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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49475242 No.49475242 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you tribalfag weebs excommunicate anyone who leaves a Japanese company to work for an American one? Why are you such nationalists for a country that will never even let you become a citizen because they hate foreigners (like you)?

>> No.49475320

If she wanted join American company, then she should join Mythic

>> No.49475321

man you henyggers are really annoying lately

>> No.49475480

I'm not gonna stop talking about it until you niggers admit you're wrong and accept her

>> No.49475525

Vshitters are subhumans who deserve to be shit on much like nijiniggers (you) lot are deranged and most of your organs are rotten or retarded so it's unironically your fault

>> No.49475547

Spamming the board sure as fuck won't make them accept you, retard

>> No.49475579

I guess the only way I can possibly respond to such insanity as that is to hope somehow, someway, you die very soon.

>> No.49475599

name one thing mythic can do except for getting mediocre game sponsorships and legal stuff

>> No.49475616

Because they're retarded faggots, end of story. If your brain is unable to see anything beyond brand loyalty, it's because your monkey brain isn't evolved enough.

>> No.49475626

Then the board deserves to be ruined and I will help do it.

>> No.49475648

It's not hard to become a Japanese citizen, just bang a Japanese chick retard.

>> No.49475661

Literally nobody cares about the sub 2k shitters on your company you wouldn't get shit on if you didn't think you are the saviours of vtubing, a retarded ape is all you will ever be be know your place on the board

>> No.49475699

Post henya lewds instead retard.
Shes hot. Id accept her then.

>> No.49475750


>> No.49475817

I reject my place

Total Weeb Death

>> No.49475866

You don't have a choice you are going to be oppressed and there is nothing you can do about it stay in your shithole or it's not difficult to distroy the only thread you have here

>> No.49475884

Because they're controlling and have a plethora of mental illnesses. They feel slighted and they have the response of person with a cluster b personality disorder. It's that simple.

>> No.49475925

>Total Weeb Death
Imagine posting this on the anime board.

>> No.49476089

It's not that she left a Japanese company for an American one that pisses me off
It's that she left behind half her fanbase on YouTube to become a dedicated EN-only Twitch streamer

>> No.49476110

don't watch either but it's probably because they don't her to be influenced by vshojo's culture

>> No.49476118

I just hate vshojo. There are small corpos based in America that I watch.

>> No.49476218

>Why are you such nationalists for a country that will never even let you become a citizen because they hate foreigners (like you)?
Because nationalists agree with their policy and I wish America were the same. Imagine being Japanese and knowing Eng. and hearing Trash Taste fags bitch about Japan as brand new arrivals.

>> No.49476254


Holofags just shit on everything that's not holo.

>> No.49476351

See? Already more than Vshojo.

>> No.49476500

Vshitshow shitted on hololive far before that. And they shitted on niji. And on small corp. And on indie. Why do you believe barely anyone talk about Vshitshow normaly on any forum related to Vtubing? Because they litteraly pissed of everyone and got hard BTFO'd from every place. Reddit hate Vshojo, /vt hate Vshojo, i go to random anime forum? they hate Vshojo. That the result of the passive/aggresive "tallent freedom" campain resulting in showing that tallent freedom = talking about your pussy in front of a react video each day of the week.

>> No.49476509

VshojoJP is a japanese company

>> No.49476607
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>> No.49476660


>> No.49476794
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Why become a citizen when can just get a spouse visa and keep your western citizenship intact

>> No.49476847

This, they literally have the worse fucking attitude, in a corpo? You are a slave, you are an indie? You can't be successful without vshoujo, what recruiting indies? Yeah we are totally doing that just mail us your info and we won't do anything when you get doxxed though, oh how big are our talents? They are all sub 2k shitters.

>> No.49476892

I don't, Vshojo and Mythic are just garbage

>> No.49477054

did you miss the smite collab?
the concerts?
nyanners in rgg ishin?
mythic sponsors are just AA game or chinagacha of the month

>> No.49477105

Which concerts are you talking about?

>> No.49477107

Holy ESL spergout, go back to Malaysia

>> No.49477211

kson and mouse's concerts

>> No.49477286

Go back twitter tard nobody cares about your twitch shitters here shitting up the catalogue is only going to make it worse for you

>> No.49477324

Why did they leave the corpo then?

>> No.49477454

Henya maji Tensai and all that but let's be real VShojo is a shitshow of a company and the only reason I can think of why she'd go there is money and those false backstabbing bitches convincing her that they aren't as bad as the internet says they are.

>> No.49477589

I am stronger than the rest of you put together
you're the one that doesn't have a choice

>> No.49477623

it's not even rent free at this point, you're actively paying them to live in your head.

>> No.49477712


>> No.49477729

because they didn't want anything beyond the standard game promos?
not like vei is gonna fly to japan to do a concert

>> No.49477774

>Throwing buzzwords
>Rent free
That's just hololive with every vshitter the fact that you can't even see the irony of your statement proves that you are to retarded to live, your corpo can't even decide what it is we don't fucking care for you so go back to your shithole

>> No.49477976

>Vshoujo offers more
>Those who left didn't want more so it's fine
Holy retard
You do realise that these collabs only occur because of a talents reach right? Although they aren't at holo en level ironmouse, veibae, nyanners and silvervale had decent CCV to pull of a Collab, but with 3 of them leaving and even putting the company in a difficult spot is going to reflect bad on the company, sorry to burst your bubble but stremers who can't even break 2k viewer's arnt going to get this treatment.

>> No.49478009

honestly end of the day none of this matters. Half the people who post on this board don't watch vtubers, half the people who posted in this thread don't watch vtubers, another half only watch clips. This entire board is an e-celeb containment board but the people are playing as anime characters.
You can't prove me wrong. I'm 100% right.

>> No.49478056

not my corpo. i don't care about corpos in the slightest.
you should consider suicide.

>> No.49478114

Why are you making the assumption that the issue is the country the company is from?

>> No.49478154

Why is my hatred for Kson and everything she stands for being interpreted as Japanese nationalism?

>> No.49478199

>Dont care about corpos
>Is dicksuking a corpo
Go back retard nobody here cares about twitch whores and it's a fact if you want a hugbox go to your thread you are allowed to exist here keep that in mind

>> No.49478311

Because vshitters cannot fathom the fact that they are acting like faggots and need every reason to prove themselves right they are the second coming of nijiniggers

>> No.49478677

How many fucking times do I have to say it. VOMS. ISN'T. A COMPANY.

>> No.49478821

vshojo offers more vtuber speciality stuff
mythic offers more money and twitch normie stuff

>> No.49478832 [DELETED] 

global isn't spammed by bots 24/7 because I allow it. I can post faster than meidos can ban me, and to stop me they would have to rangeban 24 providers in 13 different countries, including the entirety of the continental USA.
Know your place, SEA

>> No.49478846

>implying 4chan still counts as an "anime site" when the two most populated boards here now are "consolewarbullshittery general" and "glownogculturewar general"

>> No.49478907

What is the purpose of this coping? Say I do believe you, and I agree it is not a "company". VOMS still an organized group of people sharing in a common pursuit. Even if you can push your glasses up your nose and say "Well ackshually, it's not TECHNICALLY a company," it shares all of the meaningful attributes of being a company. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc.

>> No.49478908

Look at her streaming schedule and watch her RE4 stream
I have no idea why she's in VShojo-JP

>> No.49479044

Kek is that so let's see how fast you are then schitzo you don't know your place child

>> No.49479059

Ok, loser, do it. Oh wait, you can't even get a girlfriend because you are a greasy virgin neckbeard. That's why you pretend your oshi is your girlfriend instead to cope.

>> No.49479083

It's not that it's "an american company". It's that it's a massive septic tank.

>> No.49479158

Stop spamming the board, hyniggers

>> No.49479167

Her existing isn't a rrat. It's not the kind of untrue thing users around here accept. Fuck off.

>> No.49479243

Japan is the #1 country in the world
The west is vile and unclean, whites are not human (otaku such as myself are honorary Jomon and thus Nipponese)

>> No.49479299

>i-i can't counter those argument, you just an esl, shame shame shame.
The state of vshowshitfag.

>> No.49479367 [DELETED] 

Sit down SEAmeido I'll write my scripts and then leave them to strain your fragile little brown wrista as you rapidly spamclick
total SEAnigger death

>> No.49479368

since you're obviously talking to me OP, what the fuck are you talking about? excommunicate? companies? All i ever post about is nothing, I don't post on /vt/

>> No.49479377
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>Streams on twitch

>> No.49479446

Why are you Amerimutt faggots so jealous of Japan?

>> No.49479503

>Looks at Phase Connect

>> No.49479638

I dont hate American companies for nationalistic reasons, I hate them because they take things that I like and twist them into diagusting charicatures of what they were supposed to be, and then tell the Japanese companies that I like that theyre wrong for not "keeping up with the western trends".

My problems with Vshoujo were specifically Veibae and Nyanners being public whores who talked ahit about JP culture and openly trying to change the cultural standards of vtubing, and now that theyre gone, I dont really have a reason to hate vshoujo anymore.

>> No.49479691
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tags: corruption, hypnosis, slutification

>> No.49479692

Lmao if i was the fucking maido your retarded ass wouldn't be visible on the internet stop ban evading and kys the more a rabid dog barks the sooner he must be offed

>> No.49479750

nnnnn yes

>> No.49479795

SEA monkies should learn why browns are inferior to whites as children so as to not become uppity like you

>> No.49479920

>Le sea monkey boogyman
Dance harder monkey not a sea nigger but you are more of a subhuman them them what are you gonna do have a melty again and spam threads thinking you a big though boy? Btw how much do you weigh? 700 pounds?

>> No.49480028

>not a SEA nigger
make that claim while not being an ESL and maybe someone will believe you, shitskin

>> No.49480054

Are Amerimutt streamers still bitching about Japan despite their Amerimutt media utttely being trash?

>> No.49480225

>Still trying
Is headcannon the only thing you vshitters are good at? Honestly I am starting to believe you are a nijinigger but maybe not because most retarded people are on twitch anyways know your place here, or it might not be a survival place for you nijiniggers can act deranged because atleast there tribe makes money you lot are shitters through and through.

>> No.49480702

Froot and Melody promoting tranny shit isn't taking things you like and twisting them into disgusting caricatures?

>> No.49480821

>can act
You should really learn that you aren't threatening
I am the all-father of schizophrenia on this board and you'll see why soon

>> No.49481962
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>i-im not SEA guysssss
Really convincing.

>> No.49482374

I'm just waiting to see how long she lasts lol. I'm sure VOMS wasn't a perfect place but I can't imagine is anything close to an ameriturd company lmao.

>> No.49482480

Weebs aren't people.
They don't have higher level concentration skills. Mere animals.

>> No.49482546

Vshojo is better than Niji.

>> No.49482621

VOMS was VERY lax. Its literally a one guy making god tier models and then letting girls stream with them by signing a contract. It was and still is very smol and tight-knit circle of comfyness. She threw all that away though for a kekson whore company...

>> No.49482660

>did you miss the smite collab?
Ah, the dead game
>the concerts?
VILLS is not organized by them
>nyanners in rgg ishin?
Ah, the chuuba that bailed out after she found out her new contract was horrific.
The most normalfag merch there is
>mythic sponsors are just AA game or chinagacha of the month
Yet it seems to be expanding into something more bigger than Vshojo, and in a far more alarming rate given who very much runs the company behind closed doors.

>> No.49485408

Not sea, i know geography it's hard for people like you. Well you know what i'll take the concession and go here for VACATIONS and thank for agreeing that both of us were right.

>> No.49485612

>abandons Tomoshika Daimonji and Miuneru for merch money
Financially smart, socially scummy. Just like everything VSJ touches. VSJ is for greedy people.

>> No.49486131

I don't know but no one in TT is American. It's common for all Anglosphere expats to bitch about Japan, usually because it's a much more traditionalist and conformist nation than they're used to. My point was that immigrants should keep their mouths shut when they're invited to stay in a country and also don't let the fuckers vote.

>> No.49486574

I think it's very funny that the same people who whiteknighted for her over the wizard game shit are now shitting on her for going to a different corpo just because they don't like it
Mental illness works in mysterious ways

>> No.49488431

you will never be rich

>> No.49489595

What the fuck did you just write?

>> No.49489632

vshoujo interns working overtime

>> No.49489970

Saying she's excommunicated is a bit of an exaggeration, we're not crazy progies.
Many of us are just disappointed this is what she did.
There's a huge difference between forcing a consensus where everyone has to call her bad at all times and just on a personal level liking someone less and disapproving of their actions.
I wish her the best, I hope she's happy. But I am still disappointed she'd do this man.
I don't think it was cool. Am I not allowed to dislike something like this? She jumped ship, made everyone think she was done, and for no good reason just one corpo to another, and the corpo she joins is the fucking twitch thot corpo that will never have her back and has backstabbing bitches and fans that get overly political and will eventually hate her.
And just wait until that happens, "tribalfags" "hating" her now will seem like a fucking joke when the actual normei twitter crowd decides to turn against her and actually shows her real hate.
Sometimes love isn't just blindly approving what someone does, sometimes love is being honest and saying what they did is stupid.

>> No.49490176

Yes the problem is totally the country of origin and not the fact that its a camgirl group

>> No.49490308

Are you a communist?

>> No.49490472

>made everyone think she was done
Literally no one who was actually a fan thought she was done. She wasn't even subtle about it

>> No.49490687

Exommunicate? Vshojo was shit way before she joined and got a fucking ugly ass model. I'm disappointed would be more how I feel. She definitely was swayed a bit too much by kson and her snake oil do all miracle pitch scam. All I know is, I won't watch or talk about her ever again.

>> No.49490783
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>admit you're wrong and accept her
Because this worked out SOOO well for other shilling attempts /here/

>> No.49494899

People don’t watch streams.

>> No.49496331

Then why do they speak on Pikamee's behalf?

>> No.49496720

>> Pippa

>> No.49496779

>> En only
>> translate what she spoke in Japanese by herself

>> No.49497268

becoming a Japanese citizen isn't actually hard, it just takes a long time and you have to be able to write in kanji and have a job

>> No.49498953

Don't care, American companies and culture is shit.

>> No.49499037

God....imagine that, having a real country not run by soulless corporations trying to make an economic model for

>> No.49499394

you see I really glad she comes back and streaming again
but vshojo? really? I do hope it works well for her really cuz it sure did not go well for kson

>> No.49503278

Because america is trash and so are you, mutt

>> No.49504826

It's not tribalfagging to hate vshojo, it's common sense

>> No.49508369
File: 1.92 MB, 1024x1536, bikini-Henya_the_Genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to them, anon.
