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49861705 No.49861705 [Reply] [Original]

When is Aqua's next solo live? It's been over a year since her last one

>> No.49861797

She still streams? I thought she graduated

>> No.49862612

They replaced her with an AI.

>> No.49862742

No, Cover uses robots actually, like with Gura, Cumbraps still think their oshi is alive and didn’t die in that cyclone or whatever a while back

>> No.49863674

Hey I made that thread a few days ago, but I was genuinely asking in case someone knew. Why did you remake it?

>> No.49863996

>random gura seethe out of nowhere
SEA hours my beloved

>> No.49865341

Ever since that apex shit and moving in to tokyo, she was never the same.
I miss that onion.

>> No.49865458

Ask management
They canned her birthday live to give way to homo 3d

>> No.49866985

Moving to Tokyo is the biggest mistake she ever made. She just lost any motivation to do anything, not even karaoke #17831

>> No.49867105

she lost motivation because of retarded management, not because of moving to tokyo lol

>> No.49867857

Moving to Tokyo absolutely contributed to that. Being away from a family and living alone as an autist is tough. This is a woman who can't even perform basic social interactions such as asking for a fucking plastic bag on a konbini https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSzvGKg2mEs

>> No.49869811

and how would that stop her from streaming exactly?

>> No.49869898

She probably just got a life and stopped being an autist.

>> No.49870053

Isn't Aqua a merch machine like Ayame like she makes money by simply existing and being with the company.

>> No.49870865

Depression. Things are no longer handed to her without her deciding. For example to eat food: she must think what to eat, then order that food. Talking on the phone to order is exhausting. She can use the browser/phone app to order though but that limits her options. But ultimately its can drain energy. Plus she probably do not track her health and nutrition if her diet is highly dependent on ordering food. Bad diet can cause stress and exhaustion. If she goes out she must wear something nicer and prepare. That's time lost on preparing and dressing. Cleaning house is out of question too if you're someone who spends 10 hours online playing games or streaming. So she probably hires cleaners. Another decision exhaustion. Unless she already have a regular cleaner, she'll have to deal with strangers cleaning her house. If she's worried about her identity being exposed by the cleaner, that's another source of anxiety and exhaustion. So most likely her room is messy. And a messy environment is exhausting. Also Tokyo is an exhausting place. There's too many people. Going from point A to point B requires a lot of walking. Unless she use the subway or train, which cuts travel time relatively short but she need to deal meeting people. If she lives alone, then she have to use the internet. That breeds negativity. Because she can basically look up anything on the internet to distract herself. This results to more time doing egosurfing. If she's back with her family she can distract herself by talking to her parents. Also everything in Tokyo is expensive. Even if she's someone who earns money easily and considered rich, her spirit will drain by how it is so easy to lose money in Tokyo. Rent, bills and food are expensive and there's a lot of things that tempting to spend your money on. If she spent her money irresponsibly its can cause guilt. If she held back that can stress her out.

>> No.49870950

At this point I don't know how can anyone expect anything from her. She hasn't graduated only because hololive is easy money and since Cover won't fire her she can just stay and make loads.
She's pretty much graduated.
She barely exists as a vtweeter nowadays, sadly. She was a top tier holo.

>> No.49871124

I miss her so much. I think I'm genuinely in love with her, I hope she's okay.

>> No.49871141

What? She's rolling in sponsorships and earn good royalty fees from her original songs. She's just taking a back seat because she's basically living the easy life. She's probably focusing on other thing unrelated to Hololive like filming porn because that's where her passion is placed in right now.

>> No.49871274

Everyone thought Shion was depressed too until the leak happened. I pray for aquacrew but le "lazy zoomer who doesn't stream and loves fps" meta goes against her.

>> No.49871648

NTA, and also not excusing her, but my point is moving to Tokyo contributed greatly to her absence. I just hope she regains that drive again and comes back streaming regularly. I stopped hoping a long time ago, had I didn't do that I would become her antis by now.

>> No.49871929

didnt read but looks like a lot of projecting
aqua is perfectly fine
she just doesnt stream in protest of retarded management canning her projects/ideas

>> No.49872063 [SPOILER] 
File: 352 KB, 693x720, sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You love THIS?

>> No.49872176

>Shion was depressed too until the leak happened

>> No.49872255

Moving on is in general the best option. There are other holos who care a lot. If aqua doesn't care anymore that's on her but I do think aquacrew deserve better. It's saddening to see those poor fucks barely hanging there living off leftovers and spending their time watching their spare oshi because they can't watch who they want to watch the most.
That someone who stopped caring long time ago still has such great fans is honestly incredible. I don't hate aqua or anything but I do think, as of now, she doesn't deserve the insanely loyal fans she has.
tons of uravalo with males and alleged bf.

>> No.49872471

>she just doesnt stream in protest of retarded management canning her projects/ideas
How did you know? Proof? Stop accusing others of projecting when you can't prove your own point otherwise.

>> No.49872531

No wonder Nene is disgusted with Shion.

>> No.49872677

Is she though? Shion is well beloved in hololive I would say, or at least everyone is still kind to her.

>> No.49872687

the heck is that?

>> No.49872734

ura valo

>> No.49872894

uravalo (裏ヴァロ) means playing valorant behind scenes. It implies playing with male e-celebs, discords with dudes, etc. FPS (mostly valorant and apex) are like tinder in japan so joining those discords is pretty much the same as downloading tinder.
Kek. Your EOP-ness made laugh, but there. I gave the full explanation.

>> No.49873320

It doesn't seem like a big deal, playing FPS all by yourself will just make you miserable

>> No.49873604

If you don't think an idol being found out slacking on her activities because it was found she's a tinder addict and possibly has a boyfriend then I don't know what to tell you. Whatever you think is a big deal or whatever doesn't matter though, in japan it is a big deal.
Somehow the situation was dealt with pretty smoothly and not that many people know about it (compared to matsuri and laplus' yabs for example) albeit she still got some antis because of it.

>> No.49873629

If this is real and widely known fact, wouldn't Cover restrict their idols from playing the game? I mean Nips are hypersensitive with this kind of stuff.

>> No.49873652

if only she had a ton of female friends and coworkers to play with...

>> No.49873725

it was posted
read the thread anonchama

>> No.49873929

I saw it but that doesn't prove the "protest" narrative you're pushing.

>> No.49874013

Not at all. Cover doesn't force them to stay single (said by matsuri) and when rushia's fall happened they even stated so themselves.
Holos aren't really forced to do anything outside of participation in holofes and stuff like that. They can be literal whores if they want to.
hololive's culture, the "no male" rule, the "no bf allowed" rule, etc, everything comes from the talents themselves and their own vision of what an idol should be (heavily influenced by japanese culture itself of course). That's why in hololive you can see literal zero male policy talents like kanata, sometimes streaming with males talents like fubuki and whores like laplus who goes on offpakos.

>> No.49874086

>adding 2+3 doesn't proof the answer is 5

>> No.49874167

And here i thought she was a lesbian

>> No.49874239

You're talking about tinder, but that's just an exaggeration. Valorant is a 5 people game and the big female Valorant vtubers are known to often play with males. Forgive the food analogy, but Shion playing with them is like a vegetarian in a group of friends looking for a place to eat. It'd be awkward to speak up when the group enters a restaurant with only meat dishes (invite male streamers in the party in this case) so she'd just accept playing with guys quietly. There is nothing weird about that

>> No.49874461

There not planning for anynew ones or a least Aqua hasn't said anything >>49870865
she needs to marry me even I'll leave her to dress like Kirito
nta but
>everything comes from the talents themselves and their own vision of what an idol should be (heavily influenced by japanese culture itself of course).
This make you believe in Akutan bc she respect/follow the tradicional idol route like Kanata or Korone

>> No.49874476

Saying that APEX and Valorant are dating apps are a popular impression japanese, make it as you want.

>> No.49874540

Who? Shion? I mean, the boyfriend thing is not 100% confirmed (how can you confirm that?) but the uravalo with males is 100% true. Nips even made an excel sheet with the times and it was found out a lot of times when she streamed she was playing with the dudes before the stream and after the stream she continued, times when th ealleged bf traveled she said she was gonna visit her parents, etc. There are a lot of nasty shit like dissing other talents too but again that's not proven.
EOPs in this board believe every holo is a lesbian. I don't really know why. They just made up a personality out of nowhere for them. It's really weird. For example people in this board think miko is a lesbian too, they also think laplus is a lesbian, shion too... the only holos who have shown lesbian traits are kanata and polka. No one else.

>> No.49874886

>EOPs in this board believe every holo is a lesbian. I don't really know why
I think is because they likes anime girls even ecchi ones but come on anime≠real life

>> No.49875076

You just don't know what those games are in japan. There are "one night stand" apex discord servers, anon.
Also the "friends" in your example are male e-celebs. You just don't know how e-celebs hate and ridicule otaku in japan and how much otaku hate them back.
You just don't get it because you thinking valorant and apex aren't tinder, but in japan they are. If you swap "valorant" with "tinder" in your sentenced you will see how absurd it sounds, and that's how it is in japan.
>This make you believe in Akutan bc she respect/follow the tradicional idol route like Kanata or Korone
I personally don't trust any lazy zoomer who plays FPS. Every single lazy zoomer who plays fps in hololive has been found out to some degree and I won't risk it. Aqua is still clean but she's close to shion, who's close to laplus. They got covid basically at the same time (nips believe everything started with laplus and shion meeting dudes, some of them include aqua too but again she's still clean as of now)... I don't want to think about it. The possibility is there for every talent of course but I've seen enough similar cases to know when it's better to step back.

>> No.49875091


>> No.49875196

Polka is kind of a dyke but more so that she's just lonely so she'll take anyone

>> No.49875255

It's still pure insanity. If it was a joke then fine but they legit think they are lesbians. And they think of themselves as fans too. How can you be a fan of someone you don't even know about nor care about (because if you cared you would at least know they aren't fucking lesbians, come on).
The best part is that when you try to explain this to them they just think you are making it up and whenever you prove to them you speak nip they just start saying you are using deepl or something. It's exactly like the "playing chess against a pidgeon" analogy.

>> No.49875284

/hlgg/ watches big JP streams where holos act like that, because that's the impression they want casuals to have

>> No.49875474

I don't know. It makes me sad. It feels like they are just dehumanizing them. They are people and then these fucks just disregard everything they are saying holos are characters or they just make up entire different persons out of nowhere and put them into the holo... and they think of themselves as fans. It's unhinged to say the least.
>/hlgg/ watches big JP streams where holos act like that, because that's the impression they want casuals to have
I've seen this in dedicated threads for the talents. It's not even /hlgg/ or catalog shit.

>> No.49875518

Shion hates valorant though
If anything she loves Aqua too much and wants to become her. That's why she doesn't stream.

>> No.49875850

If she hated valorant she wouldn't have been found out playing it for insanely long hours with dudes.

>> No.49876026


>> No.49876038

Being an easily recognizable figure with a few memeable traits is just part of being an idol. Instead of feeling frustrated by it, just view it as proof Hololive is a success

>> No.49876200

I followed it live on 5ch when the leak happened. It should be summarized on nyfzo or whatever that site is called.

>> No.49876337

>Aqua is still clean but she's close to shion, who's close to laplus.
and Mea too for years and Aqua still clean so give her some credit and about for her laziness you could blame her depression

>> No.49876658

I suppose you're right. It still hurts a little. Most of these girls are amazing and I wish people, despite the language barrier, would at least care enough to not make up personalities for them as their own personalities are amazing.
I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. I don't say anything bad about her outside calling her lazy zoomer (which, come on, she is!). Then again I'm pessimistic by nature. Back in the day I defended Shion and also thought she was depressed, then that fucking yab happened and I called it. Laplus made me doubt lazy zoomers and Shion completely destroyed any resemblance of trust left in me for them. I shiver every time I remember chloe is close with shion.

>> No.49878263

that's not a hard proof
anyone could name themselves shion on discord after she debuted
im not saying this isn't her
afterall, rushia WAS fucking mafumafu when most people could swear she doesnt have anyone
im just saying that from an objective standpoint we need more proof to confirm it.

>> No.49879029

The account she used to play with was her account but she changed the name. Also the times when she played valo, stopped to stream and then resumed playing match perfectly and when the alleged bf traveled to tokyo she coincidentially decided to visit her parents (it was something like that. I don't remember perfectly though), she even blocked dudes on twitter suggesting it or doing word play with the name of the account (お腹すいた or something like that). Also after this happened she did a mengen where she asked her fans "what would they do if the disappears forever". It's more than clear. The bf is not proven as that's impossible to prove (just like there are zero proofs za hando was matsuri's bf or that mfmf was rushia's bf) but her playing valorant with dudes is already well known to the point even a male streamer made a joke about it because a fan asked him. Funny enough said male streamer said that any vtuber who's not streaming obviously has something better to do, like going out with a bf.

>> No.49879438

>I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt
Fair enough

>> No.49885017

Banner reroll WHEN

>> No.49886340

Talking about needing hard proof and you just digested the mafumafu rrat with no questioning.

>> No.49887290

anon... i dont know what you're trying but im too smart for you

>> No.49887525

Yeah. Don't you?

>> No.49891465

They have cyclones in the ocean?
