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50001290 No.50001290 [Reply] [Original]

*keys your car and slashes your tires*

>> No.50001470

But why Furball Korone, why?

>> No.50001476
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that's why i get for stealing Subaru's car

>> No.50001579

>Defenestrates you after breaking your kneecaps.

>> No.50001630

That cannot be a real word

>> No.50001635

>fucks your oshi while you lay in the ground limbs broken

>> No.50001683

That's just masturbating

>> No.50001717

It is, it means getting thrown out a window

>> No.50001727

>makes you genuflect and curbstomps you after

>> No.50001770

It's the act of throwing someone through a window.

>> No.50001782

Jokes on you, I sold my car to pay for membership gifts!

>> No.50001781

Why do we need a word for something so specific? God I hate the English language, this is why Japanese is superior.

>> No.50001791

Now things are finally looking brighter. The abuse was just to get her in the mood.

>> No.50001893

The word comes from Latin defenestratio; de = "out", fenestra = "window", -atio for an action. It was coined because of the two famous defenestrations that happened in Prague. The latter of the two kicked off the Thirty Years' War, which shaped European history and led to the first modern codification of sovereignity of states.

>> No.50001941
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I-I’ll save her…

>> No.50001966

Based if it's oversized SUVs/trucks. I hate those things.

>> No.50001987
File: 8 KB, 509x286, FQQHf1rWYAE3sA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were born.

>> No.50002018

Huh I didn’t think Greeks had windows back then.

>> No.50002061

*kisses u on the lips and shoves my tongue inside your mouth*

>> No.50002112

Windows don't need to have glass

>> No.50002121

It's a fun word, read about it en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defenestration

>> No.50002171

Eh, first I’ve heard.

>> No.50002515

The term window is a bit complicated. A window (made out of glass and plastic) can exist independently from a hole in the wall it fills, but you can also throw something "out of the window", in which case "window" refers to the hole in the wall and not the glass and plastic covering it.
