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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49428429 No.49428429 [Reply] [Original]

The go-to argument people here have when debating someone is to call them a “sister”, thus implying they’re a woman. Yet everyone here uses the most womanly debate tactics when posting. Constant deflections, ad hominems, unprovoked hostility, and logical fallacies everywhere; basically doing everything they can to avoid speaking with logic and evidence like a professional debater would use. Woman argue like this because the logical side of their brains are smaller than men’s, so they cannot make objective arguments in the same way men can.

I have a feeling all the people who post stuff like “So true, sister!” are actual women, or at least want to be women, projecting onto others, because they lack the mental capacity to make objectively solid arguments.

>> No.49428473

shut up, woman

>> No.49428535

Or maybe dramaniggers looking for a "debate" like they are on leddit should hang themselves
Just a thought, sister.

>> No.49428557

A shit thread died for this shit thread. Are you pleased with yourself OP?

>> No.49428604

I hope you find Jesus

>> No.49428624

OP is a massive faggot and women aren't worthy of respect. No one actually thinks this btw. The go to is unironically schizo. Shitty bait.

>> No.49428724

>logical debate
Most drama is based on easily debunked falsehoods. Notice how whenever a drama thread starts, one of the first replies is someone showing that it was a misquote or just a complete lie, and the 500+ replies below just ignore it and pretend like the quote was real anyways?

>> No.49428811

This is what happened when ironic weebs, normalfaggots and trannies invaded 4chan. I remember people used to troll and shit on each other for fun, but also have some pretty interesting convos. But this board got reduced to a few buzzwords that get repeated over and over again.
The irony that these same people will call others ironic weebs and say how no one is enjoying anything unironically anymore, while at the same time trying to shut down any type of actual discussion.
Or you get mouthbreathers that just go "tldr", because you know, 3 sentences is too long on a text and image based board.

>> No.49428859

Stfu sis.

>> No.49428873

I would also be surprised to see a toilet in a restroom.

>> No.49428874

>logical debate
Should get your balls cut off for typing this shit

>> No.49428928

No thanks. Unlike you, I have no desire to be a woman, nor engage in their pathetic fallacies.

>> No.49428965
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march7 my beloved

>> No.49429003

soo true sister

>> No.49429054

So true, sister!

>> No.49429076

didn't read
March a cute

>> No.49429079

War never changes, many can't stand a little bunch having some fun.

>> No.49429240
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Another fervent example of womanbrain on this board is the “X deflection thread” argument. Sadly, this is probably the most mentally damaging kind of shitpost here, since it implies that people should only be allowed to discuss whatever the most recent popular drama is. Even if you just want to talk about a fun indie or a small corpo girl that got a new outfit, others will spam the thread telling you to shut up and talk about some big corpo drama you don’t care enough to look up.

Women do this because they have the long-term memory of a goldfish, and thus cannot recall anything before whatever the newest most popular thing was. It’s why historical writers tend to be men, while the authors of gossip magazines tend to be women. They literally cannot remember any Vtuber who didn’t belong to a corpo starting with H, N, or V.

>> No.49429300

TLDR, women fingers posted this

>> No.49429336

Vtubers and streamers are a topic that don't warrant actual discussions in the first place. Most streams have even less depth than a MCU film and it's obvious what the average vtuber fan is like. A majority of posts on this board are shitposts or meaningless comments because there isn't much to actually discuss most of the time.

>> No.49429445

now summarize that drivel in one sentence

>> No.49429540

you sure talk a lot for a man

>> No.49429552

So true, sister!

>> No.49429569

I've seen this behavior on other platforms and thought the same about it, vtubers are just audiovisual candy for the most part so it makes sense.

>> No.49429924
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It’s almost like this board has no reason to exist in the first place, and Vtubers should’ve just been a thing you can casually talk about in other boards without containment, like what topics you like on your pizza, or what your least favorite Star Wars movie is

>> No.49430208

Most sociopaths are women. Lack of fucks is a feminine trait. Men actually care about the state of the people around them, which is why they built cities in the first place.
tldr You all smell like an overused hole

>> No.49430241

You go get them sister.

>> No.49430314

wrong board aetherpag

>> No.49430373

/jp/ would get a lot of unwanted threads I guess, vtubing remains a niche.

>> No.49430450

Non-JP Vtubers could be posted in /int/, instead

>> No.49430494

>op fished all these ppl who feel called out
You know it’s true about (you) even if you say you’re shitposting.

>> No.49430552

Don't know what they do there but I don't think many of those would be welcome either.

>> No.49430620

Just make it an e-celeb board like it should have been all along. One thread for each of the major corps + one thread for indies and catchall.

>> No.49430626

Squuueee, speak louder sista!

>> No.49430637

cute march

>> No.49430794

Sounds messy and it would already have existed long ago, vtubers get a pass for the anime avatars.

>> No.49430887

preach it sis yaaas

>> No.49430946

You are both

>> No.49430985


>> No.49431031

"Sister" is what pozzed twitter types call each other. It's just another way of saying "I know who you are and you don't belong here," sis.

>> No.49431472

Realistically, I’d love to discuss subject matters in-earnest on /vt/, but the majority of the engagements are deflections or virulence without substance. I’ve come to accept this as inevitable (a la /cgl/) due to the “types” which have interest in posting on the board. I simply choose to believe that no women have ever been on the internet, and thus, all this talk of sisters is just big hairy dudes trying to RP. Thus, no need for myself to overextend and think I’m amongst peers.

>> No.49431520

Just swap “woman” with “Twitter”, and the argument doesn’t change. It also explains why people here unironically believe “LONG MAN BAD” when it comes to post length, because they’re not used to posts that last longer than 2 sentences.

>> No.49431721
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>> No.49431830

This site won't be changing any time soon, more moderation is for other platforms.

>> No.49432448

Men created that behavior, women coopted it because women don’t know how to make anything for themselves and can only emulate.

>> No.49432474

March 7 is cute

>> No.49432602

>logic and evidence
Go back to r*ddit, sister

>> No.49433357
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I want to lick the stink off Gura's tiny stuffy feet.

>> No.49436464


>> No.49436894

Yaaaaaaas queen, tell them!!!

>> No.49436906

A manchild is always a manchild. You often see anons claim they are ancient oldfags yet they banter like childish 5 year old

>> No.49436947

SO true sister

>> No.49437211


>> No.49438619

Even children would know to get out if they dislike a place that much.

>> No.49438986

It's truly a marvel how you call someone a woman and also not a woman at the same time.

>> No.49439317
File: 748 KB, 2150x3035, 579dfd90490963d4032955ba959e337300982c13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just post my waifus and shitpost about them.

The amount of arguments I've ever entered on /vt/ is 0. It's actually quite a chill board, when you only post waifus and shitposts.

There are no need to be upset. It's all about women playing 2d waifus, anon. And you're waifu is a shit, that never changed. A shit ten years ago, a shit now.

>> No.49440009

>Woman argue like this because the logical side of their brains are smaller than men’s, so they cannot make objective arguments in the same way men can.

>> No.49440063

Go off queen

>> No.49440394

Faggot thinks he's some kind of authority giving all those yous. Projection is also a feminine trait. Sociopathy is inherently male. Not giving a fuck is akin to stoicism. Nice try nigger.
