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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49918023 No.49918023 [Reply] [Original]

The whole discord """leak""" was a PR stunt organized to turn your attention from the fact that Bae is going to collab with homos AGAIN. The collab server was sterile and prepared in a way you think holos are squeaky clean, but in reality they're not. They easily diverted your attention and made you feel sorry for Baelz, so you forgot she's going to be double teamed by Vesper and Bettel, and easily manipulated you into hating Nijisanji.

>> No.49918066

yeah sure, a bunch of staff and holos probably have to remake their discord accounts now and fuck up a bunch of records and re-set up everything and get spammed with friend requests and @s from random anons invading their server.. to cover for a homo collab with like the one girl besides mori we all expected to do it.

>> No.49918101

Time for your nap anon, you spent too much time in front of the pinboard witouth your meds again

>> No.49918104

the discord accounts were fake.

>> No.49918117

How is she going to get double teamed over a voice call? Or do you think this is an off collab? Even though neither Bettel or Vesper are in Australia? Please explain how this is going to go down in detail in your wet fantasy.

>> No.49918243

This is false, but she deserved the yab for dragging the HoloEN down.

>> No.49918261

The only people who cared about this "yab" were actual schizophrenics, normal people looked at it for one minute and moved on with their lives. Most nothingburger discord leak i've ever seen.

>> No.49918309

Yet another 2% deflection thread.

>> No.49920138

kys, nobody gives a shit about bae collabing with males

>> No.49920186

>nobody gives a shit about bae
Yeah. She should graduate and don't pollute Hololive.

>> No.49920221
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This is OP, say something nice about him.

>> No.49920294

At least she speaks English, unlike (You)

>> No.49920679

>and easily manipulated you into hating Nijisanji.

kek there doing that to themselves . what are you on about anon. her collabs with homos is nothing new

>> No.49920717

take your meds

>> No.49920741

nah you should graduate from life instead faggot

>> No.49920902

Return to Twitter, homobeggar.

>> No.49920985

Anon, they can literally turn off friend requests. Which they should do in the first place.

>> No.49920998

nah you should go back there instead faggot

>> No.49921211

>Cover creates fake discord accounts and fake discord servers where they roleplay yabless conversations months in advance so that they can 'leak' them as part of an ongoing psyops campaign to astroturf a Mongolian basket weaving forum. It would actually be less insane to say that half of NijiEN were Cover plants dedicated to destroying their closet rival from the inside.

>> No.49921299

vt is starting to become so boring I cant even finish reading short posts like these because its the same shit all the damn time - get some new content :(

>> No.49921386

Well hopefully the shitposters and dramafags will leave eventually and we can discuss important shit here

>> No.49921492

Fair argument. The real question, nobody seems to ask nowadays, is: when was the last time Mio shaved?

>> No.49921506

Baecucks, why are you so defensive?

>> No.49922775

The schizo is trying again after his other failed baet threads, retarded ESL tard never learns his lesson

>> No.49922785

I'd contact the experts at >>>/vt/hag

>> No.49922800

Tommorow will be better!

>> No.49923028

Based. Hope Bae ferments clown cum in her vagina and sells it in jars.

>> No.49923241

nah thats you who is faggot

>> No.49923383

Holy shit they're malding aren't they, scurrying about from thread to thread to cope with the imminent spitroast stream. Actually mindbroken by clown cock

>> No.49923408

nah thats you who is faggot

>> No.49923513

You gonna watch the spitroast stream or just cry about it on here? Curious to know. You might want to tell bae you don't like it rather than seethe on here sis

>> No.49923717

>Self replying
I almost feel pity for you sometimes

>> No.49923761

Bae is already the designated homo cocksleeve

>> No.49923993

well, /x/ aren't sending their best

>> No.49924151

No one on this sociopath board has ever felt sorry for anyone, all this did was draw more attention to bae, causing people to shit on her for this collab even more

>> No.49924268

You can go get fucked by rabid pigs to death Baeschizo, literally this entire board is tired of your games by now

>> No.49924385

im sorry youre suffering with the voices OP..

>> No.49924438

Yeah, this is unlike that time Bae did an offcollab with stars in holostudio.
Now that is a gangbang.

>> No.49924504

You will make friends one day so you don't have to respond to yourself. Ganbare...!

>> No.49924526

Talk for yourself, Bae deserves worse.

>> No.49924563

Ewww he responded to me
Now I REALLY hope he gets fucked to death by pigs. May Allah heed my call

>> No.49924618

Eh, the discord leak didn't even have anything that was yab. It's not a big deal

>> No.49924668

Eigo mecha jouzu! I will pay your mom some extra so she can buy you English books next time.

>> No.49924733

It's always the same ESL son of a narcotic white who spams these threads..... It was funny to laugh at his monkey dance for a while but now it's just getting annoying

>> No.49924778

*son of a narcotic Whore

>> No.49924851
File: 116 KB, 463x453, the power of vt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is truly something else

>> No.49924904

>homobeggar calling others twitterfaggots

>> No.49924963
File: 407 KB, 256x280, rat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with love

>> No.49924967

>Schizo calling someone who isn't a homobegger a homobegger

>> No.49927101

But Bae is no different than a niji right now?

>> No.49927159

Sora collabed with males too, should she graduate?

>> No.49927265

Yes, along with fubuki, suisei and the rest of the whores

>> No.49927280

I am disappointed that she chose to get double teamed by Bettle and Vesper when it should have been Vinny and Jerma instead

>> No.49927294
File: 1001 KB, 1182x665, Rape jii san.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets graduate Sankisei as well then
Stupid retard

>> No.49927854

Holy shit the brats are truly on damage control this thread. At least have the self respect to walk away bros, don't keep defending someone who'd rather get double teamed than stream for you. Embarrassing.
Ah well, all that love bombing she does was clearly kayfabe too kek

>> No.49928131

He's like a ping pong ball who keeps getting shit on and doesn't get the memo

>> No.49928328

I’m gonna watch it to spite you. I don’t even know who Bae is. I can tell you’re some Discord shitter.

>> No.49928653

Based cuck. I respect the honesty

>> No.49928757

Based closet cuck, I respect the hustle to always think about cocks and fucking 24/7

>> No.49928918
File: 228 KB, 500x487, 1684716230311883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to wonder how holospies and cover interns must be feeling reading OP's butthurt and monitoring that thread with the leaks. Fucking hilarious how nothing came of all this, twice.
