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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49792237 No.49792237 [Reply] [Original]

How does a man know his oshii?

>> No.49792347

stop being a clipfag and do your JP reps and watch streams

>> No.49792836

walk a mile in their shoes

>> No.49793747

The only true wisdom is in knowing you have no oshi.

>> No.49794278

A man is happy when his oshi is happy.
A man is sad when his oshi is sad.
A man will stand up against the anti-hate of his oshi, without neglecting to criticize his oshi's faults.
A man will rejoice when his oshi grows.

>> No.49795411

one day you will realize that you love her and will feel the urge to support her through anything from deep within. knowing thine oshi is an innate feeling in all men and will come with time.

>> No.49795834
File: 56 KB, 416x599, Immanuel_Kant_(painted_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man will never truly know his oshii. The oshii is given to us in the form of representation by our senses, which may not be reliable. The oshii-in-itself is inaccesible. We can only try to infer the true nature of our oshii to the best possible way by watching streams, doing reps and using reason to tell rrats apart from what is most likely the truth.

>> No.49801071

Ask her to "get real" with you with one of shittiest bait supas ever.

>> No.49805202

he watches her

>> No.49805478

>watch her more than the others
>keep up with her
basically not a greyfag, actually pay something, and watch her more than others.

>> No.49806205

You have a mostly uncontrollable bias towards them. When you logically, reasonably and objectively see someone else as doing most things better but you still crawl back to The One

>> No.49806274

And what do I do when my oshi is withering instead of growing? When any criticism of her faults gets ignored?

>> No.49809628

I can agree with this.

>> No.49809755

You oshihen.

>> No.49810910

some say you have to watch her, but this is still disputed.

>> No.49813517
File: 123 KB, 850x1404, __sakamata_chloe_sakamata_chloe_and_inu_hololive_drawn_by_lser116__sample-296cf978e79d5264c25c009a34a92b3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By her scent that wafts from her nether regions.

>> No.49814891
File: 27 KB, 536x572, Diogenes .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throw you an IA with anime avatar
>"Here is your oshi!"

>> No.49815224

Before knowing I mearly just watch streams. Now that I found her it feels different.

>> No.49816042

You anti.

>> No.49817832

I don't want to do that though..

>> No.49818131
File: 31 KB, 768x432, Max_Stirner-768x432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi is a spook.

>> No.49818301

By her works

>> No.49819437

antigone or antichrist ?

>> No.49823968

look at the sky

>> No.49824874 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 276AF08E-FCF7-4702-81AC-CE1420C9E081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtubers were defined as youtubers with animated avatars, until Anongenes ran into /vt/ with pic related, crying “BEHOLD A VTUBER”

>> No.49829312

An oshi is only an imitation of what a true oshi is.

>> No.49832670

my one true beloved...
