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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49477403 No.49477403 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine the smell

>> No.49477480

>Filipino ball sweat

>> No.49477725

Please tell me she has a cat that claws up the chair and that's not some sort of bacteria infestation eating away at the chair material.

Also while you're at it please tell me all vtubers are in reality actually perfectly healthy girls who shower and clean their spaces regularly and this kind of shit is all just acts they put on because they think it will make them seem more relatable to the gross nerds that sub to them.

>> No.49477764
File: 335 KB, 587x748, Screenshot_20230516_033505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49477800

Put some fur on that beast

>> No.49477805

I think I'm gonna puke...

>> No.49477877

why do all loli vtubers piss themselves?

>> No.49477997

Kirsche is the most comedically gifted vtuber in the West.

>> No.49478003

>who shower and clean their spaces regularly
Have you seen how women live? Regular women, not weeb nerds. For a ton of girls hygiene is something you present to others, not something you practice in private. In those cases, dirty laundry and used tampons are the norm as opposed to the exception.

>> No.49478165
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If it was a Japanese girls chair, I would be desperate to sniff and lick it

>> No.49478293

>in reality actually perfectly healthy girls who shower and clean their spaces regularly and this kind of shit is all just acts they put on
No. They're not joking about not bathing for weeks. Pippa admits she only recently started showing every few days and at her lowest point she would go a month or longer with bathing and have matted hair that she struggles to wash in the shower. It's surprising she had any friends growing up.

>> No.49478354

>hairless pussy

>> No.49478523

i mean he's got a sweater on, which is something that's kinda necessary for hairless cats

>> No.49478524
File: 33 KB, 540x535, 1669260130623292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hairless pussy is strictly inferior pussy both literally and metaphorically. Hairy is where it's at.

>> No.49478988

wrong chuba

>> No.49478997

hot, but probably not from shondo, she's cute don't get me wrong but i'm just not sexually attracted to her, she's more like a porcelain doll you'd want to put on a shelf and keep clean and tidy

>> No.49479108

Sorry to break it to you but their rooms, at least the ones I've been to, look exactly the same as ours

>> No.49479221

It’s not piss you fucking morons, the fabric is wearing out from underneath

>> No.49480089

Yeah, due to piss probably sweat tb.h

>> No.49480103

Nerd women are just as fucking disgusting as nerd men

>> No.49480471

The way you type just reaks of twitter. Go back.
