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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50144285 No.50144285 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you participate in chat?

I've enjoyed getting into Vtubers the past few months but I don't understand the logic of participating in chat. Unless your Oshi has <300 views, she's almost guaranteed not to see what you say. When she does its usually because 1000 other people are saying the same thing. No one else is responding to you. A lot of it's just posting the same string of emojis that everyone else is. Yet everyone seems to do it, so clearly I'm missing something. So why do you do it?

>> No.50144329

I don’t?

>> No.50144419

I usually only bother during members' streams, because there are fewer people posting. I've maybe gotten Gura to read my comment once or twice during a normal stream and I think it was the same stream, but she has read it a few time during members' streams. It's easier to get Gura to read your comments if you green text them in the chat, which I find funny.

>> No.50144447

attention whore

>> No.50144671

My oshi is a low 4-view so she's read my messages plenty of times.

>> No.50144905

Most viewers just lurk.
Have you ever heard of getting one guyd? they do real plenty of random shit
Also a lot of them have read my comments before.
Posting the same string is like joining on one of those waves normies do on sports or screaming in concerts, it feels good to be part of the herd for once.

>> No.50144991

Rarely. Sometimes you can get them to reply to you simply by being the quickest to say something.

>> No.50145047

I watch a mix of decent number corpo VTubers and sub 4 digit VTubers certain girls have read my chats and i'm even grey
>people are saying the same thing
Just don't mindless type "cute" "lol" etc. when the crowd is doing it
> No one else is responding to you
A lot of times I will get a few random @s from the other viewers that think I added to the stream or didn't know about something that I chatted, I do have a personal rule to not return @ though because you're supposed to be focused on the stream/streamer.

The point of chat is interaction that you normally wouldn't get between you and a talent or maybe even a group of like minded people, you don't have to use it and it may not even enhance your enjoyment but some people it does.

>> No.50145075

only brain rotten, adhd ridden child-men use these chats
youve watched those webms of 4yo children looking at 3 cell phones at the same time? same energy
they need a constant infinite flow of neural stimulation

>> No.50145175
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I do it to entertain myself. It keeps me engaged with the stream since I can't chat if I'm tabbed.
It's funny they never read my chat when I'm trying to be helpful or otherwise. It's always when I'm just full on shitposting and being stupid that I get read.
I do feel a bit satisfied seeing chat react to the streamer reacting but then I get shy for like five minutes.

>> No.50145994

Chat interaction. If it's a chuuba who likes to banter with her chat then typing in chat can improve the stream.

>> No.50146116

Mumei read 4 of my messages the other week and I'm just a greynig. One of them even made her laugh. Keep avoiding it though, more interaction for me.

>> No.50146143

i don't, it's pointless with the chat going so fast, i just watch. chat alongside the vtuber can entertain me.

>> No.50146235

my 2k+ viewer Oshi once read my fanfic and called it cute! My life is fulfilled.

>> No.50146689

if something funny or amusing pops in my head while listening i'll just type it in chat. no skin off my back writing some passing thought that'll drift into the ether anyway, maybe another chatter will have a laugh
I actually chat less in smaller streams cause ive ended up being read alot and feels weird when i just wanna say the stupid thing in my head and not be relied on for content kek

>> No.50147175

Talking with chat is boring because chat is usually extremely boring, guess that's why I never really enjoy vtubers
always the coompandering, acting retarded or flustered, or randomly screaming

>> No.50147228

I agree with you

The "chat" is a hive mind of spamming emoji's and same shit

However, that makes it so much easier to get spotted if you write something thats actually is saying something that has a glimps of an independent free thought

My oshi's both have araound 6-8k views, and they read my messages pretty often

>> No.50147374

My oshi has read my comment and name out loud several times and I'm not even a regular chatter.
Sounds like a skill and oshi issue.

>> No.50147646
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she sees and responds to what i say, no superchat needed.
t. holo enjoyer

>> No.50147706

I only participate when she asks something to is.

>> No.50147827
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>She notices me!
>She reads my message!
Really shows what kind of people are on here and why.

>> No.50148041

Idk, my oshi reads my messages

>> No.50148172

I've gotten Kronii to read one of my chats. Just gotta be relevant and maybe funny.

>> No.50148496

IRyS will respond if you just type in japanese.

>> No.50149338

I've actually been noticed by Calli and made her laugh before. Tough cope OP. Maybe just kill your self.

>> No.50151061

My comments get read fairly often if they are relevant or funny. For the most part I'm chatting with the other viewers for fun not expecting to get read out by the chuba.

>> No.50153440

Since you used Mori as an example I’ll say that I’ve had several specific questions I’ve typed in chat be answered by her over the years. I’ve also made her laugh which is the best feeling and have had song suggestions taken during karaoke. I’m not a paypig either. It really just depends on how good the streamer is at interacting with their chat.

>> No.50153602

I only watch low 2views precisely because of this

>> No.50153682

tfw when your oshi hates you enough to randomly start reading your chat, recognizes that it's you that sent it, and immediately trails off and stops reading
it's a special sort of recognition

>> No.50154039

Lucy reads my messages all the time. Just post better comments I guess.

>> No.50154251

watching my oshi's stream rn and she's already read a couple of my messages
grayname too
get good

>> No.50154406

jesus what'd you do

>> No.50154428

top kek one of the only times I've put anything in my oshi's chat she deleted it because she was talking about Harvey Weinstein and I responded to that in eigo.

>> No.50154484
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>he can't get Mori to respond to his messages
Mori always responds to my messages.

>> No.50154631

My participation rate is inversely proportional to the CCV count. If it's under 100, I do it all the time. If it's over 10,000, I almost never participate.

>> No.50155027

favorite 2view?

>> No.50155104

The only time I ever chat is when I watch sleepyproject or riifu evergreen(rip) because theres actually a pretty big chance she reads it
If they have 4 digit views you might as well not bother they wont see you in the ocean of emotes and LOL XD's

>> No.50155251

Won't share her, it may sound selfish but I'd like her to stay a 2view for as long as possible

>> No.50155354

She doesn't exist, does she?

>> No.50155388

She does, I'll give you a hint check the /asp/ lists

>> No.50155638

IRyS responds to my English messages too.

>> No.50155646

I mostly dont, but like a year ago or so, Sora read some of my comments and one really made her laugh (some dumb opera joke) and honestly, I was riding that high for a long time...especially because its her...

>> No.50156182

no idea. I regularly chat and superchat, support on socials, commissioned artwork, participate in community events, even been to a meet and greet
guess I'm just naturally hatable or something lmao

>> No.50156401

Participating in chat helps the streamer entertain the audience because it allows her opportunities to bounce off your post. If your message gets read and she laughs at it, it means that you're in the same wavelength and explains why you're there in the first place.
It's also good practice on your erm, "conversational skills" over the internet or at least cultivate a sense of humor. Some easier vtubers to gain the attention of is your pic related if you're "oldfag" enough because referencing old memes dredges an old memory of her shitposting on 4chan, in which she uses as an excuse to bring it up while keeping plausible deniability.

This is why I like EN vtubers, especially older ones; their experience of the internet is so similar fo mine and thus the humor is also similar.

>> No.50156454

I don't have an account on Google or Twitter, and it's going to stay that way, even for my oshi.

>> No.50156504

I talk to my oshi every superchat reading
Idk i dont talk to women much outside of my family and its nice to make someone laugh

>> No.50156549
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>> No.50156581

Learn to qualitypost and you might actually get your message read. Sounds like a pretty big "if" for you tho

>> No.50156624


>> No.50156689

My oshi only has like 50-80 viewers a livestream. Its easy to talk to her and I make her streams more fun.

>> No.50163160

I don't usually but lately I've posted a little bit in chat since I've heard that you can only get gift subs if you're active there and I want to try to get one. Still no luck with that though.

>> No.50165915

Comments are content. Posting in chat is another way of supporting your oshi and vtubers you like

>> No.50166221

She goes to another school.

>> No.50166265

I like it for the same reason I like posting anonymously here. Also occasionally they'll read and maybe even laugh at whatever stupid thing I wrote.

>> No.50166410

I rarely participate in chat, yet for some reason i'm always read. ALWAYS. And i only watch hololive. Now if (you) have skill issue, well it's a (you) issue.

>> No.50166535

my comments seem to elicit little reaction, the judge is still out on the reason, but i don't care enough to work on it. i don't post anymore. it's an awful feeling to have someone stumble on your comment, read it out loud, and go silent. i interpreted that feedback as negative and swore off participation

>> No.50166896

It likely just means you're weird and autistic and your comment likely didn't leave them room for an easy response but they did find it intense enough to read.
That or they actually despise you and wanted to put you on the spot.
Or you're just schizophrenic and believed that's what was happening.

>> No.50167037

nah i just wrote little jokes, not like the post you're responding to

>> No.50167157

Maybe you should start with commenting in a bigger streamer’s chat? Generally if the holo girl read your comment there is no awkwardness and you can practice getting a feel for using chat. A good streamer loves their chat.

>> No.50167223
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>Unless your Oshi has <300 views, she's almost guaranteed not to see what you say.
Skill issue. Just don't be a drone who just regurgitates what everyone else is saying.

>> No.50167817

What I like to do is find a Japanese only 2-view that's stuck while playing a very hard game (Bloodborne for instance), and give them useless advice, like "This time try not dying."

There's no way they can avoid seeing it. They won't know what it means. And if they translate it, it won't do them any good.
