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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49142245 No.49142245 [Reply] [Original]

Serious shit:
Has anyone on this board feels that no matter how talented, creative or intelligent a vtuber can be, their music is always dogshit??
When i started following vtubers and really digging in the culture i found it impossible to finish one song let alone entire projects
Maybe because i'm musically inclined and play instruments that i just find most of the production to either be insufferably boring or just loud and cringey, god especially that bitch ass bimbo mori and kiara to some extent.
In general, it's always generic anime op type beats and energetic and manic pixie singing that puts me off the whole experience.
Tldr vtubers are entertainers not musicians
Shitty nu metal instrumental with the worst vocals ever and 2009 edgy fanfic tier writing?? No thanks
Actually just ear rape. Why would anyone put this out on public??

>> No.49142310

2%ji3%ji deflection thread

>> No.49142838

HoloEN sucks at music production, it's a mix of hiring bad studios on a low budget to work on their songs and management being incompetent when it comes to utilizing musical talents
EN has some competent singers but they rarely get a chance to shine and even when they do it's often in the form of a one-off original that barely matches the talents voice and style
If EN management wanted them to be idols they would work closer with the girls to help them find their niche and invest in a competent producer

>> No.49142932

I think only 1% of vtubers song is good.

>> No.49143016

Yeah i get it
It's just that the fundamentals are broken. No one is working to change that. And the talents themselves can't refuse or bring new ideas to the table, and it's honestly disappointing to listen to these forced performances

>> No.49143089

Care to give examples?? I'm interested to hear something that changes my mind

>> No.49143435

Not everyone can be Radiohead

>> No.49143473

Is this a repost?

Huge W was intentionally a shitpost song. Literally pick someone else in her library.

>> No.49143595

I don’t think IRyStocrats should be talking about Mori or Kiaras music being shit considering…

>> No.49143710

Yeah but not everyone has to be blood on the dance floor or god forbid tom mcdonald

>> No.49143976

Picture this:
I make the worst song ever, literally the worst sounds that ever graced your ears, put it in an album that has a multitude of other shitty songs and play it off by saying it's just not serious
You realize people can make "ironic" bad songs that don't sound as bad as huge w.
If the music is bad you'll be graded as such, and i also doubt mori wants to be known as a meme music artist since it's literally her shtick

>> No.49144967

Listen to actual vsingers and not holowhores for starters

>> No.49145024

Or maybe picking the worst song and acting like it represents her catalog doesn't really imply you're arguing in good faith.

>> No.49145052

Like who??

>> No.49145225

Dude, believe me when i say that i've heard enough of mori to competently critique her work
The only below average project she ever dropped was your mori which had the most memorable instrumentals and possibly the best mori performance ever.
But the rest?? Barely feels like she cares how her beats sound. She constantly needs good producers like KIRA and umruu to carry her

>> No.49147212

It is, same post as yesterday

>> No.49147231

I'd like to add that Enna is touted as one of the best EN singers but she's incredibly overhyped, and I'm not even accounting for her status as /vt/'s favorite yab machine. She shines somewhat in her originals but they're always so blueball-y in that every single piece i've heard seems to be building up to something, but the climax is either pathetically weak or doesn't even exist at all and the song abruptly ends. Her solo covers are lazily produced and the backing track blends poorly with her vocals. She only does well in Millie's covers because the latter actually hires a competent producer, and karaokes because, well, the standards are lower for karaokes.
>In general, it's always generic anime op type beats and energetic and manic pixie singing that puts me off the whole experience.
Pretty much 90% of vtuber music is either upbeat jpop (anime OPs) or denpa (pixie singing). It's in the nature of the idol genre that the majority of vtubing, even the EN sphere, bases itself on. I wish we'd see more chill tunes like Monkey Majik etc.

>> No.49147416

>"Send all power to the forward deflector shields"
>power is only 2%

>> No.49147432


>> No.49147540

Well, then. I’ve barely listened to any of Enna’s songs (I’m an anon who posts on /vt/, of course I don’t listen to her music), so I had no frame of reference. But this isn’t surprising considering that NijiEN seems to hire better music producers than HoloEN. The only thing I like about NijiEN (as opposed to hating or feeling indifferent about) is their earlier genwave original songs. I don’t actually know any of the ones for the latest waves…

>> No.49147552

Yeah pretty much
I know it doesn't sound realistic but i would love for a more forward approach in music for vtubers that isn't just your typical jpop. Like imagine some TOE or fishmans type instrumentals with more chill and slow vocals would fit some talents like ina or kiara since their vocal range isn't that appropriate for jpop

>> No.49147898
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She may be a femcel coomer, but Nihmune makes some really good music.

>> No.49148055

>"Mori bait always works. Here I come giftcards! "
Kurosanji in a nutshell.

>> No.49148231


>> No.49148396

enna has a thing for hiring her friends to produce her covers, and she's mentioned that for a couple of the covers she gave pushback to the producers for making it sound so low quality, but is still cool with it since the're her friends.
for her kami poi cover, i enjoy her livesinging of it way more than the cover that released.

>> No.49148792

all of Sinderella ranges from mid to great to eargasm except for I'm Greedy

>> No.49149089

I took in consideration that this ep is this person's first musical project of any kind, and was immensely helped by a close friend
Overall it's not offensive on the ears and is a breath of fresh air from all the overblown synthy and glittery electronic jpop hype musoc that mainstream vtubers are known for.
However, as much as i liked the quieter and chill vocals i found myself waiting for a more energetical vocal performance but i guess this isn't her style so whatever
Also the mix is inconsistent: drums are fine for most of the ep but the first track's guitar kinda clips sometimes, also her vocals sound modified on the last track which kinda ruined it for me and the second track's instrumental is barebones which almost brought me to sleep
Overall, it's not bad for someone's first musical endeavour !!! Thank you for showing me this !!!

>> No.49149192

Heavily disagree
Where does cringecore and soul food land in this rating system??? They are near fucking unlistenable

>> No.49149266

cringecore is my favourite in the whole album, the hook is sex and the lyrics are kek
i agree that soul food is bad, especially the gummy bear part

>> No.49149502

More power to you dude but, the hook???
I'm sorry but it sounds like a shitty rebecca black impression lol
I do agree on soul food tho yikes
Overall it's like a weak 2 or a strong one

>> No.49149555

I want all /mu/fags to get the rope

>> No.49149585

NTA and not OP but...

Suisei's catalog
Ahoy, Unison
Kon kon beats

And Pekora's songs if i just need upbeat nonsense ear-diabetes.

>> No.49149639

>chikutaku i am forgotten

>> No.49149867

Already heard reflect, not my thing. Did they turn gura into a fucking vocaloid for this song?? Also the it's the same overblown electronic bullshit
Just as you said, pekora's music is nonsensical which fits her character but that doesn't make the music any more bearable
I'll check out the rest tho. Thanks

>> No.49149978

what kind of music are you looking for specifically
maybe one of these tickles your fancy though

>> No.49150133

would highly recommend suiseis catalog as well
the entirety of midnight grand orchestra is basically bangers with rat a tat being one my favourites

>> No.49150345

I just listened to it. Not really my thing but thank you for the recs
I just like any type if music if it's done in a polished and progressive manner instead of corporate music which is unfortunately pushed in the vtuber scene and preferably live instrumentals

>> No.49150470

I didn't know that you had to be from /mu/ to appreciate good music kek

>> No.49150647

RYMshitters should also kill themselves

>> No.49150654

End of a Life
Scuffed Up Age
Resting Power
Dance Past Midnight
soul food

>> No.49150898

Ok i used to be a huge RYMfag and looking back at it i was really young and felt the need to validate my "refined taste" ,since i was also an aspiring musician, by listening to shitty underground jazz metal and noise rock bands that no obe heard of lol
Still love Swans tho

>> No.49150970

Except soul food which i already clarified in another comment to be "near unlistenable" and generally thinking that dance past midnight is mid i'll try to listen to these
Thanks for the recs

>> No.49151093

No, they can be good but most people here have anime brainrot and think Jpop anime opening bait sounds good.
Here are some good ones:

>> No.49151114

To be honest, my choices might fall on generic animu songs. I play instruments too and while most of the chord progressions don't exactly tread new ground,

What do YOU consider to not be dogshit music? Like, give some examples. It doesn't have to be Vtubers or japanese/anime for all.

I actually haven't heard it.

>> No.49151197

Np, given you didn't like huge W I wouldn't expect you to enjoy soul food desu. Some of the others are fairly not "energetic and manic pixie singing"-esque I think.

>> No.49151517

This is gonna sound VERY pretentious but i hold Swans in the highest regard ever for their downright groundbreaking and progressive music. I've experienced actual transcendance listening to their albums and still consider them to be the best rock band right now. I believe that any musician that picked up an instrument should at least listen to one of their albums to grasp their greatness
Honorable mentions:
Godspeed you! Black emperor
Phil elverum (of microphones and mount eerie fame)
Mr bungle
Death grips
Glenn branca
Black Midi (or black country new road)
Mahavishnu Orechestra

>> No.49151592

It's good, i said in another comment that i fairly liked her project "your mori" so i now that she has actual potential when she's not fucking around !!

>> No.49151938

How could i forget Daughters ???
You won't get what you want is motherfucking 10/10

>> No.49152375

How could you forget daughters? You monster...

>> No.49152489

I know right?? It's my most listened to album this year with swordfishtrombone right behind it

>> No.49153978

Unison, P.E.T..

>> No.49154063

Thanks for the recs, i'll listen to them

>> No.49154079

I really don't get idol/j-pop in general. Melodies keep changing every 3 seconds, not catchy or memorable at all

>> No.49154168

The changes themselves aren't that bad if they just weren't accompanied by the weird electonic booms and that just turns me off this type of music

>> No.49155375


>> No.49155441

Do you have Japanese artist(s) that you like? I'm not entirely sure you'll find anything avantgarde or to your liking in vtubers produced music.

>> No.49155589

Pretentious underage trying to fit in

>> No.49155624


>> No.49155659

Listen to almost anything by Suisei, please. I'm begging you.

idk what kind of music you like but you can start with this if you haven't heard it before, it's one of her most well-known tracks: https://youtu.be/IKKar5SS29E

>> No.49155686

Yelling into a microphone isn't singing.

>> No.49155837

Okay I swear I've gotten this exact response before and I still have no clue what you're talking about. You know I linked a song by Hoshimachi Suisei, right?

>> No.49155846

Yes i do
I know that reading that comment about my favourite bands that i might seem to not like japanese music but i actually love Fishmans,TOE,Boris,Melt banana,Maximum the hormone,the blue hearts and Tricot. It's not that i don't like this music because it's japanese or because it's not "avantgarde", it's just that i find it very lackluster in what makes music actually listenable: structure, emotion and most importantly YOUR footprint. Pushing out shitty corporate music won't net you any of these qualifications. It's fucking filler music to rot weebs' brains and get their attention.
This is why Vtubers should stick to what they do best: entertainement and not chase some vapid music career that won't impact their music scene

>> No.49155911

Welcome to j pop anon

>> No.49155956

In what way is this different to what i described Vtuber music?? It has the same formula and fundamentals of a fucking anime op

>> No.49156007

Nuh uh

>> No.49156215

Do you mean the guy who made one mediocre backing track and had no actual input on the production?
The guy who didn't even know his work was bought by UMG until over a week after the album hit store shelves?
That's like saying the guy who did the establishing aerial shot of the New York skyline carried a film.
If you're going try and siphon credit away from Mori and towards her producers, at least choose one who actually produced tracks for her and is talented like Patterns.

>> No.49156613

Ok i admit, the instrumental is quite good.
I love the sound of those drums, very punchy and clear and those lush and gentle guitars in the background are also good. The mix and the production are good too.
However, this song commits the same sin of many other vtuber songs: the anime op syndrome.
Predictable drops, the sudden electronic crescandos, the vocals drowned out by the backing beat and of course the theatrical vocal performance bring this down a bit for me. It's polished, but that doesn't excuse the formulaic composition.
Still, a good gateway for Vtuber music, and absolutely better than huge w.
As always, Thanks for the rec

>> No.49157310

This album is so good that even RYMfags and /mu/tants kneeled for it
Special shoutout to the opening track, Hikaru Chizu, and Fuyukan UFO

>> No.49157335

Fair enough, I appreciate you actually gave it a listen. I'm willing to accept that you have different standards for enjoying music than me which is fine. I'm not sure how many of Suisei's other works stray from the kind of formula you're talking about, she certainly dabbles with lots of different genres but that's not necessarily related to structure like you're talking about.

Could try Starry Jet: https://youtu.be/rth4htqJ1ZQ
or Debutante Ball: https://youtu.be/lBM2j13sdOs

but those are also more of my favorites so I'm biased. There may or may not be other works from her that break the "formula" to your liking that I can't think of.

>> No.49157382

I'd argue that Suisei's music is riddled with *HER* footprint. It's progressively gotten more complex and bucks the trend of easy countable 4 lines of 4 measures, the drum arrangement is hardly predictable, and I'd argue her mixing is better than most.

You're probably also an EOP like me and the Japanese lyrics may not have the same artistic emotional pull like western songs just by reading translated subtitles. So while lyrics isn't everything, its like being blind to the color red and expected to take in the beauty of a field of roses

That being said...
>In what way is this different to what i described Vtuber music?? It has the same formula and fundamentals of a fucking anime op

It's pulling from THAT genre of viewers. You don't need ^*_+GOOD+_*^ music, you just need earworms.
It's like you said anon, Vtubers should stick to what they do best: entertainment

And entertainment (movies, tv shows, comedians, streamers and e-celebs) require marketing. All the fanart, holocures and idol showdowns, minecraft mods and gacha, King covers and yes, even original songs, are just various levels and extensions of marketing. It's all competing for your attention so you don't forget about the entertainer.

I personally agree with you. Vtuber music really isn't THAT good. But anon you may need to temper your expectations a bit. You might be expecting a wagyu steak at an In and out. It's not amazing content, but it's pretty decent for what it is.

>> No.49157769

Late but Isekaijoucho, Yuka Nagase, Hachi, Somunia, Rim, Asu and so on. Just hang out in /vsingers/ for more recs.
I would say this is the best vsinger song I have heard though and its very unique in how it uses the voice, Bjork's Biophilia work is the only thing I can think of which tackles something similar

>> No.49157770

Thanks a lot for the recs
I think that in order to recognize this formula you need to subject yourself to a lot more of this type of music, or just generally have a grasp of musical knowledge. Just then, Your ears filter out the good and fresh shit and leaves out the recogniazable stuff, which is the formulaic one
That being said, i didn't think that song was bad anyway !!! It might even grow on me, so i'll take your word and listen to more suichi projects

>> No.49158004

You're absolutely correct on the commercialization of vtubers and how that itself influences their "products"
I agree that i shouldn't expect much from vtuber music but i can't help it since i want to enjoy these works from individuals i consider to be highly entertaining and intelligent and creative in their streamer persona. It's the nature of being a fan, you want your idol to be perfect in everything they do, including music. Sadly, i might have to accept that none of them are up to my standards

>> No.49158269

As soon as anyone mentions him you know they are twitter tourists or shitpsoters. Basically everyone put "Death Sentence" as the worst or second to worse song on the album. It wasn't until he tried to "cancel" Mori because she said nigga a few times on twitter when she was a 16 y/o 4chan troll that people cropped up here claiming that its their "favorite song" on the album.

>> No.49158506

Oh you like tricot, check out the slug
I think you'd also like Akuma the Goat besides all the vsingers I mentioned here >>49157769
This song he collabed with Chima on with is great
The album this anon >>49157310 posted also has some neat mathy stuff on it iirc.

>> No.49158810

6.8 or 6.9/10
I see some parallels between this and bjork like you mentioned, not modern or post 2000 bjork but more of a post-era bjork.
I actually think that this is one of few vtuber songs that i know that don't suffer from heavy anime op syndrome.
I really like the sole and grand piano backing symphonie, it's gentle and captivating and occasionally swirls and dives throughout the song which gives it a swirling oceany or starry vibe. I can listen to the vocals in this one since the mix is IMMACULATE. This doesn't suffer from bad production or mixing.
However, i feel that the song is a bit barebones and skeletal at times which is alright if it's intentional but it does affect my interest in the track itself. The main issue here, is actually the vocals. I didn't really like the singing, especially the parts where she's mimicking a mockingbird. It doesn't really add a whole lot to the track and is just irritating. The worst thing is that this part is repeated in the middle and final section of the song. It kills the pacing like no other.
Overall, a potentially great track held down by the singer and the minimal instrumental.
As always, thanks for the recs

>> No.49158973

>you want your idol to be perfect in everything they do
My dude, you set yourself up to comically big fall.

But I'm not unsympathetic. I'm at work so I'll have to check out the entirety of your recs later on, but if you're looking for Vtubers, at least in Hololive with a sense of their own style, I'd recommend

Hoshimachi Suisei - Considering you gave Ghost 6/10, that sounds like praise to me.
Houshou Marine - If you haven't listened to Unisen yet, it's definitely out of left field from most other songs in the vtsphere.
Usada Pekora - It's "fun" and "silly", but it's her "footprint" and it falls in that technical definition, whether you think it's good or not.

I can't say I've listened to other talents or followed their discography past 2 songs, but those stick in my head.

What instruments you play btw? I'm a pianist and a woodwind player.

>> No.49159025

It's not really a mockingbird, its sung morse code but she is inspired by birdsong in her delivery like Bjork was in Biophilia. Fair if that didn't work for you, but that's the passage that really elevates the song personally

>> No.49159034

Not really no
I just think that the production on death sentence was passable, it wasn't mindbending or groundbreaking but it was enough for mori to do her thing
Also, it's absolutely not the worst track on there. Dude, cringecore ??? I'm greedy??? Fucking soul food??
Yeah i just don't agree on that

>> No.49159052

You guys don't like camellia?

>> No.49159138

Oh yeah i see now
I still don't think it sounds as good as she thought it was but i respect the creativity and passion behind it
Thanks for the rec!!!

>> No.49159204

I like it more than Cringe Core to be honest. But yeah, one of the worst songs on the album, and even then it's not his fault. Dude had barely anything to do with the song, his backing track is fine, my biggest issue with it was the heavy autotune.

>> No.49159247

>The Backstreet Boys weren't critically successful
>yet "I want it that way" is more recognizable than any other non-BTS boyband song.

Stop Crying, there's always a divide between Critic and Audience.

>> No.49159439

>barley anything to do with the song
he produced it, he was more involved with it than Mori was

>> No.49159457

Ya nw. I think you might have better luck with the mathy track I recced by slug. or the Mito album that the other anon mentioned.
Other potentially interesting options to try would be these three songs, so I have a bit more of a handle on your tastes.

>> No.49159552

Thanks again for the recs
I mainly play bass. I've upgraded to a fender bass recently!!!
I'm actually thinking of trying guitar since a squier blue bullet mustang caught my eye the other day
But yeah, having been taught music and having practiced music and broadening my taste i can tell many things that regular music listeners don't, i think you could also agree to that.
It's just that i want my idols to stick to their lane of talents and not steer to other domains they have no knowledge of. It makes fans like me embaressed since we know they can do better than that.
That's just my opinion tho

>> No.49159568

He produced the track, not the song, dingus.

>> No.49159582

>In general, it's always generic anime op type beats and energetic and manic pixie singing that puts me off the whole experience.
Thats JP anon

>> No.49159616

The track is the song retard

>> No.49159666

I was refering to both JP and EN since they both suffer from that same issue anyways.

>> No.49159719

I like Haachama’s Infinity, I feel like it could be a song outside of anime

>> No.49159721

Thanks for the recs
They seem interesting. I'll check them out right now!!

>> No.49159795

>Mori seethe thread #134964645
Holy fuck, did Niji really shit the bed this time?

>> No.49159936

If this was a Mori seeth thread it's been hijacked by /mu/tants

>> No.49160012

Well, there's that idiot that keeps trying to put Umru's importance way too high, might be the tranny itself.

>> No.49160068

I don't see why would this thread be hijacked by /mu/
They would never consider listening to a vtuber song lol

>> No.49160314

His importance in the song he made or in Mori's career in general?

>> No.49160336

??? Pretty sure that guy is not transexual.
Anyway, favorite Mori song's Resting Power, I was surprised it hasn't been posted yet.

>> No.49160438

Isn't RP a Patterns song too? That Guy + Mori does not miss.

>> No.49160677

Okay, what about Reine's work? I believe she has audio autism and got into mechanical keyboards from browsing audio equipment from Drop.com

>> No.49161231

Thanks again for the recs
First track: 4/10
I liked following the story but not the music itself. It does sound "mathy" but it lacks any kind of clever or subtle change in chord progressions or tempo changes except in the chorus. Bland but not terrible
Second track: 7.5/10
Was pleasently surprised with this one. Great song structure, with ascending electric guitars and a gentle acoustic in the backing beat. I also loved the vocals and the singing very much, although it remains the weakest point to me. Overall this one is a winner for me. Maybe i'm just biased to live sets.
Third track : 3.2/10
I'm sorry but this one is a non starter for me. The vocals are weak and non provocative especially for the lyrics and story of the song itself. The instrumental is bland and derivative. Nothing really peaked my interest here.

>> No.49161360

Congrats on your Fender. I respect a good bassist and I know there are not enough good bassists in the world.

As for me and my recs, All i know is I like what I think I like, and that never seems to be the popular opinion (rarely ever was into pop music), or the snobby opinion (in that the snobs never agree with me either). I like what I like.

>> No.49161528

Thank you a lot !!! I don't think that we're missing great bassists in the world rn but i agree with the sentiment
But yeah, having your own personal taste is best thing to have. Don't let anyone force their opinions at you !!! Believe in what you consider great and whatever fits your vibes

>> No.49161591

Oh that's not the song I meant was mathy. That was this one here
You should also definitely check out this album >>49157310 especially the Hasegawa and Marasaki produced tracks

But ya, my best recs for you would be that Mito album, Yuka Nagase (especially her Form concerts) and Akuma no Goat. The rest are unlikely to be up your alley

>> No.49161607

>goes to /vt/
>shit on vtuber music
>cry victim
Holy shit, you guys are retards.

>> No.49161701

Yeah i figured as much
But thanks again for your recs !!! I will try to listen to these too

>> No.49161800

I'm not really "shitting" on it as much as i'm curious on why it's not up to standards.
So far, every song recommended to me in this thread and i listened to was above a 3/10 or 4/10 which i don't consider to be shitty just lackluster.
The only true zeros are the examples i've given.

>> No.49161854

>it's not up to standards.
This is already shitting on it.
You really need to go outside and think about how arrogant you sound like.

>> No.49161888

Did you try any of the Inotaku & Suisei songs too? I do love Ghost but it's probably as standard anime song as you can get. If you want something less "anime jpop" check out MGO Overture, it's basically a club album with Suisei vocals.
My fav MGO track is Ratatat:
And 3:12 is still my favourite song sung by her but it's not technically her song.
But those aren't her brand since they're outside productions so it probably makes sense they're different. There's also Stellar Stellar, which is probably her flagship song which is a bit more "standard" but elevated by the focus on the vocals.

>> No.49162076

If i was so arrogant i would shut off every reccomended track in this thread yet i've listened to almost all of them and rated them fairly?
Whatever you say dude

>> No.49162347

Thanks for the recs
This slaps. I love the instrumental here. The guitars really get to shine in here. Every note is crisp clear and the mix is also really great!!!
I understand that The vocals aren't the main star here but i liked them regardless. I thought the mv was also really nice and effective in amplifying the experience. I just wished that it was a bit longer and that the instrumental progressed a bit more, maybe even some big mathcore finale??
Overall, the very first great track i've heard tonight, and the most unique one. Why doesn't this have more views?? It's indicative of talent and passion

>> No.49162405

Thank you for the recs !!!
I'll check them out right away

>> No.49162459

Heres some recs:
smooth jazz track from Fubuki
and Everblue from Polka

>> No.49162796

Thanks i'll check them out

>> No.49162979

her problems is that she "raps" without the characteristics that make a good rap, which are the steep attack and fast decay of the delivery of the lines

>> No.49163024

Great! Slug is extremely talented I agree, sadly she's fairly inactive so its hard to build a following that way, but her channel has a lot of nice stuff.
Going by your takes so far, I do think you'll like 3:12 to a degree. This Ino_tac song with Mito might work better though?
Also I figured I'd link you the Mito songs I was taking about from her album
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3M3NHzFL0Q Narasaki
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ2htEQJPh0 Hasegawa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBVkRNUsZkU Asa-chang
Seconding Everblue btw, Haru Nemuri really went all out with it

>> No.49163178

More or less
Believe me i hate her flow, it sounds awful and it never changes. But when she isn't rapping and focusing on singing and more melodic instrumentals rather than your regular beats she become somewhat bearable. Sometimes, you get mediocre music and other times you get huge w

>> No.49163220

>Good in any way
You are a funny one. Get that trash outta here.

>> No.49163340

Thanks again for your recs !!! You're really helping explore new territory here.
I'll check them out now

>> No.49163339

Maybe because you set your standards to American HipHop, while she's doing Net Rap.

>> No.49163422

Enna's first orisong is good though. If you skip the lore part at the start at least.
This one is also very nice

>> No.49163461

Yeah, you can classify it as such but it's all hip hop in the end. It's the same fundemantals and in the end it's about the artist's performance. And she doesn't seem to be good at it

>> No.49163465

Nice try Ennakek

>> No.49163562

>having standards is bad
she's worse than bad: she's *almost* good, that really gets on my nerves when an artist is capable but that final stretch to proficiency is lacking

>> No.49163638

Not to the point of thinking the sonfs are complete dogshit, but as time passed I found most of the songs kinda silly

>> No.49163647

>it's all *insert American genre here*
this is how you sound like, in fact, this what this whole thread sounds like.

WAHHH I can't stand Japanese Music!

>> No.49163712

Doesn't Antigravity Girl basically have the standard structure of an anime opening though? I can literally imagine some SoL anime OP playing in my mind as soon as the first verse starts.

>> No.49163740

Exactly, this is the gayest thread ever and the OP is a pretentious piece of shit.

>> No.49163758

Maybe it's better to link the original Stellar Stellar. The First Take's version highlights her vocals, but the original instrumental showcases the originality of the music (math rock drums, the synth solo), which seems to be what OP is intersted in.

>> No.49163773

She's not japnese. One thing is the instrumentals, which are fine, albeit not to everyone's tastes. Another thing is the vocalist

>> No.49163836

The mix is way cleaner than most anisons I have heard, and the guitar tone is similar to math rock songs, so I think its still a nice fit. For an anison example, think of the Houseki no Kuni OP which has a standard structure but the instrumentation is still standout. It's a vibe though, he may not like it as much!

>> No.49163842

You don't have to be Japanese to do Jpop, faggot.

Go back to Twitter with your "Cultural Appropriation"

>> No.49163887

I didn't want to link the original because the vocals are the weakest out of all performances. I think the one in fes 3 is the best since it has a live band but I don't have the link to it right now.

>> No.49163975
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Will have to listen to a lot of the stuff recommended in here since as far as vtuber muisc go I've mainly taked a liking to Suisei and Suisei alone, but I know there's a lot more stuff out there.

BUT I can't believe I forgot to recommend Moona's (imo) best song, it is incredibly simple but it kind of revels in that fact and it's funky if you like that: https://youtu.be/LXRSp8QbOeg

>> No.49164131

Neither are BTS, Younha, BoA, etc.

>> No.49164133

Nobody mentioned cultural appropriation. You're just projecting. It's irrelevant if it's jpop or kpop or lpop or mpop if the vocalist doesn't do a good job at any genre

>> No.49164181

>She's not Japanese
It's the first thing a racist does.

>> No.49164229

Except listeners actually do think she's good, It's just you and your avant garde, snobbish and racist way you think music should be appreciated.

>> No.49164365

This is actually why threads like this exist, Anon. They're seething because their takes aren't Universally accepted.

They're also the types of people who are currently begging for Fantano to rip Mori apart, just like some Hardcore Trekkies wished for RLM to shit on Picard's last season, see where that went.

>> No.49164382

Ever blue : 7.2/10
This one is weird. I knew that from the first moments. But it became weirder in the end. The vocals are solid for the most part. The thing that surprised me the most is the spoken word parts in the middle section?? That's kinda unusual for a vtuber song. The instrumental is also eclectic. The drums come and go in the blink of an eye, you almost miss their presence. The mix is also good. I was acutually surprised by the depth of the story here, very nice and quite dark.
Overall, it's fine but it's missing a little bit of everything
3:12 : 5.7/10
I thought this one would click more with me. To my surprise, the vocals are not the problem here. They're quite expressive and sound honest and natural, which is a sign of experience and talent. Unfortunately i can't say the same thing about the instrumental. It's empty, and desolate more so than what i can bear. It's like the backbone of this track is a bit of guitar strumming at the beginning, some midi synths at the middle and some much needed punchy drums to wake me up at the end. I had to listen to this for like 3 times to get something out of it.

>> No.49164441

mori wants to be anime Eminem but ends up being edgy Macklemore

>> No.49164481

This. They always use the paradox that Numbers aren't everything, ON COMMERCIAL MUSIC.

like Holy fuck, if you actually want Music as "Artpieces" go the fuck out of /vt/

>> No.49164693

Those really aren't trekkies, they're the guys who infiltrate fanbases and force their Culture War unto the fanbase they infect.

>> No.49164704

Wow, you guys going at it
You're digging way too deep for nothing.
This thread literally doesn't have anything to do with politics, cultural appropriations and certainly not fucking fantano.
I am trying to find some good vtuber music to satisfy my curiousity, nothing else.
It might be true what they say about how mori fans are mentally challenged conspiracy theorists with the way you project your insecurities on everyone in this thread. It's fucking pathetic really

>> No.49164774

She doesn't want to be anime Eminem, she wants to be white Lotus Juice.

>> No.49164955

>Puts Mori song on OP, saying how it's bad
>gets pushback
>tries to blame it on the people defending on their turf , /vt/
Fuck off.

>> No.49165079

Not OP, but he's right Mori's non rappy songs are better than her rappy ones.

>> No.49165089

Are you so retarded that you think i can't judge art as.....art?
Like i can't say that any ed sheeran song is terrible or i can't make fun of imagine dragons because they make commercial music?? This is so fucking dumb.
It's art retard, anyone can have an opinion on it. It doesn't matter what it's purpose is or how or where it was made. That's how music works, like it or not.

>> No.49165242

Yes, because they're made for commercial reasons and you're making it a crime for them to be like that.

You're asking people to produce Beethoven, when all they want is to live day-to-day.

>> No.49165251

Anyone can listen to huge w and tell you it's terrible. Hell even people on this thread agree with me.
Also, what fucking turf are you talking about?? This is /vt/ retard, you have nothing to defend from anyone. Are you people really this fragile ??

>> No.49165291

Bro... Beethoven's music was done on commission. It's commercial.

>> No.49165361

It was on order of sophicated people, not for mass consumption.

>> No.49165362

You're just pulling shit out your ass now.
Quote me where i exactly said anything criminalising listening to mori. I literally just said that the song is bad and moved on.

>> No.49165400

>In general, it's always generic anime op type beats and energetic and manic pixie singing that puts me off the whole experience.
I bet you'll bitch even if I give you REDALiCE tracks.
Anyway, P-POP! has not been mentioned here, and that's a crime. https://youtu.be/UVc2ye3HY4M

>> No.49165411

>I literally just said that the song is bad and moved on.
>I put out my take, and it should be taken as Word of God.

>> No.49165557

Nowhere did i say or make that statemant
You're just itching to start some shit aren't you??

>> No.49165606

I don't know what i'm supposed to feel about that but i think i don't really enjoy it. But thanks anyway

>> No.49165609

>Make sweeping statement against all vtuber music, make Mori an example
>get pushback
>play victim.

>> No.49165654

Just don't put M*ri in the OP next time.

>> No.49165819

Anon, I do indeed think you might be getting trolled, or at least talking with an unreasonable person. If you're unfamiliar with /vt/, there is a near universal agreement that it's one of the worst boards to have reasonable discussions.

>> No.49165933

>racist way
do ryucucks really?

>> No.49165943

I think that you're right. He might be a troll.
Thing is since this thread started, everything was cool. I listened to most the reccs i was given and gave my opinion and everybody was respectful and levelheaded about it. This just took me out the that frame of reference

>> No.49166077

If anything, that faggot must be a Mori anti, Larping as a deadbeat.

>> No.49166249
File: 58 KB, 704x614, 1658645393154585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a massive idolfag here that still likes vtubers.
I dont think any Corpo will ever put out a piece i can unironically can call a masterpiece (musically speaking). I can however, could find them nice to hear from time to time, just to have some good fun and listen with my brain semi turned off. It will not be particularly stimulating but nice nonetheless.

A lot of the music will be for the pleasing of anime otaku, which granted is their main audience, so makes sense its kind of bland most of the time. The entire point of all this is to see your oshi becoming an anime OP singer or a VA, barring the ones that arent very good singers (which is more than half of them to be honest) that are more into the entertaining part of it. Theres going to be a real good gem from time to time, but its going to be the minority.

That being said, jesus fucking christ you sub/mu/tant, calm down. You say repetedly that you dont wanna sound like a snob yet you keep trying to put massive standards were im pretty damn sure you know there arent many. At least you are hearing the recomms thou, which is good.

From one musician to another, calm down about wanting to see avant garde, gamechanging shit everywhere and have fun with music sometimes, you will live longer. Having standards is good but not to the point you consider all below "your taste". It will turn you bitter real fast.

PS: Yeah we can all agree Mori is a better singer than rapper, not that there is a massive difference desu.

>> No.49166505

I understand what you're saying but i actually found some songs that were recced here before to be good and great even.
Again, i'm not looking for "avant garde" music in fucking /vt/ dude and no i'm not an /mu/fag either. I was just taking some song reccs and trying to find something that suits my personal taste within the realm of vtuber music.

>> No.49166561

Op is a music snob, no doubt. But give op credit, at least he sat down and listened and gave an honest review of songs played and wasn't really looking to start shit.

>> No.49166592

That first song hooked me from the intro instrumentals alone. I don't follow Suisei but everytime I stumble upon her music I always end up listening for hours. Good shit.

>> No.49166732

I think if you follow the thread, you'd realize OP went thru a character arc here to all of those conclusions you mentioned.

>> No.49166753

>I don't know what i'm supposed to feel about that
Ok, let me rephrase: you most probably don't have an ear for most of the genres Vtubers will be interested in, and even stated so in OP. No need to be a snob and call everything dogshit. I could remember that ちょこ has a vtubing alt and then recommend 竹 (or hell, even Patra), but denpa was shot down pretty hard.


>> No.49166857

Yeah i get what you mean
Also i didn't mean to call this music dogshit or even bad but i just found not to my personal taste is all
I will this one out regardless

>> No.49166874

Well im happy for you then dude, enjoy. That hyperbole OP sure didnt made any favors though.
Did so, which is miles better than the usual calling something shit and be done, at least its reasonable.

>> No.49167039

Np, that OP was made to generate a bit more buzz, though i still sometimes that it applies in some cases

>> No.49167177

You're talking about Mori fans, of course they are fragile and retarded. I for one am glad of this thread, I enjoy discovering new music and if it's in within the vtuber rabbit hole, better

>> No.49167218

Hugw w is stupid but its also fun, people just need to relax.
https://youtu.be/tuTSmrDwyLw?t=72 It's got 1.5mil views for a reason.

>> No.49167232

>listens to corposlop songs
truly an approach worthy of /vt/. and to nobody's surprise most of the replies are just people trying to shill their chuubas.

>> No.49167303

look at indie musics, a blast

>> No.49167420

Not all of them are corporate slop tho.
The one i gave the highest score had like 5k or 4k views and it definitely didn't sound mainstream.

>> No.49167683

Well, if you really do mean it, here's another tip: male vtubers exist. You mentioned Hakka, but that's more of an outlier. IMO Rikka is somewhat nice. And Beat Matio turning Vtuber basically means the entirety of COOL&CREATE is fair game. But their best song is just a cover of Laugh Maker, so YMMV.

>> No.49167868

Yeah that song Hakka made that i highlighted at the begining was a very very bad impression to say the least.
I will however check out these artists tho. Thanks for the recs!!!

>> No.49168028

>loud and cringey, god especially that bitch ass bimbo mori and kiara to some extent.
Good faith thread huh

>> No.49168588

Watame needs to tell autotune to fuck off and sing harder songs.

The same song singed on stream by her beats herself on the actual music videos.

Autotune the destroyer of voices

>> No.49168967

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YO1V9fn7zYo This song still slaps

>> No.49169348



Any of these hit the spot?

>> No.49170294

I like zektbach but no vtubers have covered any of the songs to my knowledge
I’ll shill for it anyway maybe a /here/tuber will see this
https://youtu.be/ankXvmn_EUc the build up to 3:25 for this one is nice

>> No.49170686

>he produced it
Even that's a stretch, he and Mori have never interacted before which means he just made the track for UMG and they added it to catalog for other artist to use

>> No.49171424

You need to try V-tubers who are singers first, dancers and streamers next, mostly in JP.
Try Hoshimachi Suisei, her songs are so good normies listen to her in japan, there are others like her.

>> No.49172086

>Try Hoshimachi Suisei
did you even read his post?
he said he hates generic and idol shit

>> No.49172127

She's moving to rock, so shes actually anime MGK

>> No.49172212

So you're telling me he made the
and all the other elements that make a song a song, but actually wasn't involved at all? Ok

>> No.49172653

Unironically, Mixing and Lyrics is way more important than all of that
You could compose the most perfect melody known to man and literally nobody will cares unless there's a catchy chorus to go along with it

>> No.49172993

Is something like TEMPLATE really considered idol music?

>> No.49173404

I think a lot of Holo music is live oriented which makes sense with their emphasis on idol style content, it's music to chant to with others in support of the girls. I've never been interested in Mori's music but I thought the rock-oriented version of Taste of Death live at HoloFes was enjoyable while the album version just did nothing for me.

There are of course exceptions that are good on their own, Unison sticks out the most to me of those.

>> No.49174399

This audio was used to torture prisoners at guantanamo bay.

>> No.49174418

I would
but if not then its just another modern Jpop like other idol songs
which is still generic

>> No.49174430
File: 454 KB, 1079x1267, 1683768040572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah honestly Mori gets shat on a lot but half the time it's by people who think that drake singing about how another underaged chick turned him down is peak.
The same people will call shit like this "deep and motivating" while pretending Mori is bad.

>> No.49175182

You are unimaginably retarded

>> No.49175264

You are unimaginably retarded

>> No.49175504

Don't know shit about music but how good is vchuuba music and singers are in the grand scheme? I've been listening to Weeknd and Bruno Mars lately for a nostalgia trip and been wondering how they compare.

>> No.49175625

Vtubers are about as good as their Spotify numbers would suggest, they are above average for small to mid-sized pop indies. I speak as somebody who made an effort to listen to every active music group in my city when I say the hate and the love for vtubers is massively overrated.

>> No.49175666

Depends. They're about a good bit below sensible normalfag music (2000s/90s rock, any actually good rap that isn't some obscure subgenre, pop that isn't totally braindead) outside of exceptions like Suisei, but it's at the very least better than some shit you'd hear in a club or on some shit so it's not TOTALLY bottom of the barrel. Pretty much anyone who is particularly knowledgable about music would only give the particularly exceptional ones the time of day but most holos would have their music entirely ignored by them.

>> No.49176814

How ? Half of the people who talk about her music being shit are obsessed with people like future and other rappers who are absolute ass. Truthfully Mori has more hits than misses and I'm not even a huge fan. She's just better than the average rapped nowadays

>> No.49177086

Fucking this

>> No.49178799

>Huge W
>worst song
Someone has clearly not had the misfortune of hearing I'm Greedy

>> No.49179104

What about crazy opinion that you don't care for either. The worship of Drake and the sheer ego of him and others like him is obviously worse though.

>> No.49179373
File: 5 KB, 180x200, a deadbeat head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those songs suck, and they aren't even Mori's worst song.
This was my first Mori song, I didn't give her another chance til Sinderella came out.

>> No.49179432

You can have your own opinion I'm just saying that like 90% of the same people who shit on her music literally just do it because she's white. She's a white woman in what people view as a black man's industry and I'm not even trying to get /pol/ when I say she's just vtuber Eminem with less talent and creativity

>> No.49180708

That and they think she's "fetishizing Japanese culture", never mind that she's working for a Japanese company

>> No.49181433

For me everything went to shit after UnAlive, it was the first of many times were I gave up on listening a new release after a few seconds in.

After that the only songs that I enjoy were
Capsule, Make 'em Afraid and Mera Mera. There's also a song form her concert (the one before RIP) that I liked but haven't listened again since then.

>> No.49181653

Yeah and don't get me wrong not everything is a masterpiece, she's got a shit ton of stuff that's not that great or that's mediocre at best but I'd still put it above a lot of vtuber music and rap out there nowadays. People are just too eager to hate

>> No.49181848
File: 48 KB, 635x635, FvzGeUbaQAE0-uU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to listen to my oshis voice. Simple as

>> No.49183496

This one isn't too horrible

Meanwhile all I can say about IG is that it sucking so bad actually fits the song's premise

>> No.49183995

This is why EoS happened

>> No.49184171

Give Sinderella a shot. Most of those who worked on UnAlive and Your Mori make a return.

>> No.49184234

Even the supposed Japanese Audience really didn't jive with it that much.

>> No.49184597

The vtuber song I listen to the most often is Lioness' Pride

>> No.49184726

>HoloEN sucks at music production, it's a mix of hiring bad studios on a low budget to work on their songs and management being incompetent when it comes to utilizing musical talents
I'll be impressed if they some "big" time producers like Pharrell Williams.

>> No.49185078

The biggest producers they've ever gotten has been Teddy Loid and Deco 27. A JP DJ who's only work outside of Hololive were some popular early 2000s animes like Panty and Stocking. Then Deco's a hack who pumps out generic pop tracks by the dozen a month.

>> No.49185133

listen to some JP Stars stuff because they have some actually skilled musicians

>> No.49185566

I have a confession to make... I unironically like C--MAN

>> No.49188414

/mu/ is worse than /vt/. I thought nothing was worse than /vt/, but I guess I was wrong.

>> No.49188846

This is what happens when you design by committee.

>> No.49188908

I came to the realization that good music comes from a team of good music producers. If the song is good, especially pop songs, chances are it was designed to be good in the first place.

>> No.49191161

I haven't read a single word of this thread but I'm gonna post my opinion anyways
If you actually care about the quality of the music, then music as a product is always going to be worse than music for its own sake. Corpo produced music is meant to be consumable and approachable so they can sell as much live show tickets and get as many people to buy other products as they can. If that's the pool of music you're pulling from you might as well just give up. Not that there aren't good corpo songs, just that making a truly quality song isn't necessarily the goal in the first place.

I'm sure there are indies that are making good music, partially hoping it'll get them some eyes, but I think if you're gonna be a small creator spending a bunch of your time and money on making music it's going to have more emotion and heart put into it by default

>> No.49191791

I don’t think you will like anything that Fantano dislikes, sorry buddy.

>> No.49192646

Yes exactly
That's why if you follow this thread people actually recommended some indies and i gave them a shot. There are actually some talent and creative musicians in the vtuber scene and that's why i wanna dive deeper in this indie rabbit hole

>> No.49194805

Pekorandom Brain would work as a TV show intro. check out the bossa nova remix, it's on the Hololive channel.

>> No.49194925

>no matter how talented, creative or intelligent a vtuber can be
lmao. Glorified NEET streamers.

>> No.49195232

All the hoshicucks gathering around pleading to treat her music as the pinnacle, as always.
