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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50521861 No.50521861 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly I still miss the golden age of Ame and her previous self but there is no way I can go back and just watch her and forgive everything she did to us. I could try watching her again but I am scared that she will try to do something again.
I am currently doing my JP reps and I left her for an oshi that respects me.
By the way where did the other former teamates that jumped off the ship went ?

>> No.50522616

I never minded the male collabs. I'm not schizo enough to believe that she and I had any sort of meaningful relationship or that she had any sort of relationship with them. She doesn't really strike me as the type to form relationships with coworkers, but after a while I noticed that it just didn't feel like she was having fun anymore.
It felt like her having to convince herself that streaming was still fun, the air of negativity constantly lingered around her and it had been a problem for over a year now. So i left.

>> No.50523213

For a while it felt like every other week Ame was making some huge new thing that the community would laud her for.
But for the past year or so it feels like there's been almost nothing of the sort. Ever since Tempus came and the event that happened because of their existence, it feels like she's just mailing it in.

>> No.50523453

>scared she will do something again
I dropped her because she never does anything anymore and just seems to be going through the paces. Her normal streams varied from okay to called in feeling for a very long time now so I eventually just moved on from Hololive since she was the last thing I cared about from it. So I just watch whoever I find entertaining in the moment now.

>> No.50523647
File: 171 KB, 854x480, AmeNyoom [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3o4haw.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another thread where le ebin """""former teammmmmates""""" spout random bullshit
I'd honestly take the leader warmongering from KFP over this, kek, at least that's legitimate

>> No.50524126

wtf is leader warmongering

>> No.50524218

bait op aside the other responses all seem to trend the same way from different posters unless you want to believe ip changing shitposter is responsible for all of them but i dont think they are for a couple reasons. might be hard for you to swallow some people dont like where her content went in the last year.

>> No.50524427
File: 103 KB, 828x872, 1654400210339072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was something they did for a good while that only stopped a few months ago where they were trying to force the (very stupid) notion of Myth, if not EN as a whole, having a "leader", namely their oshi, while also trashing the other girls and downplaying their accomplishments and good to semi-decent qualities. It at least made for funnier shit to read.

>> No.50524925

>discordtranny makes up random fantasies

>> No.50525056

So you're telling me, in no uncertain terms, that you didn't see those threads popping up every time you so much as looked away from the catalog for a moment? Might want to get your eyes checked.

>> No.50525135

>m-muh random bait threads
Please keep exposing yourself tourist.

>> No.50525362

There's no need to leader warmonger any more. Kiara's the only one tardwrangling Myth so she's the Führer by default.

>> No.50525383
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>> No.50525417

You sound like an ESL bait posting faggot, but that said
>I still miss the golden age of Ame and her previous self
So do I
>where did the other former teamates that jumped off the ship went
Fauna's the only Holo I watch consistently now and I also picked up a 3view indie
I like them but I feel like I'm just going through the motions and I could probably drop them without much effort
I wfh and got really used to having a cute anime girl in my ear as I worked for several years, so music/podcasts don't cut it anymore
I have yet to find a vtuber I enjoy even a fraction as much as I did Ame

>> No.50525424
File: 178 KB, 1080x907, 11C585ED-8505-46A3-8E38-3744AB3184AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah yeah, sister. You totally don’t believe you’re in a relationship with your oshi.

>> No.50525459 [DELETED] 

Ame rm used to Collab with men all the time. What made any of you dumbfucks think she'd be any different under an anime girl avatar?

>> No.50525480

I dunno if I'd ever see Kiara as a leader but I can say if nothing else she does seem to be the only one anymore who still cares

>> No.50525520

>By the way where did the other former teamates that jumped off the ship went ?

Kiara and Ina, then just Kiara for Hololive. I've more or less abandoned the company for 2 and 3 views who actually give a fuck.

>> No.50525575

Don't get me wrong if you don't like male collabs that's fine but personally I just never watched them. I'm not opposed to her doing what makes her feel happy but it doesn't mean I'll tune in.

>> No.50526412

>everything she did to us
What DID she do other than collab with co-workers?

>> No.50526513

No one respects you. You simply don't deserve respect. You're a failure.

>> No.50526620

>the event
Maybe one day you'll know what the world looks like, if you ever leave your mom's basement.

>> No.50526692

Kiara is not the leader, she is the enforcer, the perfect second in command. She has no charisma but she will crack the whip.

The real problem is that myth has no leader at all.

>> No.50526825

>She has no charisma
>fucking KIARA
that's a downright silly statement

>> No.50526960

Nijideflection thread lol.

>> No.50529907

Me and my friends get no respect
What does Watson or Gura do that we neglect?
We be puttin' all our oshis in check
But me and my friends get no respect

>> No.50530004

not being a doxxfag helps

>> No.50531255

>Myth has no leader
Very true unfortunately. I think kiara wishes she got the respect of a leader tho

>> No.50534407

does council? i think fauna tried but she's too timid and the rest is unleadable
holoEN group dynamics kinda suck

>> No.50534584

>Honestly I still miss the golden age of Ame and her previous self but there is no way I can go back and just watch her and forgive everything she did to us.
That's exactly how I feel about my ex-oshi Kronii. I miss the girl I fell in love with almost 2 years ago but I have to come to terms with her being gone for good
While Cover didn't do anything like a change in VA she is effectively a different person now, she might even have improved as a streamer but as a person she is no longer someone I want to support

>> No.50534732

Weird autismo girls are a good choice for vtubing, but you need to balance it out at least a bit.

>> No.50535080

You basically need the based kind of autist who weaponizes it so they can interact with people but deploys their autism strategically to get what they want out of people. So basically, Kiara. Except for a number of reasons (one of which is she’s nowhere near the same time zone as the others) Kiara isn’t enough.
I’m essentially saying we needed myth to have a Mori with Mori’s autism but Gura’s personality, and also a Kiara without the near pathological insistence on the voice who also lives in NA. Or maybe a Watson who knew how to not be a gremlin when that sort of behavior is counterproductive. I suppose it’s easier said than done, but it’s crazy how a few little factors make so much difference.

>> No.50535608

>Schizo faggot cares more about the idea of a vtuber instead of the quality of her content.
Many such cases. All sad.

>> No.50536028

She has the lowest numbers for a reason.
(I dont know if mori has lower numbers but Mori doesnt count as a hololive member anyways)

>> No.50536130

Hololive was definitely a lot more fun when you had someone you really wanted to support.
Staying up late and making time for streams, buying merch, chatting, leaving comments, drawing art, and sending letters were fun.
But when it seems like your oshi doesn't want your support anymore and would prefer to coast or do just whatever they want, it feels like such a waste. What can you do but move on?
Now I just casually watch streams whenever I feel like it and hope EN3 can somehow bring back the good days.

>> No.50536581

I don't miss Ame, my only regret is wasting money on her and not noticing how amazing IRyS is before, I'm happier than I've been in 15 years

>> No.50536876

This would be much more effective if the thread was about owning Nijisanji.

>> No.50536967

You're back to Ame, ame-schizo? You need to just bend the knee and apologize to her for being such a large faggot.

>> No.50537403
File: 53 KB, 440x600, Watson.Amelia.Ch..600.3329997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no way I can go back and just watch her and forgive everything she did to us
Show us on the doll where Ame touched you anon.

>> No.50537669

>muh numbers
Go back to your containment thread, numbertranny

>> No.50539829

sounds like your oshi has bad numbers anon

>> No.50542719

And you write like a shitskin from certain area...

>> No.50543503

Stop spamming this bullshit, imbecile

>> No.50545038

HoloEN (and really Hololive itself) was at its peak in May of 2021. Everything that happened after that was a slow decent into stagnation that we are seeing to this day.

>> No.50546043

After Ame collabed with the homos, I jumped ship to the guys because they were 10x more entertaining during the collab.

>> No.50546305

Who asked?

>> No.50548010


>> No.50551082

Ame was already burning out before tempus, but after shilling them for a month she has gone back to being burnt out. I think she's just waiting to get a managerial position at this point

>> No.50551224

I don't get it? She did lose the dog; she has a puppy now.

>> No.50555968

I don’t watch her streaks and simply keep up with what she does through people talking about her, clips, or her appearance on other peoples streams, however, ever since the rust gura incident it’s been radio silent and it seems as though she hasn’t really done anything cool like she used to.

>> No.50557936


>> No.50558146

Does HoloEN block their talents from interacting with outsiders at all, without management's permission?
Can't shake the feeling that Ame streams feel like a cut off psych ward that repeats itself.

>> No.50558720

reset the counter

>> No.50561155

Perfectly normal response
