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49291944 No.49291944 [Reply] [Original]

Is Bae the best singer in EN? I've been listening to her sing and I honestly think she's better than IRyS

>> No.49292024

She has the best songs in EN but that is likely mostly because she has standards in the mixing process so her voice is prominent and clear and compliments the song well.

>> No.49292027

Her live singing is terrible

>> No.49292079

good voice, bad live technique

>> No.49292110

sounds too airy. but she is better than most holoen

>> No.49292124

IRyStokeks are delusional Enna mogs here any day

>> No.49292136

No, fuck off rat lover.

>> No.49292153

She's the best studio singer by leaps and bounds but gets a little too soulful when singing live

>> No.49292180

She is 3rd best behind IRyS and Mumei (in that order) and ahead of Gura and Mori.

>> No.49292181

Rent free, creep. Nobody cares about your whore in the black rainbow company.

>> No.49292204

Try typing in English next time.

>> No.49292239

>too soulful

>> No.49292274

In IRyS's defense I kinda think the songs hololive chooses for her make her a weaker singer. They're pretty weak songs and if I'm being honest, really really hard to even remember.
Say what you will about Mori but I can at least sing like 5 different lyrics from Mori, I can't think of a single song IRyS has made that's had any staying power.
I don't really blame IRyS for the record but rather hololive for their choice in music for her

>> No.49292399

Watch IRyS karaoke streams without covering your ears next time, bronies. Enna mogs your whore.

>> No.49292495

You fucks have no taste. Some of you think Marine's song Unison is her best song, when that's clearly Set Sail

>> No.49292550

No she's like...tied for 3rd or 4th depending on your tastes.

>> No.49292604


>> No.49292608

What kind of bait is this?

>> No.49292652

Too much reliance on head voice, and when she goes Fat Albert her voice goes from one of the best sounding to the absolute worst by a mile.

>> No.49292749

best EN singer is and always will be Gawr Gura

>> No.49292793


>> No.49292860
File: 27 KB, 609x771, 1683914859280735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a sneak peek at Baelz's next song. Zoom zoom
Br br fr fr no cap no cap
Pepe pepe what's Dragonball
Bruh bruh no cap swag swag
Zoom zoom fr fr zoom zoom
Ong ong zoom zoom fr fr swag
Swag swag bruh zoom lag
...and it just goes and on like that in zoom zoom speak.

>> No.49292945

What's with the uptick of hololive singing bait threads as of recent?

>> No.49292996

>please engage in my holo vs holo fanbase war im desperate

>> No.49293113

Just anons making a opinion that they don't believe btw on a contested/ highly debated topic in order to bait people into holo vs holo shitposting.

>> No.49293355

Gawr Gura

>> No.49293424

This was pretty impressive to me

>> No.49293522

Personally, I think Gura sounds the best. Then Mumei and Bae are next best imo. Irys is alright but the rest are not particularly good.

>> No.49293561
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>> No.49293767


>> No.49294301

I think Ina shows some talent every once and a while like the song you shared and also her original song, but she falls flat in a lot of others imo. She's definitely improved and I think she can get a lot better with more practice.

>> No.49295079

Enna is fucking garbage, just because her voice goes from being constipated when talking to a normal voice when singing means she is good

>> No.49295601


>> No.49295740

shes good post production.

>> No.49295808

Random question, Do the girls from hololive get any professional training before they debut? Or do they kinda leave up to the girls to improve on their own?

>> No.49295923

Just like orange homo, studio singing good and live singing bad

>> No.49295949

IRyS is an overrated nasally singer just look at her cover song views

>> No.49295961

the singing all on their own

>> No.49296242

Bae surelly sings well, but on the techinical side of singing, IRyS is on the top tier of entire Holos, as well as AZKI, Sora, Suisei.
And people who lack in the techinical side will suffer whenever musics go a little outside of the comfort zone or requires more tools, moods, textures. Like Gura and Mumei voices are beatiful as fuck while singing chill or soft songs but lacks if the song needs more aggressive or dark tones.
But yes, Bae has a good control of her voice and can use a lot of tools, but still lacks a bit on certain points. But it can be resolved with a good vocal coach for some time.

>> No.49296401

pratice and confidence... her voice is always trembling and lacking confidence, but her voice is beatiful... she only needs proper coaching and be a bit more confident

>> No.49296427

>muh soul
>muh nasal
>muh (insert something asinine here)
Always the same shit from you lot.

>> No.49296439
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>> No.49296479

Gura is a lot better.

>> No.49296507
File: 478 KB, 828x600, 1683931247214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again. Can you fuck off with this thread?

>> No.49297001

Who isn't terrible live though

>> No.49297498

Dam, i thought they got lessons the same way they got dancing lessons

>> No.49297948

enna prob the best vsinger but her talking voice sounds like squidward. same with elira, great singing voice but talks like she has peanut butter in her mouth

>> No.49297977

I'm sorry Anon, I'm also a Brat but it's a big reach to call her the best singer in EN. She's too much of an amateur-- Calli and IRyS are better on a technical level by far.

However, Bae is putting out amazing original works and is on the music grind with that planned EP release, so she can only get better from here.

>> No.49298007

I like Mori the best

>> No.49298177

Some people forget that being an idol isn't about being good. It's about GETTING good. If people just wanted to hear a professional singer they could turn on the radio. The joy comes from supporting someone and watching them improve over time as their dreams come true. It's the journey that matters. X sounding better than Y is irrelevant. What matters is that both X and Y are both working hard to improve themselves. This isn't cope, it's the foundation of idol culture.

>> No.49298803

This is the weirdest thread I’ve ever seen. People with no understanding of singing are saying bae is the best which seems oxymoronic. If you think any of her covers beat the original I’m sorry to inform you but love has made you go deaf. Bae is at an annoying level where she’s to good for you to look past the mistakes and that makes it often

Bae is awful singer with the top 3 voices in EN. Mori‘s technical skill beats bae after she started taking lessons but she doesn’t sound better than bae despite that.
Actual best singers with the best voice and skill in no order are Irys Gura and Mumei. Mumei barely makes 3rd because if bae or Ina actually took lessons they’d easily be 3rd. That said if bae took lessons she could arguably be the best. I stop at arguably because Gura and Irys haven’t taken real lessons either.

>> No.49299459

4th fes proved one thing. Gura cant "sing" for shit. She uses her normal voice which is the only reason people think she sounds good. Her performance with Bae was embarrassing

>> No.49299532

>People have no understanding of singing
>proves he himself also has no understanding of singing either
Just because mama said you could make church choir when you were 5 doesn't mean shit retardbro

>> No.49299839

Disagree completely. Her solo song was great. The Deco song with Bae is is a horrible song with shit lyrics and generic melody that was doomed from the beginning.

>> No.49299878

Didn't ask Ennacel

>> No.49303770

I liked it.....

>> No.49308649


>> No.49309945

I love her

>> No.49312611


>> No.49312841

mori is the best

>> No.49314618

different strokes for different folks, I suppose

>> No.49314788

Most subtle Holo vs Holo bait thread

>> No.49318590

IRyS is pretty good in terms of technique but Bae has the energy to really BELT

>> No.49319155

I wouldn't say she's the best, that spot goes to IRyS but Bae certainly has the talent and potential to become the best if she got vocal lessons. Her voice can get powerful but she needs good vocal training to truly realize her talents and earn the rank
I do enjoy her singing a great deal though, I'm a sucker for power vocals
