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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 169 KB, 720x571, Micraeveryday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49461877 No.49461877 [Reply] [Original]

>Be Sora
>Your JP kouhai is so autistic about your daisenpai status
>Have to invite a literal staff member to have someone to play with
>Easier to invite collab with your kouhai across the world than your kouhai in your own country
How did it come to this?

>> No.49461908

She wanted more overseas interaction

>> No.49462027

I'm a Soratomo and Sora is the one being autistic here. She asked A-chan to invite guests for this collab, which is fucking stupid. She should've invited the guests herself.

>> No.49462190

is sora 8 years old or something

>> No.49462205

Unironically, why is she like this? I've seen her with a bunch of JPs lately.

>> No.49462277
File: 394 KB, 1074x609, Screenshot_20230515-192437_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's their sub count in 2018. Sora pretty much established the brand. She had 4x the subs of any Holo. The OGs know how much she helped the brand grow and new gens respect her a lot. They really avoid making fun of her because even the members are her fans.

>> No.49462312

AZKi, Miko, Subaru, Pekora, Marine, Aki, Flare, etc. A-chan could have choose any one of these holos but no, she picked Ollie of all people.

>> No.49462316

why would they care

>> No.49462433

If I'm not mistaken she prefer to be invited by people rather than invites people because she doesn't want to impose on others?

>> No.49462496


That has been a long issue for Sora that has kept her participation on collabs (the thing that grows Hololive channels) low. For a long time the one JP kouhai that wasn't weird about it was Polka because Polka is an upd8 rebrand aka has been on the game almost long as Sora has.


Also this.

>> No.49462636

By A-chan's reckoning Sora ages backwards.

>> No.49462737

Im going to go out on a limb and say that this is Sora's fault, when something keeps happening time and time again you can't blame anyone but yourself. You can't just expect people to invite themselves or always be the ones inviting you or trying to reach out to you. I like Sora but i'm not going to make excuses for her behaviour, she should know better by now.

>> No.49462762

Japanese honorobu thing

>> No.49462856

ewwww don't post this tempus whore on the EOP board

>> No.49462875

I completely agree. It's disrespectful to be honest.

>> No.49462923

As stated a million times: if she asks the jps will drop what they're doing to acquiesce, regardless of whether or not they want to do it. So she's reluctant to ask.

>> No.49462987

Why are we pretending that no one /here/ has ever asked a more garrulous friend to tard-wrangle people into doing something?

>> No.49463268

Ollie is super approachable though. She watches their discord like a hawk and likely jumped on the opportunity the first moment A-chan said anything about a collab

>> No.49463399

>EOP board

>> No.49463424

you think im going to ask an a-chan to organize something for me instead of pressing alt-tab and going

>@everyone @all @shitpackers the holocaust didnt happen also come play minecraft with me :based: :thechosenone: :Mumei:

>> No.49463513

You're not a grownass woman living with her parents and cats in a shoebox room surrounded by unopened Miku merch who LARPS as an animu gril for a living.

>> No.49463816

This stream just happened earlier
Kanataso has been closing in lately.

>> No.49463965

Blame autistic retarded Japanese seniority bullshit.
Ever since they started to put Sora on a pedestal many years back, things just got awkward as fuck. It never used to be like this.
It's fucking shitty, I wish they'd stop doing it.
It's one of the worst things about Japanese society and it drives most people insane, especially when it is them on the receiving end of it, but even a lot of people that try to maintain this bullshit status, such as employees sucking up to their immediate boss, be it a manager or the CEO, go to great lengths to keep up or impress them, to their own detriment.
Cunts getting shitfaced just to suck up to bosschang while ruining their personal life, and health.

>> No.49464394

she has been doing a lot of collabs lately and often says 'we should do a collab!' lately. she seems to want to do a collab with every member as a goal. nice.

>> No.49465213

Its better than nothing

>> No.49465611

Anon wtf are you on? She just wants to play with her best friend on her birthday and tells her friend to invite whoever. Literally nothingburger

>> No.49465921

>if sora invite them


>> No.49466093

Idk how to tell you this OP but Sora is one of the biggest autists in all of Hololive, she's hitting at least top 5 in that category

>> No.49466219


>> No.49466280

I like that the schizos in this thread are just ignoring that Sora has a long-standing friendship with Iofi, that Ollie made her laugh harder than she's ever laughed on stream before, that she has also recently established a relationship with Bae. Ina aside these are all people Sora gets along with well.

My guess is the a-chan thing is there to deflect so it doesn't feel like she's deliberately glossing over her JP kouhai even though it's well established that she struggles to vibe with them.

>> No.49466517
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>she's hitting at least top 5 in that category
Suisei number 1

>> No.49466738

>Your JP kouhai is so autistic about your daisenpai status
They are afraid of soratomos, especially 5ch ones. Social ladder and certain etiquettes are a thing in japan.
Unless the senpai acts like a fucking baby with a lot of humor sense aka miko, there's always risk of getting backlash when a kouhai shows signs of disrespect. For example Laplus and Iroha took some backlashes but they deserved it

>> No.49466784

what iroha do

>> No.49467285

iroha is very dumb and bad with words

>> No.49467301

Iofi is her concubine, Ollie is her new concubine, she's grooming Bae and Ina is cool

>> No.49467515

i agree with you but in this specific case, it's a culture thing. Like if Sora were to invite someone given how they perceive her, her kouhai will feel that they can't say no which in itself is weird for Sora.

>> No.49467672

roru, at most you got retard like Laplus debating with schizos but you're retarded to think anyone is afraid doing something because they got "risk of getting backlash" in 5ch

>> No.49467992

JPs didn't even want to joke around with her and Sora had to go around begging for them to attack her. Kind of sad in a way.

>> No.49468029

In one of Sora’s recent minecraft, Chloe repeatedly joked about Sora's daisenpai status. Sora then replied "You certainly like to pull out my status every time, don't you?"
That line scared me a little. Of course Sora was joking but sometimes she’s not good at controlling her response/tone when interacting with other holos, especially unfamiliar ones. The pressure of Sora’s words could be immense sometimes. Autism and tone issue I think.

On the other hand, Miko tend to talk like an idiot in front of unfamiliar kouhai, so kouhai doesn’t feel pressured and Miko's fanbase won’t get the wrong idea that their beloved senpai oshi is being disrespected.

>> No.49468112
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my daughterhagwife is severely socially impaired. puresu andastan

>> No.49468114

>Chloe repeatedly joked about Sora's daisenpai status. Sora then replied "You certainly like to pull out my status every time, don't you?"
Anyone got a timstamp of this?

>> No.49468179

No JP should be afraid of schizos in 5ch, but 5ch reflects the response of JP audiences to a certain extent. Do you if a Soratomo is unhappy about something he would spam it on twitter? No.

>> No.49468228

i love miko. she's on her way to groom or get groomed by kaela

>> No.49468275

Kaela is too autistic to groom people

>> No.49468302

He saw it in a dream

>> No.49468422

Do you think sora got any stock ownership in cover nowadays?

>> No.49468921

>but 5ch reflects the response of JP audiences to a certain extent
5ch is full of newfags very much like this board they don't reflects JP viewers especially when we are talking about old fanbase like Soratomo. No Soratomo is unhappy if Sora is happy

>> No.49470128

Highly possible.

>> No.49470291

Probably and I'm sure is she does it's cause A-chan did it for her. I'm like sure A-chan has like some major hold of the company considering how she is and she was one the major start ups for them.

>> No.49472083

>I'm gonna make her an offer she CAN refuse. But she won't refuse because she thinks it would be very bad, even though it wouldn't bother me. Actually, people thinking thatthey CAN'T refuse bothers me quite a lot...

>> No.49473826

Perhaps more collabs with EN and ID is the right move then.

>> No.49475291

sora holds a grudge against the smellyfish because she killed a-chan that one time by accident in maincruft (in retaliation)
her innate bloodlust will not be satisfied until she kills chloe 1000 times folded nipponese murder in minecraft

>> No.49475392

She's so nice...

>> No.49475515

I fucking hate japanese autism so much man
She unironically vibes better with EN she knew for some months than her actual jp kohais

>> No.49475543

I'm not complaining. It was a really fun collab

>> No.49476022

>On the other hand, Miko tend to talk like an idiot
>the other hand, Miko tend to talk like an idiot
>other hand, Miko tend to talk like an idiot
>Miko tend to talk like an idiot
>tend to talk like an idiot
>to talk like an idiot
>talk like an idiot
>like an idiot
>an idiot

Yes, Miko's an idiot.

>> No.49478013

There's a clip of that. An animation in fact.
Apparently Marine hit A-chan while passing by. A-chan didn't know what hit her and Sora thought it was Chloe's doing and went berserk.

>> No.49479196

Sora is the problem though
There is LITERALLY no one in this company who wouldn't drop fucking everything they're doing to collab with THE Sora-senpai.

>> No.49479204

I would assume she isn’t so autistic that she can’t make friends with the people she’s been working with for years. The Holostars don’t have this problem because they actually do try to be friends with each other

>> No.49479330

It's a cultural thing anon, Sora is stupidly lovely and friendly as you can see in any of her interactions, but in Japanese culture hierarchy, particularly in a company, isn't something easy to overcome.

>> No.49479459

or there's something about her that makes the others not want to collab with her, and the hierarchy is a great excuse.

>> No.49479857

And what would be the reason for them to excuse themselves? It's not as if there's an office mandated sex tribute that Sora demands upon the members.

>> No.49480496

Considering what the others have said about her when they've met offline for events all point to her being absolutely lovely I don't know what that would be.
This reputation of hers extends beyond hololive and certainly before hololive was anything like it is today as external chuuba that have dealt with Sora offline all have said the same thing.
She wasn't know as "Mama Sora" for nothing.
Although she's regressed to retarded-baby status now according to A-chan.

>> No.49480701

Anon why did you have to put this idea in my head?

>> No.49480704

I like Sora's streams because of it
Despite everything that has happened she still seems like a comfy indie streamer

>> No.49481453

Facts. Sora's autism is part of her appeal.

>> No.49481649
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>Be Soda
>Manufactured in a factory
>Lid opens by a lever attached on top
>Makes a fizzy sound and turns your teeth yellow
How did it come to this?

>> No.49482123

Sora is autistic and very bad at social interaction. she can't read the room, jokes go over her head etc. She's pretty awkward to collab with. She's gotten a bit better lately though I think

>> No.49482376

eh? FAQ! miko is elite. love sora good stream lovulovu. sora is lady yeah. everyone fun have

>> No.49482452
File: 71 KB, 168x280, Tokino_Sora_-_Portrait_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nun nun~~!

>> No.49482567

>t. IRyS

>> No.49483136

Am I the only who missed Sana in this collab?

>> No.49483280

I've been imagining that since forever, when does it become real?

>> No.49484064

Collab Ruiner

>> No.49484445

I always miss her

>> No.49485532

Sora is so cute and precious bros.
I really like her.

>> No.49485579
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That reminds each time I watch her perform the more I'm convinced that there is a sex fiend inside her waiting to be unleashed.

>> No.49485640

what is nun nun

>> No.49485670

>It's not as if there's an office mandated sex tribute that Sora demands upon the members.
This is oddly specific anon

This is spot on, even though she's no longer a 3view at all she still has that comfy vibe

>> No.49485773

Listen man, Sora has said to multiple girls that she would love to collab with them at some point. Everyone is too busy too sick or just plain afraid to do something stupid around the very first Hololive talent apart from some music covers. I wish it wasn't that way because she just wants to have fun with everyone but her reputation as the first is too much for some of the autists in the company.

>> No.49485821

>>Have to invite a literal staff member to have someone to play with
A-chan is her friend though.

>> No.49485963

achan was her manager for a long time, way before holo was a thing, idk if she still is but the point is that they have a very close relationship, is normal to ask her for some favors even if is not her job anymore.

>> No.49486476

Reminder that on their first 3d studio collab Sora hugged the shit out of IRyS's cardboard form when all the other JP's treated, and still treat her, as a retarded leper because she's a hafu.
exception being the fluffy sheep, patron saint of hopeless causes

>> No.49486511

>Blame autistic retarded Japanese seniority bullshit.
This is the reason why japanese traffic lights use blue for green. Since the japanese language did not originally have a word for green, they considered green a shade of blue. To reflect this, all their laws and official documentation still use the old language and say that traffic lights must be blue. However, this bumps up against international regulations that dictate green must be the 'go' indicator. So to solve this, instead of changing the language in their laws written by honoured and respected elders, they make their traffic lights the bluest shade of green they can get away with. They would rather change everything else than question or put into doubt the wisdom of their elders.

>> No.49486612

she misspoke once and shamed the japanese language

>> No.49486992

Please rank the top 5 and give examples of autism, because both girls you posted are less autistic than EN, as both of them know not to sperg at fans.

>> No.49487091

IRyS is not a hopeless cause!

>> No.49487137

Nigger they just seem less autistic because you can't understand them

>> No.49487222

That stubborness is retarded at times, but the blue/green non-distinction is surprisingly common in languages out there.
I was surprised to discover this.

go to sleep IRyS, you've had your evening shlick to teen incest doujins
it's dreamtime now mr.bubbles

>> No.49487840

>Chloe repeatedly joked about Sora's daisenpai status. Sora then replied "You certainly like to pull out my status every time, don't you?"
Does Chloe hate Sora and does Sora hate Chloe?

>but the blue/green non-distinction is surprisingly common in languages out there.
Plants are everywhere and so is the sky, this shouldn't even be a debate.

Cute. I should learn Japanese to watch her, she doesn't have many clippers/translators but she sounds pretty damn cute.

>> No.49488048

Think about it, would you want to be the one that makes her upset with your antics and have 90% of the company hate you?

>> No.49488186

>she doesn't have many clippers/translators but she sounds pretty damn cute.
She's one of holos with TL present in chat a good chunk of the time and there is a good amount of moments where she outright speaks in English

>> No.49488315

Said her senpai weren't professionals.

>> No.49488546

>Ollie made her laugh harder than she's ever laughed on stream before
got a timestamp or clip? or even just the stream I guess.

>> No.49488881

>Suisei less
Come on now

>> No.49488908

>but the blue/green non-distinction is surprisingly common in languages out there.
>Plants are everywhere and so is the sky, this shouldn't even be a debate.
Just the way things are.
There was some talk on here I was reading where this came up. Probably /int/ some years ago.
It was some eastern european that chimed in and said it was weird that in english the colours "blue" and "light blue" were thought of as just variations of the same colour (just like how japs and others linguistically count blue and green as shades of the same thing), because in their language "light blue" has its own distinct name unrelated to "dark blue" and "blue". They considered it completely unrelated and felt it odd that english doesn't differentiate.

Ancient Greeks used to call the sky "bronze colour". If you've seen the cerulean blue of verdigris (the oxidation of bronze due to saltwater) you'll understand.

I don't know whether or not it's true, but I recall reading that "blue" the colour, in any form, is not mentioned once in the Bible, not the original koine greek, latin, aramaic, hebrew nor whatever. It's just not there.

>> No.49488999

Didn't Sora shout Bae a dinner the time she was on JP for fes?
Did Bae ever talk about that?

>> No.49489055

it's amazing how they all got it wrong and we got it right

>> No.49489951

If more people advertised this I would actually watch their oshi. What other girls have decent TL btw?

>> No.49490212

Remember when Suisei asked if chat has friends of the opposite sex? Remember when she said "unfortunately idol culture is a thing" and then kept digging and digging by responding and correcting herself?

JP girls are all less autistic than EN because JP girls can read the room and know what to say to their chat. The closest you have was Lui calling people ATMs, thats it. Kiara, IRyS and Mumei are probably the only girls in EN who seem to understand their fans.

>> No.49490247

Roboco I'm pretty sure has one, as a mod even
ID in general are pretty good about chat TL too

>> No.49490637

Sora is like the tyrant Dionysius III of Syracuse, or the former dictator of Libya Muammar Gaddhafi. When you reach the PEAK in your society, your own people either revere or revile you so much that only foreigners who know nothing of your people can truly empathize with your existence.

>> No.49490665

Nobody got it right. Is just that you always live in an environment that put to different labels to colors. For example are people that can distinguish to different tones of white colour or brown and such because in their culture exist the word for that.

>> No.49490677

Sora cute

But why does her model look like it's low budget? The mouth movement is really weird.

>> No.49490751

>be japabahamal woman
>be mostly useless neeto
>goddess approves you to join her friends
>you are now in one of the big vtuber companies
>5 years later you are unironically rich from playing pretend in your neetstation
Beats being an office lady.

>> No.49490786

Why would you say these things well being a clip watcher?, holy fuck is so obvious

>> No.49490867

I've noticed that Sora almost always has one.
Mel has one sometimes. Same guy does Chloe.
Roboco always same person forever.
Towa is the same. Seems to never miss a stream that one.
Haachama had 3 going at it at once at one stage. Now, well..
Subaru has one occasionally.
I think I saw one in as Koyori's chat during her DK streams.
I've noticed one en name in virtually every special concert event. Same guy every time.

I mean these translations vary in quality -I mean a lot sometimes- are delayed and are severity incomplete as they often cannot translate every single word. It's not s subbed anime after all it's some fan typing that shit out live.
But it's better than nothing for a complete eop I guess.

>> No.49491002

Lamy and Polka have one most times

>> No.49492516

For Jp members, collaborating with her is like playing games with a boss who can't take a joke.

>> No.49492812

>a boss who can't take a joke
Only she wants to be treated normally. IIRC it's why Pekora liked Moona so much.

>> No.49493642

JP kouhais are scared of soratomos so sora doesn't want to impose. And I'm not talking about real soratomos, I'm talking about how any fandom can turn into soratomos to burn you at the stake for making a light joke.

>> No.49494139

>It’s like playing with a boss surrounded by too many underlings who can’t take a joke and will harass you even if she doesn’t mind at all

>> No.49494597

Post Sora sex

>> No.49495367

I approve of all the time A-chan can clock in the server, she's such a delight, but i still wouldn't want to see her ALL the time, she has this nifty balance about her, also where the fuck is Nodoka

>> No.49495645

Same as with mosaic on porn

>> No.49495897

>also where the fuck is Nodoka
she's way past busy having been put in charge of the holo plus app thing.
also for people who don't actually watch streams all of these people were invited because they spoke english and sora is trying to do that, and she's actually getting pretty good at it. you still get the jp / en mix though because you know. both languages are fucked

>> No.49495928
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>> No.49498189

But why is she called "The Sky of Time" though?

>> No.49498263

Sora has the shittiest PC in hololive

>> No.49498309

Soda is so cute bros

>> No.49498485

If it helps add anything, remember that English had no word for the color we call "orange" for a very long time, it was eventually called that after the fruit somewhere around Elizabethan times if I remember right. Before that it was just yellow-red or red-yellow or some flavor of yellow or red.

>> No.49498967

"Cyan" and "magenta" didn't even enter the usual lexicon until CMYK printing became popular, heck, even my parents didn't call those colors that when i was a kid, they were just blue-green and pink, I didn't know there were unique words for those colors until middle school

>> No.49499229

I'm convinced it's Sora's fault somehow. No one pulls out this daisenpai shit for Roboco, Mel or Gen 1.

>> No.49500090

Sora is the original who first streamed. The others aren't.

>> No.49500095

>Trying to reason with drama addicts
Waste of time anon.

>> No.49503000

because when I think commanding hololive with an iron fist, I think soda

>> No.49508209

Her lust for power will cause the end of vtubing as we know it someday

>> No.49509384

No one can convince Sora to change her 10yo Hatsune Miku PC.

>> No.49509848

Miku could, but Miku won't.

>> No.49509992

I think orange was "that colour of that bird" (a robin redbreast) until oranges were introduced.

>> No.49510101

Japanese obsession with seniority is one of the biggest problems in their society

>> No.49510371

There is only one daisenpaI, and those that came after.
Additionally Roboco and Mel are both either boarderline or actually retarded. Sora's got the pressure of being the corporate mascot so unlike every other holo she has to watch what she says and does on stream the most. No slip ups allowed. No leeway. Her kouhai can and do fuckup, but she mustn't.

>> No.49510385 [DELETED] 
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I would to. To sex.

>> No.49510499
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To sex after. They are best friends after all.

>> No.49510619

>Be Sora
good i wish

>> No.49510781

>>49510619 (me)
i meant god

>> No.49510787

>oversea pussies
That's nice

>> No.49510801

this is just the Company Line, the real reason is because Sora is autistic as fuck and horrible to interact with. literally watch any of them try to speak to her she's like the social retard from an anime it's fucking painful. she lucked out so hard to get to be first since she would be a failed 2 view if she debuted later.

>> No.49511010

mel is legitimately retarded and you can't convince me otherwise.

>> No.49512150
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>there're now 2 Sora threads

>> No.49512274
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>> No.49512384
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>Cocky Dictator-style Sora
Damn that would be kino lol

>> No.49512980

yes going over and listing all the ingredients of every single bento available isn't at all autistic.

>> No.49512993

I think she's not very close to the many others, doesn't show much of her interests to give people something to talk about beyond pleasantries or know what kind of interesting taboos to have fun with. Kinda stinks because Marine seems willing to reach an arm out however far is needed to get along with everyone have make sure they're comfortable talking about whatever.

>> No.49513273

>t.EOP newfag

>> No.49513593
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I'm glad you understand, redditsister

>> No.49513745

I adore Sora (and haven't watched any other live streamer in years at this point) but this is pretty much true. She doesn't give good responses, not good at keeping the flow of a conversation going. She's also not good at faking laughter or amusement which is pretty much an essential skill for a popular streamer
>studying a list of conversation topics

>> No.49513785

What Lamy left out is that Sora went into a detailed breakdown of the nutritional value of each bento, the history of bento itself, and a lecture of the different stages of sleep and how to interpret dreams

>> No.49514094

yes, being overly energetic and amped up for something that doesn't require or call for it at all isn't autistic at all.

>> No.49514714

you're trying too hard fag

>> No.49514748

She's just trying to be a hype man and keep the mood up, man

>> No.49514989

>she lucked out so hard to get to be first since she would be a failed 2 view if she debuted later.
Implying being early chuuba = guarantee success, lmao
Sakura Miko project won't fail then, Suisei doesn't need to join corpo then, there won't be countless short lived chuuba in 2018 then and Yua will still alive today, Holy newfag

>> No.49515858

It was a different era. Sora was the breakthrough, she pretty much made vtubing what it is today (and Mito and Nijisanji sped up the process)
Sora is like the guy who first jumped the high jump backwards in the olympics, changed the game, timeless legacy, but plenty of people have since taken his technique and jumped higher

>> No.49516034

Those thrice damned thieves!

>> No.49516050

>She doesn't give good responses, not good at keeping the flow of a conversation going. She's also not good at faking laughter or amusement
This has always been the feeling I got from her interactions with others. Her autism is cute but it does make things harder for others.

>> No.49517316

Sora does have autism to some degree. But do I really want to fix her autism

>> No.49517403
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Post the evidence of this right now.

>> No.49517871
File: 256 KB, 387x535, o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> japabahamal

>> No.49518476

hope she improves as much as A chan

>> No.49519054
File: 1.65 MB, 720x720, 1665616145541.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49519098

More pls

>> No.49519663
File: 935 KB, 1280x720, sora halloween thighs only.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49521650

default and paletteswapped default lewd
default love

>> No.49521658
File: 213 KB, 331x354, 1677383907141984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora has that "pure girl I want to corrupt" appeal. Especially on her casual outfit.

>> No.49521998

Magenta crayons have been a thing forever.

>> No.49522172


>> No.49522564

The usual Achan being "not Sora's manager" then
