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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5005058 No.5005058 [Reply] [Original]

Now you know why she spends only 5% of her time for Cover.
She knew things we don't.

>> No.5005169

Her trying to explain it hits differently now.

>> No.5005201

what does 5% even mean

>> No.5005219


>> No.5005306

Yeah, probably. Once Coco got shitcanned, that put a lot of stuff into perspective, honestly. Now haachama's gone and you know more dominoes are going to fall.

>> No.5005322

Nah, she consider hololive her job just like we consider ours we just work to get paid and don't care about anything else as we have our own lives to deal with.

>> No.5005326

She said she spends 5% of her time streaming/preparing for streams and 95% hunting for a big enough cock to satisfy her.

>> No.5005332

>Her trying to explain it hits differently now.
You mean every time she alludes to "Scythe-swinging lessons"?

>> No.5005394

It's not because she cares about Cover's incompetence, it's because she doesn't care about vtubing, deadbrap.

>> No.5005407


What happened exactly? Context please

>> No.5005451

Holo EN being on the fence is a bit more tricky.
If you quit hololive as a japanese you can join another agency or become a real singer or idol, in the west all you can do is become a twitch streamer.

>> No.5005461

cuckbeats are coping right now, that's the context

>> No.5005481

Coco graduating suddenly justifies Mori being a lazy vtuber

>> No.5005548

She knew not to trust big companies, most Americans savvy in just like working in general know this, she was ready to dip and try to benefit as much as possible as soon as shit went south, which made company loyalty fags seethe

>> No.5005550

nigga she clocks in to work and then clocks out. if you don't like her streams you can go fuck yourself but no amount of your whining will get rid of her fanbase

>> No.5005564

Based. Fuck corpo-supporting mindless drones. Holofags will endlessly take it up the ass and pretend to like it

>> No.5005582

I actually like Mori and I don't think she's lazy at all. Just saying what the thesis of the thread is.

>> No.5005593

Why do people care if a vtuber is lazy or not anyways

Yall too invested in this shit, both her fans and her haters, she can stream whenever she wants her musical career is more promising anyways

>> No.5005678

Anon this is /VT/. She has one and a half million subs. In reality, nobody really does care. I do care about the company she works for going to shit and firing the two JP streamers that I enjoyed the most though.

>> No.5005753

Was Coco actually fired? I'm kind of outta the loop

>> No.5005780

Fucking lurk more

>> No.5005825
File: 210 KB, 1280x720, E3rs9lnUcAUS7Te.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it seems Mori is collabing with a lot of her senpais recently. This week we are gonna have
Mario Party with Watama, Coco and Fubuki and on Tuesday Ollie and Mel.
And according to Mel, Mori was the one that asked for a collab.

>> No.5005853

She just understood Cover is one of those workplaces where if you put in more work they think you're an easy push over so she does the bare minimum.

>> No.5005889

Literally any collab with Mel is mandated by the management

>> No.5005935

Give me instant gratification now

>> No.5006023


>> No.5006037


>> No.5006146

She was talking about streaming and even then she didn't count right. She still does shit load of stuff behind scenes and not all of it is music probably.

>> No.5006262

I kneel, Calli, fuck Cover and Hololive

>> No.5006287

No. It was in her 5% stream IIRC. She had just gotten back from her break and was saying that some stuff is happening that she couldn't tell us about but is rough.

>> No.5006333

Mel is very well liked by a wide range of Vtubers. If you watch her call in streams she always has a ton calling in.

>> No.5007009

what does that even mean? Big twitch streamers are all millionaire

>> No.5007139

>being a twitch thot is the same as being an idol

>> No.5007142

>her musical career is more promising anyways
And that's why people are saying she should graduate. She should free up her spot for someone more interested in actually streaming.

>> No.5007179

Who said vtubing must always be about streaming?

>> No.5007225

So are you saying that too, or are you just parroting like a faggot?

>> No.5007283

anon, Mori is in her mid 20s and has an extremely niche type of English speaking J-Rap as the only thing she can do
she is not getting signed by a label, she knows this. Hololive is basically her only chance to be a professional musician in any capacity

if anything she'd move to being a Vsinger and just do that if she hates streaming so much

>> No.5007323

This seems like as good a place as any, but have people gone back to the hot mic stuff from the end of Mori's meme review ep? I did what I could to filter out the ending BGM with mediocre results.


>[Coco laughing]
>M: Yaaay that was fun, that was fun
>Yes! Yay! Yatta...
>I, I am, no the only reason is because there's a light shining right in my face, and it's really hot outside, but I feel a lot better now, I was nervous in the beginning but I'm, I'm all good. Yaay.
>Oh, it's a b- fuck it, if they do I don't care, it's fine, yeah it was great!
>[inaudible] make's me[?] fuckin sad.
>Yeeah, fuck em!
>Fuck em.
>Hey- Y-
I'm pretty sure the line ending "fuckin sad" is her expressing her feelings over Coco's graduation? The fuck em's generally seem more like they're directed at the antis.

>> No.5007352

>only 5% of her time for Cover
That's not what she said. She said you see her for 5% of her time, meaning only 5% of her life occurs on-stream, so please respect the other 95% of her life by allowing her privacy and not making assumptions.

>> No.5007641

You are talking like a twitch streamer doesn't make any money.
And idols are just a cringe word that japs stolen from a french movie

>> No.5007673

>big dick
>asian manlets
Unless she's looking for the 5% of Asian manlet with big dick energy.

>> No.5007965

is she the highest IQ holoen

>> No.5007995

>idols are cringe
>now being a whore on twitch, yeah that's the stuff
OK bro

>> No.5008924


>> No.5010176

>The fuck em's generally seem more like they're directed at the antis.
Why can't Coco just shut the fuck up for once? If you're representing a global company, at least save shitting on your hatewatchers until you go out for hibachi with the gang. Did she learn nothing from when she previously antagonized the chinks?

Honestly, part of the problem is that the holos feed into the negativity themselves when their egos are bruised and they aren't irreverent enough to let inevitable criticism (justified or otherwise) slide. Hope the chinks don't use the hot mic moment as an excuse to go after mori next.

>> No.5010266


>> No.5010404

>what does 5% even mean
Despite making up only 5% of Hololive, Mori causes more than 50% of yabs

>> No.5010550

Does she though? Outside of that Gigguck collab she has kinda calmed down recently.

>> No.5010714

kys ccp sympatiser

>> No.5010730

Yeah it's nowhere close to 50%. But it's kind of noticeable that she's the only one in the entire organization who keeps talking about real life men she likes. Especially when "Takamori" is so popular among fans, especially her JP fans.

>> No.5010757

I want Coco to start every stream from now until July 1st with "Fuck the chinks."

>> No.5010797

>she knows this.
You are gravely overestimating the maturity and emotional stability of a mid-20s woman making this kind of money, anon. It would not surprise me at all if she actually believed she doesn't need Hololive to 'make it'. As far as feminine delusions go it'd be a relatively tame one.

>> No.5010829

And yet she takes every single opportunity Cover throws at her. It's like virtue signaling about oppressive forces while taking Chinese money.

>> No.5010884
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>Why do people care if a vtuber is lazy or not anyways

1- people doesnt care, its zhangs blowing shit out of proportion.

2- zhangs are not people.

>> No.5010901

>But it's kind of noticeable that she's the only one in the entire organization who keeps talking about real life men she likes
Hey, for ones manlets are winning at something.
>Especially when "Takamori" is so popular among fans
Which is funny how some of those schizos are still trying to claim Mori is anything but straight.

>> No.5010946

>It's like virtue signaling about oppressive forces while taking Chinese money
But Mori isn't virtue signaling.

>> No.5010950

what are you going to do cuckboy?
make a meme about yagoo broken dreams?
yagoo is a ccp whore, now stfo

>> No.5010989

>Now you know why she spends only 5% of her time for Cover.
Bet she doesn't renew contract now that she's made some solid contacts.

>> No.5011030

See you there when she does.

>> No.5011087

Roll the dice, see what happens

>> No.5011209

She really probably won't. When it happen's this will be the thread theme:

Me and my fellow deadbeats won't even be mad. Cover's gay as shit now and I think we'd all prefer her go free agent. It's a fun ride while it's around though.

>> No.5011228

Hot, not gonna lie

>> No.5011240

The peppeloni is no more...

>> No.5011304

No lol. That dude needs his meds, nobody was fired

>> No.5011333

Her leaving will be the best thing not only for Cover, but vtubing itself. Which means she's not going to because she doesn't like to do good things for people.

>> No.5011411

>Nobody fire! Ok! Cover good company! Ok! Dragon repent for crime of offend many hard work people of China! Ok! You give new CN branch many chat super! Ok!

>> No.5012159

Shes literally mentally retarded

Why the fuck would you trust on her judgemen fucking retard lol

>> No.5012234

Hololive is truly the "no one" agency. You know the idols? The no one? The agency with no talents? I always order the empty pan. I don't like the idols--so I pick them up, away! Understandable? Understandable!
t. Yagoo

>> No.5013952

wanna know how I knew you're an EOP?
