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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49189927 No.49189927 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents + NishaEru】
WACTOR is also known as:

"META-MUSIC" as a musical project
"VV-Gamers" as an E-Sports project
"E-STELLA" as a Spanish language project
"noVas" as an English language project
"Starship Research" as a Chinese language project

Previous thread >>49157282

Ice creame edition.


Himea D'Almaria


Sezia Haruma

Nisha Nixyeva

Eru Nabura

Merun Morino

/Meica/ for dedicated Meica discussion

Remember that we're still experiencing the effects of the recent influx of tourists who were sent here by Twitter users. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.

>> No.49190030 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 404x719, babu ascension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babu eternal LOVE! GAO!!

>> No.49190100 [SPOILER] 
File: 553 KB, 720x960, nisha BIG LOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and also ULTRA BIG LUST!!!

>> No.49190142

Honorary Members
>Amai Direct

>> No.49190360

>/Meica/ for dedicated Meica discussion
I will talk about Meica /here/ and you won't stop me tribalnigger

>> No.49190736

fuck off
shameless leechers, Sidiosas, argie vtubers not named Himea, and Twitch whores keep moving, subhumans like you are not welcome here

>> No.49191336

LeFolk doesn’t even interact with wactorettes aside from the white haired girl with Sexia

>> No.49191732

They are planning
The girls are planning something right now I can see it

>> No.49191833

fk off Akira no one put you in charge of this place

>> No.49191997

Which girls, the ones in the company or the ones outside?

>> No.49192149

She's masturbating right now

>> No.49192349

The ones out

>> No.49192512

keep seething fagot the girls from those companies interact with ex and wactor girl

>> No.49192763

I can't get Lia out of my mind

>> No.49192764

what the fuck is this faggotry? stop shitposting with the OP you fucking retard.

>> No.49192958

ogey Akira

>> No.49194492

are you retarded? why the fuck did you create a thread at this time dumbfuck

>> No.49195090


>> No.49195670

not a sendaiamai shill but I hate assholes like you who are always posting in this thread what can and cannot be done if it makes you mad just ignore it fking retard and stfu

>> No.49197674


>> No.49198186


>> No.49199050

Hi Yumi

>> No.49199872

Le bump

>> No.49200603
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>> No.49201372

gumonin I love sezia

>> No.49201683

whatever you say pirañita

>> No.49202900


>> No.49203582

Good morning, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.

>> No.49203640

Reminder to just love your oshi no matter who she is.
Shitters are outnumbered and love will prevail.

>> No.49203889

>Sendai splitfag thread

>> No.49204871
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>> No.49206544
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>> No.49207155
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All mine

>> No.49207330


>> No.49207582

Sezia all the sex and love too

>> No.49208670

Good morning, Anon. Remember to pour your energy into something creative that will make your oshi smile.

>> No.49209813

Ageha free chat:

>> No.49209831

Live Sexo

>> No.49209904

Fellow yogurcitos, it's our time.

>> No.49209976

>>49209904 (me)
Fuck I messed the link sorry

>> No.49210043

Time to impregnate

>> No.49210466

Ah... My wife is so cute.

>> No.49212047 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.49212713
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JAV when?

>> No.49213208

Nisha and Meicaca paid for blue

>> No.49213243

Good for them ^ . ^

>> No.49214203

Seethe poorfag

>> No.49214257
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The shitter OP is back I see, whatever

>> No.49214353

Good afternoon, I love my silly wife very much.

>> No.49214444

>primary tweet in school shooting
>spanish is last translation
I see she didn't touch enough grass, don't raise your expecttions yogurcitos

>> No.49214592

>implying I won't enjoy a spic-free Hana Yomeguri.
She only keeps getting better and better.

>> No.49214654

She will nver have gringo audience, and (You) will never be gringo

>> No.49214656

>self hating Anon is a Yocuckito
Yeah, checks out

>> No.49214759

>Not being utterly disgusted at spic culture

>> No.49214818

Hi Reimu

>> No.49214906

he's falseflagging anon....

>> No.49214996

Good afternon, i don't watch choripaneras™

>> No.49215432
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>> No.49215512

My dumb and beautiful wife I love you so much
Enjoy it my love, it will look amazing on you
I love you

>> No.49215523
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>Hana Yomeguri is finally back!!!!
>speaking in taka and school shooting...

>> No.49215578

True love never asks to be reciprocated, Anon...

>> No.49215839

Do your best

>> No.49215859

If you truly love her you'll support her in this new route she wants to take on.

>> No.49215887

>wactor thread
>supporting the girls
rumao rumao i know lurkers do, the real /wactor/ fans got away like 4 months ago

>> No.49215891

>t. self hating yocuckcito

>> No.49216122

Nah, i consider myself an exyogurcito at this point, i just don't find her enjoyable since she started with this trending back in december. I still want to give her a chance but it seems shit is going to be the same

>> No.49216199

Even as a yogurcito I sometimes get tired of her menhera episodes, true. I hope she used this time off from the internet to touch some grass and hopefully she'll return in a better mood.

>> No.49216327

I can't see Hana as something else but a trashy woman and I think that hot

>> No.49216450

Why can’t she simply accept her audience as it is. If she thinks she deserves better she would have already made it to one of the big companies or already expanded as an indy.

>> No.49216623

>Gone indie, gone shit examples
>Kson, Hana, Meica
Some women really need some tardwrangling to be likeable

>> No.49216761

Seethe, Kson and Meica are fine

>> No.49216815

Wasn't Meica getting triggered over some innocuous comment just a while ago?

>> No.49216844

>or already expanded as an indy.
JAV expansion please

>> No.49216910

>random kson cope

>> No.49216968

kek, himea hates akira.

>> No.49217038

Who doesn't?

>> No.49217122

Water is wet

>> No.49217261

>weekly meeting listening to the manlet babbling
who wouldn't hate it

>> No.49217928 [SPOILER] 
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making pr0n of your wife

>> No.49217948

Not brown enough

>> No.49218041

Hey Himea!

>> No.49218138

Both Yumi and Sezia changed their stream time, is an announcement coming?

>> No.49218275

Honestly I think Akira will announce auditions or a new girl, and the girls are fearing another backlash against them.

>> No.49218337

All girls hate Akira dumbass

>> No.49218395

Correction: Everyone hates their boss, no matter the job.

>> No.49218774

So, we have Babu/Axtre, Ito/Natsuri and who will be the third? bets? they usually come in waves of 3...
Also I'm waiting to Leo, Kei and Renji do something similar but I guess Leo might be fucked because his contract last at least until august and that's if he didn't have one of those 2 years contracts the new gens like Sezia's have

>> No.49218819

yes, double pregnancy, by me

>> No.49218874

Don't care about homos. I wish we could hear Himari sing again...

>> No.49218961


>> No.49219001


>> No.49219007

>who will be the third?
It was Paru chan but nobody cared not even the girls

>> No.49219025

Reminder that Sopa began to be upset at Akira again after the Homos announcement.
They're the true culprits of this disaster, I wouldn't discard she complained about one of them trying to flirt with her and Akira ignored her.
Remember she said she would graduate rather than collab with them.

>> No.49219057
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>> No.49219104
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Seethe, wfags are cooler than (You)

>> No.49219143

>Destroys your hobby
Nothing personel kid

>> No.49219148

the only reason if you are a man and you enter wactor is because you want to fuck one of the girls.

>> No.49219167


Do your reps

>> No.49219901

Kei and renji already did that
I don't remember the accounts

>> No.49220148

What's the manlet business plan at this point?!

>> No.49220257

Squeeze until the last penny he can from Himea and Sezia for the next 2 years

>> No.49220261

Hi Fuel I want to fuck your progre cunt do hard.

>> No.49220535

Never stick your dick in progre.

>> No.49220538

Even Momo didn't care...

>> No.49220634


>> No.49222055

Where are those "minoxidilbros"?
So they where just larping after all

>> No.49222093

She doesn't stream for westerners that much but I am in every one of her streams

>> No.49222532
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Who are you?

>> No.49222801

Your dad

>> No.49222931

So you decided to stfu about her so shitters don't target her?
well i understand you

>> No.49222984

nobody gives a shit about takas (unless it's Lia), that's why

>> No.49222994

go back facetard

>> No.49223210

Paru loves me, she loves loves love me Paru paru Paru Paru
I wont take my meds, I wont drink water, I just need this chinese girl in my life
Is makes me better, it makes me happy, i'll keep sending my sad blog ARS akasupas, her walls are colder than you expect and I managed to keep my phone charged
She almost heard me earlier, but she must have thought it was the game
When she falls asleep in sneak in under her bed and sniff her love
Love love love love love Paru LOVE
Il make us both hostages to this love

>> No.49223276

time for your first daily minoxidil dose

>> No.49223502

Good evening, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.

>> No.49223690
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>> No.49223702
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>who posts tweet
>Meica reply with a single word
>Groomer procceds to reply with an unnecesary wall of text about it

>> No.49223883 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 246x282, 232431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hold Himea's hands like this...

>> No.49223969

Fuck off degenerate.

>> No.49224148

Didn't this guy was also a CEO of some chubas?
Imagine your boss shilling your competition

>> No.49224193

What a fucking annoying retard

>> No.49224200
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Paru love

>> No.49224292


>> No.49224454

se van a "graduar"

>> No.49224487

Doombros, we are almost there

>> No.49224715

On the contrary, she's happy and thankful for the support. And I'll keep supporting.

>> No.49224786

How do I cope with the fact that Sezia will never be mine?

>> No.49225014

something happened in the meeting that they are all insecure

>> No.49225112

Probably Akira being retarded and he announced he'll move forward with the lawsuits, completely obliterating whatever goodwill is left in the spic community towards his shit company and the girls. I said it before, if he does it again we should open a petition to grant him "Japan's Dumbest Man Alive" award.

>> No.49225126

Say good morning to my little sister

>> No.49225202

To me is that he noticed the drop in numbers and is pressuring them and asking why are they so low.

>> No.49225294

Probably this, and Sezia being a saviorfag decided to leave for good before supporting the man who’s about to ruin Eru’s life.
I don’t know why this made me emotional.

>> No.49225310

>asking why are they so low
he can't be so dumb to don't know why

>> No.49225328

Join th PNG gang Sezia, we had nintendo games

>> No.49225404

Maybe he is, but be sure he's cutting a lot of stuff due to low earnings.

>> No.49225692

she is an envious bitch ten times more fake than Miu

>> No.49226069

you think fags will stop calling this girls "traitors" or sending death threads once they quit wactor?

>> No.49226090
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If everyone had left at the same time, Akira, Lia, and Miu would have jumped off the roof together

>> No.49226131

I think people will take it the wrong way and they'll probably say
> you didn't leave in solidarity with your friends before and now you're leaving when things aren't going well for you

>> No.49226133


>> No.49226168

>You can't just interrupt a reply I've sent to a third party and say, "When are you collaborating?" or anything else like that, but it would be very helpful if you don't send that kind of thing. I will say that at some point in the future.


>> No.49226260



>> No.49226368

I don't think it's the lawsuit, akira is an idiot but his lawyer should have told him to shut up. This is pure speculation but it could be:

1. The midget is going to sell the company and the new contract is worse, so the girls are wondering whether to continue or leave now that they can

2. new girls, so they are afraid of new waves of attack

3. It's currently the lawsuit and the idiot plans to use the girls as messengers again

>> No.49226374
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>> No.49226400

You're right, Miu would have pushed them off to save her reputation.

>> No.49226489
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>Ahahaha! *evil (Fake) laugh*

>> No.49226572

anons are unironically the less annoying vtuber fans.

>> No.49226660

why are spics so fucking nosy?

>> No.49226678

I hate when people think they are "besties" when they were just coworkers, you can say who is a coworker from a friend when you look at their interaction
you can even tell if one dislikes the other or each other if you take that into account

>> No.49226690

She probably tweeted that because she saw that screencap here btw

>> No.49226721

cada dia mas poder conseguimos

>> No.49226742

why do you hate yourself so much?

>> No.49226769

Join any, literally any discord fan server and you'll se what a cringe hell looks like.

>> No.49226795

she barely knows how to speak spanish, she doesn't know english to be /here/

>> No.49226822


>> No.49226826

75% of anons /here/ use google translate.

>> No.49226878

Yeah, and Im from the the other 25% chads who use deepl

>> No.49226952

I seen a lot fags that lack basic social awareness in this hobby, some dude in Sacro was saying that Eru and Sezia were in bad terms and Akira was the one that pushed their friendship, even everyone was showing that they are friends from Eru's parts

>> No.49226989

if Yome was here, a true Japanese using Google translate I don't see why not the burraca

>> No.49227001

Serious questions, how many of you can understand English without subtitles or similar?

>> No.49227009

These retards did the same thing with Jap chuubas and more than once they were told the same thing but they keep doing it.

>> No.49227048

wonder if she still lurks from time to time...

>> No.49227065
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Oh my! Sexy Charo inbound

>> No.49227125

90% +
You have to be a burraco to not be able to do that.

>> No.49227153

in Chrome and Edge you can literally translate entire pages

>> No.49227159

I've been here for almost three years without knowing any English, so if you can

>> No.49227182

>average misopita/brotecito IQ
sometimes I think meica hate her audience and that why she brags how she cucked them

>> No.49227188

I can understand around 70% when listening without subtitles. I can't speak a shit tho.

Unironically, being /here/ helps me to improve my english..., and I have learned tons of word and expressions...

>> No.49227204

i hope you guys are ready for nuking wactor once and for all, if sezia leaves this is going to be real

>> No.49227226
File: 580 KB, 853x480, eru ∇ - 【SUPER MARIO 64 #3】la venganza de eru.....【Eru Nabura】 [YIhqnOsCzYU - 853x480 - 2h48m14s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49227312

Interesting, I recommend you to watch channels like Kings and generals, dude fully subtitles everything and uploads various lenguajes tracks on his videos

>> No.49227341

Based, I can't blame Misora, some people are just annoying fags that can't read the room and infest the replies with TMI like that cuckstavo did or the another collab beggar.
You are making the girls feel uncomfortable retard

>> No.49227342

I remember a jp chuba saying something about replying in the middle of a convo between vtubers in a similar context a few months ago.

>> No.49227357

It depends on who I listen to, if they are normal people 100% contryside people 80% if they are black or british 30~40%

>> No.49227377

La Presidenta, same fag I believe

>> No.49227382

I don't think sezia, himea and yumi will resign, the company must die or change ownership. In the worst case, wait for 2 years.

>> No.49227414

I can understand spoken English but I have bad hearing so I often have trouble understanding speech (in any language) unless I'm using headphones.
> inb4 fucking boomer
I've had bad hearing since childhood.

>> No.49227456

i bet himea is retard enough to stay even if sezia and yumi escape from that shithole lmao

himea if you are reading this, i'm going to watch you if you became a png too, you can even get a similar design, dont be dumb girl

>> No.49227459
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>> No.49227461

fans look like the streamer

>> No.49227495

literally me

>> No.49227517

Me. Now im aiming for understanding japanese

>> No.49227542

Probably the new girls just ran away while they could.

>> No.49227566

He's right, but make sure the next character has big tits too.

>> No.49227613

I learned English playing "Heroes of" series

>> No.49227626

oh yeah, dont forget the jugs Himea, but please get out of there while you still can and make a new design

>> No.49227682

Well, I know my wife understands that even if she's a worm, we'll still look at her.
If staying late at night is not love... I don't know what is.

>> No.49227734

>he will use 4chan slang when he talks to a gringo

ayy lmao

>> No.49227745

>another Nisha membership stream
Fuck off Nisha
>inb4 >t. poorfag

>> No.49227783

Being /here/ made my English worse.

>> No.49227797

>good morning nigger... oh no

>> No.49227810

School made my English worse

>> No.49227813

It's still better than nothing i guess...

>> No.49227840

I don't know if she would be able to manage everything on her own.

>> No.49227847

Don't make fun of Himea nigger

>> No.49227859

>sup faggot, how are you doing?

>> No.49227915

>mfw i said loud and clear "top kek"

>> No.49227921

For me was reading manga and watching pewdiepie and cry during highschool years.
But i dont really watch ENvtubers even when i can understand them 100%.

>> No.49227973

>I don't watch ENvtubers

>> No.49228028

I have no problem unless it's some weird accent from an african country, or one of those british accents that are only spoken in an specific neighborhood.

>> No.49228036

Unless they speak too fast like retards or have some shit accent, I can

>> No.49228043

I watch everything, EN, ESP and JP v-tubers, thank to JP ones i can do basic japanese conversation, even if i don't know how to write it

>> No.49228045

>Discord tier talk
Stop the off topic fags.

>> No.49228095

himea you can ask your vtuber mom for a new design similar to yours, if it is very expensive first buy a pgn.

For us, the worst thing that could happen to you is that they abuse you.

>> No.49228120

>"Same conversation and discussion? Fuck you let me shitpost"
go away boludo sin amigos

>> No.49228123

are you blind? is pretty obius she is not happy in wactor and only stay for a sence os responsability to her fans

>> No.49228203

>pewdiepie being one of the reasons you learn english
wtf, are you me?

>> No.49228225

>Thread silent the whole day
>Meica do something
>Thread start zooming
She really is /here/ queen, even after everything that has happened

>> No.49228232

Anon he referring that she is grateful for her fans despite everything

>> No.49228235

This is not your friends discord, stay on topic of fuck off.
If you want to socialize there's tons of discord servers out there.

>> No.49228259

el gordo leedor de mentes

>> No.49228268

that's not even the real cause of staying there, they fear the "contrato" shit, with Laila and Hina doxx, Akira tried to impose fear among the talents so they can't get away, of course that backfire since everyone knows that the contract isn't even legal in JP land.

>> No.49228277

But talking about how you learnt English is not related to Meica at all.

>> No.49228293

yet the OP is still with his splitnigger faggotry

>> No.49228317

the few days that nisha has a discord i could see many really strange people, and they were not kids

>> No.49228318

>letting discordfags live rent free in your head
last (you), take your meds niño autista

>> No.49228323

love when anons are friendly to each other

>> No.49228384

what if she just gets tired of being a vtuber?

>> No.49228388

he's just butthurt, hope he keep going, is his time and youth that's being wasted for le epic shitpost points

>> No.49228401

Let's face it, soniku and bob are himea's monetary livelihood. How would she buy a model? with ars?

>> No.49228403

Hey Sezia, do you know how to do this stuff? Will Akira allow it? All that is on YT btw. Making donations more interactive will increase your earnings.

>> No.49228419

Even with the shitters this place is better that any discord server

>> No.49228432

me speak good english

>> No.49228451

>its okay when is about community niggers

>> No.49228453

Don't forget ma boi Stuart

>> No.49228468 [DELETED] 

>el gordo con mas habilidad social

>> No.49228479

Anon like Anon

>> No.49228533

anons are c-cute!! >////<

>> No.49228546

They usually are until a girl is mentioned, then they all start shitting on each other

>> No.49228556

That is another thing entirely

>> No.49228616

This is the biggest fear overall to anyone

>> No.49228623

she was mentioned for 5 guys and the conversation is not about her, why are brotecitos so retarded?

>> No.49228630

Hi nisha

>> No.49228632

ecselent inglish pronuncieichon

>> No.49228644

>call's her retard
>says he will still support her
I bet you never watched a single stream of her, you disgusting shitter.

>> No.49228682

so was "el tio makoto" the ex boyfriend all along?

>> No.49228722

Some Anons not only lack reading compression but also social awareness

>> No.49228768

saving, my zoomer friend

>> No.49228786

I am not the same anon, but i think is hard for himea to came out of her comfort zone, it would be hard for her to leave

>> No.49228829

Nothing wrong with staying in your comfort zone for a while.

>> No.49228976


>> No.49229003

I don't watch scammers employees

>> No.49229022

That's another reason the girls keep coming for /us/. Even with all the shitpost, this is the best place to discuss chuubas in the whole ES internet community.

>> No.49229043

sezia's fertile days...

>> No.49229058

She spent all her savings to buy her new PC, and the shitfest happend right after, making her earnings tank, I doubt she was able to save any significant amount.

>> No.49229113

Someone please explain to me the chispicuate thing

>> No.49229182

Random thing she said and stick

>> No.49229274

I like the funny silly words she comes up with.

>> No.49229339

>Discord notification
Oh no no no no Chispikeks

>> No.49229342

her being a bit dumb is part of her charm

>> No.49229371


>> No.49229397

Last thing she said is to not ask her to leave, so I'm sticking with that.

>> No.49229432

I wish Sezia leaves

>> No.49229493

I support Sezia's decision

>> No.49229564

things changed, she's been hinting at leaving these last few days

>> No.49229565

As long as it hurts the manlet i will suport it

>> No.49229572

Cuate is old fashioned slang for "friend", used most notably by Mexican entertainer Chabelo. Chispicuate is just kind of a dumb way to say it.

>> No.49229639


Nisha Nixyeva

Sezia Haruma


Nisha Nixyeva

Eru Nabura

Hana Yomeguri

Merun Morino

>> No.49229665

As I said yesterday...

>> No.49229721

What should we rename this shit hole?

>> No.49229728

>fags realizing the girls are annoyed by being asked to leave

>> No.49229807

>she's been hinting at leaving these last few days
I didn't notice it tho, could you wake me up? To me she's stressed but I didn't notice hints to wanting to leave. On the contrary she has been putting a lot of effort.

>> No.49229835


>> No.49229841

Like, say "newfag" out loud in front of hundreds of people?

>> No.49229855

Not splitniggirisms, not renames, this shit must be oblitarated along with the company and free the girls fro this curse

>> No.49229879

If hurting the manlet hurts my oshi as a side effect I won't support it.

>> No.49229957

She's /ourgirl/
Fuck off Tranny

>> No.49229989

ogey but what are you doing here if you hate it so much

>> No.49230027

I don't care about scammers employees, I want the midget to be buried alive. I turned off all my saviorfag instincts, so i don't feel any pity for the remaining girls

>> No.49230114

it's tsundere anon

>> No.49230146

isn't she the cutest?

>> No.49230154

Don't listen to the fags telling you to leave girls, they are meicafags who just care for revenge.
As soon as you leave they'll abandon you like they did with Eru.

>> No.49230176

Nah, she's just being passive aggressive about having a shitty boss and doing that to "vent" like most women.

>> No.49230188

unless your oshi was neon your post comes out as hypocrisy

>> No.49230201

I still need to watch the end of all

>> No.49230206
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People being mean to each other makes me feel sad. I prefer comfy threads.

>> No.49230231

me too, i dont really care about the remaining girls, i am not a white knigt.
If the remaining girls have to suffer as a colateral to make Akira fall then so be it

>> No.49230237

Do you even know what sarcasm is, newfag?

>> No.49230318
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>> No.49230358

>t misocuck menos agresivo y retrasado

>> No.49230374

>Supporting your oshi is being a white knight

>> No.49230416

>he says as he wants to fuck the remaining girls for the honour of his oshi that already left

>> No.49230445

/this/ place has it's pros and cons, girls want to know what their fans think about them
they can't know that on discord because people there wont say it at least it's a secret one
So they come /here/ were fags can cover under anonymity and say what they actually think, the bad thing is that shitters make them doubt about their fandom sometimes
I think that even if there's no more wactor, people should still be /here/ for their chuubas

>> No.49230454
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>> No.49230464
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what the fuck was that

>> No.49230472

I am sorry little anon, lets go watch some cartoons really loud menwhile your anons figth, shall we?

>> No.49230477
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she was a bit more explicit on the other side

>> No.49230508

the vtube studio mascot

>> No.49230555

sorry anon, but this saviorfags get on my nerves

>> No.49230578

That could mean literally anything.

>> No.49230726

then you are just as retard as your oshi
poor fag

>> No.49230793

I saw it and it, when people say that doesn't mean that they outright are taking the decision to leave.

>> No.49230861

It will keep being Wactor or some shit like WactorX, unless the girls come up with a name, "Wactor" is the best thing we have to group all these girls

>> No.49230936

Sezia's PC is probably updating Windows lmao. It's pretty common for Windows to update whenever it fucking pleases and you get very shitty performance out of your PC during that time.

>> No.49230940

Why do you want to keep them grouped and retain them on anons's sights?
Didn't have they suffer enough?
Normal LATAM chuubas don't have to go trough this because anons don't pay attention to them.
These girls are too small to ave /vt/'s attention, it's not good for their mental health.

>> No.49230970

>Dino rey
I forgot that existed

>> No.49230990

why are you speaking on their behalf? who do you think you are faggot?

>> No.49231010
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> noooo you can't discuss girls here!
> you can only discuss these girls in places I approve!

>> No.49231109

You are talking like we are these girls main issue and not the dwarf and those discord groomers

>> No.49231110

you have to be realistic, there will be always a tread, just keep lurking to see things dont go out of control until everyone forgets or somehing

>> No.49231142

Becase never ever this place has done any good for the girl's psyche.
It only makes them stressed.

>> No.49231161

It is more for the story of the other day than this.
More than she wants to leave, it's like something is forcing her or considering it.

>> No.49231254

yet they all came here when shit hit the fan

>> No.49231257

How so? I'm talking about the girls that already left.
How does Akira affect them in any way?

>> No.49231269

You talk like we are the ones spreading rumors and not those supremacía fags

>> No.49231291

We are the reason Meica, Nisha and Eru were able to escape faggot

>> No.49231303
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>> No.49231308

That has already gone by. Now what good does them to be always afraid of anons reactions?

>> No.49231331

You are dumb

>> No.49231360

Says who? When they complain is always about groomers abusing the DMs or retarded twittards

>> No.49231362

you know that even if this place didn't exist, the shitters will be on their DMs and marshmallow, don't you?
sezia and himea already confirmed that issue, the saviorcucks are everywhere

>> No.49231395

Give an answer, what good does to Meica, Nisha and Eru to keep being talked about on /vt/?
They're too small to be stressed about this place.

>> No.49231434
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> he's STILL seething at the existence of /wactor/
> it's been months already
> he has tried flooding the thread with shiposts
> he has tried splitfaggotry
> he has tried crying to the mods in the IRC channel
> he's still trying!
(You) will keep seething like a little bitch for months to come.

>> No.49231463

The money she's getting doesn't overweight all the stress this job causes her anymore. Makes sense.

>> No.49231512

when is that nigger crying at moot directly?

>> No.49231547

>Wanting to hurt your oshi

>> No.49231581

What are you the thought police?
They are gonna get discussion regardless of where, we aren't the ones that caused the shitshow

>> No.49231604

I can also say the contrary by saying they could be glad that there is a place where its not taboo to talk about say Eru and Sezia on the same post and not having to autocensor like on twitter.
See? You and me dont know what they really think about this place

>> No.49231611

>El dia que diga la palabra Papu, matenme

>> No.49231612 [SPOILER] 
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so i can throw shit at those whores since i'm a 1views chuuba and hope their fans eat all the trash i drop here so they drop their oshi and find me as a replacement

>> No.49231617

nah wactor is ending this month. :)

>> No.49231655

>MenhEru > Eru
Sorry but I need her menheraness

>> No.49231661

I don't give a shit what happens to WACTOR lmao. /wactor/ will endure. And (you) will keep on seething.

>> No.49231747

If you equate this place to antis, why are you here, why you think this place is the only anti-filled site, are you aware of those namefags in their discords?

>> No.49231754

I'm not talking about the shitshow, but fags always complaining about groomers and shit.
That stuff stress them a lot.
They need to be free from this bullshit.

>> No.49231763

i'm not seething lmao
you are such a cutie anon

>> No.49231786

so true sister(male)

>> No.49231811

We support the girls

>> No.49231830

New thread


>> No.49231829

change /Wactor/ name to /Wator/

>> No.49231849

I agree with that, sadly tho

>> No.49231858

All those faggots use /here/ shitpost as their main fuel to attack the girls.
Without this place all common antis lose their ammo.

>> No.49231891

ok anon that day only you will remain samefaging to bump this shit hole
what a sad existence

>> No.49231911

the Lia shit ws all cause that faggots was parroting here shitpost

>> No.49231915

Think about that, we actually the problem there?

>> No.49231923

but they attacked sezia and himea on marshmallows not because they read something here but because of their own tribalfaggotry

>> No.49231948

is not here, it was twitter and DMs

>> No.49231971

more than half of the retard's wall of text he shared to everyone was his own unfounded schizo ramblings

>> No.49232019

no, that was Mai organizing them behind the scenes

>> No.49232057

Do you have any proof of that?

>> No.49232126

look at him, he is afraid of ozuni

>> No.49232133

it was the same shit posted here daily to ad nauseam, the fag just added on retarded shit to give it his schizo touch, you know the same you doy when you copy a friends homework.

>> No.49232158

She bragged about that in a stream

>> No.49232693

What the fuck, I just caught up with Meica's twitch stream.
She doesn't know ANY fancy brands. Didn't recognize Gucci, Luis Vuitton, Lacoste, Calvin Klein, not even Coco Channel.
At least she would be super cheap to date.

>> No.49232723

If you can clip that, then that bitch is fucked.

>> No.49232790

i bet himea recognizes hugo boss

>> No.49232887

Why would you give a fuck about expensive clothes?

>> No.49232972

Femannons, amiright guys?

>> No.49233271

Fuck off from my hobby females

>> No.49233539

Right, like, girl you dont buy any good clothes or underwear? Or you just pick the cheapest one without thinking?

>> No.49233595

hello sezia

>> No.49233682 [SPOILER] 
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babu eternal LOVE! GAO!!

>> No.49233992
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BASED she is not materialistic MEICA LOVE

>> No.49234110

Meica only knows about lewd clothes for bed

>> No.49234225
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>> No.49234374

