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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 321 KB, 547x853, 1683748316898427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49157282 No.49157282 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present.】
WACTOR is also known as:

"META-MUSIC" as a musical project
"VV-Gamers" as an E-Sports project
"E-STELLA" as a Spanish language project
"noVas" as an English language project
"Starship Research" as a Chinese language project

Previous thread >>49109565

I'll make a woman out of you edition.


Eileen Noir


Nisha Nixyeva

Eru Nabura

Merun Morino

Remember that we're still experiencing the effects of the recent influx of tourists who were sent here by Twitter users. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.

>> No.49157397

Himea I want to see you free but I'm also afraid that you'll never come back... I love you silly wife...

>> No.49157425
File: 21 KB, 246x282, 1678159503151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding Himea's hands!

>> No.49157467

Based thread with Laila

>> No.49157575

No Mahiru don't cut your cute dick!!!
you are cuter than YOF (lie).

>> No.49157586

Good evening, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.
Love you my wife

>> No.49157593

you should censure that, you sicko

>> No.49157689

There's nothing wrong with staying in your comfort zone for a while.

>> No.49157730 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 404x719, babu ascension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babu eternal LOVE! GAO!!

>> No.49157768

kek i nobody posted my twitter acount, good luck in finding me Joteador, help Akira in fredging your liar whore. Keep being a loser keeping this thread alive until 3 AM and waking up at 6 AM only to keep shitting the girls 24/7.
>[insert shitty insult here]
nobody will surprass your self-destructive autism, no matter how much you talk about morals, heck you even defended taxation only to shit in Meica and Himea, to thend samefag to a tribal war, peak schizo.

>> No.49157916

Himea is surely doomposting today, will it be related to the manlet announcement?

>> No.49157929

>This schizo really thinks only one fag is keeping the thread alive
Mental illness

>> No.49157954

So you really are a twittard then? You cant even type correctly from all the seething KEK

>> No.49157987

Yes, i do. It's pretty obvious once you read every post, also IP numbers never change once the tribalfagging start

>> No.49158040

Why do these people fear ~30 autists so much that they feel the need to try to destroy this general? We're mostly harmless and I assure you, people coordinating in private Discord servers are far more dangerous. At least here everything happens in the open.

>> No.49158139
File: 128 KB, 1725x956, uoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready for Nisha's ASMR !
uoh! my prostate is already tingling ~

>> No.49158188

30 active, there are much more lurkers

>> No.49158194
File: 116 KB, 404x404, heh~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and also ULTRA BIG LUST!!!

>> No.49158324

But lurkers can't influence anything by virtue of being lurkers and not posters. These retards are scared of ~30 autists who mostly like to shitpost and occasionally live comment streams.

>> No.49158377

nah, the fact you made retarded post about social media, keep mantaining the thread in constant shitting and making every thread awful is the best i can get, i can go to sleep and you will keep thinking about some random retards because you whore was killed by one, my oshi is still there and mooing.

>> No.49158397

i use at least to 3-4 ips

>> No.49158403

what kind of ASMR will she do? cut things and things like that?

>> No.49158466
File: 369 KB, 498x280, 0a356142c7184ae283480e277bf81dda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mooing
La vaca Lola, la vaca Lola

>> No.49158480

Why are meicatards like this?

>> No.49158517

Good afternoon, i don't watch choripaneras

>> No.49158589
File: 454 KB, 512x768, 1683427599135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yof ran through dimly lit corridors, her chains rattling and echoing far off into the distance. She was frantically looking for a door, but the layout of the underground compound wasn't helping. Making split-second decisions to turn left or right, she kept going. Her heart was racing and her lungs were burning but she couldn't stop now, her pursuer couldn't be far behind.

She took a right turn and finally came across a well-lit hallway that lead to a wooden door. She remembered the door from when she first arrived at this place, foolishly by her own will. At the time she had taken notice of the door, ornate on both sides with symbols of the night sky and some instruments of torture here and there. That memory seemed so distant now that for a moment she wasn't quite sure it hadn't been a dream. Yet the door from her memory was standing right in front of her eyes. She had no time to waste now.

She quickly took the key ring in her hand and got to work. "Open up, damn it", she said as she desperately tried every key she had in her hands, which had to number at least a dozen. One by one she tried and one by one she had to discard. Her hands were trembling as she inserted the last one into the keyhole. With a heavy heart she realized that it wouldn't budge, had she missed a key in her desperation? She was about to try every key again when she heard movement behind.

At first she couldn't see anything, as her pursuer was still in the dimly lit corridor that lead up to this hallway. The first thing she noticed was the burning red eye looking right at her. The light conditions didn't allow it but she knew the bright blue eye was staring intently at her, too. Then she heard the giggle which in another time would have brought her immense joy, but now seemed menacing and terrifying.

"Did you really think I would let the keys laying around like that?", said a voice from what appeared to be a girl of small stature, but which Yof knew was something else entirely. Something ancient and primordial. The girl moved towards Yof with the confidence of a predator who knows it has its prey cornered. As she stepped into the light, her grey hair and facial features were revealed. Her expressionless face didn't reveal any intentions but Yof knew now not to be deceived by this. The girl had to be angry, why wouldn't she be? Defeated, Yof fell to her knees and looked up to her tormentor.

"You know I have to punish you now, don't you?", the girl said.

"Nisha please", Yof replied, her voice breaking. "Not the cage".

"We'll see", she replied, and all went dark...

>> No.49158590

Good afternoon, everyone here is retarded and too lazy to do anything. Hope you like your talents groomed!

>> No.49158664


>> No.49158665

Good afternoon, I'm in love with the peruano squizo, aka "choripanero squizo"

>> No.49158731

Indies get groomed way worse tho

>> No.49158744

why are you repeating the same things as the shitter? just fucking ignore him, don't feed the troll

>> No.49158787

Let me add peruvian to the multiple nationalities i have been called as, kek

>> No.49158805
File: 91 KB, 760x720, 154356143564546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49158812

Because I've found out who he is kek

>> No.49158819

no but they serve as a megaphone, each leak or rat goes outside and is amplified

after all most lurkes can't tell the difference between the truth and shitposting, giving us 30 more power than we should have

>> No.49158883

let's see, doxx me fag

>> No.49158898

lurkers are facetards waiting to the shitter to post to joing to throwi shit at the girls.

>> No.49158920
File: 5 KB, 123x123, gaoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49158927

Fuck off larper, I'm the OG choripaneras schizo™

>> No.49159014 [SPOILER] 
File: 184 KB, 404x539, GAO!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>49158920 GAO!!

>> No.49159036

>most intelligent /wactor/ user

>> No.49159084

poor guy...
for some weird reason i'm jealous

>> No.49159446

She is not that, only menhera

>> No.49159544


>> No.49159600

Back then we used to craft even crazier rrats so nothing looks credible

>> No.49159632

>hag model
why Babu WHY

>> No.49159682

That's a 13yo

>> No.49159759

i want the toddler model back.

>> No.49159818
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, hana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hana, my waifu... At times my passion for trying to find your rm gets re-ignited.

>> No.49160268
File: 114 KB, 720x858, cunnyta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anon?

>> No.49160337

i hate normalfaggots and putas chismosas.

>> No.49160363

Babus have to grow sooner or later anon, then they bring their bfs to home and you shoot them with the licensed dad's shotgun

>> No.49160587

those putas chismosas collab wtih wactor, so welcome everyone is already putas chismosas, good luck with your revisionism

>> No.49160631

I'll steal your daughter btw and I'll be the only one she calls daddy.

>> No.49160786

retarded mongoloid, by putas chismosas mean those retards than demand all the the info of a vtuber wanting her to be just anoter girl with avatar.

>> No.49160807

>Tiene las patas de alambre por que pasa mucho hambre

>> No.49160851

the queen:

>> No.49160872

It's only natural to want to know stuff about the person you love.

>> No.49161032

no te la vas a coger.
they are doing a acting work thats what the vtubing is about, facetards like you are fucking retarded.

>> No.49161047

sound like /wactor/

>> No.49161327

>Implying sex is the end of it all
Love is much more than sex, little one.

>> No.49161397

Another normalfaggot purge is due, post the most degen Babu porn you have saved

>> No.49161491


>> No.49161551

Like a literal kid

>> No.49161651

It's possible she has Peter Pan syndrome.

>> No.49161796

>now the baldie larps as an artist
kek so your mod position don give you the girls attention? not even Yumi cares about you lmao

>> No.49161841

Why you give so much attention to him?

>> No.49161862

The mods have daily private talks with the girls since Akira left the Discord server

>> No.49161896

super cool story sis

>> No.49161902
File: 242 KB, 720x1083, Screenshot_20230510-172924~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know we love you dummy, please don't even think about the things that schizo say represent us.

>> No.49162154

I represent this general, seethe

>> No.49162164


>> No.49162263

The end of it all is you going schizo and trying to harm the person "you love" just because she say hello to a dude on social media

>> No.49162328

After all the psychological abuse that she received from that argie, i can have an idea of how much damaged she is

>> No.49162396

I talk about her gachis, retard.

>> No.49162401
File: 377 KB, 1000x2146, Fvs2Ip-WAAcmEPq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe the baldie is blah blah

>> No.49162444

Eru < MenhEru
This picture proves that

>> No.49162449

>Life is like Oshi no ko

>> No.49162464

Seethe, Ofeb is cooler than (You)
Fixed for (You)

>> No.49162608

Actually yes, isn't your schizo world inside your head anon

>> No.49162626

There's dozens of threads out there to bait with that shit, good luck!

>> No.49162675

Hi Eru!

>> No.49162688

>Life is like anime
You have to try harded to trigger me

>> No.49162724
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>> No.49162767
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>> No.49162795

>Imagine not being a proud parasocial chad

>> No.49162820

Imagine being a parasocial virgin

>> No.49162886

>Implying her antis cared about unicorn shit and not her bitchy passive aggressive self sabotaging contrarianfag attitude

>> No.49162891

If becoming a parasocial chad means to be jelous of baldies, then I don't wanna live in this world anymore

>> No.49162931

>Imagine not being a no virgin parasocial chad that is boring of dealing with 3d cunts

>> No.49162948

No one is jealous of Ofeb lmao

>> No.49162993

imagine being an anti parasocial virgin

>> No.49163050

>no virgin parasocial chad
Holy kek my sides

>> No.49163062

who in is rigth mind could be jelous of that piece of shit, I do pity him a little

>> No.49163063

>Imagine posting on 4chan

>> No.49163103

>imagine breathing

>> No.49163124

Even worse anon
>dealing with 3d cunts
because vtubers are 2d, there isn't a 3d person behind the avatar that probably behaves like most women out of stream

>> No.49163193

Imagine posting greentexts

>> No.49163202

the do a character, not my fault that your oshi is not Miu.

>> No.49163217

That's why i'm that schizos are fucking delusional, they fall in love with a character made up on their minds then they get angry at an innocent person because she doesn't fill the role they made for her in their tiny schizo heads

>> No.49163312

>Imagine not choosing an oshi as deranged as you after carefully exanimating her for months

>> No.49163316

Yeah fucking pathetic faggots, always trying with their low quality bait then crying because it backfired and everyone end up making fun of them

>> No.49163335

all that text, and the tl;dr is that you fear social interactions.

>> No.49163459

>Imagine not giving your balls to your oshi

>> No.49163473

Anon, I go out every weekend and deal with the most degenerate part of society close up, where husbands cuck their wives with no shame and wives cuck their husbands after two cups of licor.
I rather not involve in that shit more than what I'm required.

>> No.49163479

There's always a fag named here just certain oshi seems to give him or her more attention or you think the fag is grooming her
I wonder how many fags like that were named /here/ ~

>> No.49163481

>Imagine watching vtubers

>> No.49163519

>Imagine posting imagine shit

>> No.49163575

i hate the shitters so much.

>> No.49163641

>he thinks different than me
>hurr durr i hate shitters!!

>> No.49163698 [SPOILER] 
File: 314 KB, 512x512, Akira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49163754

Anon why are you talking to youself?

>> No.49163759

>Writes in 4chan
yeah, right

>> No.49163811

I love you hime, even though it makes me want to tease you a little

>> No.49163902
File: 850 KB, 2000x2000, 1683756568917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is me and my multiple personalities combined with my obsession with Mahiru

>> No.49163962

joteador is a liatard fagot he's trying to get "justice" and that is why he attacks Meica, Nisha and is like crazy looking for things about Eru

>> No.49163985

>Babu lora

>> No.49164035

why are you samefagging?

>> No.49164068

>Imagine naming yourself "joteador"

>> No.49164136 [SPOILER] 
File: 76 KB, 404x303, zZz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49164153

My lovely wife, have a nice day.

>> No.49164160


>> No.49164291
File: 1.02 MB, 768x960, 00066-399403721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49164381

>Skillfully lied to
Sure thing lunita, sure thing

>> No.49164388

Recreate these master pieces

>> No.49164439

sot shilling your trash Yof or i make that shit but with you insteed.

>> No.49164549

The first one was made yesterday with Yoffina

>> No.49164585

Please do it with nisha using a strap on pegging yoffina's cute asspussy

>> No.49164648


>> No.49164734

did YOFFINA change her name so as not to be related to 4chin?

>> No.49164764

Isn't suppose the yoffina had boobs

>> No.49164815

She's taking HRT pills and it made her boobs grow

>> No.49164818

>faggot twittard shilling faggotry

>> No.49164858

This will motivate me to continue writing >>49158589

>> No.49164878

Seethe, faggots are cooler than (You)

>> No.49164904

seethe Yoffina is everyone's bitch here

>> No.49164908

>Anon scared of becoming gay due to yoffina posts
Anon, by your reaction i can tell you, YOU ARE already gay, that's why you overreact this much

>> No.49164951

Since posting about girls makes tribalfags target them, anons will use Yoffina as an outlet for their instincts. Hope you understand.

>> No.49165000

> imagine wasting your time and energy to shitpost when you could instead pour your creativity into something that will make your oshi smile

>> No.49165067

I will use Yoffina as my personal cumdump and then I will abandon her with a pregnancy

>> No.49165070

what's the most you like about your oshi, annon?

>> No.49165131

Her fat tits

>> No.49165174

She doesn't reek of choripan

>> No.49165207

The fact she was not only not scared of me, but that she accepted me and loves me.

>> No.49165230

who could it be? most of them were dicked by an argie

>> No.49165256

she's not a burraca that is being manipulated by a argenpobre

>> No.49165258

Hana Yomeguri

>> No.49165318

Aimi Hada

>> No.49165683

what are you doing here then? every wactor girl is an argie pet

>> No.49165714

say nice things about my oshi

>> No.49165739

that is not a brown transexual argie obsessed with sonic and hatsune miku who also likes to larp as a schizo

>> No.49165742

who's your oshi?

>> No.49165809
File: 391 KB, 512x512, 1679997400710203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you stop? you are making him cry

>> No.49165851

I was out touching grass today, something interesting happened?

>> No.49165858

kek, someone post "you fucker.webm"

>> No.49165886

> he "likes" his oshi not because of what she is, but what she isn't

>> No.49165892

Argie anon here, tonight after the asmr i'm gonna use nisha's womb until she breaks. I'm gonna give her the pair of twins she wants~

>> No.49165899

>the lolnadafaggots are still here
How do we get rid of them?

>> No.49165958


>> No.49165988
File: 891 KB, 2000x2000, 1683758875780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing interesting, only Mahiru cutting mushrooms on Twitter

>> No.49165994

He's just mad because he was never unbanned, don't mind him

>> No.49166053

good one, the evil grin fits her so well

>> No.49166148

kek this.
>gets asked about his oshi
>thinks of another girl instead
Utterly mindbroken

>> No.49166397

yes, nisha is pregnant, by me

>> No.49166411

>Imagine seething at a girl being loved
True incel behaviour

>> No.49166420

nah, i'm just preventing my oshi to get shat on while shitting on someone else one

>> No.49166485


>> No.49166538

I would prefer the term mindfucked

>> No.49166574

nobody gives a fuck about your oshi tho

>> No.49166701

I'll save Nisha's asmr for tonight, meanwhile come watch some kino

>> No.49166729

I already told you. He doesn't have an oshi, he's an obsessed literal underage retard trying to bait an /int/ tribal war.

>> No.49166800

Friendly reminder that vtubing eliminated my xenophobia and now I love girls from all over LATAM

>> No.49166843


>> No.49166876

So what do you know about "sails of thieves"?
will you join her game to help her?

>> No.49166902

Himea cured my argie hate

>> No.49166922

Even though I don't watch Himea a lot, I think she cured me of my argie hate. If they shut the fuck up about their cups it's cool.

>> No.49166923

Its a good game for a collab. I dont know if its that good to watch single player

>> No.49166964

I didn't even know that it was multiplayer

>> No.49167053

Did she say she was going to play online?
Controlling the ship alone is a fucking chore.

>> No.49167061

Unirocally how much left to Wactor life, I want a Sezia-Eru collab

>> No.49167073

Himea reinforced my argie hate

>> No.49167130


>> No.49167164
File: 1.46 MB, 294x206, jerry-seinfeld-nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he spends his afternoons hating on a girl who will never know his name

>> No.49167178


>> No.49167236

Everything. The more I watch her the more I like her content

>> No.49167251
File: 376 KB, 470x426, 16252021252521202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himea reinforced my Himea love.

>> No.49167258

She said she'll be alone, maybe Sezia would join but I think she'll try online if she gets bored alone

>> No.49167267

you described this general for 1 year and it got even wost recently.

>> No.49167383

Sezia reinforce my mexichad pride

>> No.49167395

Not everyone is here to hate. I comment on the girls I like and watch, and I don't comment on the girls I don't watch. Although completely reasonable, it seems that's too much for these autists to understand. Imagine going over to some random /vg/ general just to make "I don't like this game!" shitposts.

>> No.49167416


>> No.49167415
File: 600 KB, 638x599, 131656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her more day by day

>> No.49167471

Sezia decreased my Sezia hate.

>> No.49167492

Most anons are like you it's just some motherless fags that come here to throw hate.

>> No.49167548

No one watches Eru so no one talks about her.

>> No.49167668


>> No.49167682
File: 28 KB, 620x465, 1680274057413382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you still trying to incite antis against Eru?

>> No.49167766

NTA but I want to mind break Eru to see MenhEru

>> No.49167830

Nisha made me forgive spaniards for the conquest

>> No.49167857

You have to make her dependent of you first

>> No.49167899

Nisha made me like children

>> No.49167901

I want Nisha to put on a conquistador outfit and verbally abuse me.

>> No.49167934

Eru is the girl that crawls for Meica's attention?

>> No.49167959

No, I'm different toward her like everyone.

>> No.49168014

Meica made me acknowledge Paraguay existence

>> No.49168077
File: 83 KB, 1000x1000, 1641731856159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's Miutomo OP?
He(she) didn't really die, right?

>> No.49168581

mine does not exist anymore but her talks about random things were funny, it was not everything about sexo-cum-doblesentido like other vtubers, i liked her gameplays and how she tried to do things even if she was afraid or felt bad, like when she sang a song that made her cry because it was special to a relative of her, she overcame that and hold her tears
And she was a bit dumb like me too

>> No.49168811

I miss her too.

>> No.49169434

aaaa that "estúpido"...

>> No.49169505


>> No.49169578
File: 748 KB, 904x632, 1230646617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just know~

>> No.49169602

Make this general full of love for your oshi again, no matter who she is.

>> No.49169790

My oshi is a little insecure but I'm sure she knows who are her real fans

>> No.49169948

Love will prevail

>> No.49170136

fuck it, I'll make a shitty game for my oshi
what are you going to do for yours, annon?

>> No.49170143

>nisha touching her pussy on stream rn

>> No.49170164

>alguna vez te preguntaste como suenan mis cadenas
no please... not the dungeon again... please have mercy... AIIIEEEE

>> No.49170250

Meica starting

>> No.49170283

Make more funny greentexts for her, anon.

>> No.49170325

Same. I have a project in mind but it's far too ambitious for a lone autist like me. However I'm trying to build up experience so I'm starting with this >>48946237

>> No.49170796
File: 119 KB, 748x227, 162023202022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's your oshi?

>> No.49170829

Do you think she read the one posted in this thread

>> No.49170885

>Hola orca
>Meica gets triggered at it
Maybe that fag was refering to may naboshi...

>> No.49170890

She'll probably do after ending her stream

>> No.49170961

I've seen the rpg maker project but I'll try to do a visual novel, good luck to you btw

>> No.49170993

I love Nishaaaaaa

>> No.49171023

she indeed loved my dungeon posts, so don't worry anon i'm sure she will like yours too

>> No.49171133
File: 553 KB, 720x960, BIG LOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49171135

that was a nice asmr, now i'm going to impregnate nisha's womb, goodbye anons. chu~

>> No.49171266

I'm gonna draw her wearing a cowkini, but i'm not an artist so first step is to become an artist.

>> No.49171308

>he don't know how wild she is...
fool, you better prepare your prostate.

>> No.49171315

what about AI art?

>> No.49171390

>Meica asking she can buy with 5 pesos

>> No.49171421

ARS or other Latin American pesos?

>> No.49171439

AI fag here, if you have time and talent is better to learn to draw.

>> No.49171486


>> No.49171594

I'll draw myself the visual novel, I was saying that maybe rpg annon can use AI art since he doesn't know how to draw, just a suggestion tho
I'm not a good artist myself tho

>> No.49172208

>Meica attemping go figure country's by its national anthem
>easily recognizes japan and paraguay

>> No.49172328

cool, good luck anon.

>> No.49172367

>easily recognizes Mexico and Spain for some reason
>fails to recognize Russia

>> No.49172430

>failed at recognizing argetina

>> No.49172715

I haven't seen meica/misora in a while but why is she talking like that?

>> No.49172761

like how?

>> No.49173093

why are anons being cute tonight?

>> No.49173210

comfy stream

>> No.49173215

>rpg annon

>> No.49173313

>croacia flag
>paraguay premium?

>> No.49173415
File: 306 KB, 512x640, 3006419043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for it, it takes time to get some skills when you start from zero, but you may be enjoying it once you start getting some achievements.
Btw I'm one of the AIfags and the one who made that Ito holding a glass pic.

>> No.49173468

Like if her brain got damaged, and I mean for real.

>> No.49173516

We realized shitters became the minority and more anons are coming out from their hide to show love to their respective oshi again

>> No.49173523

>ito holding a glass pic
meona anon, is thst you?

>> No.49173682
File: 187 KB, 512x512, 00003205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, as some of you can notice, I just like to shitpost alongside the anons and bring some fanservice to them

>> No.49173726

>Meica leaving comment on the videos she is reviewing like an autist because the video told her

>> No.49173969

she has some cute moments still.

>> No.49174323

>Meica easily recongnizes browser logos like google chorme, opera and brave
>she didn't recongnizes firefox
firefox bros...

>> No.49174440

I mean, she used to talk better before
she sounds weird ngl

>> No.49174441

>Meica easily recognizes movistar logo

>> No.49174472

It wouldn't make too much sense to spread love for my oshi in a wactor thread if she isn't a wactorette

>> No.49174538

>Meica easily recognized most of the japanese car brands

>> No.49174646

When she was doxxed and people realized she was from paraguay, she double down in the bet of "japanese girl react to...", so she started talking even worse and saying that due to the time she wasn't streaming her spanish got worse because "she was raised in japan" and that stuff

>> No.49174756

I believe the brain stroke rrat to be more believable

>> No.49175234

>Meica didn't recognize reddit logo

>> No.49175640


>> No.49176267


>> No.49176289


>> No.49176540

lol, so it's truth that all jap companies are black companies? naruhodo...

>> No.49176882
File: 34 KB, 400x400, I LOVE YOU!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49176923

Nijisanji is worse than WACTOR unironically after what was leaked in the recent days.
The only company that treats their talents nice is Hololive.

>> No.49177244

What's the deal with Reyu's new identity?

>> No.49177279


>> No.49177480

The manlet is the luckiest motherfucker alive that someone else keeps fucking up bigger than him

>> No.49178249

Himea screaming at huge things rn

>> No.49178667

Did you send her a picture of my dick?

>> No.49178818

why did you give him a dick pic on the first place?

>> No.49178966

>Osito gominola
it's been thpousand of years since i listen to that shit last time...

>> No.49179225



>> No.49179353

That's not reyu

>> No.49179956

Is a Reyu fan but she getting full Misorad in Twitter

>> No.49180103

She has open DMs and said she answers them. Go go go anon, this is your chance to be early in the grooming race!

>> No.49180584

>Discord shenanigans part 3727936

>> No.49180701


>> No.49180729

Like half of the retards posting here fit that description, though. The only difference is that we have no identity persistence.

>> No.49180864

now I see why anons hate discord because no one wants them and take refuge /here/

>> No.49180910

that girl is not japanese, you only need to listen her audios, her japanese accent sounds acted af, she have more argentinian accent than jap one

>> No.49180927

>A discord server where they value on topic talk
That's new to me, everywhere I go it's just retards talking about how their day went.

>> No.49181056

>"tiene acentito"

>> No.49182157
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>> No.49182213

what happened to the korean girl who spoke japanese and was studying spanish? the one that was on wactor and Hana's discord server, I remember she said she was saving to be a vtuber and stream in spanish

>> No.49182245

just wait 2 or 3 more weeks

then wait maybe a month or two for them to make new vtuber accounts

>> No.49182261

That's Charo

>> No.49182647

No, her level of spanish was already good, she spoke and read it with minimal mistakes, she only needed to improve her pronunciation and speak faster

>> No.49182711

OG Lea (Mimi)?

>> No.49182846

never heard Mimi's voice, do you have an example?

>> No.49182892

I think the only one that heard Mimi was babu.

>> No.49183002

wait what Mimi spoke spanish?

>> No.49183325

i remember that Hana mentioned her several times on stream because she spent more time on her server singing and interacting with the people there I think they already knew each other and talked to each other because of this

>> No.49183459

The fag said she was studying, I don't remember which languages Mimi spoke anymore, apart from japanese and korean.

>> No.49183682

Mimi is charo, fags.

>> No.49183901

Quite different personalities

>> No.49184141

Have you seen Charo outside her "cute Loli" personality?

>> No.49184367

so I think it's impossible to know because I can't compare
yes, that same girl, but in 2022 I went back to my job and I never entered the servers again, I just suddenly remembered I don't know why
then Mimi wouldn't be this girl because >>49182647

>> No.49184506

>Que te pasa loco!

>> No.49184605

Aren't you referring to Sumg?

>> No.49184892

What's the objective of the game?

>> No.49184934

find the one piece

>> No.49185020

Larp as a pirate until you get bored.

>> No.49185148

Current objetive: wage a surprise air attack against Pearl harbor

>> No.49185312

is villa-chan? he dead again?

>> No.49185383

>he realized where his money was going

>> No.49185423

Why is this guy so menhera?

>> No.49185485

>or maybe it's the winner

>> No.49185502

to buy condoms for Meica and Mai's brother?

>> No.49185546

new thread doko

>> No.49185618

Go to sleep kid, respect the thread traditions.

>> No.49185733

You can make a new thread if you want, I'm personally going to bed. Here are the upcoming streams. And stop it with the splitniggery please.


Himea D'Almaria


Sezia Haruma

Nisha Nixyeva

Eru Nabura

Merun Morino

>> No.49185754

or you do the thread or I do it like before faggot

>> No.49185803

Assimilate or gfto, don't try to change the culture.

>> No.49185840

>Page 4

>> No.49185865

I can do it but i'll include LeFolk as honorary

>> No.49185921

Do it, that way we unicorns can infiltrate another agency and chance it's content like we did with WACTOR.

>> No.49185928

Don't bring your /esp/ bullshit here

>> No.49186058

don't be lazy or don't complain

>> No.49186079

fk off Akira

>> No.49186128

Thread culture is to let it sleep at night, then get up early to make another one.
That's the way Miutomo OP used to do it.

>> No.49186244

hitomi-maid? who knows, she probably debuted right under your nose

>> No.49186262

we're /here/ for the girls not to save your shitty company so I don't care if someone promotes a possible rival that can take your market away

>> No.49186302


>> No.49186477

yes yes yes yes I was referring to this girl , i was looking for my discord password that I wrote in a notebook to be able to enter and see the username because I did not remember
do you know something? is this the same girl?

>> No.49186554

That's why you had /esp/, if you want to do that, you are free to create it again.

>> No.49186595

work hard op, we trust you will keep the thread clean ;D

>> No.49186610


>> No.49186819

need a pic for the OP

>> No.49186840

>Shitter comes back
>Eru stars retweeting

>> No.49186853


>> No.49186879

>>49186819 (me)
suggestions of who I put

>> No.49186911
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>> No.49187025

It's an arms race, wait a week and ad blockers will have the upper hand again.

>> No.49187337

thinking I'll do it tomorrow morning I'm already sleepy gn kusogakis

>> No.49187487

te la pasas vigilando a las chicas todo el día o que pedo wey mejor busca trabajo sal a tocar pasto

>> No.49187577 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 360x360, qt &amp; lil&#039; spoiler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleep tight ~ GAO!!

>> No.49187612


>> No.49187667

>he can't keep track of 15 girls at any moment

>> No.49187675

Some progress on Eru's Twerk it up. I basically split the thing in two (the gameplay and the gui) and now I have to "join" them, so to speak. I also want to have at least 4 songs, and I will have to make the track timings for them, which is a massive pain in the ass by the way.


>> No.49187819

you should make a new twitter account and send it to her, i'm sure she's going to love that

>> No.49187867

My last message
I love NIsha <3

>> No.49187888


>> No.49187991

good night ferpurafil

>> No.49188025




>> No.49188158
File: 23 KB, 697x632, localize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will probably end up doing that, though I will have to pick a name for it. Naming my account something like "Anon-games" is a surefire way to get myself ignored, I think.

This is my previous report on my project >>48946237 . This is what I mean by "I split the project in two". The gameplay is done, it works but I have to join it with the code I've been working on which is part of the GUI. I also have to learn how to delimit my project because I have the habit of expanding its scope for no reason. For example today I spent time making the damn thing localizable. Was it necessary? No, but my autism demanded it.

>> No.49188541

i respect what you are doing man, good job
it's going to be worth it once the eruditos can play your game

>> No.49189035

>se está garchando a todas

>> No.49189649

so she's ito after all?

>> No.49189792 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 404x404, ばぶ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babu eternal LOVE! GAO!!

>> No.49189959

post the funny one

>> No.49189987

>He is still doubting
Come on fag it is obvious just look at her follows, most of them were people Ito interacted a lot and they follows her back too

>> No.49189997


>> No.49190113

>Splitniggers taking the thread again

>> No.49190188 [SPOILER] 
File: 63 KB, 404x227, spoiler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>49189959 GAO!!

>> No.49190377

>keep on trying
really touches a nerve

>> No.49191901

>police thread seething again
