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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50021632 No.50021632 [Reply] [Original]

Why do JP and ID VTubers (but mainly JP) tend to attract much less drama than their EN peers?

>> No.50021679


>> No.50021729

Just remind yourself of what the USA is like.

>> No.50021778

Because you don’t speak Japanese. Nip fans are every bit as much the dramasisters that we are.

>> No.50021813

you don't know japanese and don't hang out on japanese websites looking for the smallest crumb of drama you can find

>> No.50021816

This. The same could be said about indogs.

>> No.50021821

Learn Japanese, you’ll see equivalent amounts of drama

>> No.50021837

Because they aren't western whores and they where actually educated to have social clue
Japanese tend to play more easily into the keyfabe and the fact that the japan culture make great vtuber
The ID are close to the japan way of life and most of them are muslim so they tend to be more educated
EN are mostly whore that got everything served to them
A great exemple would be kronii and her fanbase, Ari her "most popular" fan is the greatest schizo woman i've ever seen on twitter, this bitch is crazy and attack everyone on sight with quote retweet and then her army of simp just try to ratio the person quote retweeted
En was a mistake, she shouldn't have gotten any attention

>> No.50021857

/#/ monkies don't watch them so there isn't spam about the drama like with EN.

>> No.50021874

do you know what 5chan is

>> No.50021888

Because you don’t speak Japanese and Indonesian drama is on Facebook.

>> No.50021893

because this is an English speaking website.

>> No.50021901
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>> No.50021907

The only think EN has done for me is introduce me to vtubers which then made me know about JP vtubers, which are better.

>> No.50021918

Nobody cares
you speak japanese? Not? Well they have a pretty much drama and even more (stupid) that here but the difference is the girl don't bring on stream/twitter (except menheras like Matsuri)

>> No.50021961

You don’t speak Japanese.

>> No.50021983

>t. EOP

>> No.50022035

Idols have been around in Japan for ages at this point. JP Vtubers have a clear model to follow and their fans generally understand the ropes. Even when there are issues (yabs, schizo unicorns out of control, etc), it’s not as big of a deal because it’s treated as commonplace.

Vtubers haven’t assimilated into western culture as seamlessly and end up following closer to the model of western celebrities and e celebrities; outspoken, often clueless, and full of drama. Also Vtubers make normies and retards on Twitter seethe, hence the increased drama.

>> No.50022057

oh noes not my JP chuubas folded 5000 times...

>> No.50022130

They do, you just don't see it because you can't read 5ch and clippers don't tend to translate the random piddly arguments people have there no more than JP bros would be translating random stupid catalog threads here. Maybe someone would do that as like a compilation or something but it's gonna be rare, as usually they care to see how we react to major events/streams more than drama and rrats.

>> No.50022132

The JP twitter meta is to falseflag as other agency/vtuber fans and to try and start fanbase wars. It’s why Cover put up those fan guidelines recently that managed to piss off the west.

>> No.50022187
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You don't speak Japanese.
There would have been threads upon threads about Magnet and pic related when their respective dramas dropped, but like >>50021857 said, the shitposters of this board can't speak Japanese.

>> No.50022196
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>most of them are muslim so they tend to be more educated

>> No.50022280

>JP twitter meta is to falseflag as other agency/vtuber fans and to try and start fanbase wars
Sounds very much like what goes on in /#/ and the catalog all the time

>> No.50022394

Jp fanbase on twitter of anything are extremely easy to troll.

>tee hee plz dont repost art arigatou gozaimasu ^_^
>responds with schizo shit and a 10 minute twitter space of them crying

>> No.50023037
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just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there. JP has 5chan and dedicated threads for antis, ID has facebook groups.

>> No.50024402

at least 5ch calls their anti threads what they are.
all we get is this thinly veiled catalog faggotry.

>i want to suck dick?

>> No.50026315

Oh boy THIS

>> No.50026445

Woah, somebody actually trying to strike a thoughtful conversation on /vt/. Let's see how it turns out.

>> No.50026713

Ignorance is bliss and it stays that way.

>> No.50026794

just as an example, searching "Gundou" in Japanese (as in Gundou Mirei, the niji who was suspended for crimes against baseball over 2 months ago) shows either a) people saying who they got from the latest "Vtuber chips" potato chip packs or b) people still demanding she take responsibility for her crimes against baseball (suggesting a beanball against strong batters, a tactic only used by dishonoboru Korean dogs)

>> No.50026847

You're just unaware.

>> No.50027602
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I'll bite and give the people what they want: it's at least partly because they don't engage in political fanaticism in private. There's a lot to be said for the mental health benefits of being in a culturally homogenous setting, their culture isn't balkanzing and they simply have less to worry about in general. If they have a competitor they can accurately assess the character of that competitor and the strength of his support, millions of dollars and thousands of twitter posts won't rain from the sky because you offended the wrong neovagina.

Hilariously bad behavior by JP baseball fans, she didn't understand the honor of what she was suggesting and consequently honor doesn't enter into it. People not honoring her apology and letting it pass are technically being unacceptable hooligans by what I understand of the nip moon colony rule-runes. JP baseball games must smell like natto, clindamycin and unwashed asshole.

>> No.50027727

They attract drama, you're just too EOP to notice. Why do you think almost every JP has stopped reading supas? ID has schizo fans on Facebook and JP has schizo fans on 2ch+5ch.

>> No.50028231

Your English…please..do some actual reading. Try a book with binding and physical pages…

>> No.50028633

Really? I browse their threads sometimes and it's pretty chill

>> No.50029435

I think what OP means is on public sns like Twitter, not troll caves like 4chan or 5chan.

>> No.50032552

this, op is retard

>> No.50034978

You never be japanese OP

>> No.50035084

Worldwide schizo.

>> No.50037600

Twitch mindset
Twitter mindset

>> No.50037928
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>inbred goatfuckers
you got me

>> No.50040115


You don't speak Japanese or Indonesian.

>> No.50041445

western brainrot is not allowed

>> No.50041842

No one watches ID and you can't read japanese drama

>> No.50046399

Because you don’t speak Japanese. Nip fans are every bit as much the dramasisters that we are.

>> No.50046911

Their anti threads are our regular threads with the usual free speech. The official ones are like reddit where you shouldn't voice any sort of discontent.

>> No.50049535

This. JP fans are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy worse.

>> No.50050280


>> No.50050361
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We have neat yabs at holoJP.
