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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50197349 No.50197349 [Reply] [Original]

Wife is playing Dark Souls 3. LORD OF CINDER DEFEATED. Time for DLC.

New ASMR video dropped, GO LISTEN TO IT:

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Merch: https://ko-fi.com/Z8Z07FFQ1/shop


Previous thread: >>50147312

>> No.50197400
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We're so in

>> No.50197436


>> No.50197451
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I love hearing her ecstatic from doing good in games.

>> No.50197484
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Her souls gameplay hurts to watch, but I love her nonetheless!

>> No.50197551

honestly every non-souls adjacent streamer is terrible at souls games, so it's really not that bad. wifey is just average at them, but she's terribly cute <3

>> No.50197555

officially a gamer

>> No.50197605

its what 1 single drop of dopamine does to this girl

>> No.50197612


>> No.50197656

When she is happy her voice gets so cute aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.50197711

I hope this brings up her mood to do the dlc

>> No.50197730

it makes me sad she sounds like she has pneumonia anytime you can hear her breathe

>> No.50197744

beating soul of cinder on my sl1 run was such a pain in the fucking ass

>> No.50197774

It really fucked her lungs

>> No.50197790

if she actually does dlc, she will literally never get past gael lol

>> No.50197818

twin demons is going to suck too

>> No.50197843

honestly if you're really overleveled, twin demons is easy as fuck

>> No.50197845

I cannot wait for her to mald when phase 3 Friede starts

>> No.50197890

>feeling shondos fluttering 153 bmp heartbeat against your chest as she panics when you hold her into you

>> No.50197892

if she can beat friede then she can beat gaelm plus if people tell her about poison resin cheese

>> No.50197910

think she got spoilt on the 3 phase boss, that's why she expected 3 phases for both lothric and cinder

>> No.50197914

it's cute

>> No.50197915

honestly i wish she'd just go to dreg heap immediately, it's a much better dlc and she will never get past friede either

>> No.50197919

>skipped my resub
I know it's because she was overwhelmed, but it still feels bad.

>> No.50197930

It took me a while to figure the entire fight out but no more than two 3 hour sessions

>> No.50197954

btw don't let the 6 months tier 3 in advance auto renew it wont send an alert

>> No.50197970

Sorry bro, you should have been named RenPC.

>> No.50197983

Thanks for telling me.

>> No.50197993


>> No.50198005

Yeah feels bad that I missed out on a billion kisses but oh well

>> No.50198049

Thanks for the advance, I can just turn off the autorenew and when it ends I can just do it again fine right?

>> No.50198068

tfw no fanfare when I upgraded my sub to 6mo increments, should've just started with 6mo tier3

>> No.50198109

I was surprised she didnt give kisses, but I guess its because she doesnt kiss just for a t1 resub

>> No.50198136

should i wait with gifting 100 subs for birthday or just do it at random sometime

>> No.50198152

>her str is over 40
oh no

>> No.50198187

noticed she'll give 3 for t3 even though it's 5 subs worth, but considering she doesn't usually kiss for resubs I guess it's whatever

>> No.50198203

She will freak out when you do it at once, so it is better when you do it during a stream and moment where you won't break the flow by doing that.

>> No.50198271

very strong

>> No.50198282

friede was so fucking easy with the astora greatsword charge, you can stunlock her as long as you have stamina

>> No.50198291

yeah i kno, im just wonderin whats better. havent even chatted once on this account either i think lol

>> No.50198315

what happened to your old account anon

>> No.50198325

Would that change my sub date or consecutive sub?

>> No.50198344

nothing, im just a habitual schizo who abandons my online presence every so often and starts fresh.

>> No.50198359

wouldn't say there's much of a difference

>> No.50198410

I imagine there will be a few people gifting lots on her birthday, so if you want special attention from her (who doesn't) I would suggest that you do it during a regular stream.

>> No.50198441

>finally decides to delegate some work so she isn't working 10 jobs at once
>comes up with a million exceptions so half the time nothing has changed

>> No.50198471

>AI fags

>> No.50198489

i dont really care about special attention, no, im asking for what's less disrupting
i cant expect her to even know me when i rotate accounts every 6 months lol

>> No.50198496

>shitting on ai
Love her so much

>> No.50198528

Oh, then definitely her birthday.

>> No.50198559

My only issue with Shondo shitting on AI is she cannot tell whats AI or not so it feels like a super forced opinion she got from others

>> No.50198600

I like Ninas approach best, dont actively promote, contain it, enjoy it for what it is

>> No.50198660

i... i just realized how much vig she has lmao

>> No.50198710

Baby steps anon, she will get there some day just give her some time

>> No.50198717

it's pretty easy to tell?

>> No.50198757

It's extremely easy to tell when something is AI/AI assisted

>> No.50198763

She complimented the AI yandere game for commissioning art for its title screen when it was the most typical blatant AI art

>> No.50198780

Why does ai art always look a certain way? Is it just a few people who generate it so it looks the same or what?

>> No.50198820

it's hard to tell when AI is used as a bg to be traced upon, wit just a few changes to the pupils, hair, and hands, nobody can tell.

>> No.50198844

You can't tell it apart from real art if you do it right. I wanna watch the stream now, but I can search for some examples I saw on twitter later.

>> No.50198881

>but I can search for some examples I saw on twitter later
I don't think anyone cares that much, just keep discussing the stream and how Shondo is being mauled to death

>> No.50198895

everyone uses the same well trained AI model which is why all the shading and coloring looks so similar

>> No.50198961

if you say so, only thing I've seen close was basically drowned in noise filters to try to cover it up

>> No.50199027

>killing dogs is okay if it's souls

>> No.50199040

It depends entirely on the models it was trained on. And as a lot of people take the path of least resistance, they're likely using the same handful of generators online which have very similar training sets.

>> No.50199097

This but unironically because Miyazaki's childhood trauma made him turn every dog into the stun spamming spawn of Satan

>> No.50199100

Sniping at dogs in a field is a bit different then a giant wolf attacking you also she is a retarded child dont worry that much

>> No.50199132

Oh hi FI

>> No.50199164

was miyazaki raped by a dog or something because now im remembering the elden ring instant death dogs

>> No.50199236

He got gangraped by a pack of wolves in a poison swamp after being tricked by a man named Patches.

>> No.50199247

Fuck those things. Worst Elden Ring enemies next to the birds.

>> No.50199260

>homeward bone
>I wonder if I have enough to level up
>doesn't check the lady
>checks the shop but doesn't sell her souls

>> No.50199265

I thought those got patched out

>> No.50199296

They did, it was actually a bug.

>> No.50199327

she probably thinks it's different because it's a videogame and they're evil and real life animals are all friendly and would never kill you to survive

>> No.50199362

maybe, but they existed when i played

>> No.50199373

she certainly doesn't have enough

>> No.50199431

"realistic" game with real normal dogs vs fantasy evil dog demon spawn things feautirng john darksouls

>> No.50199489

Maybe it's because ds is obviously fantasy white gta is kinda grounded in reality?

>> No.50199787

What video?

>> No.50199879

yea her drive to play the dlc is pretty low today

>> No.50199900

Shondo doxing the forest tree

>> No.50199911


>> No.50199963

this is why she should just skip this one ;-; ringed city is so much cooler

>> No.50199992

fuckin casual

>> No.50199997

She already wants to move on to ds1, I dont think she'll get much further into the game. Maybe 1-2 more streams max

>> No.50200178
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i hope she at least sees friede stroke her scythe

>> No.50200195

Friendly reminder the Shondo pees her gaming chair

>> No.50200264

It is NOT pee

>> No.50200271


>> No.50200325

Yeah, it's my excess cum that oozes out of her cunny after the prestream sex.

>> No.50200343

With me

>> No.50200359

how did you post this before me? are you me?

>> No.50200362

I made those posts.

>> No.50200376

I made this post

>> No.50200499

i have made none of these posts

>> No.50200516
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>> No.50200616

We know it's pee shondo. You can't lie to us

>> No.50200725

Soulsborne games would be better if you spent more of your time fighting the cool bosses and less of walking through the same 5 areas for hours

>> No.50200828

sometimes foreshadowing is relatively obvious

>> No.50200902

But I made this one

>> No.50200968

this is my first post

>> No.50200982

skill issue

>> No.50201029


>> No.50201049


>> No.50201054

>be oiler
>allowed to trauma dump for attention during stream

>> No.50201081

>goes to neppie
>gets laid off
>comes crawling back to shondo

>> No.50201095


>> No.50201098

Who fucking cares? This bitch is rich?

>> No.50201099

are you fucking kidding me

>> No.50201104

Are they really? I hardly hear their name and I don't think they're even in the top 10.

>> No.50201107

Guaranteed the 5k bit badge he has makes Shondo feel bad.

>> No.50201109

ehhhhhhhh, its a mild dump to be fair, pretty short

>> No.50201110

I got laid off in February and I haven't done any of this shit. Kek. I'm not huge oiler but I have done some donations.

>> No.50201134

used to be, stopped for a long time already

>> No.50201165

Oiled about 10k then left for a while cause he stopped getting attention

>> No.50201166

it's shondocwips, they were top bits for months straight and for the whole subathon, but dropped off to oil shondo's friends lately

>> No.50201196

>makes thousands off of shondo
>Doesn't give back
What a faggot

>> No.50201207

Oh didn't even realize that was him. Wasn't he a massive autist on that account? At least with Shondopilled he doesn't attentionwhore about it in chat.

>> No.50201235

he/she moved on and started becoming a vtuber, they're debuting on June 8th
And has already asked neppie for a collab

>> No.50201262


>> No.50201278


>> No.50201277

of course lmao

>> No.50201285

Not really, his channel failed to launch. He tried to use shondo to tweet about his channel, with the wheel prize, to get clout and she rejected it.

>> No.50201302

Not shondopilled

>> No.50201306

1000% groomer man

>> No.50201322

lol lmao

>> No.50201324

Shondopilled does in the discord

>> No.50201360
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The discord is a massive mess and I hardly check it at this point so honestly as long as it's not in my face while enjoying wifey I don't care

>> No.50201369

yeah they're just kind of autistic and weird, whined a bit about their clip channel never taking off and the fact they weren't chosen for the clips that ran during the subathon
then they picked up art, which is cool, but started drawing themselves as an even smaller loli with shondo, in bed and in some weird fetishy scenarios as well
now they've made that character into a vtuber model that they're going to debut while using tts kek

>> No.50201408

shondopilled keeps replying to every andrew state tweet with shondo trying to promote her to retards that follow him

>> No.50201436

he mostly just cheekily acknowledges when people post his clips, it's kinda lame but whatever, his passive aggression towards the tiktok clipper being hired was what was actually pathetic even if he kinda got over it

>> No.50201464

Ahh my mistake nevermind

>> No.50201503

God damn I knew he gave off some weird vibes, never liked him as soon as I joined the discord

>> No.50201553

i cant really be mad at him over that, hes only human too and he didnt press it
what i can be annoyed at him for is attracting le epic based redpilled retards into the community, but it is what it is

>> No.50201634

I was wondering where all these people were still coming from. It's been months since the Twitter drama and they still keep appearing. Fuck him

>> No.50201701

Ironically, he became an editor for idol corp

>> No.50201724

wait, really? what the fuck, when did this happen

>> No.50201730

Holy shit traumadumpers fuck off, no one cares that you got laid off

>> No.50201755

No idea, it says so in his twitter bio.

>> No.50201778

well, he was the one that tried to push the drama in the first place so I guess it checks out
if he just included the whole context in the clip to start with I don't think people would necessarily give a pass but I think it would've been easier to convince normal people she was in the right

>> No.50201814

i wouldn't call getting laid off trauma dumping, sometimes you fags are more sensitive than actual fags of twitter

>> No.50201830

you could hear her pause for a split second contemplating whether she should keep reading

>> No.50201839

What do you mean? The clip was perfectly fine, all the context you would need was there. Also, the people who got mad were anything but normal.

>> No.50201845

are you new to this board or something

>> No.50201882

I don't care about the hardships of a failed groomer

>> No.50201889

what is the difference between this and my dog died, other than this being even less of a big deal to be fishing for sympathy about

>> No.50201896
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Yeah, not fake either.

>> No.50201924

not sure if i should be sad or glad about this

>> No.50201958

he excluded the part where she qualifies why she even said transtrender, believe it or not there are people who care about these issues and aren't culture warriors; I had a hard time convincing neutral parties that she was both not fishing for drama and not genuinely insulting trans people

>> No.50202034

this chick's whole brand is clips she must pay him pretty handsomely

>> No.50202156

Man I should become a clipper for some random 2view, seems to pay well and I know how to edit. Would give me more money to give Shondo.

>> No.50202263

Can different encoding even affect that?

>> No.50202270

Clipping is ideal when its for someone you don't really care about so do that
I tried clipping Shondo but it just felt like I was looking for funny moments to get instead of actually enjoying the stream so I ended up only making one

>> No.50202290

Seems so, normally she just goes crunchy

>> No.50202327

rin is very popular idk about her actual stream views but she's massive clipswise

>> No.50202365

huh? what take is this? wanting to be an active clipper for someone requires you to watch every moment of every stream, you have to care a lot about someone to do it

>> No.50202394

do you think swiika really watches all of chibi and shondo's content

>> No.50202432

she got "popular" by putting "gura" in her clip tags 3-4 times.
nobody watches her streams

>> No.50202434

swiika uses the twitch clips made by the community I think

>> No.50202447

paid clippers/editors are different, they work together with the streamer

>> No.50202476

I hated the mindset of "oh that'd make a funny clip" when something funny happens instead of just enjoying it, made it feel like a job

>> No.50202536

maybe it's different when it comes to wifey to be fair, im comparing my experiences from years ago for a fleshtuber, but it didnt feel like one for me then

>> No.50202556

Does the DLC only have one boss or is this area just really long?

>> No.50202571

2 bosses for the 1st dlc, lots for the 2nd

>> No.50202579

it has very few bosses, this is honestly a very short dlc compared to other souls dlc's

>> No.50202581

I sometimes think that even though I never uploaded or even clipped a single thing. Should I just learn how to edit?

>> No.50202625

Has 2, but she skipped the first one

>> No.50202632

It has two bosses, one of which is optional.

>> No.50202654

she didn't, first one is after this

>> No.50202682

I’ve only watched Shondo for 3 months but boy do I like her. What a sweet girl and very entertaining streamer.

>> No.50202795

Will this be harder then the last boss she killed?

>> No.50202824

If that thought never detracted from your enjoyment I'd go for it, editing really isn't too hard and the only really time consuming part is transcribing. You'd also have to learn photoshop to make thumbnails as well which is the other part which takes a lot of time

>> No.50202837


>> No.50202840

much easier

>> No.50203052

not dismissing the cutthroat nature, but the numbers are still there, and even if it doesn't translate directly as best as I can see she's still doing pretty well on superchats and I'm sure clips don't generate insignificant revenue

>> No.50203163

Conflicting information :(

>> No.50203192

>find loli
>suddenly revitalized

>> No.50203201

first boss with the wolf is easy, second one is hell

>> No.50203247

Do you think she'll be able kill it?

>> No.50203264

not this stream

>> No.50203274


>> No.50203279

Wolf boss is optional though, so she could still skip it.

>> No.50203374

ok she's going to complete this game.
not because she has the will, but because art loli literally asks her to

>> No.50203578

yeah gravetender is only needed for pvp arena right?advwa

>> No.50203595

I hate when she repeats things nonstop[/spoler]

>> No.50203597

told you

>> No.50203639

Told who exactly? (dm me)

>> No.50203645

It's cute

>> No.50203672

that was my own post, so I'll dm myself

>> No.50203983

This sex pest...

>> No.50204013
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>> No.50204261

We don't get to see her drawing pov in gartic phone. What's the point

>> No.50204336

Chocos status?

>> No.50204379

The way Vivi says hello is cute

>> No.50204378

like 8 streams away from my goal, I refuse to gamba

>> No.50204381

She didn't do a bunch of redeems so a lot wasted today

>> No.50204390

no alis raid again.........

>> No.50204486

pretty good, but this win didn't make up for the 15k I was scammed out of, let alone all my other losses lately.

>> No.50204515

You mean 1 gamba away from your goal

>> No.50204565

up 50k this week on gambas, feeling good

>> No.50204622

gamba it all

>> No.50204708

You WILL gamba and you WILL lose it all

>> No.50204737

She's stalking someone...

>> No.50204773


>> No.50204797


>> No.50204825

it's over...

>> No.50204842

You were saying?

>> No.50205025

I don't get it

>> No.50205049

Probably for the best

>> No.50205053

I think they mean that if she doesnt post the end of stream tweet that she has gone insane but she did after that post?

>> No.50205132

she said if she doesn't immediately write a post after stream it's because she's stalking potential cheating husbands

>> No.50205167
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fuck off shondo, you cant have her shes mine

>> No.50205265

Singular husband. You know who.

>> No.50205292


>> No.50205311

yeah, me

>> No.50205323

strange, i dont remember giving her to you

>> No.50205443

I need to beat ender lilies before she plays it again. How long does a full run usually take?

>> No.50205489

Quit samefagging, D.

>> No.50205499

Yes, me

>> No.50205540

i know she loved the game but idk if she has it in her to beat it, she's going to struggle more than she's ever struggled in any game if that first boss was anything to go by

>> No.50205591

It cant be that hard right? ive heard its babys first metroidvania

>> No.50205657

I though people said it's easier from here on out

>> No.50205686

she could barely play Super Mario World

>> No.50205760

only because people expect you to now be used to the mechanics and how bossfights work
she has at minimum a week inbetween each session, not to mention wifey is wifey

>> No.50205796

super mario world is evil

>> No.50205807

I'm not D, I'm r

>> No.50205862

rb? rpc?

>> No.50205886

hi racc

>> No.50205929

rw you mean, right?

>> No.50205934

-etarded haha got him

>> No.50205947

Hi red moon oomfie

>> No.50205964

remnant or roli

>> No.50205972

friede and gael are both hardest in game

>> No.50206027

Talking about ender lilies anon, not dark souls 3

>> No.50206057

sorry misread

>> No.50206368

I didn't expect you to get it right.

>> No.50206414

midir can be pretty hard, but more because the fight is just unwieldy as fuck

>> No.50206438

You thought the spreadsheet was a meme?

>> No.50206451

you have shit opsecs sorry

>> No.50206466

the List is comprehensive

>> No.50206486

Dm me

>> No.50206543

>asking for a man to DM you

>> No.50206601

how was my wife today? couldn't watch :[

>> No.50206607

Hey Ren. Enjoy your late night solo ASMR sesh with "wifey" tonight.

>> No.50206620

she died

>> No.50206621

there are people who don't really hide being /here/ but I respect because they just aren't fags about it, nothing wrong with it

>> No.50206663

When she beat John Darksouls she was super cute. She got so excited that she had to use her inhaler.

>> No.50206678

Low energy. She seemed like she couldn't wait to get away at the end. Not even an "I love you." I wonder what she's doing now.

>> No.50206688

she did it

>> No.50206762

Will shondo's onahole merch be shipping out soon? I need it

>> No.50206802

Hey guys mr /here/ here

>> No.50206825

I'm kofi bot

>> No.50206829

I try to be nise in case anyone can tell by my typing style. I dont think anyone knows im /here/

>> No.50206861


>> No.50206895
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Hello hi, Otis!

>> No.50206940

I always knew you were /here/ Nina.

>> No.50206972

I mean she DID start out in /wvt/

>> No.50206986

no love you at the end felt really bad

>> No.50207072

promised myself to not spend any more money on her (other than continuing my sub) but i really want the signed postcard. do you think she'd be offended if i asked for just the postcard?

>> No.50207119

Yes, buy the full set

>> No.50207133

The postcard is a bonus for the bundle, anon. The point is to have it as an incentive besides the bundle discount

>> No.50207164

You can't do that dummy, the whole point is the postcard is an incentive to buy the full set.

>> No.50207197

she's probably gonna pull the RE2 and say how she wanted to feel accomplished by beating the game and is no longer motivated to do optional content

>> No.50207270

She only says it when one of her favorite cocks says it first

>> No.50207298

what if i buy the set but ask her to exclude everything except for the postcard? i have to hide my power level so i have no use for dakis or huge mousepads anyway

>> No.50207306

Faggots will happyNod when she says this

>> No.50207316

You are both a fool and a coward

>> No.50207335

No, stupid

>> No.50207377

Understandable syadouHappynod

>> No.50207389

I will because I don't want her to just force herself to play a game.

>> No.50207399

i read this in shondo's voice. i love the way she says stupid. SHTOOPID

>> No.50207405

I can't believe fucking Shondo of all people has gameplayfags

>> No.50207421

If she doesn't want to play something, would you seriously rather she force herself through it miserably for several streams? How would that be enjoyable for anyone?

>> No.50207432

what, are you gonna force her to fight friede and gael for multiple streams each with her mood being in the dumpster each time?
I don't mind if she skips it but I do hope she fights artorias in ds1

>> No.50207473

artorias ds1 is honest, if she can beat soul of cinder she can beat him

>> No.50207488

Artorias should be fine, manus will destroy her

>> No.50207545

Noooooo I want to watch 5 streams of her forcing herself to fight Friede and Gael miserably and not having fun at all instead of doing something she enjoys because uhhhh well uhhh ummm

>> No.50207626

Watching stupid whores suffer due to their stupidity is funny. It'll be even better when she goes back to her hard 6 hour rule instead of these short cucky streams for "muh mennal helf"

>> No.50207636

You know how emotional and unstable she is, you wouldn't want streams with her feeling miserable for hours

>> No.50207698

What the fuck do you want her to do? She can barely control her emotions when she's idle you expect her to not be in a noticeably bad mood when she's dying over and over AND painfully aware that people are watching her be bad? I'd rather watch her move on if she's not into it any more and she already accomplished her goal of beating the game

>> No.50207710

How new are you

>> No.50207723

Total Newfag Death

>> No.50207754

Kill all newfags immediately

>> No.50207857

>shondofrenics will never know the happiness of having their oshi thank them for pushing her and believing in her after she achieves a difficult goal after almost giving up because they will always tell her to give up, that's what will make her happy

>> No.50207885


>> No.50207895

yeah he's kind par for ds3 bosses if you're going back I figure
I'm really curious to hear from someone who went back just because of how much slower ds1's combat is going to feel, bet she'll never even think to use a shield on bosses

>> No.50207923

Fromsoftfags are clinically retarded

>> No.50207938

There is a difference between pushing the streamer when they feel defeated and down and telling them they should spend multiple streams doing something they don't want to do. Uuuu this is super tough I don't know if I can do it /=/ I'm miserable and I don't want to do this or stream anymore

>> No.50207946

her still being alive is exactly that

>> No.50207983

Understandable syadouHappynod

>> No.50208003

The streamer pushing themselves to do something tough and face a challenge (which is what she's been doing the entire DS3 run) is not the same as carrying on even though you genuinely don't want to play anymore and it's making you miserable and not want to stream. That's a surefire path to burnout.

>> No.50208040

Seriously, finishing a fucking game isn't going to kill her.

>> No.50208054
File: 64 KB, 887x966, 1655598175216099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who cannot tell the fucking difference between the streamer getting frustrated because something is challenging and genuinely not enjoying what they're doing, wanting to stop and just end stream so they don't have to do it anymore, is fucking autistic.
Would you retards seriously rather she get burnt out and not stream for a while to do some fucking DLC?

>> No.50208060


>> No.50208079

She "finished' DS3 already today. Why are DSfags so fucking retarded?

>> No.50208102

friede and gael are hard for veteran players anon, this girl took like 3 dedicated streams to kill pontiff the first time
I don't think her mental is going to hold out

>> No.50208168

i never played ds3 but that ice area dlc looks like trash

>> No.50208169

If she genuinely doesn't want to play it anymore she won't play it anymore. She's completed the game. If she doesn't want to she shouldn't feel forced to for the sake of placating completionists. If she feels satisfied with the game she beat and doesn't like the DLC and wants to start DS1, she should be able to. It's her stream and she should be able to play what she wants, not feel tied to some random shit she doesn't want to do.
Why are you all so autistic.

>> No.50208286

Because 1) she didnt and 2) she's just an entertainment monkey and her crying is hot and funny. I think you might be gay.

>> No.50208307

Sorry bud, im forcing her to play, already threaten her with a twitlonger on how she didnt REALLY beat the game

>> No.50208311


>> No.50208329

Which general did you come from

>> No.50208385

I'm a diagnosed sperg and I'm still less of an autist than you

>> No.50208455
File: 162 KB, 850x1422, 1680196147493245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo would look cute in her outfit I wish I had the time and motivation to do reps

>> No.50208460
File: 474 KB, 581x673, 1684970702826204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another garbage /shon/ thread, you Shoggers are wildly consistent lately! Great job!

>> No.50208507

This thread was fine though

>> No.50208514


>> No.50209389
File: 361 KB, 2134x2067, 1677751893683181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50209647

just wait until you see the part under the bridge

>> No.50209682

since when did any of you actually care that much about the game she plays kek

>> No.50209715

Is it good?

>> No.50209776

I care if she is enjoying what she plays

>> No.50210307


>> No.50211147

no it's precision walking on tree branches while wannabe anor londo archers shoot at you

>> No.50211203

Oh, sounds like shit

>> No.50211458

stop being cunts to shondo (my wife)

>> No.50211517

No one's being a cunt to her?

>> No.50211580

did anyone even try and speculate yet what the new lore drop is going to be?

>> No.50211653

Its about Me and our sex together

>> No.50211717

No hints yet

>> No.50211817

i had to pay 3 dick pics for these leaks so don't spread them but: :)

>> No.50211996

the hint is her life silly, just need to think about what part of her life she's wanted to incorporate but was unsure how until now

>> No.50212019

Guess it could be more about her family

>> No.50212123

I want this but Shon

>> No.50212233

I won't let you harm my wife.

>> No.50212260

Same, minus the scat.

>> No.50212292


>> No.50212351

