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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 179 KB, 1200x675, Fwyt6IbaMAIJOXj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50058051 No.50058051 [Reply] [Original]

She's unironically peaking as Henya. It's like she unlocked her final form.

>> No.50058088

Obligatory buy an ad post

>> No.50058215

I'm surprised she's doing so well, even more surprised by the big gap in views between her and the other two jp

>> No.50058286

All Kson / VShojo naysayers are really quiet after Henya's success. Truly an IQ999 move to get and support her

>> No.50058334

give her some time. even nazuna had good numbers at the start too.

>> No.50058352

Not watching vshojo, especially with froot there. She joined the wrong company and her model is trash

>> No.50058797
File: 28 KB, 468x735, noooooombers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazuna was already lower by this same point. Given that twitch viewers are down across the board being ahead by this much is very impressive.
Consistency is the name of the game on twitch.

>> No.50059031

what a fucking hideous model

>> No.50059328

Damn, almost looking like a real job.

>> No.50059604
File: 1.14 MB, 1282x651, 1661599978098709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do none of them play mario 3
now that's a video game

>> No.50059769

Wat is this

>> No.50059851

the husband of one of her vshojo coworkers

>> No.50059989

Did you forget that Vshojos are whores for Twitch streamers?
They are always forced to take a back to men.

>> No.50060159

>Henya's success
Your post will be seen when she become 2views again.

>> No.50062672

holy seethe
imagine being salty about henya of all people kek

>> No.50062748

Trannies are drama for hire. Drama = marketing.
Money well spent.

>> No.50062933

Do you people forget about Pippa cashing in on this drama too?

>> No.50062945

She is getting pumped views after the silver Val and Nyanners fiasco. Imagine if the new hire was a flop/no change after all that, they needed a success. I’m thinking Salome but at a much lower level

>> No.50063284
File: 222 KB, 1067x220, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just can't be fucking humble for once can't you?

>> No.50063316

thanks for all your donations at my retirement stream!

>> No.50063341

Good, rub that shit in their face. Karma's a bitch.
Nu /vt/ thinks VShojo is less pozzed compared to Hololive.

>> No.50063471

Is her having a subpar model some kind of curse?

>> No.50063526

She was one of those hidden gems before. She would get like 2k ccv. Whether you like them or not, the vshojo boost was objectively good for her.

>> No.50063647

She was not hidden. I got more pikamee recommendations than any other vtuber. She was a 2k because that was her level.

>> No.50063810

I hope she fixes her mic then

>> No.50063980

>Pippa cashing on drama
Was there ever the case where this wasn't true?

>> No.50064113

>actually thinking Henya fans give 2 shits about any of this
She's always done collabs with men, dumbass. Only holofans are pathetic cringing wretches that have to kill themselves because their precious idol got raided by a male, LMAO.

>> No.50064133

don't hate the player, hate the game

>> No.50064475

I don't know man, I liked the old model better

>> No.50064594

One of the most based things Nazuna ever said was that she refused to even raid men on Twitch because she cared about her fans.

>> No.50064727

Careful now, she might sue you for slander if you use the "men" word again

>> No.50064787

She's genuinely having fun. That's what matters the most.

>> No.50065461

>muh 'real job'
stfu retard boomer

>> No.50065648
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>singlehandedly makes yagoo shit his pants and open EN3 auditions
>makes /vt/ seethe in the process
True genius

>> No.50065710

Why would a JP vtuber make Yagoo think about his EN branch?

>> No.50065719
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>> No.50065818

I don't recall Nazuna ever raiding this friend of Kson

>> No.50065900

That model is so fucking disgusting

>> No.50065943

Chad doesn't count

>> No.50066329

How the hell does "raid" equate to colab? Being nice to a person that is struggling or actually has talent, regardless of whether they are a man or a woman should be natural though? Unless you want to keep down the people with talent that is because they would steal your views?

>> No.50066410

Losing half of your organization and debuting one semi-success isn't a sustainable strategy though

>> No.50066538

Does she stream in english or japanese?
Literally who?

>> No.50067562

As of recently she has been mostly English, and speaks Japanese every now and then.

>> No.50067610

The mushroom girl is already streaming? Nice

>> No.50067998

Do you want the unironic answer?
Because of two groups. The vtuber antis who turn every possible connection between a male and a female into an opportunity to dunk on gachikois, and the normalfags who call gachikois incels when they push back against vtuber antis and also do the same if one of their ilk(usually the anti-unicorn type) brings said male interaction to normalfags attention via clips or tweets or whatever
It makes every single male interaction a chip in your reputation, which ends up being anathema to gaining additional gachikoi viewers because they'll have heard of you and [man here] that you [did thing to/at/with here]
Look at fallenshadow for example, she should be damn near messiah tier for gachikoi, but instead gachikoi and unicorns who don't know her think "oh she's a liar and has a boyfriend or something, right?"
The thing is that gachikoi aren't going anywhere, they're a significant and stable demographic of the vtubing mainstream. They're very lucrative and oftentimes completely harmless outside of their specific type of yab(won't bitch about the usual things fans bitch about i.e. game choice, skill, politically incorrect language, etc etc), so if a vtuber is okay with that type of fan, they usually try pretty hard to at least grab their attention because everyone knows they exist
So any hint of male interaction risks doing damage to your "gachikoi credibility", which ends up damaging your prospects as a vtuber
You would have to get rid of the people who want to scare away gachikoi(either to hurt the vtuber, or out of their normalfag moral outrage) to make harmless interactions actually harmless
And good luck with that kek

>> No.50068203

I understood half of those words.

>> No.50069627

First time seeing a vtuber debut?

>> No.50070670

>drama tourists unaware that we all friendzoned her years ago

>> No.50070944

Well that's your new fanbase, bucko. Get used to it.

>> No.50071004

>raids males and accepts raids from male streamers

>> No.50071024

I'm sure a big part of that is that she's still well under a month after debut; Henya's fresh and new. That said, I do think she'll retain a large number of viewers and stay popular simply because of how infectiously cheerful she is.

>> No.50071200

I think she'll settle on a 10k CCV average

>> No.50071808

come back to us in a couple months. twitch retards have low attention span and will have moved on to the next shiny new thing

>> No.50072901
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why did all you retards assume I was talking about her numbers?

>> No.50073208

I have autism.

>> No.50073387

>she'll settle above her current debut buffed numbers

>> No.50073856

Nazuna and Henya have completely different fanbases and their vtuber experience is based on completely different values. If you don't understand this you might as well go back to Sunday cartoons.

>> No.50073894

i wonder why most threads about her keep on getting pruned but not this one

>> No.50074046

I like watching Henya, she's funny and entertaining.
I also like watching the Trash Taste guys, for similar reasons.
Why would I be mad if they interact or collab?

>> No.50074189

Enjoy your Trash Taste collabs

>> No.50074230

>muh debut buff
this isn't youtube

>> No.50074862

Imagine living in terror of a dumb one-off collab that might some day (but probably not, Henya refuses to meet up even with most of her actual friends IRL) happen eventually. Oh no, the horror. THE HORROR. Truly, something that will haunt me for the rest of my days, just like the last time some random vtuber did a TT episode no one watched and forgot about it a week later.

>> No.50074877
File: 1013 KB, 789x915, 1680419814058084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oppressive idol culture: women make their own rules and don't have to rely on male streamers
>free twitch streamer culture: women are cocksleeves for male streamers
Makes u think

>> No.50075041

>raiding some random dude who's name she didn't even know because her chat suggested it means she's entirely reliant on male streamers, even though she's already got numbers out the wazoo anyway.
>Makes u think
Makes me think you have brain damage, sure.

>> No.50075131

It's because the rest of voms was getting like 200 CCV, she had no 3D years later, her model was kind of ugly because Gyari can't draw. In a larger organization with better support and a better model her views will inevitably be larger plus the drama around her graduation gained her recognition from people who were aware of her but didn't watch her so much.

>> No.50075430

>impotent twitch cuckold seething

>> No.50075578
File: 117 KB, 1139x1140, lol H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so basically normalfags should be tossed in a active volcano?

>> No.50078728

I’m peaking all over her streams

>> No.50078980

>Tranny bully narrative
>Huge graduation stream
>Global anti-tranny wave going on in the world with stuff like bud light getting pushback

She had a crazy amount of coincidences that bolstered her popularity. I am happy for her.

>> No.50079793

Needs a 2.0 already.
Whoever thought releasing that model as is needs to be fired. Or she needs to reevaluate what looks good if she was the one with the final say.

>> No.50079830

Anon, that entire post was specifically about gachikoi and vtubers who are fine having them
If henya doesn't want gachikoi then all it causes is shitty bait
but if she isn't opposed to them, then this kind of thread might permeate the idea that she isn't "safe" for gachikoi and damage her potential audience and earnings for no actual reason
Cuckposting and anti-gachikoi posting wears down even the stoutest of hearts over time, doubt is insidious and there are people who take pride in causing it

>> No.50079960

It would fix vtubing and I'm not being even a little sarcastic
More importantly, it would greatly improve board quality

>> No.50080158

>implying ppl didn’t know she had shit artistic sense when she previously isekai’d to loli
It’s like watching the neighbor girl get into slum prostitution as a career choice

>> No.50080255

Just like Pika then. Makes sense, because I'd be surprised if she could keep those numbers, on Twitch, if she mainly spoke japanese. Not sure why they consider her part of the JP branch, though.

>> No.50080373

This thread is very funny and I hope most of these posts are jokes. Some of you are definitely being serious though and need help.

>> No.50080631

Half of the random ass terminology 4channers use is, in addition to being just as annoying as, reddit slang and whatnot, is partially just done to make conversations more overly complicated.

>> No.50080921

Downgraded in every aspect. Including her moral fiber.

>> No.50081247

I worry about the Vshojo antis sometimes
I worry how they'll react when The Chama joins VshojoJP this fall

>> No.50081316

I just wish her new model's eyes weren't so fucked, it's hard to look at

>> No.50081337

Good for her, I hope it works out.

>> No.50081669

You cant name me a single twitch vtuber that gained more numbers than its debut buff ones after it wears off

>> No.50081754


>> No.50085081

i guess there was that mocca collab

>> No.50088207

Glad she is doing well. Personally, hope she changes the model.
But it's naive to celebrate during her honeymoon period. Hope she retains most and grows.

>> No.50091408


>> No.50091462

How's your wife's son?

>> No.50091704

haachama onlyfan when?

>> No.50093882

Her model looks nice (art style looks familiar but can't place who it's by), but I really wish the titty hole wasn't there. Feels wrong being able to see that.

>> No.50099553


>> No.50100668

gayest post in this thread congrats

>> No.50103785


>> No.50103868

I tried, I really did...but it's just not the same.

>> No.50104023

cope twitch cuck
