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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50258296 No.50258296 [Reply] [Original]

I miss this retard

>> No.50259859

I hope she comes back so Gaoupapa can draw her with even bigger boobs

>> No.50260085

>"i miss her uwu come back soon queen"

>> No.50260280

Well that’s too bad, she doesn’t

>> No.50260724

Its ironically okay when Jp do it

>> No.50260761

>Everything must be about the shark
Why is the average Chumbud like this?

>> No.50260931

>aieee don't point out my hypocrisy!!

>> No.50261055

>Can't give a proper reply when the OP doesn't mention Gura at all
Weird hill to die on but ogey, carry on.

>> No.50261280
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>> No.50261414

people may disagree with her decision, but everybody knows why aqua stopped streaming. gura just fucked off with no obvious reason, and continually bullshits reasons and her plans

>> No.50261572

Cope, Gura is superior so she is forgiven, don't dare to question her

>> No.50261638

why did she stop streaming

>> No.50261701

It's almost like Japan and Fatmerica have different cultures and values

>> No.50262233

Out of shame over not being an Apex pro or something

>> No.50262255

mind is the strength of tofu and couldn't deal with the handful of comments shitting on her for her apex grind/not reaching her goal

>> No.50262407

Lack of motivation

>> No.50266077

She doesn't miss you

>> No.50266520

You're pointing out the difference between the fanbases right? You obviously don't think you're pointing out hypocrisy between two unrelated groups of people?

>> No.50266532

What about the money I can give to her?

>> No.50266714

Me too, bro. I want her to come back every day. I think about her constantly.

>> No.50267274

People just continue to give her money, even through her roommate fanbox that doesn't even offer anything, it's like some slave loyalty at this point that enables lazy behavior. It's weird because in the past JPs have been pretty assertive when they dislike something she did like dislike bombing when she played smash with a pro player for too long. I don't really know what the JP fan dynamic is here.

>> No.50268028

I still believe she will revive Akukin Kensetsu and THE RESISTANCE.

>> No.50268086

She's menhera

>> No.50268101

Pretty much all of the shit she had to deal with during her career tiring her out of streaming and made her flee into idol reps first and project work like her game later. Chinks harrassed the shit out of her because she was their queen and they felt utterly betrayed when she didn't stick with them when cover pulled out of china. Apex autists banded together by demand of some popular nip streamer to harass the shit out of her for playing apex as a cringy vtuber and a GIRL. The internet all together harrassed the shit out of her because she admitted she was receptive to the hate comments so they found an easy target. For some time she was straight up terrified of streaming, then tried the startend stuff, got hyped up like mad for plays with all eyes on them again - and ended up completely shitting the bed so people were going off the rails again. She probably said fuck it all at some point and I can't even blame her.
And that's the very short version.

>> No.50271153

She gonna be my wife!

>> No.50273246

long story short too much bullshit drama and retarded antis to deal with

>> No.50273390

She's still the cutest chuuba by far
I honestly don't think it's possible for an EN to be that cute

>> No.50273574

huh? Gura is way cuter, what are you smoking?

>> No.50273612

Why do anons here keep repeating this dead joke?

>> No.50273653

No, she actually does miss me.

>> No.50274500

even gura disagrees anon...

>> No.50274629

>Gura fucked off for no reason
Grays should kill themselves.

>> No.50274875

I still think her fans deserve better though. They haven’t stopped sending her love and supporting her for the last two years she’s been softretired yet she gives them back so little it makes me feel bad.
Two years is more than enough time to get your shit together and that’s assuming what you said is the reason she stopped. I personally think that might have been what initially triggered it but right now she’s just manjigumi-ing her way through.

>> No.50274876

it's not a joke

>> No.50275061

lazy bitch

>> No.50275129

>she gives them back so little
Only in terms of streaming, remember than in 2022 alone she had released 2 sololives, 2 EPs and one videogame among other things

>> No.50275619

It’s not only streaming. The things she does on the side aren’t enough to undermine the lack of streaming and participation in holo events.
Marine and Fubuki also participated in that game, and they still streamed and did a bunch of other stuff. Suisei also does sololives, releases a ton a music and still streams and participates in holo events.
As you can see there are examples even within hololive of people doing what she does and a lot more. What she did in 2022 is just not enough to justify 2 streams max per month and skipping all holo events except holofes and sportfes. That’s why I think she went full manjigumi.

>> No.50275894

Anon, you should pick better examples, Marine has streamed less than Aqua did in 2022 and Suisei streams less than Aqua period.

>> No.50276064

Marine also fucked up her voice, then fucked it up more by not resting it properly

>> No.50276394

I honestly don’t have the numbers but I seriously doubt aqua streamed more than those two. It might be my perception since aqua is just completely gone from anything related to hololive outside of holofes and merch shilling though, but again I seriously doubt it. Also in marine’s case, as >>50276064 said, she fucked up her voice multiple times.

>> No.50276465

Meant for >>50275894

>> No.50277369

It is your perception (or maybe you've been influenced by this board), in 2022 Marine streamed less than Aqua while in 2023 she's been way more active, as per Suisei there are only two holos who streamed less than her this year: Gura and Haachama.

>> No.50277767
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>> No.50277815

She used to ge my favorite, what a shame

>> No.50279587

Not really. You should look at the number of streams , not streaming hours.

>> No.50280350

akutan please stream... I can even take another solomas Apex...

>> No.50283105

Your beloved SEAshark is getting beaten in the numbers game by a filthy japanese rabbit btw

>> No.50287042

i don't see many mainland chink harrassed her in that incident. most of those harassed her were anti-hololive in general or taiwan and they didn't stay for long
she is too weak to a few mean comment

>> No.50287390

What are you talking about? Chinks were clearly wheelbarrowing her and Fubuki for a really long time.

>> No.50289865

Aqua is the most thin skinned holo there is. All it took was for there to be one bad comment in chat and she would collapse on herself. It wouldn't fucking matter if 99% of the chat was being positive and supporting her. She would hyper focus on that one bad comment. She even talked about this on stream once and was asking her fans to please be positive and it was like what the fuck they are.
>b-but the chinks
Fubuki had no problem handling this. In fact she was the first one to immediately support Coco. Unlike the chink's princess Aqua who cut contact with her and tried to keep her head down hoping it would all blow over. That should tell you everything you need to know about Aqua as a person.

>> No.50291055

This is the most retarded pasta ever, it's been completely inaccurate from the very moment of its inception.

>> No.50291366

Nice fanfic but I agree she need someone who protect her and that is me

>> No.50296528

Me too.

>> No.50296736


>> No.50302619

Aqua actually has a real disease, not just laziness.

>> No.50306326

she will return

>> No.50308144

I support Total Chudbum Death at this point.

>> No.50308200

Yeah but Marine and Suisei appeared in a lot of collabs unlike Aqua

>> No.50308328

How new? Aqua was THE most popular Holo in China. It wasn't even close. They even had a fundraiser to try and buy out her contract. They made that pathetic cope comic. When she sided with Coco and Hololive, the seethe was immense. She still gets Chinese bots and Anti's to this day, even when she rarely streams.

>> No.50308391

Except with Suisei, you know that the reason she's not streaming is because she's working on albums and concerts, both of which you will eventually see later. Gura says she's working on stuff but nobody ever sees it.

>> No.50309200

when did she side with coco?
iirc she just stayed silent and did nothing and the anti used this opportunity to spam and harassed her

>> No.50309407

>>50309200 (me)
by anti i mean not-chink anti

>> No.50309472

Do not say that word, or else we will graduate her.

>> No.50309524

In the deranged minds of China, not breaking her contract and becoming an exclusively Chinese vtuber is siding with Coco. Yes really. Haven't you ever seen the cope comic?

>> No.50309727

so it's still the fact that she had no interaction or not even mention about coco at all until graduation, but unfortunately that was not enough for chink and and also brought other anti as well

>> No.50309832

Coco and Aqua were pretty close though. Notably, Coco was one of the few people Aqua trusted enough to stay over at their house, and this was back when Aqua wouldn't even stay in hotels. Also there was this, when Aqua was bummed about the smash incident.

>> No.50310064

Being a complete shut-in introvert is not a disease when it's common around nips, specially when you live in the biggest city of the world.

>> No.50310140
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damn this shit bring me back

>> No.50310190 [DELETED] 

yes, they were closed, but when the incident they didn't have any interaction make it worse and this was the opportunity that non-chink anti used to harass her, something along the line of "coco was there for her, but she was not there for coco"

>> No.50310567

yes, they were closed, but this made it worse when they didn't have any interaction after the incident and this was the opportunity that non-chink anti used to harass her, something along the line of "coco was there for her, but she was not there for coco"

>> No.50310952

>newfag zoomers throwing their headcanons into something they weren't there to witness
woah, it's like 9/11 all over again.

>> No.50311060

I think the gamer maid just doesn't like games anymore due to the negative feelings attached to the medium. She might have a bit of an identity crisis.

>> No.50311239

>She might have a bit of an identity crisis
a lot of them have identity crisis to be fair
