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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.87 MB, 1825x2580, __oceane_otoishi_production_kawaii_drawn_by_ichika_ichika87__27022b66edefd0f2f69df0cea0e7321c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49738397 No.49738397 [Reply] [Original]

>Dragged through the mud equally if not worse than Zaion
>Go back a few months back in time
>Apply for audition to enter a small corpo (Production Kawaii)
>Made it and join along the rest of your genmates as Gen 3
>Spend all the time you can working hard to build an audience with content they enjoy
>Despite being in a small corpo, your hard work eventually pays off
>You become one of the fast growing talents in said corpo, leaving behind your own genmates in subscribers, and even reaching or surpassing your senpais from Gen 2 and Gen 1
>Time passes
>Rumours start to appear about you doxxing the rest of your genmates
>You don't know were this is coming from, instead you decide to keep working on your audience expecting that things will calm down
>It doesn't happen, and rumours get worse
>Eventually is known that said rumours are being made by your own genmates, that are telling everyone you doxed them
>They demand management to take action
>No proofs appeared of the accusations that are being made against you, but the pressure is enough to get you suspended
>Later you get terminated and publicly shamed under accusations of doxxing by drama stirrers in social media, causing many artist and other people to blacklist you
>No one in your Gen, management, or even among your senpais says a word in defense of you
>Decide to maintain your head up, reincarnate immediately, and start working from zero again making the same content you already made despite having a massive debuff because of the accusations
>More time passes
>Suddenly in your previous corpo something happens and your previous genmates graduate at the same time after forcing a meeting with management and their senpais
>Is discovered that behind the scenes your genmates had their own clique where they didn't interact with the senpais and only between themselves
>They were discontent with the corpo for a number of reasons, citing things like being burn-out from overworking or too many restrictions
>All their senpais are surprised by this because they never communicated it confirming that a closed clique existed
>Is disclosed that some of the girls in the Gen were obsessed with numbers, and they convinced the others to leave with them
>To this day, proof of the claimed doxxing never appeared, not even in drama sites, channels or social media
>You got terminated because your genmates framed you for not being part of their clique and yet having a grown way faster than them

You may not like her content, but she is a perfect villainess. And she deserves justice.

>> No.49738708
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JUSTICE FOR MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.49738836

I don‘t even go here but I always found the rumors of her wanting to „sabotage“ the other talents in the company fishy because she had some of the best numbers among them. Oceane had no reason to meddle with people who were doing worse than her

>> No.49738926

Aletta was doing better than her. Actually.

>> No.49739002

Lots of absolute bullshit in your greentexts mixing truths with half-truths and straight up lies

>> No.49739384

Ogey, Aletta

>> No.49739401

These threads don't work, they just remind everyone who knows anything about it what a cunt she was, whilst nobody else cares.

>> No.49739894

Ew, Indog.

>> No.49739954

I love Oceane!

>> No.49740495
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She was the only one, though. Oceane had already surpassed most of her genmates and some of her senpais. At the moment of writing this post, their subscribers are like this:

Gen 1
>Charlotte Suzu: 36.7k
>Isla Coleman: 41.7k
>Nene Amano: 218k
>Reina Sun: 46.5k

Gen 2
>Lua Asuka: 52.5k
>Namiji Freesia: 22.8k
>Shee Icho: 25.2k

Gen 3
>Aletta Sky: 114k
>Miryu Kotofuji: 14k
>Oceane Otoishi: 46.9k
>Peony Aeria: 20.2k
>Sava Safari: 21.3k

The only people that surpassed Oceane putting her senpais and her genmates combined, were Nene (senpai from Gen 1 and Kawaii biggest talent), Lua (senpai from Gen 2) and Aletta (genmate). And this is after more than 3 months have passed since Oceane was terminated, which means no activity all in her channel, which means no growing. While Aletta and the rest got to grow for a couple of months and weeks more. She had zero reason to try and do anything to her genmates or even her senpais when most of them were way below her own growing. Doing anything like this would have only hurt her. But it all makes sense when you think it from the perspective of someone not wanting her around, instead of the contrary.

>> No.49740542

Not always. Letti saw success with her approach later than Oceane and became the 2nd powerhouse of Gen 3 after Oceane.

>> No.49740935

You are literally the only fag on this board who thinks that and you know it, so stop making these threads they are fooling no one. Bitch got what she deserved.

>> No.49740953

>Oceane Otoishi: 46.9k
Oceane had 50k when she was terminated.
OP's pic >>49738397 is a merch for her reaching 50k.
She lost several thousand after she had been terminated.

>> No.49741259

No proof

>> No.49741326

I can't believe they wasted this god tier model

>> No.49741489

She was sharing personal information of her co-workers gens 1-3 with her inner circle on discord.

>> No.49741709

I always liked her the best from her gen

>> No.49741719

post proof

>> No.49741750
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She was a total menhera so I never doubted people saying she was doing shady shit like taking money behind the scenes from her paypigs on private discords.

She might have gotten framed on the doxxing, but of course you can't show proof of doxxing without doxxing again so that was never coming out. Still a very talented vtuber, she is doing fine too I think.

>> No.49742964

Thanks for the correction! This connected with >>49740542 proves that Oceane was the fastest growing talent in Kawaii, and she only got surpassed by Aletta at the same time of her suspension. The graph shows that Aletta surpassed her in January, same month in which Oceane got suspended. So there's no mistake in this affirmation.

It was also the moment in which Oceane stopped her natural grow, and even declined a little. From the perspective of someone who wanted to hurt her, the accusations were the perfect weapon to made this happen. Since is a situation where is you against them, and was all Gen 3 against her, management and the end decided to side with her genmates because they were more and followed the logic of taking "less losses". Is very funny that just after making them terminate one of their biggest talents, the rest of the Gen 3 decided to graduate themselves anyways.

Aletta and the rest of her genmates also enjoyed the grown brought up by the donothons, which Oceane didn't.

>> No.49743710

>but of course you can't show proof of doxxing without doxxing again so that was never coming out
That's untrue, drama sites will often show the doxx or reference to it no matter how it affects the people involved because they live on that type of thing. Even here doxx is posted all the time even if is deleted after, sometimes is let up for long periods of time especially when the people involved are not that well-known.

The doxx would have appeared in one place or another. But the claimed Oceane "doxx" never appeared anywhere, because it doesn't exist.

>Still a very talented vtuber, she is doing fine too I think.
She is very talented and hardworking, she had more videos uploaded than Aletta and most of her genmates despite being terminated months earlier than their graduation. But the doxxing didn't made her any favours, after accusations like this you get blacklisted by more than a few places and people. Is something with the explicit intention to damage her image and career. In a sense is something worse than they did to Zaion.

She is very dedicated to what she does, so I hope she can get in her feet again. Hopefully she will gain strength to release a statement similar to the one Zaion did and realise that the same people that supported her before can support her again. Staying silent is the worse course of action even if time has passed.

>> No.49744218

>prove she doxxed people
>okay here is all the personal information on the talents that she released
Do retards really think any company would do this? Oceanefags need to kill themselves. Nobody is going to forgive this disgusting whore.

>> No.49744740
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>> No.49745488

Nobody said that the company should post talent information. What is being said is that if doxx really happened, it would have come to be known in any place already. But nobody, not even dramafags, had the slightest information about the supposed doxx that Oceane did.

It also brings another question. how was doxxing supposed to hurt the numbers of the talents? If anything most vtubers fans ignore doxxing because they know it damages their oshi. So not only there's no public information about the talents, but there wasn't any damage to their numbers. The only one who got damaged was Oceane herself. At this point you believe this based on pure trust of their version, but not because there's any proof or even logic to back it up.

>> No.49745586

still waiting for the proof

>> No.49747230

When Oceane got sacked and the account of her misdeeds went public, I was disappointed and thought she had gotten her just desserts.
Then everybody else in Gen 3 betrayed the company and it was revealed that they had lied to everybody about a multitude of things, and it forced me to reconsider Oceane's case.
I have no doubt that she's total prima donna and unashamedly greedy in milking her paypigs, but I wonder the other charges against her were ultimate just perjury.

>> No.49747277
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>> No.49749464

>and realise that the same people that supported her before can support her again.
You doxcord paypigs are still supporting her anyway. Paid $1000 for your private session yet?

>> No.49749721

Loyal fans obviously had followed her already, but a good portion haven't returned because she has poor opsec despite being hardworking.

>> No.49749910

me poorfag, no money

>> No.49750006

I literally saw you posting the doxx threads on the other /pk/ members you worthless faggot, they were right here on this board. You will never get sympathy because you are a blatantly lying asshole.

>> No.49750156

this is too high effort to be another catalog bait, and half of those are straight up lies. You're either mentally ill or you're oceane trying to fix your reputation, either way you should kill yourself

>> No.49751558

This is the only thread I have made, though. I don't see any other in the catalog neither.

>> No.49751616

Most of what is greentexted are things that the talents had said themselves. You're free to point out what you thing is wrong, but so far nobody as said anything especific.

>> No.49751732

Kys faggot.

>> No.49751781


>gen 3 framed oceane
Kys doxxcord faggot

>> No.49751835

The doxx literally appeared on /vt/ you dumb faggot. You deserve to be raped by a pack of wild geese.

>> No.49751970


>> No.49752032

I would pay 1000$ for some proofs

>> No.49752289

faggot I saw the doxxfags in the chats and even on /vt/ with my own fucking eyes, everyone did. I don't know why you're trying so hard to act like it never happened

>> No.49752331

proofs of what?

>> No.49752546

What ever happened to the members that quit?

>> No.49752851

they're in some kind of indie group or something idk.

>> No.49752928

Can someone link me to some of the dick sucking asmr she has done recently?

>> No.49753014


>> No.49753134


>> No.49753175

Don't fap.

>> No.49754068


>> No.49754378


>> No.49754603

>To this day, proof of the claimed doxxing never appeared, not even in drama sites, channels or social media
Because why would it, you dumbass?
Even so she never dispelled or addressed it like Zaion did so she's guilty. You're just coping.

>> No.49754731

or she doesn't wanna hire a lawyer to go over her statement with a comb, which is what sayu did to be on the safe side

>> No.49755163

I'm still wondering how notPeony met Miyuyus

>> No.49755173

is the "dick sucking" just her kisses? i'm gonna watch the whole thing but sometimes i swear you guys pull out the "dick sucking" noises out of no where. also, i missed this bitch.

>> No.49755841

Kisses and ear licking get misconstrued as dick sucking noises by kissless friends.

>> No.49756111

it starts around the 30min mark.

>> No.49756182

I cried a little for her, was one of the few talents worth watching in production kawaii

>> No.49756646

Was she related to that time everyone at kawaii had to go sub only for a week because of spam

>> No.49757480

>sub only for a week because of spam
when? qrd?

>> No.49758736 [SPOILER] 
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