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49962137 No.49962137 [Reply] [Original]

Vei is going to get in trouble with Twitch for this.

>> No.49962222

Okay retard.

>> No.49962464

being called a virgin hurts more than being called a retard
I can't change being a retard and it's not my fault but being a virgin is a result of my poor decisions in life so it's totally my fault
thanks for the consideration, whore

>> No.49962602

You are going to get in trouble all your life for being a retard, retard.

>> No.49963972

Holy based. I don't care if she's a hoe, she makes r*dditors and tweeters angry.

>> No.49964109

I don't care. She's a whore.

>> No.49964228

She's a retarded hoe who openly cucks her viewers

>> No.49966524

reddit and twitter love her lol.

>> No.49967614

Why are Twitter freaks siding with this bigot again?

>> No.49969707

she fuck the boss so no.

>> No.49969775

She's a retard for joining vshitshow in the first place. But it doesn't matter because she won't get banned over this, sodapoppin and mythic will make sure of it.

>> No.49970507

If she is making them enough money, no
If the twitter/Twitch crowd bring it to other platforms and possibly news outlets? YES

>> No.49970766

that isn't what cucking is retard.

>> No.49970928
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>Hello, BBC? Yes, I want to report that an anonymous animu gril on the interweb said something I don't like. Maybe you could slip it in between the Ukraine war and the cricket scores? kthxbai!

>> No.49971047

Oh no a 3day(at worst) paid vacation whatever she will do

>> No.49971944


>> No.49978262


>> No.49978352

Saying retard on Twitch is not a bannable offense.
Not yet at least.

>> No.49978433

what a retarded post

>> No.49978544

If you really want to catch Twitch's attention, put a clip on LSF and wait until Friday

>> No.49978691

she was a whore and a shit chuuba until she said retard and now faggots bow like cucks. youre playing right into her plan, you fucking faggots. "oh shes edgy and based now right after leaving a corporate!!!!!!" no shes not, she'll do this for a stream or two and then itll be back to nothing

>> No.49979990
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Can't. Twitch is dog shit.

>> No.49980806
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>> No.49981493

I see this guy everywhere lately

>> No.49981772

What stupid thing to say to your audience

>> No.49982218

at least she's not a retard

>> No.49982276

Saying "retard" isn't a bannable offense on Twitch.

>> No.49982354

It is.

>> No.49982370

>result of my poor decisions in life
Hows non-virgin being useful? Nothing has changed for me.

>> No.49983507

If it was multiple Phase girls would had their twitch channel terminated by now
Lumi say atleast 15 retards per stream for example but i am not seeing the catalog making a fuss about it

>> No.49983868 [DELETED] 

>It came to me in a dream

>> No.49983927

>they always say "okay retard"
>they never ask "are you okay, retard?"

>> No.49983955

Is she enough of a whore that she would even suck and fuck me?

>> No.49984135

i think really the only reason people are upset is because vei already built up a decent amount of troons in her fanbase thanks in part to being in vshojo

>> No.49986625

>Vei is going to get in trouble with Twitch for this.
no way

>> No.49986865

She'll just stream on youtube, retard

>> No.49988176

Why? Retard is her people's word, she is allowed to use it and behave like a retard..

>> No.49988185 [DELETED] 

getting banned for saying retard would be an unironic clown world way to go out. even if you don't like the idea of someone saying it, you have to admit it's fucking retarded to get banned from a platform for that word of all the possible slurs out there

>> No.49988790

The fuck is a LSF?

>> No.49989034

it is if people complain about it

>> No.49989089
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wanna fix that?

>> No.49989166



>> No.49989401

she's been saying retard for years, she won't. lacari says retard all the fucking time, everyone does. no one cares about aspergers having snowflakes yet.

>> No.49990460

you dont even watch twitch do you?

>> No.49991497


>> No.49993576

If she doesn't get in trouble, the Twitch will.

>> No.49993651

She won’t, she’s already fucking the co-founder of OTK and the new twitch CEO has been sucking their dick since he got the job.

>> No.49993760

Kaneko Lumi says retard all the time

her streams are 6/7 twitch

>> No.49993827

Lemon Vei can say it so Silver Vei can too.

>> No.49994089

>I can't change being a retard
That's why it's offensive, shitbrain. Nothing is just a slur just because it's a little rude or whatever. It's because those words attack a person's identity such as race, nationality, religion, gender, sexuality, and, in retard's case, disability. You can't change having a mental disability but you can change being a virgin or simping for girls online just by being a better person. That's why everyone made fun of Twitch for banning virgin and simp because they are clearly just trying to defend their core audience of lonely single men throwing money at pretty women.

>> No.49994662

To me it's more offensive when it's something I can't change because it reminds me of how worthless I am, why should I care if it's something I can't change? It's not my fault anyway so who gives a shit?

>> No.49995233

>To me
No one cares, retard. It's not about your fee-fees getting hurt. It's about objective logic. If we allow people to attack each others' identities, that gives way for dehumanizing people. You can't fix a person's identity. I'm sure you see where this is going. If we start to dehumanize one another, we are just heading down the path which lead us to the great atrocities of the 20th century.

>> No.49995828

Still a whore corporation like Hololive. All Vshojo, Nijisanji and Hololive are New world order conspiracy to control the world.

>> No.49996396

Why would she care? She is fucking a millionaire. She only does vtubing for fun.

>> No.49996624


>> No.49996661

retard isn't a banned word on twitch

>> No.49996939

Lol lmao, sorry blue bird tranny but you are only, again, making yourself look extremely retarded

>> No.49997084

A quick look on Twitter shows that people trying to torch her are getting shut down pretty quick and ratio'd into silence. Retard has always been the line in the sand for "no you can't say that!" words, they have to really have a full operation set up in advance to lynch anyone saying it, hekl you can still call something retarded in public and the worst backlash is some young lass muttering to herself but not being confident enough to actually call you out.

>> No.49997179

You can't cuck someone who said she in a relationship retardchama

>> No.49997309

these threads are being made by /wvt/fags. /wvt/ chuubas are seething about it and even their own thread is calling them retards so they're spamming threads now

>> No.49997582

Twitch doesn’t care about the word retard, her boyfriend has been and continues to use retard since the beginning of Twitch. His friends have even tried to get him to stop using the word but he said fuck that and started using it more.

>> No.49997746

Yes it is.

>> No.49997854

I don't go on /wvt/. I just hate Vei and hope she gets banned or canceled.

>> No.49997888


>> No.49998055

is there any list of forbidden words tho? or you can just blame anyone for whatever word you call offensive?

>> No.49998151


>> No.49998190


>> No.49998497
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Not the anon, or a virgin, but yes.

>> No.49998518

>just be a better person xD
You're an idiot

>> No.49999000

for him it is - he is a retard that thinks that she is his gf, who cucks him. It's people like him she was addressing.
