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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49305424 No.49305424 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the discussion of Reality-affliated vtubers.




>> No.49305514

guess i'll squat here until someone makes a /vsinger/ general

>> No.49305551

No, stay here forever.

>> No.49305891


>> No.49306017


>> No.49306570
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>> No.49306800

There’s some drama about one of the FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION’s member. Basically the company just completely ignores the allegations of plagiarism for two months already.

>> No.49307281

babu and enma in kanon's chat

>> No.49307321

wtf, not the loli...

>> No.49307336

nice bass

>> No.49307441

guess i'll squat here until someone makes a /riot/ general

>> No.49307457

I don't care. They've only been vtubing for 2 months. There's no reason to care about them.

>> No.49307542

Yeah. I just thought it’s funny that they’ve just founded a new company and instantly got into some drama.

>> No.49307597

How do you even know about this?

>> No.49307921

I follow this girl on Twitter and some anti accounts have been quoting her tweets for weeks, demanding apologies.

>> No.49308022

What is this faggotry? What happened in the last /vsinger/ thread?

>> No.49308195

extra slow friday night
i'll make a new thread sooner or later. next singing stream on my queue is not for another 3 hours

>> No.49308253
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I was busy playing the legend of zelda and the board is moving fast as always. I didn't make this particular thread, however.

>> No.49308297

OP made good on his desire to make a Reality vsingers general after last thread died at 81 posts
i'm cool with it, to be honest, even if i feel like i'm threadsquatting

>> No.49308388

I’m one of the threadmakers but I don’t feel like making one

>> No.49308399
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I'm watching Kanon's endurance alongside her friend REALITY vtuber Himitsu Kano. What are you doing? Picrelated she is in the chat

>> No.49308683
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>> No.49308772

yomi is a power bottom

>> No.49308831
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VESPERBELL Archive Reuploads
2nd Anniversary Live (2022)
YouTube 3D Live (2023)

>> No.49308851


>> No.49309198

toupi overdose

>> No.49309411
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Reality desktop client WHEN

>> No.49310252
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>> No.49311301
File: 55 KB, 768x768, Kasuka's drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49311455

I guess if we're doing this, they've been answering questions via Marshmallow for the new Specialite agency.

>> No.49312958

ok I like this

>> No.49313396
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>> No.49314924
File: 923 KB, 4946x426, widehachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49315872
File: 93 KB, 716x954, B1CBD9B7-7507-415E-8C17-80EC9CA38351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kmnz love

>> No.49316629

I wish I could come up with a meaningful discussion about Reality but they(especially Kasuka and Lita) just never fucking stream. Someone make /vsinger/ thread already.

>> No.49318019

anko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsNpcOExPn0

>> No.49319890

cool girls

>> No.49320957
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Of course, they're rappers.

>> No.49321769

Don't you think it's scary how Hololive is taking over everything? I like some of the holos but I can't help but imagine that other vtubing companies will one day get swallowed whole by Cover.

>> No.49322188
File: 61 KB, 965x546, 1653291572770760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you posting this in a thread about REALITY?

>> No.49322347

It's just me overthinking things. I hope Reality takes good care of their talents.

>> No.49323324
File: 101 KB, 1280x1280, Hachi's drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49323409
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>> No.49323468

Oh my

>> No.49324884
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>> No.49325061

It’s almost too good to be true. Is the Reality app really that big?

>> No.49325610

no, gree's main money maker is heavens burn red and other mobile games
they also have e-commerce, travel site, etc.

>> No.49326131
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>> No.49327165

Hachi will be streaming soon. In 1 hour.

>> No.49327651

>Is the Reality app really that big
The power of vtuber gacha is just that strong. Why else would they stay in a 2view platform where the whales are.

>> No.49328934
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>> No.49329254


>> No.49329496


>> No.49330223
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>> No.49330308


>> No.49330489


>> No.49330622

>he doesn't know

>> No.49330690

Anon please, think about how many posts this discussion will generate. It will help this thread to reach bump limit faster.

>> No.49330733

Don't worry I'm here to help bump your thread as I'm sure you will return the favor once Yon and Co (TM) debut RIOT_EN and we start the inevitable /riot/ general.

>> No.49330880

The moment riot/kamitsubaki creates an official en branch is the exact time I would have dropped them.

>> No.49330923

Riot isn't but Brave is 100% preparing to enter the English market with virtual talents. Feel free to screenshot.

>> No.49330991

No. If that really is your intention, then fuck off. I'll bump this thread by myself if I have to.

>> No.49331369

It's ok if you guys don't bump this thread. I don't intend on making this into a general so it's ok if this thread got archived without reaching bump limit.

>> No.49331473

Wait out for the current /vsinger/ thread to die so we can remake one with kmnz. We'll have no excuse using them if we already have our *own* thread.

>> No.49331567

I have a confession to make. It's me. I'm the anon who made the KMNZ vsinger thread when we already had a pink cat vsinger thread up.

>> No.49331668

You didn't do anything wrong. I would've made a new thread back then if you didn't.

>> No.49331762

Honestly you should do it again if there's another one started by
In the early days we kicked them out of our threads. They've been getting too comfortable lately, let them know their place.

>> No.49331874

That thread was titled /vsingers/ so there was no /vsinger/ thread up at the time!

>> No.49332307

No, this thread stays forever.

>> No.49332381

It's just not viable. What is there to discuss? How many times Hachi touched her ears in a given stream?

>> No.49332488

Anon there's other reality singers aside from the three in the op.

>> No.49332542

Well, we can't even discuss that, since she normally doesn't track her hands.

>> No.49332612

I don't see any accounts under Hachi's channel tab

>> No.49332718

You have an entire app to dig through. They aren't even hidden gems because they're broadcasted to your face with ranking.
There are many who use their avatars outside of the app, from youtube twitcast nnd twitch cluster vrchat etc

>> No.49332833

I've had more fun making my own cute girl avatar on REALITY than I've had watching streams on REALITY. No wonder the monetization is so successful, it makes everyone think they can be a vsinger.

>> No.49332851

>You have an entire app to dig through.

>> No.49332880

Ahh yes digging through underaged grooming streams

>> No.49332990

You don't have to dig doe. The top 5 are always top notch and I found nips to have pretty good tastes.

>> No.49332996

They’re not underaged usually. Only on non-Japanese side that’s the case.

>> No.49333026

A sample of some of the recommended and trending streams live on REALITY right now
>If I say cheesecake the stream ends
>part 3 cuz apparently we have minors ;-;
>Hi! LGBTQIA+ safe place~ ENG LIVE
>DRAMA ALERT: Why you should Block Calypso on Reality
>Do you like dick?
>chilling waiting for my gf to wake up
Am I using the app correctly yet?

>> No.49333052
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>> No.49333081

sounds about right
northamerican use it like snapchat/tiktok according to the report

>> No.49333150

>How dare you make 40 year old women sing modern jpop and recent anime songs. OH THE HORROR
Also I wouldn't trust japanese fictional age autism of having to restart everytime they become mid popular past the age of 22 to once again become another I'm 18 trust me vtuber.
Skill issue

>> No.49334439

should probably be possible to program something

>> No.49334569

you need to search using japanese terms like 歌枠 to get the good stuff

>> No.49334695

I meant her Youtube channel tab

>> No.49336998

Your emulator bro?

>> No.49339381
File: 900 KB, 1000x1000, bWVkaWEvRllCNWlTRFZVQUFXZFZ0LmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based

>> No.49341962
File: 1.54 MB, 1536x1536, 1676484972050082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49342016

Alright its been a whike since i have unironicly asked "who?", but who are you fuckers?

>> No.49342524

Stelath doxx thread see >>49306017 don't tell anyone

>> No.49342623

i swear to god if some newfag janny bans me because of your retarded joke i will shitpost nagase yuka until the end of time

>> No.49342657

Well you posted her full body, is that not doxx?

>> No.49344797
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>> No.49349709


>> No.49353573


>> No.49354265


>> No.49355518
File: 383 KB, 2048x1135, 749A7684-B3C1-441A-BD40-7634983D4928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the design

>> No.49358505


>> No.49360054
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>> No.49360262
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>"waffle" productions

>> No.49361895

Nobody likes your chuubas

>> No.49364243
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>> No.49364786
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>> No.49366514
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>> No.49366592
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Maybe this is common knowledge by now but the group that Iamzcup is in was created Matsuri. It's pretty interesting how Liz is in the same social circle as Festival.

>> No.49366656

That’s not Liz.

>> No.49366795

Yeah, she's way more active than Liz is.

>> No.49369376


>> No.49369490
File: 755 KB, 1738x3237, FOGbVFwUYAE-j6q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49369542

KMNZ thighs...

>> No.49370940

Stream onegai

>> No.49373197
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>> No.49374378
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>> No.49375911
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>> No.49378254


>> No.49382432


>> No.49385861
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They privated this cover a few months ago for some reason. Thankfully, you can still listen to it on Soundcloud.

>> No.49388141
File: 92 KB, 854x480, うたう!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #KMNZLIZ - YouTube - 53-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still blown away with the high notes that she hit during this song, to be more specified at 51:05, 52:41 and 59:12 marks. Liz is freaking amazing as a live singer.

>> No.49388366

Can you recommend a few of Panno's songs?

>> No.49391169


>> No.49392379
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>> No.49394064
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>> No.49395342
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>> No.49396483

Hachi’s song recommendations?

>> No.49397191


>> No.49398707
File: 270 KB, 1920x1080, Seto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I really like her Seto cover but I never paid as much attention as I should to her songs.

>> No.49400440


>> No.49402725
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>> No.49404280


>> No.49404957

Where's that crocodile

>> No.49405672

In the wild where it belongs

>> No.49405907
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Sex & Drug & Rock & Roll

>> No.49406041

What is the point of bumping this thread? Just let it die.

>> No.49406272

i had an excess amount of lita pics that i would like to subject anons to

>> No.49406460

There's no point. I just can't bear to see this thread get archived prematurely. I love KMNZ and Vesperbell so I'll try to keep it alive as long as I can.

>> No.49406516

We're just waiting for the main thread to barely reach bump limit before abandoning this thread. Yes the next op will be KMNZ.

>> No.49406548

I have enough KMNZ pics for one whole thread

>> No.49406808

Which is not enough

>> No.49408329
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, Sacrifice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Song by Mafumafu

>> No.49409446

I wish Lita put as much efforts towards streaming as she did towards learning the Korean language

>> No.49411499
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>> No.49411705

Just listen to this stream, it's a pretty good introduction to her, also has a bunch of her original songs even though it's called a "cover live".

>> No.49415073


>> No.49418008

I don't care if this thread dies.
