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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49796791 No.49796791 [Reply] [Original]

>Of course, Male vtubers also deserve success just like Female vtubers, there should be no discrimination
>Then are you going to watc..

>> No.49797026

I know op is half-joking but this is the average homobeggar

>> No.49797120

Worse, they don't watch girls either. They only watch clips of big mixed collabs.

>> No.49797132

Literally never saw someone say something like this /here/

>> No.49797145

It's not worth being said

>> No.49798079
File: 279 KB, 598x900, 16265423958868507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I make memes, give uptoots on leddit and exclusively spend my time watching the clips and the highlights of the best streaming moments
>Do you watch the streams?
>Have you donated
>have you bought their merch
>Then wtf have yo-

>> No.49798196

Male Vtuber are cringe desu, most of thier fan are mentally ill woman or tranny

>> No.49798297


>> No.49798476

I don't support male vtubers. I opppose unicorns because they are controlling misogynists.

>> No.49798549

Self-hating unicorns are the worst. Literally committing self-genocide like Jews that hate Israel.

>> No.49798566

I support diversity of content but also strong borders. Let idolfags enjoy idols, let homofags/fujos/yumes enjoy males, let non-idolfags enjoy non-idols, let coomers enjoy lewdtubers.
But don't go into someone else's turf expecting them to change their ways. Fuck off.

>> No.49798599

We just don't care about dudes, there's a very extreme minority of fujos/trannies that do and constantly push them in the catalogue and try to make them relevant one way or another, like that awful meme about one of the dudes, mugging or magging or something, ridiculously forced.

But yeah, most of us don't give a shit really, the only time we see "other threads" is when our general dies and we are forced to ctrl+f for a brief amount of time.

>> No.49798640

extremely based

>> No.49798679


>> No.49799661

>they don't watch girls either
That’s a lie

>> No.49799871
File: 834 KB, 960x1200, 107924999_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually based, no reason to hatewatch shit and waste time and brainpower if you don't like it, better to use that productively to disparage Nijisanji and Vshojo instead.

>> No.49800593
File: 34 KB, 680x679, FskM_9uWYAApueY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rrat anatomy

>> No.49800906

i love how mfs call us controlling as if not doing male collabs is such an impossible, herculean task. people will always say we have unreasonable standards as if it's impossible for these girls to prioritize the type of content their viewers want to watch and simply not do collabs with dudes...

>> No.49801207

Unfortunately homobeggar culture is a thing

>> No.49801222

NO. You don't get it. I want her to be relaxed and spontaneous. I want her to not give a shit about fans.

And I specially don't want her to avoid male collabs, because her creepy fans get sexually jealous. It's such a slimmy dirty reason to do something. It makes me angry.

If male collabs break kayfabe, avoiding them due to incel fans is even worse, for me at least. It makes her look like some exploitative thot stringing along a bunch of losers, and i'm one of them.

>> No.49801281

>deserve success
No one "deserves success" in anything, but this mindset seems prevalent in all of vtubing, regardless of sex.

>> No.49801361

Ok that's fine, but she's not entitled to my views and donos so I'll go watch someone else.

>> No.49801414

cool spaces

>> No.49801525
File: 86 KB, 750x1334, 95934EFD-6D6E-4416-B20E-481636659137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters, what are you doing here? Milord betrayed us recently, we need to kill that ugly whore Reimu! She was the one who corrupted him!

>> No.49801577

I bet you would also be fine if Milord interacted with a female though, right?

>> No.49801736

I suspect these posts may be the same person

>> No.49802498

Same. My fight with unicorns is personal. Because their mindset is what almost beat me up in the past unjustly. The fact that they are so up in arms and/or equate mere interaction with flirting, sex and what-have-you boils my blood.

Inb4 "you deserve to get beaten up"

>> No.49802552
File: 112 KB, 500x416, 1657612865201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine calling unicorns schizos after seeing this. they seem downright sane compared to these yumejos

>> No.49802683


>> No.49802945

i posted that stuff. i have a twitter account and i use it to post that sort of stuff on, and its somehow less gay and deranged than the usual shit that people post on twitter.

>> No.49803009

That's a unicorn retard

>> No.49803464

why if i wanna watch entertaining dudes, there's so many real ones,
why would i want to watch faggots? which are what anime vtuber "males" are.

>> No.49803528

But you don't understand.
If idolfags can't project their own insecurities onto everyone else they might have to face reality.

>> No.49803631
File: 38 KB, 258x264, 1683529602443374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah basically this. Hololive is already a niche compared to the thousands of vtubers out there who are all the same kind of generic twitch streamer experience, who do collabs with men and ecelebs etc.

But instead of being happy with those these people come here and demand that Hololive MUST become just like that too. We cannot have any vtubers who do it the way we like, no. Everything must be indistinguishable from twitch fleshtubers and their streamer circles.

>> No.49803762

It turned out homosis unicorn and homobeggar are the worst. I never seen homobeggar hate a holo as much as that kanata clip. Talk about tolerance and respect, they can't even respect her choice.

>> No.49803822

How can you forget Gabe

>> No.49804313

you don't understand we must gate keep the fuck out the fags from vtubers, shit on kronii shit on mori, keep those fags contained, you know what happened to every fandom that allowed these woke shits in, doomed. DnD the diversity hires, Magic the woke , Overshit, worldoffags. the retarded witcher
did u guys not even seen the fag land whale Dove commercial they made, HOLY FUCK

>> No.49804429

The nationality, no
The language, pretty much.

>> No.49804554

No, it's a homobeggar, she watches a male.

>> No.49804734

that is probably the popular mentality, the majority of people have nothing against male vtubers but they just won't invest their time in them

>> No.49805338

All the top JP talents have done male collabs and the branch is only growing stronger. Try therapy sis, you're invisible to these guys.

>> No.49805530

Based. If this logic was applied more widely life would be much better (for me).

>> No.49805963

I've been waiting for a Stirner Chad, and this seems like the OP to do it.
Otherwise, all fields.

>> No.49806285

I don't know why you people insist that trannies watch dudes when trannies are infamous for using CGDCT anime characters as their profile pictures and try to pretend that they're anime girls themselves. Them faggots have no interest in men or the male form.

The magging meme was also natural as fuck and only died out when fujos started invading the threads a week or two after they debuted and started filtering the actual straight male viewers.

>> No.49806460

Get a dictionary, friend.

>> No.49806738

Gotta support the cause sis

>> No.49807338

I went to leddit so see if and how my oshi's stuff was being promoted since it's supposed to be an official cover reddit.
Noticed endless kronii and boys talk. Gorillions of upboats. Yet that doesn't translate to selling kronii merch nor views for the enhomos, Funny that.
Way more posts of kroni than her apparent relative popularity in general, even within en, warrants. Is she being pushed within the reddit by the admin there? I don't know how it works over there.
I do know however that whoever runs the holo reddit is a massive boy molesting tranny.

>> No.49807731

Sisters are just more active on social media than dudes, not a dunk on niji but their tweets get a lot of engagement but it doesn't translate into views for their youtube channels.

>> No.49807935
File: 22 KB, 394x122, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain Bae, kronni's and Mori's current extremely shitty numbers? Mori struggles to make 3K.

>> No.49808355

Nah, I refuse to harass innocent women. I just don't care that much.

>> No.49808944

Nta, but the sensible way would be to give feedback if you don't like the product and want to leave. Email to cover, show your merch purchase so they take your word seriously. Or a neutral schizo way, give feedback on comments but expect whiteknight circlejerk there.
