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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49554652 No.49554652 [Reply] [Original]

Would /vt/ be improved if it was a general-only board?
It basically is already, with any non-general threads only being for drama.

>> No.49554766

>Would /vt/ be improved if it was a general-only board?
No because shitposters and schizos would just shit up generals instead.

>> No.49554883

/VT/ would improve if anons in generals left those from time to time to make threads about their oshi, kept other generals alive and bumped off bait on page 11
It seems to be what the moderation is waiting for as well

>> No.49554922


>> No.49554938

/vt/ also needs to be better at identifying people replying to their own bait to get other people to reply to it.

>> No.49554945

Yes, also introduce IDs and upvote systems.

>> No.49554958

Not sure how it works exactly but not having an automatic function for resetting generals could have to do with that as well, unless there's already one and I haven't seen it yet.

>> No.49554970

i am a newfag, i only ever knew /vt/ as a shithole. You telling me there were better times?

>> No.49554992

increased bump limits would be nice, but I'm against generals-only because the ms paint oshi threads are a treasure

>> No.49555035

no, that is becoming reddit, twitter and youtube comments hugboxes, where only one opinion is allowed.

>> No.49555080

Honestly, Jannies need to limit schizo threads to 2 per topic at most, So if people are going to shitfling they can do so in like 1 or 2 threads instead of flooding catalog over the same bullshit

>> No.49555156

They won't. It's no use talking about what the moderation needs to do, because they made it very clear in these two years they expect the board to regulate itself

>> No.49555170

They don't already?

>> No.49555224

It's okay when that one opinion is my opinion.

>> No.49555281

The catalog is funny sometimes

>> No.49555284

Every once in a while /vt/ catalog got some good discussions that you can't hold in generals because of the fanatics. You just have to deal with the spam bait and if your thread doesn't survive so be it.

>> No.49555326

then you should go back to twitter and reddit.

>> No.49555359
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do you know why biz has id? Because of the sheer amount of astroturfing
/vt/ is biz with anime chuubas mixed with cgl
You think the problem is seaniggers spamming the catalog with mori when actual corporations are having astroturfed wars to bring each other down and nijis paid with giftcards raid the catalog out of mental illness
The problem is not the vt sisters , it's entire PR departments shitting the entire place with their pro/anti bullshit. Even if it is not true now, it will be soon as years go by

This board is a dangerous experiment, one that can easily lead to kiwifarms type experiences.

>> No.49555366

Great, now it turns out that the real jannies were ourselves all along.

>> No.49555406

Unironically yes.

Disallow non-generals threads to deter dramafags, and enable persistent ids to deter samefaggging and crossthread tribalfaggots.
/vt/ suddenly becomes 1000% more usable and less of a shithole.

>> No.49555438

Yes, 100%.

>> No.49555479

Maybe the non-generals provide shitposters with enough of an outlet and people responding to them that they provide a buffer from the general threads

>> No.49555505

Compare /v/ to /vg/. /vt/ was always like this.

>> No.49555515

I doubt id posting will ever be a thing because of the fact that mods have already been outed as same fags.

>> No.49555561

Sometimes, but with generals only they'd have nowhere else to go and would ONLY shit up the generals.

>> No.49555588

Kiwifarms already runs this board.

>> No.49555686

>turns airplane mode on and off
Woah, I got a new ID! I must be a different person!
IDs don't work.

>> No.49555799

Just make users register emails and passwords and turn this board into a forum while your at it.

>> No.49556216


>> No.49556269

Only having generals would "localize" dramafags because there's no catalog to spill to. A thread on fire would only concern that thread and won't affect others because they're not on-topic. Sure shitposters can focus on singular targets, and while that's a bad thing to the locals, that also means it's easier to monitor by mods because it's contained to a single area and the rest of the board would rest easier.
We already see this in action in the form of temporary pinned threads. Without those any current drama of event will just flood the rest of the board and bump off generals.

>> No.49556340
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No, /vt/ will improve if they remove general threads.
Seriously, who fucking need a thread for some literal 2views? 5-7 anon?
And don't get me started with faggots who want to be vtuber, they literally stocking each other cocks.

>> No.49556674

>Would /vt/ be improved if it was a general-only board?
Yes, but wait until Hololive debuts more members and they get their own dedicated generals.

>> No.49556735

Imagine advocating for the same old circlejerk instead of organic posting. Generals should be rolling stickies and limited to corpos only so you can livepost while their talents are streaming. Want to make a Gura thread or a Mori thread or a [whoever] thread? Great! Hope you have something specific to discuss about them otherwise your circlejerk thread gets deleted. Seethe and cope.

>> No.49559128

Yes Mods won't do it because they hate us

>> No.49559647

Never gonna happen. Seethe and cope.

>> No.49560547

Would /vt/ be improved if it was a general-only board?
Yes. Because each second retarded whore trying to bake her own thread.

>> No.49560651

All hugbox threads to silence people? Not gonna work unless mod is crazy

>> No.49560899

4chin is not designed for generals. If it were, we wouldn't have bump limits.

>> No.49564458


>> No.49564634


>> No.49564732

Catalog threads are absolutely necessary when a huge drama or happening is going on.

>> No.49564811

This. As horrible as catalog niggers are, they are what separate us from Discord.

>> No.49564857

>""""""organic posting"""""""

>> No.49567417

>Woah, I got a new ID! I must be a different person!
Never understood this counter-arugment, literally everyone would notice the faggot with a new ID and the IP count jump by 1

>> No.49567545


>> No.49567602

>a general-only board?

What is that?

>> No.49567663

/vg/ is somehow even worse than /vt/, so no.

>> No.49567684

/vt/ would be better off if we didn't go schizo over fucking anime bitches but I realized what site I'm on and it's fun so eh.

>> No.49567848
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vt would be better if talk about actual chuubas was allowed. instead they promote bait threads to get updoot points on twitter. Why have a niche general about vtubers when you can have 20 gura seethe threads?

>> No.49567984

/vg/ isn't really a board. Everyone lives in their own little hive.

>> No.49567995

Clearly we need /schizo/ for them to use then.

>> No.49568116
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bring back /become/
bring back /ag/
bring back /meat/

>> No.49568178
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quality will never greatly improve. Just apply ID's for spamming samefaggotry, and flags for fun or meme flags to choose from would be good. One for the major corpos, Pekoland, Nenepro etc. I'm just throwing out ideas

>> No.49568194

Wrong. Most general have its own problem. Some even raided by bots

>> No.49568303

I would like flags so I can filter out a certain part of the world

>> No.49569563

/vtg/? we're a very fast board at the moment desu. It seems worth a consideration to me.

>> No.49573666

>Would /vt/ be improved if it was a general-only board?
a bit

>> No.49575589

Wait, people aren't born with cocks?

>> No.49575675

although i hate to admit the ones shitting on niji are a pretty fun read sometimes. turning it into general only is actually a really good thing for the hobby in general. if any drama happens again they cant blame the le "4chan incel boogeyman" making anti threads. that shit would have to stay in the twitter shithole. when you stick to generals only you tend to forget about the shitposting drama fags and there attempts to stir drama with gura bait #2420. i hope it does happen

>> No.49577468


Send the dramabaiters and schizos to their own containment board. That's literally what this board was for /jp/.
Shit like /become/ and the architecture general got banished, yet we're allowed to have the exact same bait threads every hour talking about why Gura isn't streaming or us talking about why EN is so shit for the 143rd time.
No one is saying turn it to fucking reddit, I just don't need to see the same drama thread in literally every page every hour. This place is just way too fast.

>> No.49578445

What the board needs is to clamp down on samefagging. Making it general only would just sweep the schizos and dramafags under a dozen smaller rugs instead of making it harder for them to sperg out.

>> No.49580444

Only retards get affected by samefagging.
The catalog is shit because anything creative is eventually deleted.

>> No.49580598

I've always been a fan of generals all the way back to the Strike Witches general on /a/. I don't get the hate.

>> No.49582368

What creative threads are you talking about?

>> No.49584729

A containment board wouldn't work, it'd only give them a platform to raid vtubers they dislike

>> No.49587355

thank you

>> No.49589909

