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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4993096 No.4993096 [Reply] [Original]

So serious question as someone who has been watching Vtubers for a while and have been near the fandom. What exactly makes you guys say “Vtubers are way better than regular streamers and YouTubers.” Because there definitely are trash Vtubers people talk about them all the time on this website. But it seems like people will call a Vtuber better just because they are a Vtuber even if they’re boring as shit. I’m not saying one is better than the other. I can’t think of any Vtuber that beats a YouTuber in creativity in every single way or in entertainment I’d say it’s pretty much the same.

>> No.4993193

Are you asking the denizens of a containment board to explain the concept of personal preference to you?

>> No.4993203

it's all tribalfaggery
(I) am better than (You)
that is all.

>> No.4993232

Vtubers force you to judge someone based on their content and not their physical appearance. Having a good model helps, but anyone can buy a decent model.

>> No.4993250

They're 2D and not ugly 3D, that's already an objective improvement.

>> No.4993365

Simping over a vtuber is less cringe than simping over a real twitch girl. I can't really pinpoint why.
I think >>4993232 gets it. A personality can shine whether they have a dollar store model or a professional rig, whereas twitch girls rely on being pretty and caked with makeup.

>> No.4993411

It allows streamers to play a more over-the-top character without coming out as cringy.

But on the other hand, playing a character could also enable streamers to be more genuine, as their personal reputation is not the line.

>> No.4993474

The key thing is the kayfabe.
vtubing is like wrestling.

>> No.4993476

So hypothetical question if you have to choose between a YouTuber/streamer who’s actually entertaining, makes good content, has an actual personality and Artemis you’d choose Artemis?

>> No.4993486

Vtubers are cuter

>> No.4993574

So is that the same as a Vtuber being carried by their model like if the model is good but the person is boring does that make them bad or would you not care? Someone like Veibae could easily be a Twitch girl she is pretty much is that except she’s a Vtuber.

>> No.4993578

Artemis doesn't have a personality besides gay jokes.

>> No.4993619


>> No.4993752

Sorry if I didn't make it clear, personality is all that matters to me. I don't care much about the quality of the model, but of course it helps if it's a good model.
In the case of Hololive I would also add that the games they play kindof matter. I like Mori but she doesn't play a lot of games that suit her style so it's often boring but when she's not playing video games she's cool to watch.

>> No.4993829
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It's just my personal thoughts, but first of all watching a video (regular YouTube) and a stream are very different experiences. The live aspect is big and being there live is a different experience than watching someone edited to be nearly perfect with no improv. The reason I like vtuber streams over regular streams is because a regular streamer can't help themselves from putting their foot in their mouth and blaming the viewers for some random shit or saying something really divisive for no reason. This throws the viewer out of relaxation mode. The vtubers, or at least the ones I watch, are contractually obligated to not do that shit because someone at the top was smart enough to realize people want to chill the fuck out in a stream. In addition to chill out mode vtubers also have fantasy mode. There's an anime right there doing shit. Added bonus I never really found a good way to immerse myself in spoken Japanese until this whole thing started. It's been really helpful for learning.

>> No.4993866

I don't have such delusions. They're just streamers with anime avatars. Only exception is that a lot of Vtubers support each other and there's a close community with various collabs.

>> No.4993870

I know That’s my question I’m saying would you still watch the Vtuber even if they’re boring if you had a choice?

>> No.4993900

No. But I also can't think of a female non-vtuber streamer that actually meets those qualifications. Most of the successful ones are pretty and end up using their looks as a crutch. Girls that aren't exceptionally attractive usually have more interesting personalities because hardship creates interesting people. It's very rare for someone to have both, much less have both and become a streamer, because they'd probably be a Hollywood actress or something along those lines.

>> No.4993985

3DPD you fucking newfaggot, go touch ass

>> No.4993995
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They're not. This is the hard truth.
Almost every relevant vtuber is a woman which comes with it's pros and cons, and people love the former but get assblasted by the later.
Furthermore, since they usually have the cute voice+cute model combo, they can have the personality of a wet rag and still get thousands of viewers and spachas.
Back then "vtuber" was a wider term and everyone was encouraged to deliver the most creative and fun content that could be used thanks to 3d technology, nowadays it's the equivalent of your regular twitch thot but with an anime avatar.
Most watchers don't actually give a shit about the content or the girls motivations/thoughts, they just see a cute girl and use it as an excuse to replace female interaction. Of course there's still a few creative vtubers out there but most are just that: streamers in a wig.
And this is an e-celeb board, this site is fucking dead.

>> No.4994030

the era of creativity is over. now people would flock to whatever the next hype shit is. Youtuber who actually make good contents are burried by streamers who just... sitting there or thots showing tiny bitty booby.
personally for me, if the chuubas doesnt at least put a damn kayfabe and be cute in their own way, i aint gonna watch.
only retards expect anime girl to act "genuine" gtfo

>> No.4994089

This is the model of someone who are oved by fans and friends
And this is the model of someone pretty much nobody care about

>> No.4994114

I can understand that but I’ve personally never seen a streamer who brought down the mood like you described but then again I don’t watch popular ones so maybe that’s it idk.

>> No.4994133

Based repbro

>> No.4994154

>why do people like vtubers more
they're weebs but also a combination of
>they can pretend they're not real people
>vtubing involves "kayfabe" and roleplay so the streamer never brings in real world things and is always happy
>they play into the idol culture
>they prey into parasocial relationships way more than other types but hide it

>> No.4994190

Oh okay that’s probably where the mix up is coming I’m thinking of Male streamers in the situation I’ve never really watched Female Streamers.

>> No.4994254

its because theyre cute, anon.
regular irl people are not even remotely close to how cute the average vtuber is

>> No.4994281


>> No.4994291

'ate regular people
Luv me chuubas
Simple as

>> No.4994393

People will say that it's because it (mostly) removes judgements on personal appearance and attractiveness, but that's not the whole story, that's only the viewer side.

Having the vtuber avatar has an equally profound effect on the performer side. When people don the vtuber mask, they release some of the inhibitions and complexes they have when using a facecam. This is both because of the conscious effect of not having their actions tied to their real lives, and for the subconsious effect of having their face hidden and their natural expression filtered by a limited set of model movements. When you can do things like eat a messy lunch or pick your nose without going off camera, that has a subtle effect on your outward behaviour.

3D youtubers will inevitable restrain themselves unless they are legit unhinged schizo freaks. Vtubers will say outrageous stuff and get away with it because of the masking effects on both sides of the screens.

>> No.4994408

For me, unironically "idol" activities.
Song covers, original songs, karaoke, concerts and non-gaming streams.
I don't watch NND or Twitch so I really have no idea if other mainstream streamers make music or just sit there playing games. I am open to recommendations though for 3DPD.

>> No.4994493

baseline human that goes into vtubing is much better than baseline human that goes into normal streaming. This is very simple

>> No.4994527

Yeah I pretty much agree with everything you say I guess I’m not that attached to Vtubers to think every single one is good, decent, or entertaining because they decide to play a character or not talk about irl stuff or don’t show their face. I think boring is boring and no amount of cute voice or rigging is gonna change that.

>> No.4994595

>Song covers, original songs, karaoke, concerts and non-gaming streams.
Try this, she does both 2D and 3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zyufPCadKs

>> No.4994648

I'm surprised how many people forget this when they talk about vtubers as regular streamers. How many regular streamers have concerts with original songs/drawing streams/various types of skits?

>> No.4994831

>Drawing streams
A lot of them do unless you don’t consider that regular
>various types of skits
Skits are usually short videos so that would mainly apply to YouTubers not streamers.

>> No.4994889

Okay retard, a vtuber has to have an engaging personality to be successful. It's literally as simple as that.

>> No.4995076

I was actually talking about both genders of streamers but yeah what you said would apply to a lot of Female Ones. But also if a streamer has a female model and are found out is a male no amount of personality would get you a lot of fans.

>> No.4995230

>A lot of them do unless you don’t consider that regular
Not really, there are artists who have those type of streams but most regular streamers just stream games.
>Skits are usually short videos so that would mainly apply to YouTubers not streamers
I'm talking stuff like asacoco, holotalk, haachama cooking

>> No.4995414
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A thing that Vtubers can do that 3D streamers can't is provide cuteness, and a thing that 3D streamers can provide that Vtubers can't is IRL content. I also enjoy Vtubers variety of things, a lot of my favorites play games, sing, do 3D skits, ASMR, zatsudan, collabs, etc, while the 3D streamers I watch only focus on one thing. Yet I like to watch people interact so I watch 3D streamers who walk around or meet up with people to talk about funny stuff.

>> No.4995557

>Having a good model helps, but anyone can buy a decent model.
>Ayame and Rushia owe their success entirely on their models

>> No.4995626

>people actually believe this

>> No.4995664

That’s why I said unless you don’t consider that regular I wouldn’t say drawing is something a lot of Streamers do on YouTube but on Twitch there are a lot.

Wait you’re saying there are people who don’t do videos where you talk about a topic or cook? I’d say that’s pretty common especially an interview. But also 2 of of those aren’t skits those are done in streams.

>> No.4995751

Artemis says hello

>> No.4995767

At the start sure, she's mentally ill now and grooming her fanbase as hard as humanly possible.

>> No.4995774

Literally famous for giggling and a fanmade song.
The queen of GFE

>> No.4995791

You don't actually watch Ayame if you think she had a good model.

>> No.4995795

separation from most drama and quality approved collabs for the most part

>> No.4995949

Doubt they would have caught your attention if they had no avatar nor cam, the avatar ads a lot to the content and people get attached to the avatar. See how people are reacting to Coco. I'm obv projecting a lot here.

I agree with you, as individual streamers they are not doing anything groundbreaking that makes them stand above the rest.

That said I don't think there's anything like the HoloLive circle, and maybe the other vtuber agencies, don't watch them so idk. All it takes is for you to get attached to one member and because they do have events with collabs, call each other on special occasions, interact with each other in real life with stories to tell, etc, these things makes it really easy to get engaged with other members as well. Something simple like milestone/birthday streams where they take calls from other members in the same organisation I feel isn't very common in the west.

>> No.4996023

Vtubers are for people who want to feel the parasocial relationship but don't want to admit that they're actually just watching some plain everyday person doing mundane shit. That
s why nobody here will watch streamers who show their face, and put down everybody who does, despite the fact that they're doing literally the exact same thing only the person isn't showing their face.
Yes everyone here is pathetic whether they watch 2D or 3D

>> No.4996185

exactly the reason i don't watch EN. at least the japanese ones have a novelty.

>> No.4996331

I'm saying that the regulars streamers are mostly focused on one type of stream, they will either exclusively stream games, or exclusively stream singing, or cooking, or drawing, or asmr etc.
Meanwhile Vtubers, especially corporate vtubers, are expected to do more than one thing, majority of them play games, do karaoke, asmr, record original songs, have chatting streams, watchalongs etc.

>> No.4996398

The avatar gives it a touch of fantasy. I don't care about idol activities per se. But a combination of the avatar plus being entertaining helps. For instance, Pikamee has a meh avatar but is super funny. Others, like Ina, have a talent that makes them worth watching. "Just Talking" youtubers are boring and I do tend to not watch those "chit chat" streams vtubers do. I'll tune in for stuff like games, drawings, collabs, asmr, etc. Just give me something entertaining to watch.

"Real" youtubers that I watch are the same. They don't focus on themselves, and they have something to show or do.

>> No.4996431

I'm frankly not aware of any girl streamer/youtuber who doesn't put her face out there unless she is a vtuber. I couldn't think of one example. Maybe a handful of animators but that's it.

>> No.4996443

Everyone in Holo-EN is a confirmed lesbian who has a sexual relationship with one of the other members & constantly engages in lewd behavior during collab streams to increase sexual tension. Hope this helps!

>> No.4996629

T. boring vtuber with single digit viewership

>> No.4996636

No I’d say that’s the difference between Twitch and YouTube you aren’t expected to do more on Twitch and YouTube you have to keep doing more and changing to get views and stay on the algorithm.

>> No.4996911

Personality means fuck all past not having minutes of dead air. Thats why all the most popular indies have amazing models. Thats why vroids and png tubers get no attention no matter how charismatic they are. Thats why gfe dominates the vtuber industry. Thats why theres so much porn and hornyposting of vtuber avatars. Thats why so many corporate vtubers are failed regular streamers. If you had to be entertaining to be a good vtuber we would have at most 4 success stories and not over a hundred.

>> No.4997476

Difference is if you watch a weaboo streamer girl doing cute high pitch anime voices, you will cringe. If you watch Gura, you'll only feel like she's the best little sister/daughter you could ever have. The feeling is complicated. You can't get it from a normal streamer. I'm stuck in lockdown for weeks already trying to entertain my degree alone in my room, but the environment changes when I put my favourite vtuber in the background instead of music. It doesn't feel as depressing as before.

>> No.4998897
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>I can’t think of any Vtuber that beats a YouTuber in creativity in every single way or in entertainment

dumb baka

>> No.4998954
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>theres no way vtubing can be creative in ways that regular live tubing can't

stupid stupid baka OP

>> No.4998987
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>> No.4999029

Is this Kappa Mikey?

>> No.4999069
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>> No.5001729

two reasons.
1. Vtuber streams have a completely different culture to regular streams, which is great for people like me who hate twitch culture. Vtuber streams tend to be less high energy, have less focus on the person in question being good at the video games and more on producing a cosy atmosphere. They also tend to have more in jokes, and tend to be more openly dorky. Its not that there aren't none vtubers who produce this sort of content, it just happens that the only none vtuber streamer who does is Irish, and thus rarely streams at times where I can actually watch him.

2. this anon summed this part up better than I ever could.

>> No.5002090

You can do this without an avatar.

>> No.5002556

>the only none vtuber streamer who does is Irish
Who are you talking about, Russia Today?

>> No.5003293
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No matter how good an indie is they will never have the promotional power of a big brand to put them over the top. Corporate exposure gives them the advantage out of the gate but that doesn't mean there aren't aren't gaps between corporate vtubers either. Look at the number gaps between Pekora and Mel. Comparing Corpos to Indies is comparing Mcdonald's to some Local Diner. Even if the food is better it's way out in bumfuck where nobody can find it.

>> No.5003674

I like the ones that are good at puppeteering their avatar. Most regular streamers just sort of sit there. A lot of vtubers do too to be fair.

>> No.5005872

You could attribute that more to Watame more than anyone because her rigging and face design is a gold mine.
However that's never all there is. Because she has to puppeteer it and her own personality needs to be conveyed through it.
tl;dr: Shit opinion.

>> No.5006128
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I don't watch a single non-vtuber on Youtube. I have been watching so much anime that I hate looking at real people. I even hate looking at myself in the mirror. When I close my eyes, all I see is anime. Anime and vtubers are my life. From the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep, my entire life just revolves around anime and vtubers. Anime. Vtubers. Eat. Anime. Vtubers. Piss. Anime. Vtubers. Sleep. Anime. Vtubers. Repeat.

>> No.5006185

Indies compared to other indies nigger nobody was comparing them to corpos

>> No.5006244

autism, it's all pure autism
