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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 537 KB, 699x846, 1683315234061934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50230719 No.50230719 [Reply] [Original]

>loses and gets upset over mario party of all things
>she sulks the entire second half of the council collab
>sulks enough for kronii and fauna to throw the minigames at the end
is mumei mentally well? i know shes autistic but that was uncomfortable to watch.

>> No.50230814

Any anon have that pic where it say something like "but, girls are cutee when they're retarded"?

>> No.50230833

Things haven't been the same since the RadioShack incident.

>> No.50230841

Anon...it was a bit. Y'know, for the jokes?

>> No.50230967

Wasn't she trying to recover her vocal cords?
Someone in this condition should talk less and sounds less excited about stuff.

>> No.50231087

we kept telling her, "wheelchairs conduct electricity" but she wouldn't listen.

>> No.50231106

Towl being a towl. Whats new.

>> No.50231189

was it really? you didnt notice kronii fauna and bae throwing those minigames at the end or trying to cheer her up about not having enough stars? you cant make that shit up and no adult should be acting like that.

>> No.50231299

she also didn't want to restart the game to let bae join in case she was no longer winning
what a bitch

>> No.50231311

Why you sound like a woman op. Oh wait.

>> No.50231319

>he's actually autistic
lmao I'm sorry for you bro

>> No.50231382
File: 165 KB, 850x1469, towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does towel have to do with this?

>> No.50231478
File: 383 KB, 985x1851, 95A31590-F594-4BC4-B19A-7C739E42650D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to understand, some of the Anons here are literally incapable of understanding a bit. Some might even say, they’re abit slow. Abit retarded perhaps.
Case in point

>> No.50231501
File: 70 KB, 237x222, 1684532146572060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see how far will this thread will go without retards resorting to the usage of forbidden knowledge, shall we?

>> No.50231518

>trying to catalogshit on mumei of all people
She's probably the most unshitpostable and yabless girl in all of holoEN. Remake your thread with someone else, you'll get more traction

>> No.50231552

You have to understand, a completely RNG based game of luck is the only chance she ever had of beating Kronii or Fauna in a collab.

>> No.50231679

No Anon, what you’re think about is Takoyaki Titty

>> No.50231820
File: 45 KB, 410x482, aren't girls cutest when retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guessing this is what you mean

>> No.50231846

>Moomer are the most toxic fanbase
Not really surprise at all

>> No.50232034

>unironic autist flinging shit at anime girls autistism larp.

kek poor bastard

>> No.50232071

JP pride
please understando

>> No.50232135

>is mumei mentally well? i know shes autistic but that was uncomfortable to watch.
It was uncomfortable for me because mumei suffering gives me a stiffy.

>> No.50232180

She literally took a week off because she exerts them too much after streaming for weeks, this is the opposite of "SHE'S NOT REALLY SICK SHE'S A LIAR TO GET OUT OF HER JOB".

>> No.50232234

>JP pride
huh? whats this got to do with jap?

>> No.50232282

lol nice cope

>> No.50234852 [DELETED] 

wrong girl, everyone loves mumei or at least likes her enough to not shitpost about her

>> No.50235216

She was just pissed that they didn't invite Irys to both collabs. Moom is a true unity / councilrys fag

>> No.50235323
File: 60 KB, 598x378, breakaleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm crazy why you wouldn't believe me anon..

>> No.50235477

is it weird that I would like her more if this was real?

>> No.50235540

...It's yellow, right? That feels so obvious that I'm wondering if I'm retarded and got it wrong somehow.

>> No.50235589

You are correct Anon, it’s yellow.

>> No.50235745

my daughter is a princess, prease andastando

>> No.50235808
File: 272 KB, 1633x1057, 1666026760608467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loses and gets upset over mario party of all things
Never played Mario party with friends before? It's like a fucking blood bath of a game among friends if a single person starts taking it seriously

>> No.50235867

Your first mistake was assuming OP had friends

>> No.50235946

Last time I played with really good friends my one friend started screaming racial slurs at our black friend, but to be fair with 3 turns left he hit a box that made it so the both of them swapping stars when he was in the lead.

>> No.50236054

skill issue (in that your "friend" didn't understand this game is literally RNG. Mario Kart on the other hand....)

>> No.50236193

some people can’t comprehend “pretending to be dumb” as a genre of humor because they’ve never seen it before. I remember when I was 12 I used to fall for bait all the time but as a 20 something year old they’re easy to spot now. But I see so many adults that still fall for bait without questioning if it’s fake or not. I can’t say they’re stupid because these adults literally have PhDs so who knows

>> No.50236690

The fact I could follow all of this while drunk and it reads like middle school-level shit (and I can't do calculus at all, my brain checked out at that level) segues into what I believe to be the fatal blow to any hope of monumental human advancement in our lifetimes: 100+ IQ people vastly overestimate the capabilities of 100- IQ people. But as soon as the former group starts asserting anything worthwhile, the latter group (and their "protectors") cry racism/classism/ableism/muh equity/everyone deserves a chance/ etc.

>> No.50237137

You guys are proving the point that there are retards here. But only in that you have to legitimately be retarded to think this greentext is real. If this was even slightly proven the psychology study this anon claims to have helped with would be cited, not some greentext bullshit. Google any of the keywords. It won't pull up and corroborating evidence, just other posts of this copypasta

>> No.50237347

JP does this : i love this autistic dork
EN does this : wtf is wrong with this woman

>> No.50237689

To be fair I wasn't watching or following /vt/ when it was live, but she ALWAYS larps as the spoiled kid with Kronii and/or Fauna and it's always cute. How is this even a controversy lmao

>> No.50238495

>is mumei mentally well?
autistic owl

>> No.50238753

She's a baby

>> No.50238793


>> No.50238797

I didn’t read any of the shit in that pic dumbass I was replying to what you said. you sound just as retarded as the people you’re talking about

>> No.50238979

It not. OP is trying to manufacture one from nothing.

>> No.50240126

>The last greentext
Ohh!! That explains why dealing with other people feels so tiring to me. I'm constantly emulating their inner state as best as I can and updating it with new knowledge throughout the interaction. As a teenager I was pretty bad at it, but then I got better. Practice makes perfect. I can do it acceptably now, but given the choice I'd rather do something else.

>> No.50240202

Why didn't they invite Iwys?
