I don't know jow milk able it is at this point. I'd only watch if the chuba could hard carry it herself despite the game being kind of stale. Take Kanata's 11 hour fall guys marathon for example. People weren't watching for fall guys. They were watching kanatan do her best.

The only question is which one(s) are getting the pso2 sponsorship. I'd wager all of them. Money is money, and "accidental" impromptu niji ID collabs are niji ID collabs nonetheless. The pso2 one might even snag the holy grail of a Reine or Iofi collab depending on how many dreams yagoo feels like crushing that day. IMO buki also plays pso2, although getting close to her in game would be like playing with white fire. Jp gachis might not appreciate other chubas trying to horn in on Fubuking's territory.

>> No.5070722

got an ad for them on youtube today, so maybe they're gonna make a big push this week. not a lot of time to generate hype but i'm going to check them out, so it worked on at least one person

>> No.5071216

Hololive blew up well after they debuted. Virality is simply a matter of creating inertia through entertaining content that's at least above average.

With that said, song cover youtube ads are ultra high spec. Generic intro ads are skippable, but song covers keep people watching and listening. If they're here and management is competent then I'm probably preaching to the choir. But I can't stress enough the importance of good song ads. That's exactly how I got suckered into bingewatching cocoa covers, because they work exceptionally well.

>> No.5071312
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>> No.5071336

way too much random tomfuckery in the eyes of two of them.
>t. eye fetishist

>> No.5071504
File: 71 KB, 225x225, 1616648423673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck

>> No.5071866

>unilaterally positive comments on that video
>gives a shit about engagement
Big bullish flag. Simps love attention. It reflects well on their hiring qualifications. The others may act more professionally, but we can assume they're also serious about this. They better be. Because I'd bet in the- WAIT ONE FUCKING MINUTE.


But...wait...why and how the fuck is cunny listed as EN? The promo lied? Not a good look because of how confusing that is. Also, here's the reddit recruitment post.


Apparently 3D is coming too. And they have staff listed on the website so I wouldn't be surprised if they planned to thrown on an anime face and make formal announcements on the main youtube channel.

One issue though. In ios, there's a huge white bar over whatever link you click in the navigation bar after the page loads. The schedule link doesn't seem to work either, which is strange. You'd think they'd be advertising the debut schedule on the website when it's so close to release. If someone goes there they might not think there even is anything scheduled right now.

>> No.5071992

>she made a buckposting joke in the comments
blacklisting these vtubers.

>> No.5072299


>> No.5072384

calm down buck

>> No.5072438
File: 197 KB, 639x357, 4C50D588-35BE-4E15-A038-EB5E9DC199BD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post was typed by lagomorph hands
Hey hey hey...


>> No.5072490

Hololive as a whole took years to blow up, yes, but HoloEN was a smash hit from day one and that's what everyone is going to compare them to, fairly or not. I would honestly be shocked if they even got NijiEN numbers no matter how many ads they push at this point. The NijiEN debut song had ads that helped net a good amount of views, but that didn't actually translate into subs. Who knows what else phase connect is planning behind the scenes, but so far they don't seem to be doing much of anything to stand out. They've barely even tweeted ten times on their official twitter account, not counting retweets, and the schedule link on their website doesn't work. If they had the cash to get top tier models you think they'd do more to promote their talents. I'll feel bad for these girls if the onus is going to be on them to self promote, might as well have stayed indie at that point.
Oh wait so they're going for the Vshoujo audience. Disregard this worthless effortpost

>> No.5072698
File: 48 KB, 1024x580, 72E0BAE7-71C4-42FD-B12F-3D96D0A50D10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire post
Mmmmm no no no!

EN was a shitshow. The talents don't get along with each other or management. They overdid merit and used charisma as a dump stat. Big mistake. As for Niji EN, they're as boring and high energy as watching paint try.

My friendship with cover has already ended. I'm unironically investing my life savings into PHASE CONNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECT.

>> No.5072873

They will be just as dead as Virtuality Project, Heavenrend, and Amber Glow.

>> No.5073072


>> No.5073096


>> No.5073642

Did any of them have a Nabi face? If not, who gives a shit. The same for this company too. The moment I find it doesn’t have Nabi as a main artist I’m gone faster than my parents after I was born.

>> No.5073878

I felt nothing while researching or watching those three, and my feelings on chubas tend to correlate with success. Also, we only need to be right once.

You're here forever. Unless they collab with any Vshoujo other than Ironmouse. Or some anituber. Or they get railed on stream. Then we're all ending our friendship with phase connect and going back to shitposting about hololive.

Mouse is a saint in the eyes of vt, but her entire friend group is comprised of undesirables. They're so bad that Veibae would unironically be stoned to death if she spoke so much as a single sentence in the presence of Allah. It would be an achievement, albeit not one to be proud of.

>> No.5073997

I meant I’ll be gone from anything phaseconnect. Currently, the only ones who really give a shit are those who heard about one of the girls being a Nabi face. Nobody really gives a shit about whatever this generic company is. That’s the only reason I even give half an ounce of dog shit too cause they said she was an artist and haven’t revealed it yet, for some reason.
I could careless about Vshojo or any of the other whatever.

>> No.5074108

>the only ones who really give a shit are those who heard about one of the girls being a Nabi face
>Nobody really gives a shit about whatever this generic company is
Speak for yourself. I'm hype as fuck to be early. I also get to Carlospost. This is the only thread on vt I'm unironically positive about. Every other thread is varying degrees of laughing at dumpster fires or just plain, cold apathy.

>> No.5074711

Based idolchad

>> No.5074916
File: 933 KB, 1280x720, Phase Connect _ Debut Teaser _ 6.18 - 6.20 _ Let the Journey Begin! 1-1 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one

>> No.5074954

Its because cunny isn’t it?

>> No.5075002

Not him but yes, designer draws really good cute and funny stuff

>> No.5075001


>> No.5075017

I want fox cunny!

>> No.5075135
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>> No.5075173

She look like Mafia. I hope she is one.

>> No.5075193

>"designer draws really good cute and funny stuff"
>artist draws cunny so that make that design cunny

>> No.5076630 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 900x1200, AAF964EF-EA98-4F00-A770-235070E92B0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't know that. And I'm not sure how much of the more esoteric or circumstantial stuff is related to her, but here's what seems to be publicly available information about a currently active vtuber who just so happens to sound like one of the phase connect chubas but probably isn't her. FYI, manager-san hasn't been doing his Google reps.


As a rule of thumb, archive all the possible dark history on every phase connect chuba before it gets wiped. Comb through it to document all yabs. Then post clips of it on YouTube after phase connect gains mainstream attention so we can have a hearty laugh. Image is from Google image search by the way. There's also a ship girl picture supposedly from her Twitter account.

If I'm being honest, I'm probably not gonna watch the yuni stuff myself. I'd rather clipfag it up and read the rrats after the fact. It's a dead end anyway. It's all getting deleted once phase connect doesn't flop and management realizes the entire rabbit hole is a potential PR disaster waiting to happen. There's a reason most of hololive move out of their old virtual house and burn the place down as they walk out the door. It's just a massive target for antis to comb through to find something they can use to justify hating someone.

Vshoujo is a good example of why the past is better left behind when trying to get a fresh start. I'm pretty sure she already deleted the reddit account she used to shill herself, which was a smart move. Leaving everything else up after posting on 4chan? Incredibly poor opsec. Using the same handle on personal accounts as your vtuber avatar? Might as well just fuck your own shit up while you're at it.

So with that said, who else can we remind to delete all their accounts before their debut date arrives? The clock is ticking. Once the mainstream fandom notices phase connect, there's nothing anyone can do except damage control. I hope none of the others left any of their personal accounts accessible via Google or yandex. Otherwise manager-san should spend the next few days cleaning house before the debut. We all know how much of a shitshow the sachi meltdown was.

>> No.5077026 [DELETED] 

I see you care a lot about them to post this, but you must take your meds.

>> No.5077035 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 960x1200, 0EA4F21F-4323-47B7-B11C-75C0A0A1EDEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pic from twitter plus a wiki article in Google image search. Not sure if relevant but the algorithm seems to think so. Probably rrat unless actually true.


>> No.5077049


>> No.5077063 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 162x311, 8DCD680E-F7C2-4B80-9773-CE3188F58DE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Context for next pics. Not a good sign bros.

>> No.5077065

What's it like to do 0 market research into why Holo BTFO everything else and go "fuck that, that's too hard to recruit/train for and I don't even understand it, we're just gonna be lazy shit ethots anyway"? Take a hint dumbasses.

That "fail into success" story worked only for vsh*jo and only because they recruited the biggest already-existing twitch ethots and banded them up - NOT starting them over from scratch or debuting literal-whos from scratch. That is the only reason.

>> No.5077081
File: 134 KB, 1200x769, 9342A224-B2DC-4A3D-AE58-DA820C926E30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plot thickens.

>> No.5077102
File: 292 KB, 1200x1200, 5827958A-2165-4F3B-B8F5-9D9F4CCF3440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure these aren't supposed to be edible.

>> No.5077111 [DELETED] 

Wow, they haven't even debuted yet and they already have a doxfag. They're going to INCLINE

>> No.5077124 [DELETED] 


Holy shit you're retarded and low effort.

>> No.5077127
File: 5 KB, 150x150, 61E64711-B0F8-43DB-B592-C628B7CC3FAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random googleposting continues.

>> No.5077129 [DELETED] 

what happened to the pinky finger?

>> No.5077148 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 389x129, 5DDF350F-76FE-41F2-ACB1-C9B4AACE40CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed dubs and trips confirm

>> No.5077151

I don't see how any of these images have any relevance to anything

>> No.5077159

Big ambition, little sense
Basically the company hinges on one of the girls being a smash hit

>> No.5077158
File: 10 KB, 320x160, 8581130A-E4B4-4621-AF05-D1D9EEEE44AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitch banner I suppose

>> No.5077189 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 539x421, smugcunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just from skimming through the twitch clips, she's very high energy and perfect for the role if true

>> No.5077333

watching you idiots try to find things and linking together unrelated content fills me with laughter tingles

>> No.5077348

Man, that dude can keep smiling despite losing lots of money

>> No.5077526

seanigger fan group grope session trash.

>> No.5077694

What "sense" is there in vtubing? The hardest part is just getting people to even click on you, and nobody seems to know what the secret here is other than having all your friends shill for you.

>> No.5077746

anon they are glowing...

>> No.5077811 [DELETED] 

Grats on your second dubtrip combo, even if 77111 got deleted.

With that said, now that we finished the dark history arc speedrun, I suppose memes are next on the docket while we wait for the website's navigation bar to be fixed. That's gonna be a problem, since grassroots artanons probably won't be hopping on board until notoriety increases. That probably won't happen until after the debut, which is when fans will presumably get more actively involved once they can actually watch the chubas.

In the meantime, unless PC is confident that they'll go nuclear, might be time for them to throw around the idea of astroturfing a few art commissions to pepper the hashtags in case artists don't do it of their own accord. Not that they won't. IMO, I wouldn't put it past jp bros to start cranking out fanart if they like what they see. But that's if there's enough left or willing to pull themselves away from whoever they're watching now.

Don't care. I unironically hope to see them flip hololive. The cope seethe and chaos will be absolutely hilarious to watch. For an oldfag there's no greater pleasure.

That, and as long as I get entertaining content I don't care how dayglo they are. It beats suffering through hololive en, who desperately need a fire lit under their ass and some sort of unifying pressure.

>> No.5078105

Brand name. You have to make the brand first, though. I mean hell, the most boring person on earth is the fastest growing Nijisanji talent to get 100k subs. Why? The Nijisanji name made more than 2 people care.

>> No.5078135
File: 527 KB, 654x638, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's her secret to attracting autism? A schizo, a doxxfag. She hasn't even debuted yet.

>> No.5078235

I doubt any of them are in this cesspool. /vt/ gets low eye traffic and is full of antis, even though no one debuted.

>> No.5078262

Yeah well here they are making the brand. Best of luck to them.

>> No.5078465

>I'll feel bad for these girls if the onus is going to be on them to self promote, might as well have stayed indie at that point.
Hopefully they don't have to pay for their own models like a lot of pump and dump agencies do.

>> No.5078747
File: 515 KB, 1080x1490, Screenshot_20210612-042855_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you checked her Twitter she specifically says she only speaks Japanese and uses Deeply to get English. She's actively trying to learn English so listed herself as both so she can interact with English speakers for learning.

>> No.5078822

If an agency isn't even giving you a model then what the fuck can they even offer you?

>> No.5082445

She a raving rrabbit. She’s also got a high level of shitposting and too powerful to be contained. She admits herself the manager can’t stop her as she was bullying the shit out of the trash bear.
